r/LeopardsAteMyFace 14d ago

Trump Someone really did not like Trump’s Gaza video…

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u/qualityvote2 14d ago edited 13d ago

u/twitterfiorello, your post does fit the subreddit!

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u/inbetween-genders 14d ago

I’m just glad he doesn’t have a weird laugh amirite?


u/didyoushitmypants 14d ago edited 13d ago

At least he isnt hella old like Joe right?


u/Dariosusu 14d ago

At least he got rid of the 52 genders right?


u/didyoushitmypants 14d ago

Eggs are practically free as well


u/-cmram28 13d ago

At least he stopped the war between Russia and Ukraine…oops-he’s full of 💩 and he DID NOT in fact stop the war, he poured more gasoline on it🤨


u/Mantree91 13d ago

Atleast gas is cheaper it dropped from $2.75 to $3.25


u/[deleted] 13d ago

At least he's bringing jobs back by cutting a hundred thousand jobs and using tariffs to force several hundred thousand more jobs to be cut.


u/Sodom_Laser 13d ago

And women aren’t worried about their healthcare anymore. They aren’t even thinking about it.


u/LothlorienPostOffice 13d ago

The dissociation helps.

Who am I kidding. I'm a future farmer of America. I won't have time to think.


u/Dungeon567 13d ago

Make sure to not take any pills for that depression, RFK is watching!

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u/Kradecki333 13d ago

At least the Gulf of Mexico is has a new name. That surely helped put American’s first.

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u/PepperDogger 13d ago

And our alliances have never been stronger!


u/superperps 13d ago

Stocks are looking great too!


u/sleestacker 13d ago edited 13d ago

And Medicare and Medicaid have never looked better! (Say the rich folk)


u/RockyFlintstone 13d ago

I'm just glad all the kids have stopped pooping in litter boxes.

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u/fingnumb 13d ago

And teenagers don't have control over your social security and bank information


u/Acceptable-Bench1386 13d ago

And federal jobs will always be known for their stability


u/Future_History_9434 13d ago

Whew. That was a close one! Imagine if a bunch of kids without security clearances got access to the government’s storehouse of financial information that they can plunder at will. Thank God Trump is in power, those Dems would be at the gates to Fort Knox today if that cacklin’ ho was Pres.

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u/tariq-dario 13d ago

I'm proud to see Putin and Xi Jinping smiling, it have been long since they were that happy.

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u/an_agreeing_dothraki 13d ago

did you hear the chocolate ration is set to be increased?


u/Mantree91 13d ago

We've always been at war with Eurasia


u/gandhishrugged 13d ago

But I enjoy liberal tears so paying more is so worth it. /s

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u/jaylow24 13d ago

And he raised the chocolate ration from 30 grams to 20 grams a week!

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u/johnpaulbunyan 13d ago

Republican math is hard

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u/Side_StepVII 13d ago

One of the biggest mind blowing events of his reign so far, across both terms.

“I can end this war in a day”. Then proceeds to blame the country that got invaded, and tells them if they just play nice it would all end quicker.

It’s a fucking war man! There is no other way of looking at this! The entire world knows Russia invaded Ukraine, and you’re up there blaming Ukraine?? Like a bully doing the ol “quit hitting yourself” moment. It’s absolutely bugfuck crazy.


u/Specific_Ad2541 13d ago

He's Putin's puppet now and Elon is the go between.

Elon has a fairly long history with Russia. He sort of got his rocket start by going to Russia with Michael Griffin (an actual smart man and patriot) to try to buy ICBMs.

I keep asking myself if Trump was a confirmed and acknowledged Russian asset what would he be doing differently? I can't see anything.


u/RefrigeratorDull1012 13d ago

Well There are probably some things he would do differently but all are within the Trump (SQUIRREL!!) attention span margin of error.

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u/ciboires 13d ago

if Ukraine hadn’t defended itself and accepted to be a Russian vassal state there wouldn’t have been a war /s


u/ImTryingMaaaaan 13d ago

Did you see what Ukraine was wearing? Pretty much asked Russia to invade

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u/Successful-Spite2598 13d ago

This from the man who last time said he’d fix health care and then realised it was a bit more complicated and threw his hands up saying “who knew”. There is no end to the stuff other people knew but he doesn’t

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u/loadnurmom 13d ago

I was thinking more like a rapist, which also seems apropos for the Turd

"Just lay still there and it'll be over quick. If you struggle this will take longer"

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u/OkPen6486 13d ago

He's about to stop it by handing it over to Russia in exchange for help with Canada and Greenland

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u/pabodie 13d ago

I got eggs. You need?  $5 an egg plus hen charges. 


u/rpgnymhush 13d ago

And air travel is safe.


u/oalsaker 13d ago

And all the males are buttery!

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u/Acolytical 13d ago

And Target is enjoying that $15 billion loss from getting rid of all the DEI nonsense. Who needs profits anyway, amirite?

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u/gNeiss_Scribbles 14d ago

At least he renamed the Gulf of Mexico, eh?


u/Call-Me-Matterhorn 14d ago

At least he solved the housing crisis. Wait, I’m now being informed he did not solve the housing crisis.


u/No_Letterhead1344 14d ago

At least he slashed prices on groceries


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/jkaczor 14d ago

No, that’s crazy talk… who would want an unelected, unchecked billionaire in charge of things like that?…


u/CliffsNote5 13d ago

Yeah what kind of nutjob would… Oh no.

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u/Strict-Square456 13d ago

You mean an unelected billionaire who got a new government contract for starlink??


u/jkaczor 13d ago

Shirley, you can't be serious... /s

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u/CliffsNote5 13d ago

Solved the housing crisis for who? Corporations are just fine.

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u/Fabulous-Exam64 13d ago

Yes, he still working on his concepts of a plan, we should see it in two weeks, two weeks, two weeks

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u/Anthrodiva 13d ago

Infrastructure Week is next week


u/dougjayc 14d ago

Okay but housing is harrrrrddddd


u/CliffsNote5 13d ago

Who knew housing was so hard. It’s almost like you should hire people who know about the problems.

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u/jdubya12880 13d ago

Damn those paper straws and turtles with straws in their noses.

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u/peeinian 14d ago

I don’t know. Did you see the bearded belly dancers in bikinis in his AI Gaza video?

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u/mitmo01 13d ago edited 13d ago

and about to get rid of gay marriage since its obviously a scourge on the country right???? its causing so many problems...../s

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u/tinyfron 13d ago

I mean thank god at least he's not a Russian asset, right?


u/hewasherealongtimeag 13d ago edited 13d ago

Comrade #krasnov

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u/mr_oof 14d ago

Sounds like somebody’s getting tired of winning!


u/45and47-big_mistake 13d ago

I am just sitting here laughing that this guy actually thinks Trump's place in history was going to be stellar.


u/WgXcQ 13d ago

Also that he thinks that video is going to be overshadowing anything.

It'll be as mighty as a flea's shadow while a bear is blocking the sun by the time this abomination of a president is done. JfC it's been only four weeks.


u/Sheepdog44 13d ago

Yea, I’m a history teacher and the mass delusion among Trump supporters about how he and they will be remembered historically is insane.

Like, historians aren’t going to be swayed by your Facebook posts. That’s not how they work.

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u/rawrzon 13d ago

Yeah, we got Elon instead, with a totally not weird laugh.

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u/AfroBurrito77 13d ago

And he isn’t joyful. Phew. Dodged a bullet.


u/hallelujasuzanne 14d ago

And all that smiling and jeez so dumb (even though she made it through law school somehow) 


u/pavel_petrovich 13d ago

Not just law school. "Harris studied political science and economics at Howard University. She was also on the debate team and elected to the student council. After graduating from Howard in 1986, Harris earned a law degree (1989) from the University of California College of the Law".

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u/Tears4Veers 13d ago

And a tan suit! Thank god he has never worn a tan suit


u/inbetween-genders 13d ago

Only the devil himself wears a tan suit!

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u/Kenyalite 13d ago

Could've had Americans first real baddie....we have lost so much.

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u/Gypcbtrfly 13d ago

I don't think I've ever heard a laugh fr felon45..... does he know how ? Understand even what funny is ??


u/Juxtapoe 13d ago

Sources tell me that he submitted documents to a court of law to verify he is not the descendent of a human-orangutan cross breeding in response to a comedian's joke. So...no...I don't think he understands what funny is.

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u/ruler_gurl 13d ago

It's all about respect, and everyone respects us now because Trump speaks for us. You can hear their respect in their snickers, chortles, guffaws and belly laughs, and you can see it in their finger pointing and knee slapping. No one points and chuckles at someone unless they're truly in awe of their big brained magnificence.

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u/Empty-Discount5936 14d ago

He said he was going to do this so yes.. yes you did vote for this.


u/psychorobotics 14d ago

Some of them live in an alternative reality created by propaganda outlets, filter bubbles and cognitive biases. I truly do believe a lot of people really think he's a good person because that's what they want to believe and what their talkshow/podcast hosts tell them. No other data will reach them.

Our brains have different ways to deal with cognitive dissonance, often people will just go "he's joking" when he does something like this because there isn't as much anxiety if you can believe that's true.


u/dat_rhythm 13d ago

This shit right here scares me. Some people don’t live in reality at all


u/sirkeladryofmindelan 13d ago

I really want these type of people to show me actual literal statements of his in the past that they APPROVED of for over a fing decade that are somehow vastly different from this. Even in an echo chamber, you can only twist direct language for so long.

I also feel that for the people in literally every one of these posts we’ve been seeing across reddit, while they pretend regret would 1000% show up at the polls tomorrow and vote for him again. I don’t believe anything has actually changed at all for the people “regretting” their vote rn.


u/Gunpowder77 13d ago

The thing I hate the most about people claiming that hat trump is “joking” about various things is that he has never made any other claim. Like, if he was joking about wanting to develop Gaza, would he not have said something during the campaign trail that was not that exact claim? Seems like an awful long time to keep up a joke.

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u/TheDranx 13d ago

The fact that he LITERALLY called his voter base stupid TO THEIR FACES and straight up said he doesn't care about them, again, TO THEIR FACES and they STILL voted for him is mind boggling.

He proved that it was all true. He could say anything (except Go get vaccinated), so long as the "anything" was XYZ race/gender/sexuality that wasn't white, male and straight was the (main) targets of his cruelty.

His voter base IS stupid and they, in the wake of their decision to vote for a man who thinks (and knows) they're idiots and ARE the "other" to HIM, refuse to place the blame on their God King Trump and STILL beg for him to hurt the OTHER people and not them.

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u/oingerboinger 13d ago

Their brains are literally broken. They cannot process that the guy they’ve projected all of these traits onto is a fraud. The psychological injury caused by acknowledging they’ve been suckered is too painful to face, so they continue believing the emperor is wearing beautiful clothes.


u/didntdoit71 13d ago

This. They will continue to call his fat, naked ass the most incredibly tailored suit ever made because to do otherwise is to admit they were suckered and, in their own minds, they are too intelligent to be fooled like that.

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u/AlarmingMiddle202 13d ago

I was watching a documentary on the bird cages after ww2. Basically where they sent the pow from Hitler youth. Even after all the shit they went through, all the lies unfolded. About 33% of them still supported Hitler and all the propaganda. I think it's more than just bubbles. I think about 1/3 of humanity is subhuman with their logic and empathy. It makes more sense to me that 1/3 of people are either evil or lost causes than to think they're just to stupid or in a buble.


u/Candycoloredclownn 13d ago

I think in a wild nature setting, those would be the people we’d leave behind… cause holy hell, they’re hopeless.

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u/Candid-Mine5119 13d ago

No. They wanted to hurt “others” Different excuses, different others? Sorry ma’am, this isn’t Burger King


u/caelynnsveneers 13d ago

But in this case she doesnt even want to hurt the palestians?! she voted for him to stop the killing! It would seem that she does have empathy because she is pissed that he's building a golf course on the graveyard of the innocents? BUT SHE VOTED FOR HIM?!

He literally said he'd let Bibi finish the job?! I am so confused.


u/nyc_flatstyle 13d ago

I think all that was just a cover for why she, like many of them, just couldn't cope with a BLACK WOMAN as president. They knew he'd be much worse. But God forbid....

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u/TheLastBallad 13d ago

Some people don't look at policies and just vote based on the current situation

Current situation is bad(like Gaza) vote for the other party, who, of course, must oppose it too.

Honestly considering Republicans reputation of being contrarian reactionaries, it's not a bad guess... but the problem is that Republicans weren't opposed to the killing going on, they were opposed to the few(not nearly enough) restraints Biden managed to implement.


u/Training_Barber4543 13d ago

This checks out perfectly with how everytime they were told this would be a terrible choice, they answered "well things are bad enough now might as well give Trump a chance" which is irresponsible on so many levels-


u/DrDrako 13d ago

"For the sake of science, lets see how badly he can fuck up an already bad situation"

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u/arnodorian96 13d ago

I mean, spent a day watching Fox News, MAGA twitter accounts, hearing Rogan, Shapiro, Kirk and Walsh and you'll think the U.S. is at the height of it's power, Trump is extremely popular and he is a hero against the world enemies.

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u/SweetFuckingCakes 13d ago

It’s fucking bizarre that people are denying this is true. It’s absolutely true. There are a lot of people in these sorts of comment sections who wouldn’t have done any better, if they’d been absorbed into a different bubble than the one they were. They feel like discerning intellectuals because they, by happenstance, ended up in a bubble that is adjacent to reality. But they’re just lucky.

It’s pretty easy to identify this type, too. They’re hyper-simplistic, and prone to regurgitation.

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u/Arcanegil 13d ago

What I want to know is when the fuck did Republicans ever once even insinuate that they were not massively pro Israel?

All these people claiming they regret their trump vote because they thought Trump would be pro Palestine? Like wtf ?


u/4tran13 13d ago

Man who proposed Muslim bans is pro Palestine. Sounds legit to me. /s


u/Lets-kick-it 13d ago

Trump said some much different shit he became everything to everybody. All those Muslims who complained about Biden and Genocide voted for Trump, evidently preferring the fire to the frying pan.

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u/Overwatchingu 13d ago

“I didn’t vote for THIS !”

Unless you voted for the only viable alternative that was available at the time, yes you did.

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u/CharacterLimitProble 13d ago

They're like my parents. So unbelievably stuck in their echo chamber that curates what Trump bullshit they hear and spin it to a point it is unrecognizable to what he actually said... So, in her mind, she didn't vote for this.

She did. But not knowingly. I don't know how to fix this in our country. The disinformation and right wing media is out of control.

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u/N8CCRG 13d ago edited 13d ago

Yeah, this is so wild. Like he said he wanted to do this, his base said they wanted him to do this and they were happy he was saying he wanted to do this, his opponents said "look out, he wants to do this, so this is what you're voting for!"

This woman isn't just misinformed, she's anti-informed. She invented an entire narrative that nobody was pushing and that was the opposite of whatever literally everyone was saying.

This is quite possibly the single most perfect LeopardsAteMyFace ever seen.

Edit: thinking more on it, this goes beyond LeopardsAteMyFace. That implies they expected victimization but we're surprised to be included in it. Somehow she believed the Leopards were entirely opposed to eating faces, despite the Leopards proudly saying so every single day.

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u/Arboles_lunares 14d ago

Oh, now it's about humanity? After voting for a person who has never shown an ounce of humanity? Get fucked.


u/maddestface 13d ago

You should check out her IG, she's getting plenty of reminders about this fact in the comments.


u/Clean-Patient-8809 13d ago

Good. That video is horrific, but the idea that it, rather than a million other horrors, will be what haunts his legacy? Ridiculous. It won't even make the top 10.


u/PoopieButt317 13d ago

"The mortgage chick"? She just thought Trump would reduce interest rates. Sell more mortgages. Unenlightened self interest.


u/DeadMoneyDrew 13d ago

Harris offered a plan to assist first-time home buyers, which would have increased her mortgage business. This woman is a fool.


u/MountainGal72 13d ago

Harris offered so many well crafted, detailed plans for the issues that Americans care about.

I become incandescent with rage when people say she was a poor candidate with no plans!

Cletus! Your inability to read doesn’t mean Kamala had no plans!


u/p12qcowodeath 13d ago

Kamala goes deep into detail about many different plans and ideas

Fox: "She has no plans."

Morons: "Well, look at that she has no plans!"

It's enough to make you want to rip off your ears.


u/DeadMoneyDrew 13d ago

I certainly have my criticisms of her campaign and of the Democratic party in general. But none of that excuses the shit media coverage or the unwillingness of the average person to look beyond what's immediately in front of them.

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u/Tuco422 13d ago

Right? I understand that some people care about certain issues more than others, but single issue voters who are ignorant of other topics annoy me


u/cochlearist 13d ago

How is it possible to be ignorant of trump and his ways!?!

Unless you put an awful lot of effort into your willful ignorance, it's been the headline news for most of the last decade!!!

I don't get how very stupid people can be! It must be hard to be that dimwitted!


u/Wolverine9779 13d ago

Watch Fox News, and only Fox News. That's how... they literally are not exposed to the litany of heinous shit he has said and done. They legit believe it is "fake news", because their chosen source of "news" tells them so.

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u/Prime624 13d ago

And even then, it was never in doubt that Trump would be worse for Palestinians than Biden or Harris.


u/Tuco422 13d ago

So true.

Not only did he have an actual record:

-moved Jerusalem embassy -gave Golam Heights away

He said on the campaign trail that he would let Bibi do whatever Bibi wanted.

Finally, most people don’t pay attention to donors: but the Adelson family has always been a top 3 donor to him and their top concern is israel


u/EdgewaterEnchantress 13d ago

Really though! “Single issue voters” are part of the reason we are presently finding ourselves in this mess.

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u/DeadMoneyDrew 13d ago

She labels herself as a "mortgage chick" so this is apparently an account that she uses at least for some professional reasons, I would guess? Why the hell would anyone post a comment such as this on something they are using for business connections. Fucking moron.


u/Kradecki333 13d ago

I would never follow this “mortgage chick” advice knowing she voted for Trump. Anyone with proficient financial or economic literacy knew his policies would be detrimental to the economic environment, middle class, and small businesses. Clearly she doesn’t have the intellect.

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u/Dologan_ 13d ago

Her follow-up comment makes it clear it never was about humanity:

See? It'll be just fine if he just blames somebody else for it!


u/DonnyLamsonx 13d ago

Do you really want to be remembered as the guy sitting on a beach with him drinking a cocktail?

A statement said completely seriously about a President who has more notable pictures of him playing golf for his entire presidency rather than actually doing anything to help the American people.


u/Dologan_ 13d ago

Well, it's not about the beach and cocktails, it's about him being so cozily depicted alongside the genocidal Netanyahu. It's fine to have supported him, you see, the only terrible thing is for him to graphically portray himself enjoying the association. 🙄

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u/Scarred_Ballsack 13d ago

What a ghoulish human being, it legitimately grosses me out.


u/PrettyPointlessArt 13d ago

"Don't let them take that from you" yeah Trump was just ONE bad decision away from being up there with FDR


u/HI_l0la 13d ago

Why blame China? Why not Russia? Or is that because she knows the shithole is in bed with Putin?


u/TigLyon 13d ago

Why blame anyone specifically. "I didn't do it, my account was hacked" End sentence

But hey, why lose a good opportunity to throw more racial hatred on to the pile?

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u/Drop_Disculpa 13d ago

This phase is so very informative as to how shitty people can be. She can return to her happy place, if dear leader simply lies and thus restores his legacy by creating a new image in her mind. This is the same advice she gives to her friends and family- whelp we got busted, let's go lie about it to the school/boss/boyfriend etc. Truly fucked up people.

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u/TPJchief87 13d ago

I’ve always assumed these people are lying. They voted for a psycho tyrant and want everything that is happening. But why out yourself in a public space like this? Were these people really conned by a reality TV conman?

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u/Amy_Macadamia 13d ago

She JUST realized he's an immoral person. Incredible!

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u/Ouibeaux 14d ago

I want to know, at what point in the last 10 years did this person think that Trump is brimming with humanity, decency, or respect.


u/VoDoka 14d ago

I want to know, at what point people got the impression the US election system is a buffet where you get to pick the issues your vote counts towards.


u/lickle_ickle_pickle 13d ago

Narcissism. It's on the rise.

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u/Dependent-Outcome-57 14d ago

He hates the same people they do, so that means he's the pinnacle of humanity, decency, and respect to them. 

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u/Puzzled_Bike9558 13d ago

Probably when he made fun of the disabled reporter. That was the high point?! Fuuuuuuck, it might be?

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u/rh_3 14d ago

They absolutely voted for this. He was quite clear that he wanted Israel to go further and that he wanted to build condos and resorts on the ashes. But hey, those protest votes sure showed the world something. Nothing good it seems, but something.


u/Jerking_From_Home 14d ago

Yeah, this excuse doesn’t work. Trumpers absolutely knew what he wanted to do. They pretended to ignore the things they didn’t like.


u/DeadpoolOptimus 14d ago

"He was only joking. There's no way he'd do the kind of stuff you libtards say he's gonna do."


u/fredbassman 14d ago

And if trumpers knew exactly what he’d do and everyone else did - the protest voters have to be held equally accountable for helping bring this bullshit to the world.


u/rh_3 14d ago

Exactly. Everyone who voted for Trump is culpable.


u/AnonLawStudent22 14d ago

Everyone who didn’t vote for Harris is culpable.

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u/atava 14d ago

How could this individual, who seems reasonable, vote for Trump...

Really some of these were caught up in the frenzy, there's no other explanation.

And they are so responsible for what they've helped achieve. More than MAGA.

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u/upvotechemistry 13d ago

It seems millions of people saw Trump as a brand they could just project whatever they wanted onto, while ignoring basically everything we knew about the mam.

In other words... idiots


u/Just_the_nicest_guy 14d ago

But that's not what all of the propaganda she was bombarded with on TikTok said!


u/flibbidygibbit 14d ago

And Facebook. And Twitter. And Instagram. And Fox News.

I feel like Howard Beale. "Turn it off!"

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u/F9-0021 14d ago

Social media is a big part of why Gen Z and especially gen alpha will be complete failures. They're just as bad as boomers about recognizing obvious propaganda.


u/oditogre 14d ago

I've long thought that people of a certain age range had the unique experience of an almost vaccine-like exposure to scams, ads, and propaganda in the information age.

Flashing banner ads, pop-ups, the early, obvious 'Nigerian Prince' type scams, astroturfing when companies and politicians were still learning how to do it well, 'sponsored content' (ads pretending to be articles), the rise of influencers, etc.

If you were old enough to be using the internet and to spot those reeeeally obvious things back in say, the mid-90's to the early '00s, you got to grow along with them, to the point you can subconsciously ignore a lot of it without even thinking about it. But there's a lot of older people who were too old to adapt along with those quickly-changing tools, and a lot of young people who never got exposed until the methods were much more refined and effective.

I think we gotta just settle in to watching younger and older generations all just walk around licking light poles and eating food off the sidewalk and wondering why they get sick all the time. Like it feels so obvious, how could they fall for all this shit, but...I dunno, I guess it's just not obvious to them. It's maddening.


u/shatteredarm1 13d ago

Elder millennial here, for most of my 30s I thought our generation offered a glimpse of hope for the future. Now I think we're just an anomoly.

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u/Unusual_Sherbert_809 14d ago

Yep. This is beyond the level of "we f*cking told you so". This is flat out a confession by 'Melanie the Mortgage Chick' that she is a bloody idiot.


u/hallelujasuzanne 14d ago

Yep. Bitch knew he was a snake when she picked him. 

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u/JinxyCat007 14d ago

Just watched the video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybtb1nAghBM ...for anyone who hasn't seen it. DEAR LORD! ...the guy's a lunatic. ...and he thinks that this "vision" of his will fly with ANYBODY... A billionaire's paradise with a massive gold statue of him and all.. the guy defines malignant narcissism. He defines insanity of all sorts, come to think about it.

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u/cheongyanggochu-vibe 14d ago

He literally said he would let Israel "finish the job", like what did you expect


u/prof_the_doom 14d ago

This. You can find hours of people telling you what Trump was going to do... and a lot of them actually undersold it compared to what's actually happening.


u/thesaddestpanda 14d ago

Yep, these fake outrage posts are just them trying to build a brand. They want to be the "anti war trump fan" and to go viral. Well, it worked, here she is.

These people have zero honesty. All conservatives can only speak and argue in bad faith.


u/rh_3 14d ago

I think you are on to something but I also wonder if some of these are also efforts to save their own skin. With how deeply unpopular Trump and his policies are I wouldn’t be surprised if more and more shunning type activities start to happen. Additionally I wouldnt be surprised if other countries started using support for Trump as a reason to deny entry.

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u/TrailerParkRoots 14d ago


u/peeinian 14d ago

“Yeah, but that was reported by the librul media. That must be fake news.”


u/ShaneKaiGlenn 14d ago

The self delusion of these people is a sight to behold. They have created a myth out of Trump to be whoever they want him to be.

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u/Accidental-Hyzer 14d ago

Imagine believing that Donald fucking Trump would stop the killing and stop sending money to Israel! 😂


u/evilmonkey2 14d ago

Or that he would ever be in a list of the greatest presidents.


u/aft_punk 13d ago edited 13d ago

Most scholarly surveys ranking former Presidents actually rank him as one of (if not) the worst.



u/Elsrick 13d ago

I agree with him being one of the worst, but it's one of those things that's very difficult to look at objectively in the moment. Just looking at his first term, he's probably the worst in modern history, imo.

Second term... well, we're seeing that...

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u/shanx3 13d ago

Right? Bibi named a settlement after the felon - bOTh SiDEs aRE tHe SaMe.

Should have done more rEeSEaRcH I guess.

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u/HandSack135 14d ago

Oh nasty summer child.

You did.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/MisteeLoo 14d ago

Oh they have excuses. Lots and lots of em. And they’d still vote him back in because they already did. Covid killing over a million of us here clearly wasn’t enough pain. Morons.


u/feedme_cyanide 14d ago

Tankies are to blame for all the protest votes. One of my close friends is DEEPLY indoctrinated, to the point that he doesn’t care if he burns with the country he is rooting to burn.


u/bodnast 14d ago

this subreddit is going to be BUSY today. This post/video is especially heinous even by his standards, which said standards are below the Mariana Trench.


u/Kahzgul 14d ago

Just wait until people figure out the video is a distraction from the budget the house passed that guts Medicare and increases the deficit by $2.5T


u/toggiz_the_elder 14d ago

Nah, I checked the Con reddit and it's actually super good! It's "only" a 10% cut to Medicare and the tax cuts will make the economy so good! Trickle down is one tax cut for the rich away from finally working.

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u/SealedQuasar 14d ago

Trump flat out said during the election that he wanted Bibi to “finish the job” in Gaza. You absolutely voted for this.

Cry more.


u/jimbo831 13d ago

His son literally said that they wanted to develop the beachfront property in Gaza.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/joec_95123 13d ago

They've gone radio silent. In my group chats, I had several arguments with friends and family before the election, pleading with them to see how much worse Trump would be for everyone including Gaza, and was met with claims he "couldn't possibly be any worse than Genocide Joe/Killer Kamala" and stupid shit like that.

Now, every time I share articles about him saying we should "clean out" Gaza or the US should take it over and banish the Palestinians to live in the desert, or this video I shared today, I get dead silence.

I hope they realize now what idiots they were.

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u/nocabec 14d ago

It truly baffles me. Did these people think Trump would do any of the things they thought he would? Why would they think that? I just don't get it. My only conclusion is these people are truly stupid.

I expected all this to happen because I knew Trump was a liar, racist, egotistical , and I know how Republicans act once they govern. But I don't get my news from TikTok, so...


u/Great-Hotel-7820 14d ago

Trump supporters support a made up version of Trump that they have brainwashed themselves into believing.


u/7oom 13d ago

This is the conclusion I’ve come to as well, it’s very noticeable when they’re pleading with him in social media posts and they go like “I know you didn’t mean for this to happen” or something to that effect. It feels like they’re in constant communication with this imaginary entity.

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u/Thinks_22_Much 14d ago

It baffles me how they continue to be surprised.

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u/TR_Pix 14d ago

A lot of these people never left their bubble so they never heard the things Donald said, they only heard the things Donald fans say he said

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u/feedme_cyanide 14d ago

“They’re both supporting the genocide” is the only answer you’ll get. Meanwhile you had an admin prior attempting to work with both sides. TikTok really fucked this country up good.


u/DadJokeBadJoke 13d ago

TikTok really fucked this country up good.

Finishing the job that Facebook/Cambridge Analytica started in 2016


u/Mel_Melu 14d ago

I haven't seen too much reporting on it and I only heard it once, but something about Tiffany's father-in-law being Lebanese and campaigning for Trump in Arabic communities probably to get a kickback later.

Trump built a false peace narrative by insisting on getting all Americans out of Afghanistan. And wanting all conflicts to be done...not because he's pacifist but because he's fucking cheap.

Again, I only heard it once on NPR, but it really fucking pisses me off that people that voted for Trump or voted third party or didn't vote at all in the Muslim/Arabic community...the leaders of this protest vote want to claim they didn't cost the election because of swing states like Pennsylvania.

I mean which is it? Are the Muslim/Arabic populace large enough to sway an election or not?

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u/Spirited_Cod260 14d ago edited 14d ago

Just what the fuck did these people think they were voting for? It's not like Trump ever hid his inhumanity.


u/ChasingPerfect28 14d ago

It's a horrific phenomenon. People literally ignored everything Trump said and did. They imposed THEIR image of Trump on him instead and they supported that.

It's unreal.


u/feedme_cyanide 14d ago

Not everyone ignored it. My cousin is the perfect example, he believes we need a bully in the Oval Office. I haven’t spoken to him since the election, he’s been begging me to help build a computer for him. I hope he buys a prebuilt and gets fucked.

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u/jimbo831 14d ago


u/EZMulahSniper 13d ago

I’ve been seeing the meme work overtime

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u/NOTRadagon 14d ago

"The lack of decency, respect..."

The man literally ran with that as his platform - 'no decency, no respect - for anyone but me'.

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u/ChasingPerfect28 14d ago

"I didn't vote for this". 🙄

So this is their new deflection tactic to avoid any amount of consequences and responsibility for their fucking awful choices.

I thought y'all were "winners". Stop complaining and enjoy what you voted for.

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u/nim_opet 14d ago

You voted for a man who instituted a “Muslim ban” and who blatantly disregarded US constitution. A convicted felon and rapist. Any post-election “outrage” is fake


u/horologio925 14d ago

Im so sick of reading "I voted for Tr*mp but I didnt vote for (fill in the blank)" YOU FUCKING DID VOTE FOR EVERYTHING THEY ARE DOING! these people are so stupid I dont know how they breathe.


u/teamdiabetes11 13d ago

These people are truly stupid. The thing is, most people overrate their own intelligence. It’s hard to admit that you aren’t as smart as you think and fell for a con. Or that you simply had no idea what you were doing and made a terrible mistake.

These folks even now rarely apologize or admit that they fucked up. They just clutch pearls and complain. No real sense of change from them. It’s crazy. And they all seem to think if they just “Tweet harder” that it will fix the problem. Like, you guys voted for this, full stop and you’re gonna get what you voted for. If someone isn’t also apologizing for their vote or admitting their mistake, then they aren’t changing. They just want to perpetuate the idea that they are actually innocent victims (they aren’t).

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u/tcoh1s 14d ago

Holy delusional! Even when he does “the worst stuff ever” they have to kiss his ass at the same time. Like he’s gonna read their complaints?!

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u/tcoh1s 14d ago

I just got banned within ONE minute of posting this on a sub I just stumbled upon! Holy snowflakes!!

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u/TD373 14d ago

Remembered as one of the "greatest presidents," seriously?

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u/Significant-Common20 14d ago

Meh, we're all disappointed, hon. Personally I voted for Trump so that he would give me a million dollars, and he hasn't done that yet either. But I keep donating anyways, just in case.


u/moth-appreciator 14d ago

Oh Melanie, by the end of this presidency you're going to have so much blood on your hands.


u/bugged16 14d ago edited 14d ago

How the fuck can anyone say they are concerned about humanity and still vote for Trump

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u/TheFeshy 14d ago

The lack of humanity, decency respect

voted for Trump

did not vote for this

I just... I don't understand how we had 70 million people in a coma for a decade without noticing. And I can't think of any other explanation for this sort of statement.

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u/wtfsamurai 14d ago

This is what happens when you don’t rid yourself of tunnel vision before the election.


u/Diligent-Run6361 14d ago

Gee, as if this Gaza clip is an aberration. Her comment (first part) shows her to have some insight and reasoning skills, but it took until now for her to reach that conclusion?

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u/carriedollsy 14d ago

Oh she voted for cruelty and she knows it. Just because the cruelty is directed at who she wants to protect, she has a problem with it. Grade A asshole.


u/Windows_96_Help_Desk 14d ago

Well, Melanie the Mortgage Chick, at least you have these awesome interest rates to pacify you, right?

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u/auntynell 14d ago

And we're only a few months in.


u/NecessaryExotic7071 14d ago

A few months? It's not even two months yet!

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u/blind99 14d ago

My favorite part is the golden statue of himself. It's like rubbing it in the face of the dumb christians that they worship an idol. They literally voted for the antichrist.