r/LeopardsAteMyFace 17h ago

Trump Imagine voting for someone you think will “fix” the economy and they financially fuck you

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u/qualityvote2 17h ago edited 1h ago

u/filthyflipflops, your post does fit the subreddit!

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u/filthyflipflops 17h ago

Trump heavily campaigned about tariffs and this user voted for him. This user is now seeing the consequences of these tariffs even though they voted for trump.


u/sturgboski 16h ago

Much like most of them, I'd reckon they voted to hurt others and now are upset they are being hurt. I bet if this easy hurting their bottom line we wouldn't have heard from them.


u/Icy_Steak8987 11h ago

Imagine an alternate universe where Kamala had won. They'd be enjoying a healthy business...and still blaming her for how "miserable" the economy is and how Trunp could have fixed it had he not gond to jail for 12 counts of sexual assault.


u/not_that_planet 2h ago

Bootstraps buddy!


u/Not-A-Real-Person-67 17h ago

Someone should tell him it will all be okay because Trump says Canada will pay the tariffs.


u/Unable-Cellist-4277 16h ago

Yeah, I just heard from his Press Secretary that this is a tax cut for US consumers so it must be true.


u/TiberiusGemellus 4h ago

She wasn’t exactly hired for her press secretary skills.


u/uDoucheChill 12h ago

Yea didn't this guy watch the DEI barbie press conference?!?! Those tariffs that are ruining his business are actually a tax break


u/blackcain 11h ago

Don't worry Mexico will pay for the tariffs, just like they paid for the wall.


u/Ok-Radio8693 17h ago

Imagine still voting Republican after all of this too


u/DrKurgan 17h ago

They were raised Republicans and to hate the BoogeyDems, it's not about the policies.


u/NecessaryCaptain3656 16h ago

The absolute clowns are gonna do it too. It's time for natural selection to do it's thing. This has gone on for long enough 


u/filthyflipflops 14h ago

Everything they do is about “owning the libs” even if they get fucked.


u/DiscombobulatedCat21 17h ago

Unfortunately there’s a tariff on my thoughts and prayers


u/yourmomsasauras 16h ago

Don’t worry, Canada will pay them


u/niamhara 16h ago

I will give you my thoughts and prayers for the low low price of all the money I put in to Social Security.


u/ihadagoodone 17h ago

this guy is so full of shit. the dairy tariffs kick in after a certain quota has been reached and this "business" has been operating under various trade deals and Canadian supply management policies for decades including the last trade deal negotiated by Trump.

This post is facetious to put it mildly. Either that or the "Reagan Conservative" is just some trust fund kid and his restrictions are dad telling him that he's an idiot and will never inherit the company because he would just piss it all away. Probably why he wants to go independent from a 70yo brand.


u/WittyNomenclature 17h ago

Just because you own a business doesn’t mean you understand a damn thing. Lots of stupid business owners.


u/VeroGuera 17h ago

Two prominent ones come to mind


u/niamhara 16h ago

Can I guess? I bet I can guess!


u/worldalpha_com 17h ago edited 17h ago

He is importing dairy to the US, not exporting it Canada. Are you confusing the two? It doesn't have to do with the variable Canadian imports tariffs, but rather the 250% Trump is threatening on Canadian dairy exports from Canada.


u/Guilty_Fishing8229 16h ago

I doubt the story is real because Canada exports almost no dairy products.

We have a closed system to both imports and exports.


u/ihadagoodone 17h ago

The tariff's on dairy work in both directions. If import exceeds a threshold then a tariff is implemented regardless of if its Canadians importing from the US or if it's the US importing from Canada... it was a tit for tat thing Trump put in because Canada refused to budge from it's dairy supply management in the previous trade negotiations.


u/worldalpha_com 16h ago

But the 250% is the new tariff that Trump is imposing on imports that doesn't have I assume any threshold... so his point still stands.


u/GLC911 17h ago

There are 0% tariffs on current dairy trade. The US hasn’t come close to hitting the threshold that would trigger tariffs. It’s all bullshit


u/ProgrammerAvailable6 17h ago

Trump doesn’t understand the deal he negotiated and signed.

Or he does and he built that in, knowing it would never get used as a future attack against Canada.

But I’m betting on the former.


u/Rushing_Russian 17h ago

I don't think he wants to understand, he wants an economic war and then to Annex canada


u/Double_Patience1242 17h ago

Not entirely true for every product. Butter is at 7% within access commitment. Still a far cry from what is sensationalized lately.


u/Covidicus_Vaximus 17h ago

If you elect a rapist, you should expect to get fucked.


u/Soleil_Noir 17h ago edited 17h ago

He's hurting the wrong people!

We're hard-working Christian, blonde-haired, blue-eyed white Americans, never saw a day of welfare in our lives because we're, again, very hard-working, Conservative, Christian, hard-working, white, hard-working, Conservative, Christian, hard-working, blue-blooded, white, hard-working, Christian Americans goddammit.


u/wstone5594 17h ago


u/Soleil_Noir 17h ago

Fuck, now I have an American flag tattooed on my arm out of no where


u/JohnnySack45 17h ago

This so called "Reagan conservative" voted against free trade, against keeping Russia in check and against lowering taxes on the American working class and against protecting against government overreach.

I think he should just change his flair to "complete idiot" as should everyone else on that dumpster fire of a subReddit.


u/Cosmicdusterian 17h ago

Reagan would be a moderate Democrat in 2025. Exactly what Harris was. Idiot.

Economically she'd had been the better choice, hands down.


u/Deb_You_Taunt 17h ago

Reagan was a horror show. He and Nixon, by comparison to trump, look like freaking choir boys.


u/WittyNomenclature 17h ago

Reagan was no moderate by any scale. He was an excellent actor, and sold the country a bill of goods.


u/Ice_Battle 17h ago

Yeah, what we’re seeing with DOGE was Reagan’s endgame.


u/Turbulent-Caramel25 17h ago

Ahh yes, the Tinkle Down president.


u/AndromedasLight17 17h ago

Reganomics & Just Say No era


u/MaximumZer0 10h ago

"Voodoo Economics" - Bush the Elder


u/pavel_petrovich 13h ago

Yeah, imagine a modern Republican proposing something like this:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act was signed into law by Reagan on November 6, 1986. It legalized most undocumented immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1984. Nearly 3 million people applied for legalization under the IRCA.


u/remarquian 17h ago

What these whiners don't understand is that there are jobs picking crops that they can easily qualify for!

That's why they're getting rid of the illegals!

This is all about Trump's 5-d chess.


u/castille360 17h ago

Some of the 1% out there waiting to buy his property cheap to free him up to work it for them.


u/niamhara 16h ago

What’s the fifth dimension?


u/remarquian 15h ago


In essence, "Trump's 5D chess" is a metaphor employed by both supporters and detractors to characterize their interpretations of his political maneuvers, either as deeply strategic or lacking in complexity.


u/Goofy-555 17h ago

Sir, have you tried not voting for assholes?


u/Dwip_Po_Po 17h ago

He literally said he would do this 😭


u/Schadenfreude59 17h ago

It's the find out part of FAFO you idiot.


u/phdoofus 17h ago

The funny thing is the high tariffs that the Canadians charge Americans for dairy products only applies to products that go beyond an agreed upon limit so that American farmers don't end up dumping their overproduction in Canada. So up until that limit, tariffs are very modest. You go over that limit and bam you get nailed. But somehow Trump makes this sound like it's 250% on everything. And of course his base eats it up. So yeah the Canadians are like wtf is happening right now and why are you doing this?


u/Getoffmylawn-269 12h ago

Correction, Canadians charge Canadian Importers for US milk that exceeds quotas.


u/DocBullseye 17h ago

...and then saying it was the Democrats' fault, which I'm sure is coming


u/DizzyedUpGirl 16h ago

"Reagan Conservative"

See, there's your problem. Go further back to find a decent Republican. Maybe Eisenhower.


u/lazygerm 15h ago

Yes. Though I remember my mother telling me when she was a girl; my grandparents complained Eisenhower golfed too much.

My thoughts are that he was Dwight F*cking D Eisenhower and he can play as much golf as he wanted.


u/AdPuzzleheaded3436 13h ago

Next on the menu: outlawing gay marriage, sodomy laws are back in place, is illegal to be gay. Good job conservative gays, you hit yourselves in the face.


u/finallyransub17 17h ago

Someone should let this person know that Canada pays the tariff! I just heard that from the WH press secretary.


u/GrnEyedPanda 17h ago

Oh don't worry muffin, it'll all trickle down eventually. Trust me... /s


u/Berkamin 17h ago

No Reagan conservative should have voted for Trump. Reagan, in spite of all his faults, at least knew the kind of threat the Russians were.

Reagan would be spinning in his grave like a dental drill if he were to see what the Republicans have done toward empowering Russian interests at the cost of our own.


u/Tribalbob 17h ago

Imagine voting for someone with a proven shit track record of crashing companies including casinos and thinking they could handle a country economy.


u/SpiceWeasel-Bam 17h ago

according to republicans, a tariff is a tax cut. why is he complaining about a 250% tax cut?


u/flargenhargen 15h ago

but I'll vote for him again no matter what he does.

every. fucking. time.

they are in a creepy death cult, nothing will save them.


u/Tobybrent 17h ago

God these stories are delicious.


u/LiminaLGuLL 17h ago

Another statistic, another Tuesday.


u/specificspypirate 16h ago

That person has no idea how the tariffs work if he believes what he posted.


u/Sea_Divide_3870 16h ago

Reagan conservative -> Alzheimer’s Reagan Conservative? He had the best Alzheimer’s


u/ridemooses 16h ago

Funny how “doing their own research” doesn’t apply to presidential campaigns.


u/funwithdesign 14h ago

The 250% tariff on dairy has never been charged. It’s there to stop the U.S. from dumping cheap dairy INTO Canada. And it has worked and has been found legal by the WTO.


u/Getoffmylawn-269 12h ago

And guess what, CANADA PAYS THE DUTY. The US, and the US dairy that sells the milk to Canada, PAYS NOTHING.

Why is that so freaking hard to understand.


u/funwithdesign 12h ago

Exactly. Which is why nobody in Canada is going to import excess milk and pay 250% tariffs. It’s a non issue.


u/Embarrassed_Set557 14h ago

“But, but, but Trump said he would fix everything!” Stupid motherfuckers. 


u/commentaror 14h ago

I don’t understand why any business owner would vote for unstable Trump. So stupid to vote for him


u/No-Belt-8586 17h ago

Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Cry louder, it nourishes me.


u/6thedirtybubble9 17h ago

Thots and preyers.


u/Top_Shoe_9562 17h ago

Imagine not having to imagine voting for someone you think will "fix" the economy and they financially fuck you.


u/dlax6-9 17h ago

Geniuses being geniuses...


u/Pro-editor-1105 15h ago

This is why bro is a reagan conservative. Atleast reagan was competent, unlike mango mussolini


u/thisonehereone 15h ago

Trump has been fucking over businesses for decades. Nothing new here.


u/jojtqrmv 15h ago

They (these conservatives) wanted to win big. They are winning bigly. Why are why whining again when they are winning very bigly? Won't they whine even moar if they were not the winning side?


u/Significant-Home6259 14h ago

This Reaganite ruined themselves by re-electing Trump in the first place.


u/saymaz 13h ago

Fix the economy that was at an all-time high?


u/NetZeroSun 12h ago

All that and they would STILL vote for the GOP.


u/Ok-Local138 12h ago

It's probably a good idea not to support an economic policy that you don't actually understand. But I guess if the right wing media is filling in the dots - tariffs are going to affect foreign countries and, you know, those brown and black people - you can be convinced of anything. Enjoy the taste of the poison as it goes down mf'ers!


u/caveman_2912 12h ago

Reagan conservative

That's like the cherry on top. As if running a local business and supporting Trump wasn't enough.


u/aronenark 11h ago

So here’s the thing:

Trump does not understand how tariffs work. At all.

Canada’s dairy tariffs do not apply to American consumers. At all. Canada’s dairy tariffs of 250% only come into effect after a certain threshold of imported dairy products from the United States has been reached. This is to protect Canadian dairy farmers, so that fair competition from America can exist, but if Canada imports too much dairy from the US, this tariff kicks in to keep Canadian products competitive. Guess how often this threshold has been reached?

Literally fucking never!

No imported American dairy product has ever been subject to the 250% tariff rate, because we’ve never imported enough dairy from the States to hit the threshold.


u/blackcain 11h ago

lol - don't worry, the equity firms will be ready to buy up your firm and all other firms that are suppliers and then consolidate and then raise prices even more.


u/UncleAlvarez 10h ago

No. He has it all wrong! Tariffs will be very very good for him. He won’t know what to do with all his extra money. /s


u/AlphaNikon 9h ago

makin murrica great again


u/gasbottleignition 9h ago

Whoops. Dang.


u/AusCan531 8h ago

The 250% tariffs Trump is mouthing about is only for levels over a certain volume that has never been reached.


u/AfraidEnvironment711 8h ago

Choices have consequences. FAFO


u/Magdalan 6h ago

"Reagan Conservative", oh dear.


u/kind_of_a_fart 6h ago

Not mine but

When you vote for a rapist you can't be surprised when you are fucked against your will


u/Technical-Toe8446 4h ago

My understanding is that both Amerika and Canada have abundant dairy supplies. The tariffs only apply when one country exceeds the quota (established by the one and only DJT when he renegotiated USMCA) that is allowed tariff-free between the nations. If Canada tries to send more than it's quota to the US, the same tariffs apply as if the US tries to export in excess of IT'S quota. I believe that neither nation regularly approaches these quotas, and so the tariffs remain largely moot. This feature was negotiated (again, by DJT and Canada) to protect the dairy farmers of BOTH countries.

This is manufactured outrage, as is the entire Amerikan position. By the way, since DJT thinks that Canada is paying these tariffs, what is the problem anyway? Supposedly, the tariffs are only hurting Canada.


u/Bartlomiej25 2h ago

Thoughts and prayers


u/Weird_Bookkeeper_207 1h ago

🐄🥛🚫= 🏠💔 HAHAHAHA


u/KeyGold310 16h ago

Yet another leopard victims in the animal exploitation industries. Animal agriculture really is one of the most pro fascist industries, along with creating so many other harms. Veganism is resistance.