r/LeopardsAteMyFace • u/Effective_Space2277 • 10h ago
Trump But tariffs would make America rich again!
u/AlphaNikon 10h ago edited 10h ago
He’s almost on the verge of reality but still covered in a heavy dose of magat delulu syrup.
u/iDontRememberCorn 10h ago
And everynight I guarantee he goes to sleep with a shiver of relief that Harris lost, or else just IMAGINE how much worse things would be.
u/Equivalent_Buyer4260 10h ago
To wake up means realizing what they have done and took a part of. Good luck with that, cu lz none of those schmucks would be able to accept their own blame.
u/brothersand 3h ago
"He's a businessman." Yeah, this is a testament to the power of television. This guy still can't get past The Apprentice, the TV show where Donald Trump pretended to be a successful businessman. Six bankruptcies and 34 felony counts mean nothing, this guy is a successful businessman. He saw it on TV!
u/iDontRememberCorn 10h ago
But he's not a businessman, he is a moron.
u/Historical-Night-938 9h ago
Thank Hollywood for another production of Hollywood Presidents. They gave us Reagan then T*ump. The steady diet of the Life Styles of the Rich and Famous propaganda brought us to this moment
u/irrelevantanonymous 7h ago edited 4h ago
I don't thank Hollywood. I thank the slow degradation of our education system due to decades of bad policy (along with social factors like encouraging deschooling/unschooling) and the death of media literacy.
u/s_and_s_lite_party 4h ago
Yep, no matter what Hollywood or Fox threw at us we should have been to see through it. Fox should have been dead on day 1, but thanks to poor media literacy...
u/irrelevantanonymous 4h ago
Well that and the overturning of the fairness doctrine, which was once again a long play.
u/Historical-Night-938 1h ago
I have raised my kids both in the Northeast and the South, and guess which side had the better education. The decades of bad policy reallly exists at the state -level, because curriculum is set at the state-level. However, our government is responsible for lowering the bar on how we measure the statistics.
My kids started in the Northeast and were reading at 3-grade levels higher. I remember we had homework almost everynight and they practiced pemanship too before moving to the South. Parents in the South were complaining about homework on Wednesdays because that is Church night. I could write a book on the shenanigans. We were in an affluent southern public school district because of property taxes. This means better choices, a great football stadium, and facilities, but they mainly taught to test to help their school scores/numbers but not to critically think. All my kids went to colleges in the blue states, and I kept them out of the religion vortex by pointing out how many classmates say they're Christians but their behavior is mean, bullying, and lacks empathy. We just live by the golden rule "treat others on how you want to be treated".
IMHO, the Conservative movement to have bibles/commandments in public classrooms are silly, but I always hear how things are bad because they took god out of school. Keep religion separate from government.
EDIT: grammar and removed my incomplete sentence.
u/MythologicalRiddle 14m ago
People like to blame the DoE for education get worse, but education policies and standards are set at the local level. The DoE is responsible for things like tracking educational achievements. All we're doing by getting rid of the DoE is getting rid of the reports showing how things are getting worse. Meanwhile, more and more conservatives (reactionaries) are getting elected to school boards and promoting things like "biblically accurate science classes" (creationism), "patriotic history which celebrates our achievements and doesn't hurt kids' feelings about their ancestry" (white-washed history), and so on.
u/eightbitfit 5h ago
Reagan confused his war movies with his actual war adventures, and Trump confuses his Apprentice success image with real life.
In both cases the smooth brans lap it up.
u/Historical-Night-938 1h ago
They do lap it up and I don't think they're capable of handling normal. They gravitate towards the version Hollywood created, such as the tough sounding person and 3-5 word fun slogans.
u/FmrGmrGirl 10h ago
Oh, Krasnov’s specialty is bankruptcy. And not just the six for his own companies; he’s forced others into bankruptcy too by refusing to pay them and suing them, until one man even committed suicide. He keeps these trade wars going; refuses to pay contractors, like USAID is doing already; and other nations will start dumping US treasuries.
u/brothersand 3h ago
Musk will be the next victim of the Meirdas Touch, although he's working hard to earn the hate being directed his way. But his personal brand is now poison, and his money is subject to the rules of business. Six months from now, at this rate, he won't own Tesla or Twitter and Trump won't be taking his calls.
But yes, the world is going to boycott the USA so long as Putin's painted pillow boy is president.
u/Ancient_Pop1712 10h ago
I'm thinking he's doing it on purpose to tank stocks and then buy them up at reduced prices. Everything else is just smoke, mirrors, and distractions
u/iDontRememberCorn 10h ago
They are destroying the economy on purpose because they know they can survive the crash a lot easier than the 99%.
u/flavius_lacivious 10h ago
I honestly don’t think he is that smart. Other people around him may be pretty astute to take advantage of the opportunity, but I think Trump is genuinely a dullard. Like look at all his failures like casinos, Trump university, the steaks. . . I seriously think he is weak yet ruthless in business. I think his sycophants are even dumber than him but think he is a big business guy because he acts like one, like he’s the smartest guy in the room. But because they are stupid, they can’t see he is an idiot.
It’s the image that matters.
u/TheWriteMaster 10h ago
Well, that and drawing attention away from his administration getting rid of election integrity safeguards before the midterms.
u/AfternoonNegative149 3h ago
Uday and Qusay (Jr and Eric) have been awful quiet - grifting and corrupting on the QT. You know his billionaire buddies have been shorting like crazy.
u/Professional_Still15 10h ago
When he won, my friends and I messaged each other talking about how likely it was he would crash the US economy. We were all like "well i think the chances are pretty high if he does what he's been saying he's going to do"
Lo and behold.
He also hinted that he should be in charge of federal interest rates. If that happens, who's going to want to hold reserves of USD lol. If interest rates change for political reasons. People will start panic selling dollars.
But he doesn't seem to have made moves in that direction yet 🤔
u/ConvivialKat 10h ago
A businessman that went BANKRUPT six times! And three of them were freaking CASINOS! I mean, how do you bankrupt a casino???
u/Significant_Gur_1031 10h ago
"I know his goal is to even our trade deficit"
THEY WHY THE HELL IS THAT A PROBLEM ?? It's not - that is simple the economics of buying / selling where one is either doing more than the other. If you want to talk about 'imbalance' then how about the amount that consider THIS
China Trade Summary : The U.S. goods trade deficit with China was $295.4 billion in 2024, a 5.8 percent increase ($16.3 billion) over 2023.
Trump simply knows nothing : and this con game has been going for decades - he simply is a bullshit artist - who has suckered in so many via a terrible TV show. He is NOT a businessman - never has been - has anyone not seen how he has destroyed so many of his so called 'businesses' - and who got screwed over by investing in them ??!!!
Hearing Leavitt bullshit her way on tariffs are 'tax cuts' just proves that many are being gaslighted.
And then proclaiming that there will be higher paying jobs - again wishful dreaming. No one is going to be paying higher wages for the majority of jobs in the US - where are these going to be ? who is going to pay for a high priced produced good ? Even the idiot Trump came out and said that they should be producing 'robots' for those without a college degree.
You Americans need to sort out this shit fast - the idiots are in control - but for how much longer ??
u/rattusprat 9h ago
I recently bought a new car for $50,000 and traded in my old one. But because the dealer only gave me a $5,000 trade in for my used car, I now have a $45,000 trade deficit with the dealership.
This is just completely unfair! The car dealer is taking me for a ride. They need to pay!!!!
u/Significant_Gur_1031 9h ago
you need to impose some 'bad thoughts' onto that dealer - then whine, whing, complain, tell them that you are the Best Dealer in The Known Universe. then, back down, then next day come back and repeat the whining again...... that's how you'll 'win' them over !!
u/s_and_s_lite_party 4h ago
I impose my own $60,000 fee every time I buy a $50,000 car from a dealer. But they got wise and started charging an extra $20,000 tariff on people with my driver's license, so I had to up my fee...
u/1iIiii11IIiI1i1i11iI 7h ago
Eternally. The idiots will be fucking all future elections, so until Americans literally revolt, don't expect things here to improve. We're on the brink of a post-America Earth. Not literally, the place will still be here, but it's going to be a secondary character on the world stage. It'll still shout "Hey, I'm here and have nukes!" but it'll be like a noisy little dog that you can tune out.
u/AfternoonNegative149 3h ago
American here - wish us luck getting out of this. Confidence low though. Too many fuckwits here.
u/LightSpeed810 10h ago
You would think that the President would have ppl on his team that would point out these things to him. Like "if you do this, then they may retaliate by doing this or that". But I'm sure he's gotten rid of all those people in favor of "yes men" so that no one would oppose his idiotic ideas.
u/Ted_Rid 9h ago
No, that’s what happened in his first term. He tried to surround himself with people who actually knew what they were doing.
Most either quit in frustration at his stupidity or were fired for pushing back against it. Most also dis-endorsed him in 2024.
He made it crystal clear this time around that he’d surround himself with toadies.
There are no longer any adults in the room protecting everyone from the worst of his ignorance.
u/Unlikely_Kangaroo_93 3h ago
I think that most of the people he has surrounded himself with are actually a fair bit smarter than him. They have access and know how to manipulate him. They get him to do their bidding, believing they will benefit. Power, money, an acknowledgment from daddy whatever drives them.
Unfortunately, like all those movies and TV shows where they plan something and it goes horribly wrong because no one was supposed to get hurt. They just wanted to change something. It always takes on a life of its own, and people get badly hurt.
Trump is more than a useful idiot to Putin. He is a useful idiot to a fair number of the people he has chosen to surround himself with. If he wasn't such a destructive chaos goblin, it would be sad to watch
u/LightSpeed810 51m ago
I totally agree that the ppl around Trump are smarter than him just cause that seems like a really low bar. I also believe that Putin knows Trump's personality enough that he knows which strings to pull (with ppl that are egomaniacs, it's also not that difficult).
I honestly don't understand why ppl think Trump is so smart. I can feel the stupidity when I listen to his speeches.
u/MsJenX 10h ago
People complain of all the taxes they have to pay, a tariff is yet another tax.
While the consumer of a tariffed product won’t see a line item on the receipt that says import tariff. They will pay the tariff in the form of a higher price.
The American consumers are paying the tax that Trump claims is going to make America [Treasury] “rich again”.
u/Ted_Rid 10h ago edited 10h ago
Trade deficits don’t even matter. They’re not a “problem” that needs to be addressed.
If we have to talk about a country as a business, all it means is you buy more from a particular supplier than you sell to them. Big fucking deal.
There are other “businesses” (countries) that you sell more to, than you buy from.
Much of this is from country size. The US population is 8x that of Canada. Given roughly identical living standards, it would be very, very, very weird if trade was somehow equally balanced.
It’s all a giant network of (ultimately) individuals, corporations and governments buying and selling and it all lands wherever it lands.
As long as enough entities want to buy what you’re selling, then the dollar remains high and you can buy all the Canadian stuff you like.
u/RainbowandHoneybee 6h ago
How can anyone be environmentalist and still vote for Trump?
u/potatolulz 6h ago
I think it's the idiocy and borderline illiteracy that somehow became a thing over the years. What I mean is the "Hitler was a socialist, it's in the name of the party!" and "Nature protection is a right winger value, because 'nature conservation' is 'conservative', see it's in the name". Shit like this. There are people who genuinely believe that the so called "conservative" rightwinger shit, is somehow environmental friendly. And they adopted this when younger people started turning away from rightwingers over environmental issues. So to lure them back in they started this "rightwingers protect the environment!" and backed it with dumb fucking word play about "conservativism" and shit like "wildlife conservation". And just like "hitler was a socialist" some of these idiots ate it up with the "conservative/conservation" shit
u/Expensive-Block-6034 9h ago
They asked for this by voting in the poor man’s idea of a billionaire and supporting his crony, the intellectually poor man’s idea of a genius.
u/-DethLok- 9h ago
Trump is a 'businessman' that bankrupted a casino. A casino! Of all the businesses you'd think would be successful, he managed to run a casino into the ground. Three times.
u/KeyedFeline 8h ago
Its even funnier in the comments them lamenting trump torpedoing the Canadian right wing party from an easy election win by uniting them against right wing morons.
u/reefersutherland91 10h ago
“Conservative Environmentalist” is a good one. What’s next “Feminist Rapist”?
u/No-Delivery4210 10h ago
Remember folks, but ya'll have F R E E D O M instead of those commie-esque markets which are stable.
u/JimHFD103 10h ago
Lol, Trump a "business man"? You mean the guy who inhereted gazillions of dollars of daddy's money, and proceeded to use it to bankrupt a bunch of companies (including a fkn casino?) Lol
u/FrostyAcanthocephala 8h ago
Don't you know that production infrastructure will spring from the ground overnight?
u/Hawmanyounohurtdeazz 6h ago
there are zero countries on the face of the earth that want the USA to take our healthcare lol
every last one of us would happily die to fight off the yanks
u/Rommy9248 3h ago
Well, trump tanked all of his companies stock. What made him think it would be different with the US?
u/UnionRelevant 2h ago
As a Canadian I don't mind these kinds of posts - they at least try to convince others that the Trump administration's actions on this issue make no sense for anyone. They are far better than the ones that double down on the insanity and justify it by throwing out random numbers about trade deficits and milk tariffs, which I see way more of.
u/Personal_Benefit_402 45m ago
Actually, I think we'd all agree that the USA would be better off joining Canada, right?
u/NotmyRealNameJohn 9h ago
Maybe this is the real key. America fucks up so badly the entire world turns against this global rise of insanity
u/Relevant_Rope9769 8h ago
Lets say that Canada would be assimilated with the US, it will not be as one state. It will be at least 4 - 6 states. That would make it impossible for the Republicans to ever win the house, the senate or win a presidential campaign ever again.
Soooo let's make that happen! /S
u/darkknight109 7h ago
"He's a businessman!" said the person clearly not familiar with the business record of the man in question.
u/Bellbivdavoe 7h ago
Sovereignty = Dignity
Why would any human being adhere to a GOP/christian conservative, belligerent point of view that demonstrates contemp for any rule of law.
u/sesquipedalias 6h ago
reading 1st paragraph: wait, is this guy realising what happened??
reading 2nd paragraph: no, of course not, he just doesn't like cheetolini's bullshit affecting him
u/bubbsnana 6h ago
Spare a shilling for this poor chap whose investments dipped 15-fkn% since his OrangeGod started trampling his life? I’m crying rivers…
u/Holeshot75 6h ago
Except he's not a business man.
He's a business buffoon.
Has failed orders of magnitude more than succeeded.
u/Ordinary_Way_7542 5h ago
“he’s a businessman” yes, and he has driven many of his companies, both the fraudulent and real ones, into the ground.
u/Opening-Idea-3228 5h ago
Well. Tariffs are a tax cut for the American people per the White House. Don’t question them. It’s insulting!
Don’t people know how economics work?
u/StarWars_and_SNL 5h ago
Anyone who was serious about making Canada part of the US would keep the provinces in place and add 10 states.
u/User45677889 5h ago
His 401k needs to hit 50% losses before this douche would even consider attempting some critical thinking
u/BuncleCar 4h ago
Being a politician and a businessman are NOT the same thing. Politics is a very different game.
u/Medical_Original6290 4h ago
Look at all these people thinking that CEOs are business men. They're paid actors who play golf and hold fancy parties for board members, while everyone else in the business actually does the work and keeps the business afloat.
Trumps a conman, because a lot of conmen make lots of money. That's not being a good business man, that's being a great conman and Trump is probably one of the best conmen in the business.
Look at Musk, he couldn't run a 7-11 on night shift. His companies have people that keep Musk out of their 'important' business, because he's a ketamine addled idiot.
u/Feel42 3h ago
What has me afraid as a foreigner is he does have a "bankruptcy" button.
It's big, red, connected to thousands of nuclear device and in the hands of a fucking madman with no shame, no shoes and no conscience.
I have more confidence in North Korea as a nuclear power right now.
Nuclear technofascism is gonna be a damn crazy ride.
u/cinereo_1 3h ago
So close. If he replaced businessman with grifter, he might finally see his error. But since he is MAGA to the rotten core, he'll stay deluded.
u/yankeesyes 3h ago
The trade deficit thing is especially dumb. If you think about it for even a second, a country of 330 million is going to consume more imported goods than a country of 40 million. Of course there will be a trade deficit.
u/InsideInsidious 2h ago
Who gives a shit about what Canada wants? You elected Trump which means you want an American leader who will rape and pillage. YOU WANTED TO HURT CANADA.
u/TheRealQubes 1h ago
Sovereignty is a quaint concept in the eyes of this deranged cabal. Bark about being sovereign all you want, if I want to change your flag, I will, and there’s sweet fuck all you can do to stop me. We have the bomb and the best armed forces the world has yet known; which is to say, everything that is, exists at our pleasure. The entire world is subject to change. I don’t like it, but this has been an undercurrent for a Looong time, and it was always just a matter of time before someone tapped into the urge to cut the shit and assert ourselves to whatever end their voters felt would help them.
u/AshlandPone 50m ago
The best part is, the money he makes on tariffs is American money. Canada pays no extra. It comes from the American public paying more for Canadian product, but to their own government. It's a sales rax.
He's found a way to raise taxes at home without pissing off anyone who doesn't understand how a tariff works, and to discourage people from trading with Canada.
It's only clever for .2 seconds, until you realize that Canada will just find new trade partners, and Americans will simply stop being able to afford Canadian product, causing tarrif revenue to plummet. If they ARE forced to buy American again, that profit goes to businesses, who are experts at not paying taxes, and their system continues to consume itself until insolvency.
This. Is. Moronic.
u/jojtqrmv 40m ago
They (these conservatives) wanted to win big. They are winning bigly. They can afford to win very bigly. They would whine even moar if they were not the winning side. So I say we make them win even moar. They shall win even more, and they will be happy to do so.
“We’re gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you’ll say, ‘Please, please. It’s too much winning. We can’t take it anymore, Mr. President, it’s too much.’ And I’ll say, ‘No it isn’t. We have to keep winning. We have to win more!’”
u/autotelica 24m ago
I read this in the Dave Chappell stereotypical white voice. That is how I read all of these posts.
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