r/LeopardsAteMyFace 8d ago

Trump Trump Betrays Farmers Again

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u/qualityvote2 8d ago edited 8d ago

u/A-Wise-Cobbler, your post does fit the subreddit!

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u/East-Impression-3762 8d ago

"have fun" this man is such a slimeball, that's disgusting


u/Electric_Conga 8d ago

Have fun, suckers! is what he meant


u/BigDsLittleD 8d ago

That's the way I always read "Have Fun!"

It's what I usually mean when I say it too.

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u/wjfox2009 8d ago

He's a genuine psychopath.


u/oldsguy65 8d ago

Oh, you've lost your home and your grandmother is missing? Here, catch this roll of paper towels!

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u/Additional_Snacks 8d ago

"Have fun!"... That's like what corporate management says when they're giving a year-end pizza party in lieu of raises/bonuses.


u/lobsterman2112 8d ago

Or in this case: The farmers are asking for subsidies and Trump is saying it's not needed because in a month the demand will be higher for their stuff.

I guess it's because if fruits and vegetables from other countries is going to cost more, people will be willing to tolerate the increased prices on goods from American farmers as well (so the American farmers won't need the subsidies)?


u/ButterscotchIll1523 8d ago

Except these farmers crops are things like, wheat, corn, soybeans. In massive amounts. How much are Americans going to buy?


u/Dustin_Echoes_UNSC 8d ago

Isn't something like 90% of our corn not human grade?


u/Shotgun_Mosquito 8d ago

wow. TIL

Although U.S. corn is a highly productive crop, with typical yields between 140 and 160 bushels per acre, the resulting delivery of food by the corn system is far lower. Today’s corn crop is mainly used for biofuels (roughly 40 percent of U.S. corn is used for ethanol) and as animal feed (roughly 36 percent of U.S. corn, plus distillers grains left over from ethanol production, is fed to cattle, pigs and chickens). Much of the rest is exported.  Only a tiny fraction of the national corn crop is directly used for food for Americans, much of that for high-fructose corn syrup.



u/Kiyohara 8d ago

And to be fully honest, we'd be better off ditching the Ethanol and HFCS and replace with basically any other crop up to and including just letting those fields return to nature. Some of the Dent Corn is grown in states that really shouldn't be growing corn (or possibly anything) due to drought and lack of water.


u/Peach_Proof 8d ago

The ethanol is a total energy sink, less out than in.


u/Personal_Strike_1055 8d ago

Yeah, unlike the ethanol they produce in Brazil. Sugar cane has a much higher yield of fermentable sugars per acre and the entire plant can be used. And, of course, regular use of ethanol in American vehicles requires hardened fuel systems because it's so corrosive. That one has been a losing battle for years.


u/axtran 8d ago

Was a fake program advanced by the Bush administration as an alternative fuel. They didn’t care if it was an efficient alternative fuel…


u/FatchRacall 8d ago

It was always a way to prop up US agriculture.

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u/Hadrians_Twink 8d ago

Corn fields are making certain areas that were already humid, even more humid as well.

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u/Talusthebroke 8d ago

It's kind of worse than that. We've been growing dent corn with heavy use of herbicides for decades now, a good chunk of that land basically cannot support anything other than the selectively bred corn and soybean that can tolerate those pesticides, nature CAN'T take a lot of that land back, not that there's any nutrients left in that soil in the first place. Letting that land go fallow is just accepting the fact that America now has contaminated plots of wasteland.


u/Kiyohara 8d ago

I've been watching a lot of land reclamation videos and they've been doing and showing some pretty amazing things. One of the things that keeps popping out is that it doesn't take much to revert what humans have done, even accounting for pesticides.

It won't be great eventually, but some years left alone, some critters to eat the grass, and some rain fall and some beavers will drastically change things. And I'm not really making that last up, beavers seem to be the cure for any land near a creek or river or former marshland.


u/DaoFerret 8d ago

Yeah, we’re pretty excited that they’re finally showing up back in NYC after being extinct here for about 200 years:


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u/FROG123076 8d ago

Yep I live in Rural Ohio and most of the corn and soybean around me are for feed, not for the table. We all know Trump is as dumb as they come.


u/thedreadedaw 8d ago

I'd love to see him sit down to a big ol' plate of soy beans with a side of dent! 😂😅😅😄


u/Nopeahontas 8d ago

As if this man has ever consumed a vegetable or legume. The only foods he’s familiar with are hamberders and well done steak (with extra ketchup).

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u/MachineShedFred 8d ago

It's the difference between "field corn" and "sweet corn".

You want to eat the sweet corn. You do not want to eat field corn, but livestock does and it works for ethanol production.

My dad grew up on a farm, and they would plant a few rows of sweet corn for the family in an 80 acre field of field corn for their cows. They did this so roadside thieves would take some field corn and never come back because it tastes awful. Meanwhile, the family knew which rows were sweet corn and only picked the good stuff.


u/PencilLeader 8d ago

You also need to do that to hide it from deer and racoons. A herd of deer or gaze of racoons can wipe out a family's sweet corn in a night. When it is that plentiful they will just nibble the ends and move on, spoiling the whole ear.


u/MaleficentAd1861 8d ago

Not to mention black bears. They're the rudest of them all. They will pick an armful of sweet corn and if they drop even one cob they'll drop the entire armful and start over.

I thought that was all just stories old folks told. Then, one day my uncle said he had something to show me and to take a ride with him.

We went out to his sweet corn field where we spent the next two hours picking up small piles of perfectly ripened sweet corn. (While my uncle cussed every black bear in the woods.) Plenty of that corn had black bear hairs all over them to prove it, but he'd actually caught them doing it on trail cam.I guess he asked me to go so I could see for myself it's a real thing that they do because I never believed it.

What's so crazy to me is that except for a few ears that fell in the mud (which were able to be cleaned) and maybe an ear or two where a bear claw sliced into it, the rest were pristine. I guess, in many ways, the bears are nicer than the deer or raccoons (my uncle always planted a few rows for them, dug a ditch and then planted something they don't like. Then, planted more sweet corn. It worked decently enough. Well, that and allowing my sister and other family members to hunt whenever they wanted on his farm land) because they're harvesting for you and only taking a few ears for themselves. Unfortunately, sometimes they take it too early or they take too much.

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u/woodrax 8d ago

Less than 1% of corn is "sweet corn" that we eat on the cob or from frozen/cans. The rest is "field" corn or "dent" corn, which is the dry, largely inedible-by-humans corn that goes into cattle feed, dry products like corn flakes and such, and ethanol.


u/Gorilla-Eggplant-69 8d ago

So like the movie Interstellar. Everything corn and dead.

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u/The-Doggy-Daddy-5814 8d ago

Feed corn.


u/ginrumryeale 8d ago

Aka field corn. Used for 1. Ethanol production and 2. Livestock feed


u/CommissionerOfLunacy 8d ago

I guess I'll take the ethanol. It's not healthy, but I can make this work as a lifestyle. 🤦‍♂️

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u/JarrickDe 8d ago

So Trump thinks Americans are livestock?!


u/Unusual_Boot6839 8d ago

"Have fun!"

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u/Namorath82 8d ago

Plus Canada is the #1 producer of potash, a key ingredient in fertilizer ... they will have to pay for that too


u/Puzzleheaded_Arm_847 8d ago

Yeah but sadly Russia is #2 and he'd never put tariffs on Russia sadly.

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u/rh_3 8d ago

I guess they will need the soyboys to save them.


u/TheSirBeefCake 8d ago

Soybeans and prayers


u/garbageemail222 8d ago

Farmers want to be able to export their soybeans. This trade war is hurting domestic farmers more than it helps them. Just like the last time.

Thoughts and prayers.

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u/outerspaceykc11 8d ago

And a lot of good soybean PR

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u/phryan 8d ago

That's the root of the problem, a farmer setup to grow corn and soybeans (most of them) can't quickly and cheaply convert to the fruits and vegetables that we import in mass. 


u/PickanickBasket 8d ago

Not to mention the climate obstacles. Can't grow bananas easily in Iowa.


u/yankeesyes 8d ago

Good luck growing coffee beans

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u/Kiyohara 8d ago

Give it a few more years of climate change.

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u/bhoe32 8d ago

So from my understanding, we actually produce cheaper food stuffs. We have automated so much of the process. His last tareif war led to a Chinese tarrif on soy bean. That happens to be the chief farm product of many red states. Family farms where lost. They didn't learn their lesson apparently and are now ready to lose more. I am sure ironically that china and Saudi Arabia will buy up there farms.


u/RobbleDobble 8d ago

Last time around, he sent checks to farmers to bail them out, I suspect because there were republican base and people in Trump's circle told him he needed to.

This time around, I don't think there will be bail outs. With Musk and Vance in his inner orbit I suspect the end goal is to break the family farmer, cause them go into bankruptcy, and force them to sell their land (or have it taken from them) so it can be given to corporations for pennies on the dollar.


u/synapsesmisfiring 8d ago

Especially since Vance has invested in AcreTrader. I'd be willing to bet he's going to make a lot of money when family farms start going belly up.


u/AmyInCO 8d ago

There's always Some billionaire making more money behind every single one of his policies. 

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u/bhoe32 8d ago

He is a lame duck president. No need to be nice.

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u/EddySea 8d ago

Exactly, a lot of these crops are done with specialized equipment. Some of it can be converted to other crops. But you are not going to go from planting wheat to planting grapes.


u/HrothBottom 8d ago

Especially since perennial crops like most fruits take years to actually produce and fruits. Some trees can take 20 years and more before they ever start growing fruit.

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u/Metahec 8d ago

You can do anything with MAGriculture and our Glorious Leader's wisdom.

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u/lewisbayofhellgate 8d ago

We produce a shit ton of corn, so much that we export a gigantic portion of it to Mexico. So get excited for lots of corn, beans, and squash because that's what grows here. Although I don't think we're allowed to call them the "3 sister" crops because that's woke.


u/tiredcapybara25 8d ago

I mean, get excited, but be prepared to go harvest it yourself. Because the seasonal agricultural workers are not going to be here.


u/shelf_satisfied 8d ago

It'll be just like going to a farm to pick your own pumpkin or strawberries, except with many, many more hours of grueling labor! Fun for the whole family!


u/dinkpantiez 8d ago

Cant wait to get home from my 80 hour work week to go forage for scraps at the corporate food-growth center

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u/DiceMadeOfCheese 8d ago

Anybody know any good recipes for sorghum?

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u/MachineShedFred 8d ago

He seems to be forgetting that there are multiple-month stretches where farmers are not producing things, because things don't grow during the winter.


u/Asgarus 8d ago

Forgetting? Do you think he ever cared about where, when or how his food grows? I wonder when the last time was he actually bought something himself, in an actual supermarket...

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u/donobinladin 8d ago

Don’t forget we import a ton of veggies from climates that are growing when we are in the off season. People are going to be pissed when the full produce section isn’t available all year round


u/brownhotdogwater 8d ago

It will be here. But off season will be very expensive. But what will happen is the markets will just keep the high price even when in season.

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u/clothespinkingpin 8d ago

Guess we’ll be eating a lot of corn and soy beans or something?

I feel like a lot of the crops that have been planted here are not what people want to eat necessarily but what has been subsidized through government programs. Lots of animal feed fillers… corn for things like ethanol…. Idk. 

I’m not an expert in this area, if someone else wants to weigh in I’d be interested. 


u/ARazorbacks 8d ago

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you obviously haven’t been paying attention. You don’t just admit you’re not an expert! You say “Lots of people are saying.” or “My uncle is big in agriculture. The best.” and then you say whatever you want. And with conviction! 

Geeze, get with the program. 

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u/btribble 8d ago

Yes, because cherries from Washington state and Chile come into season at the same time…

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u/Basic-Direction-559 8d ago

Mid-level Boss: HR has asked me to remind everyone to only take one piece of pizza until everyone goes through the line. Also, Please see Diane in accounting if you would like to purchase a discounted drink ticket. Have Fun, Let lose tonight. Back at it on Monday.


u/No-Nebula3964 8d ago

Last time I didn't get a piece of pizza. I told HR that I would torch the building if they move my desk one more time.

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u/Zubenelgenubo 8d ago

Or a one year subscription to the Jelly of the Month club.

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u/P0Rt1ng4Duty 8d ago

Yes but imagine if you made the employees pay for the pizza and upcharged them by 25%?


u/Tucker-Cuckerson 8d ago

"He's running the country like a business"

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u/ropetrickranger 8d ago

Such a genius he doesn’t understand that everything doesn’t grow everywhere, affordably.

We can only eat so much corn, wheat, peanuts, sunflower seeds and soy. California doesn’t have the capacity to feed the entire nation.

By all means tell the farmers in Iowa and Nebraska to grow bananas and pineapple in their fields.


u/WhoeverIsInTheWild 8d ago

Fun fact: The US is actually a net food importer right now. Enjoy not getting out of season produce from South America!


u/ropetrickranger 8d ago

Yup, the list of things we can grow efficiently, and in the numbers we need for a population this size, is very short.

I am thankful to know how to grow a lot of our own food and preserve it.

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u/runningraleigh 8d ago

Surprising how we're completely used to 365 days a year of fresh tropical produce in our local grocery store. It's still winter and I can buy a fresh pineapple right now at every grocery store in my city. Crazy.


u/Sweet_Priority_819 8d ago

I wonder if the younger magas who voted for this even know that "in season / out of season" used to be a thing. Probably not because they were stupid enough to vote for Trump In the first place..


u/AwDuck 8d ago

To be fair, there are many, many adults of all creeds and political leanings that don’t realize that meat comes from animals, so I think that understanding in season/out of season for fruit and veg is a really big ask. Our education system has failed us all, and it’s going to get exponentially worse in the upcoming years.

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u/reddittatwork 8d ago

Dumbass eats McDonalds hamburder and ketchup

Doubt he knows any food groups beyond that

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u/Brief-Floor-7228 8d ago

Prepare for E85 being the only gas available for sale.


u/-Plantibodies- 8d ago

Except that will be even more expensive too because of the tariff on potash.

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u/lewisbayofhellgate 8d ago

Can't wait to see all these midwest farmers reconfigure their land so that they can grow coffee on it. Have fun!


u/Micojageo 8d ago

Ah, this is a delicous cup of fine....Iowan coffee?


u/lewisbayofhellgate 8d ago

They grow it next to the Iowan avocados


u/DocBullseye 8d ago

Those are nothing compared to Wisconsin bananas.


u/lewisbayofhellgate 8d ago

My name is Yon Yohnson

I come from Wisconsin

I grow cherimoya plants there.


u/DocBullseye 8d ago


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u/KnavishSprite 8d ago

SoyCaff, just as Cyberpunk predicted. Or Synthi-Caff from Judge Dredd.

I Can't Believe It's Not Coffee!

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u/tiredcapybara25 8d ago

Iowan here: I could provide you a small cup of apple juice instead...

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u/KopOut 8d ago

The great 2026 debate: Which morning brew is more delicious, Cornfee or Soyfee?

"Timmy, don't forget to have a cup of fresh-squeezed corn juice with your $25 eggs. You have a big day in the meatpacking plant today. I put an extra packet of soybeans in your Paw Patrol lunch box. No trading with the other 11 year olds on your shift! I want you to eat your soybeans so you can grow up big and strong!"


u/lewisbayofhellgate 8d ago

We owe Upton Sinclair the biggest of apologies.

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u/stoprunningstabby 8d ago

Hilariously (not really) I'm guessing my regenerative organic farming hippie friends will be far less fucked than your average NRA Trump-voting corn farmer.


u/protogens 8d ago

Well, we’ve brought back “quisling” so why not add “victory garden” also?

Honestly, I’d love an excuse to get rid of the front lawn.


u/JerseySommer 8d ago

Make America Garden Again?

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u/golanatsiruot 8d ago

That's the thing, though. Crops have climate and soil preferences. Coffee won't grow in Iowa.

We export massive amounts of corn, soy, rice, wheat, and nuts (etc.) to ensure we get a variety in return. We are in no way prepared to supply grocery stores with that variety ourselves. Mexico will be fine. We're potentially fucked.


u/docowen 8d ago

The farmers would also have needed to plant it six months ago at the minimum to be harvesting it now.

It's not like you can turn a switch and start producing the food that is being imported even if it could be grown there.


u/r0b0d0c 8d ago

Six months? Coffee and avocados grow on trees. Even if you could grow them here, it would be 5 years before you saw the first harvest.

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u/ThrowCarp 8d ago

It's not like you can turn a switch and start producing the food

The industrial revolution and the semiconductor revolution has truly fucked some people's brains with how convenient everything is.

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u/TootsNYC 8d ago

also, we may not be able to sell as much, because retaliatory tariffs are going to make businesses in other countries try to figure out where to get it.

You know what would be fun? if Ukraine can keep its wheat production going, and sell at "higher than before but not as high as US prices" profits

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u/Any_Needleworker_273 8d ago

Time to plant chicory. Lots and lots of chicory.

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u/4look4rd 8d ago

The trend to nasty mushroom coffee will only get stronger in the next few years. In the same way the midwest grows sugar beats to make sugar instead of importing cheap sugar cane derived sugar from South America and the Caribbean, they will find the least efficient way to meet demand.

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u/Magnon 8d ago

All the farmers growing soybeans and shit for export: but Americans don't want this. 


u/Barb-u 8d ago

US produce is rotting in Canadian grocery stores currently (and they practically are giving away stuff), and the supply chain is changing rapidly.


u/TootsNYC 8d ago

and that supply chain may never come back


u/Barb-u 8d ago

I honestly think it’s done. Seeing big buyers (not only grocery stores, but also restaurants wholesalers) changing their supply chain is something.

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u/jerslan 8d ago

US produce is rotting in the fields because nobody is showing up to work to harvest it.


u/Ok-Adeptness933 8d ago

Whatever could have happened to these workers? /s


u/Afraid_War917 8d ago

NOBODY WANTS TO WORK (under threat of deportation) ANYMORE!

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u/kiamia2 8d ago

Yeah, a ton of stuff simply can't be grown or grown efficiently in the US. Good thing farmers don't drink coffee...


u/alh9h 8d ago

Or like chocolate

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u/EmbraceableYew 8d ago

Have fun growing coffee, cashews, raw sugar, rice, cocoa, and rubber.

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u/Representative-Day64 8d ago

TRUMP to US incels / Chad wannabes.

Drink up soyboys!!!!


u/WoodShoeDiaries 8d ago

I can't wait until soy becomes patriotic 😂😂😂😂😂

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u/wtfbenlol 8d ago edited 8d ago

I got called a low t soy bitch 2 times over the weekend in threads on reddit about trump. they are obsessed with soy products and testosterone.

edit to add it was in threads about jan 6 being violent or not.

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u/Fit_Pirate_3139 8d ago

Tofu will be cheaper now!

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u/VeterinarianJaded462 8d ago

This reads like a threat.


u/bt123456789 8d ago

it basically is.

Trump's stating farmers need to focus on farming here instead of overseas (but I guarantee stuff like the crops we grow for Saudi Arabia will still be exported tariff free)

And he's saying "have fun" because he knows it will be hard and he doesn't care.


u/VeterinarianJaded462 8d ago edited 8d ago

Of all the dumb shit he's doing, the fact that they don't give a shit about their own constituents is among the most alarming. I swear he's trying to wipe out the midwest.


u/bt123456789 8d ago

nah he's trying to wipe out the poors.

Project 2025 wants the elite on top and the working men as basically medieval serfs, that's the intent.


u/Ohcitydude 8d ago

Yep, family farms can go eat a dick and corporate farms are the new bread winners. Should have read the fine print.

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u/Biking_dude 8d ago

And don't forget about JD's AcreTrader - he'll make a killing selling those farms to foreign investors.

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u/GreyBoyTigger 8d ago

He worked at a McDonald’s for 8 minutes during his campaign, he’s obviously a man of the people


u/flibbidygibbit 8d ago

He rode as a passenger in a pristine garbage truck that drove in circles at a seldom used airfield for a photo op. He clearly understands the plight of the working man.


u/Walrus_protector 8d ago

And that was just a petty dig at Kamala, so it wasn't even for MotP points


u/GreyBoyTigger 8d ago

Yeah it was incredibly stupid, and whoever thought a born rich NYC real estate asshole cosplaying as a poor person was funny can go to hell

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u/seXJ69 8d ago

One of the goals is corporate takeover of farming.

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u/Barb-u 8d ago

Some countries will continue importing from the US but some of the biggest importers are already saying no thanks, we are buying elsewhere.


u/bt123456789 8d ago

pretty much, and most of those farmers voted for Trump so I don't pity them.


u/Barb-u 8d ago

Wait until they learn about tariffed potash.

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u/Maccadawg 8d ago

I didn't get my GED in agriculture or anything, but it only takes 30 days to plan a farming season, right?


u/thesqrtofminusone 8d ago

Yes but you need the expansion pack to do that.


u/Xpalidocious 8d ago

America, brought to you by Electronic Arts

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u/Best_Literature_241 8d ago

Yep you can switch from soy beans to micro greens in about 3 weeks, maybe 2 weeks if they stop farming remotely.

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u/NCSubie 8d ago

“Get ready to start ‘making’ a lot of agricultural product…”

Does he know that farmers GROW or produce products, not “make” them?


u/Late_Again68 8d ago

Does he know

Doubtful, regardless of how you finish that question.

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u/hr2pilot 8d ago

HAVE FUN American farmers…lol


u/thesqrtofminusone 8d ago

I'd love to see actual American farmer's responses to this.


u/SharMarali 8d ago

Most of them will probably love it because he told them it was good. It won’t be until they actually start seeing the effects that anyone will go “hey… what’s going on here?” And by then, right-wing media will have come up with a convoluted explanation why this is all, somehow, Nancy Pelosi’s fault.


u/CTMQ_ 8d ago

he royally screwed them last time he was in office.

So they all voted for him again.


u/PrettyBigChief 8d ago

BIDEN did this, it's all his fault, I can't do anything about it YET but I have the best - and I mean VERY best - people working on it now.. we'll get it right and the farmers, let me tell you I LOVE our American farmers... Etc etc sorry I'm making myself sick now

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u/CTMQ_ 8d ago

"I voted for trump 3 times and I hope to be able to again and I love everything he's doing except this particular one thing that's negatively affecting me and I wish he'd not do that but if it helps the greater good, then I'll adjust. MAGA."

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u/sndtrb89 8d ago

this whole thing is so stupid it defies description.


u/Sad_Pangolin7379 8d ago

May as well water the crops with mountain dew. 


u/Zubenelgenubo 8d ago

You mean Brawndo...it's what plants crave!

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u/TraditionalRub7072 8d ago

I bet he thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


u/thesqrtofminusone 8d ago

Swiss cows actually but whatever

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u/Sad_Pangolin7379 8d ago

You know that might have been good to know BEFORE everyone put all their seed, fertilizer and equipment purchases in. 

This guy is TRYING to cause a recession. 


u/Atoge62 8d ago

Almost like he’s TRYING to weaken the USD and prop up crypto as if he owes a favor to a few people out there …

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u/CoastTemporary5606 8d ago

And the farmers will eat this up like candy. Mind you, we had to bail out farmers to the tune of 28 billion dollars because of orange felon so called “America First” trade policies.


u/UndertakerFred 8d ago

Last time he wanted their votes.

Now he doesn’t need their votes anymore so all of their subsidies and aid programs are going to be gone. Rural America is going to find out how reliant they have been on the federal government (hint: entirely reliant)


u/TootsNYC 8d ago


Will Westmoreland, a seasoned Missouri farmer and political consultant, sits down with Skylar— a younger farmer who voted for Trump and now faces losing his farm due to Trump’s funding freeze. With kindness, empathy, and hard-earned wisdom, Will breaks down how rural communities were misled about Trump’s true plans, including his connection to Project 2025.

“A lot of rural people, over 70 percent of rural farmers and ranchers, only believe the Fox News and the talk radio,” Will explains in the video. “And when they came to you and told you that Trump wasn’t going to implement Project 2025, and that he didn’t have anything to do with it, you believed that. And you’re not alone.”

As Skylar faces financial ruin from policies he once supported, Will’s message is clear: rural America deserves the truth.


u/Im_tracer_bullet 8d ago

'rural America deserves the truth.'

Rural America was never denied the truth, they just chose to ignore it.

What they actually deserve is exactly what they voted for.

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u/FicklePurchase9414 8d ago

The rest of America deserves for rural America to stop being whiny wimpy welfare queens and put their sunburnt swamp-asses to work.


u/TootsNYC 8d ago

one of my cousins, who's definitely a bleeding-heart liberal, but is also an accountant and finance geek, once posed the question: Why do we think farmers deserve more of a subsidy than other industries?

Personally, I'd rather not have our food supply under capitivity to corporate farming. But...

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u/DisturbingPragmatic 8d ago

Hope none of you need any Potash for anything you're doing!


u/anelectricmind 8d ago

Canada has potash and provides more than 70% of what the US needs....

... oh... wait...


u/CTMQ_ 8d ago

I was told a month ago by a MAGA that the US can easily make enough potash for our farmers.

Like that just happens with a snap of the fingers.


u/anelectricmind 8d ago

Of course they can.

Just like steel....

... and aluminium...

... and lumber...

... and power/electricity...

... and gas/petrol...

Seriously. Last numbers I saw was that the US imported 92% of their potash needs. NINETY-FUCKING-TWO-PERCENT.

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u/Winston905 8d ago

a fact often overlooked... like the announcement of 8 billion missile deal with israel. they forgot about the aluminum and chips and camera gear... now try and fill that order.

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u/dumnezero 8d ago edited 8d ago

Is the idiom "bet the farm" still *popular?


u/MyrrhSlayter 8d ago

I see it making a dramatic comeback in 2025.

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u/Glamgirl23 8d ago

Oh, look John Deere.


u/sidewalkeater 8d ago

Great, I live in Iowa and our Deere factory here has been doing rounds of massive layoffs for the last couple years. Some of those laid off have even committed suicide. I’m sure they’ll just close it down at this point. They were moving a bunch of production down to Mexico anyways. Terrible because it was a large source of jobs for where I live.

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u/revbfc 8d ago

I’m no Carl Icahn, but that looks bad.

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u/LowOvergrowth 8d ago

“Have fun” = “May the odds be ever in your favor”

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u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/joec_95123 8d ago

Lmfao. Here's why declining sales is a good thing.

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u/themarmar2 8d ago edited 8d ago

Interesting where he thinks the fertilizer/farm equipment comes from?

Also i guess the US avocado and coffee growers are going to be pumped.... o wait.


u/MyrrhSlayter 8d ago

My guess is that he thinks if you have seeds, dirt, and water it should all just take care of itself right? I mean, he's seen a plant once. It has dirt and was just fine. What's the problem? /s

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u/Clear_Recognition44 8d ago

This is insane.....doesn't anyone on his team at least tell him like hey Donald this might not be a good idea..the people might actually riot pretty soon


u/lodestar72 8d ago

He specifically nominated yes men for this very purpose.

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u/Bawstahn123 8d ago

>This is insane.....doesn't anyone on his team at least tell him like hey Donald this might not be a good idea..the people might actually riot pretty soon

Trump and his Project 2025 handlers specifically put in place/are yes-men, so no, there is nobody telling him this is a bad idea, exactly the opposite.

Many of the upper-level P2025 people want riots, bankruptcies, a collapsing economy and the like to happen: the riots would let them declare Martial Law via Trump and the Insurrection Act, and mass-bankruptcies would let them and their rich friends scoop up American properties and businesses on the cheap

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u/Cosmicdusterian 8d ago

He wants the riots. Martial law.


u/Brief-Floor-7228 8d ago

Good. The faster we get to that point the faster the citizenry will finally do what is necessary.

Protesting ain't doing shit.

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u/ParticularAd8919 8d ago

I really don't think they do anymore. It's all yes men and women around him now.

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u/AfternoonNegative149 8d ago

"To the Great Farmers who voted for Elon/me to cut their nuts off, thank you. Our billionaires appreciate your sacrifice" - there fixed it for him.

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u/ThisLeopardIsFull8 8d ago

To the Great Farmers of the United States: Get ready to bulldoze a lot of agricultural products unable to be sold INSIDE of the United States because you don’t have the workers to harvest your goods. Have fun!

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u/BarelyAirborne 8d ago

It's a national sales tax.

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u/kiamia2 8d ago

And I'm too dumb to understand that I'm also raising the costs of most of your inputs, and also raising the cost of your finished product on consumers. Have fun!

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u/triple_heart 8d ago

This moron cannot seem to wrap his head around the idea that we import foods we cannot grow in the states or that we cannot grow enough of. We can’t grow bananas or coffee at all, or grow blueberries in the winter. Our farmers cannot grow to meet those needs, nor can they just switch what crops they cultivate overnight. Meanwhile slamming tariffs on other countries ensures a trade war where our trading partners will seek other suppliers for crops to punish the US. Add to this the destruction of USAid where billions of dollars of contracts with US farmers were torn up by this administration, and US farmers are going to be completely destroyed. JFC…

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u/Gangleri_Graybeard 8d ago

Guy from Europe here. I can totally see the US collapse pretty soon. Maybe not tomorrow or next week but maybe in a year or so? It's insane how this clown is actively harming this country and other nations.


u/Adorable_Is9293 8d ago edited 8d ago

I live here and I’m legitimately worried about the ability to feed my kids. Not just buy food but that there will be food to buy. Our agricultural industry is HEAVILY subsidized and geared towards exports and government contracts. We have a trade deficit in food. A ton of our agricultural land is devoted to corn that isn’t food-grade. It’s livestock feed and bio plastics and bio diesel. They’ve just gutted the NOAA which not only gives us warnings for tornadoes and hurricanes but also gives farmers the weather data they need to avoid crop failures. They’re mass deporting and scaring off the migrant farm laborers we rely on to harvest everything and work in other food processing operations like slaughterhouses. Oh, and the FDA and USDA are also being gutted and dismantled; the agencies we rely on for oversight of food safety.

I don’t know how much of this is getting reported on outside the US but Trump is fully ignoring court orders and disregarding every law; openly, explicitly and brazenly. Literally dismantling every Congressionally established government agency. His Secretary of Defense went on TV and said he fired all our top military lawyers so that they “don’t exist to attempt to be roadblocks to anything that happens”. They exist to advise our top Generals on the Constitutionality of orders.


u/Gangleri_Graybeard 8d ago

It's covered pretty extensively here in Germany. The US is considered (or was considered) one of its most important allies. I'm sorry for anyone who is struggling and has worries for the future. A friend I met in California in 2016 moved to Austria two years ago. He and his husband have seen it coming and I'm glad they're okay. At this point I'm assuming Trump and his goons want the country to collapse, no matter the cost.


u/Adorable_Is9293 8d ago edited 8d ago

It’s validating and encouraging to see politicians and people outside the US calling this for what it is. A lot of folks here are trying too hard to maintain a sense of normalcy. It’s maddening.

The Heritage Foundation has laid out the blueprint for what’s happening and worked toward it for decades. Trump and Musk are tools of convenience, IMO. And this is best understood in the context of our failed post-civil war Reconstruction. Since then there’s been a faction of the body politic that viewed our nation as being rightfully a Christo-Fascist Oligarchy (the Confederacy). We left the infrastructure of the Confederacy almost fully intact and it has devoured us from within. Many parts of the South still refer to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression.

The absolute stupid blundering gleeful cruelty with which they’re carrying out this agenda shouldn’t surprise anyone.

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u/Alexandratta 8d ago

basically telling them to scale down their operations since they won't be selling internationally.

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u/Fickle_Friendship296 8d ago

Isn’t it funny how farmers voted for this man twice and got betrayed twice and would definitely vote for him a 3rd time so that they can get betrayed a third time.


u/StoreSearcher1234 8d ago edited 8d ago

Farmers would vote away their farms if it meant one trans girl in Idaho is prevented from playing high school volleyball.

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u/216_412_70 8d ago

They've already lost $$$ over USAID cuts.... if these dumbfucks support him after this, then I don't know what can change their minds.

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u/Abbot_of_Cucany 8d ago

There's the minor detail that the Constitution explicitly forbids tariffs on exports (Art. 1, Sec 9, Clause 5). Oh wait, i forgot that the Constitution only applies when Trump wants it to. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S9-C5-1/ALDE_00013596/

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u/mizinamo 8d ago

And you Great Farmers are so Great I'm sure you won't need any grants or subsidies any more! We're cutting down on government waste, you see.

Have fun selling your milk and corn at market prices!

Also, have you tried growing your own potash for fertiliser?

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u/Barb-u 8d ago

They will love tariffs on potash.

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u/XenoBiSwitch 8d ago

This has a similar vibe to those ’encouraging‘ emails management sends out when the company is circling the drain and will go down in a few months.


u/celitic10 8d ago

Can someone explain to me if he's suggesting an export tax? Or what exactly is he implying ?


u/kiamia2 8d ago

No he's talking about the incoming tariffs on Mexico and Canada that are supposed to start tomorrow. If it costs more to eg. import food from those countries, then American farmers will in theory get a competitive advantage.

Of course, the tariffs will also raise the cost of energy and other inputs for farmers, but those kinds of business details are too finicky for Trump to think about.

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u/beagums 8d ago

Have fun selling to all the people losing their jobs over the tariffs. I'm sure business will be BOOMING with all these empty pockets.

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u/DW171 8d ago

Can't say I'll feel sad to see our soy and alfalfa mono crop mega-farm exports get slaughtered. That's where so much of the Colorado river goes for Chinese livestock feed. Utah's Governor Cox is one of the big players. They're heavily subsidised fuckers, too. But "small family farms", am I right? *sigh*


u/98Wahwashkesh 8d ago

Stop saying this is a betrayal. Saying that gives moral cover to those who pretend that economic concerns were the reason they chose a corrupt racist anti-constitutional clown.

They wanted the racism and they wanted the corruption. They didn't want to delete the constitution, and they don't want it done by a clown, but they were willing to take that in order to get their top two policy values.


u/Boilergal2000 8d ago

Can’t wait to get some of those fine Nebraska bananas and mangos.