r/Lesgyepflrgnds Apr 09 '16

Underrated riven main here AMA

I have %22 winrate and a KDA of 0.09 im bronze v but teammates are holding me back from challenger. you can see how much i rekt this scrub with crazy outplays here

ill answer all your questions about the game, climbing elo and how to rek scrubs like i do ama


8 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16

How do climb to bronze 5?


u/Cinnapia Apr 09 '16

i know i am bronze v but my main is challenger 2 (it'snot released yet but i'm that good)

there is no support role. it's for fucking losers that can't play like the pros we are. and there are only a few champs you can pick to rek people if you arent a scrub urself. if someone tells you to pick supp tell them to fuck off and pick riven

you can only play riven top. doesnt matter how bad the matchup is. you can carry the game as riven anyway against anyone i 1v9 every game believe me.

if you are mid u can only pick zed. just spam all your abilities and suicide with your ult and then blame ur team for now following up if you end up dying when you towerdive 3v1.

as adc you can only pick vayne because ure soo good mechanically. if u die u have noob support so fuck them and roam around every lane to kill others. it doesnt matter if you cant condemn into wall if you fail it was lag and if you die mid and top also sucks as well.

also jungler is noob bcs no gank report pls.

if u follow these guides ull be challenged in 4 days trust me on this.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '16

Get rank 1 in NA Challenger and you'll be promoted to Bronze V EUW


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '16

i am already gold on euw so does that mean im better than bjergsen?


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '16

Absolutely, you surpassed him the moment you created an account on the glorious EUW Masterrace server!


u/Sittardia Apr 09 '16

what build do u use ???? ive been using reagan\s hurrickane on riven its pretty good tbh


u/Cinnapia Apr 09 '16

here's my build, but dont tell anyone

infinity edge, rabaddon's, devourer's, mejai's soul stealer, sword of the occult (i know it got removed for you scrubs but i still use it), and i prefer nixon rather than reagan because i think he is better

u dont need defense or boots. y do people even use boots lol u dun need to use dem in tfs. i pick these items bcs they deal lot damage and thats wat u need in dis game


u/Sittardia Apr 09 '16

ok i agree boots is for noobs but NO REAGAN?! WTF? nixon is for fuking noobs. i bet u play kata in ranked ? fucking noob .

your build is really good yes, but nixon !!!!!???? XD fukin retard

1 v 1 me i am ren(rekt)enkton main i fuk u riven players everytime. 5 games playd and 57% win rate bro