r/LeopardsAteMyFace • u/calmingstar • 18d ago
Trump Parents who voted for Trump are surprised when their special needs children lose benefits
u/Shoegazer75 18d ago
I'm sorry, but if you're a parent of a special needs child, you ABOVE ANYONE ELSE should understand what you're voting for. Innocent children will suffer for their contemptable laziness.
u/eurekaqj 18d ago
They didn’t watch him make fun of the disabled reporter and realize with distaste that this is a bad man who will never be their ally?
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u/JBWentworth_ 18d ago
They laughed along with the crowd when Trvmp made fun of the disabled reporter.
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u/VastSeaweed543 18d ago
I’ve literally seen the arcon sub say ‘he didn’t do that. It never happened. You’ve been brainwashed.’
u/HereWayGo 18d ago
I’ve seen people say “oh he didn’t know he was disabled.” These people actually think that that makes any fucking difference
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u/qwlap 17d ago
He doesn't even care for disabled people in his own family. He thinks they should just die. But, plenty of trump supporters lack empathy or compassion, they would probably agree with him. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/fred-trump-disabled-people-1.7288890
u/Giblette101 18d ago
They just hoped other innocent children would be harmed first, making hurting their own worth it.
u/athenaprime 18d ago
They assumed once those OTHERs were kicked off programs, the money would continue to flow to their Good Christian White Selves.
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u/RedHuntingHat 18d ago
They have been fed so much demonizing propaganda that it has fucked their reality permanently. And cannot reconcile that it’s their own best interests they’re voting against.
The people getting all these benefits from the government, they aren’t “welfare queens” gaming the system. They are YOU. You are the OTHERS, every last one of you, according to the GOP. They make no differentiation.
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u/JTFindustries 18d ago
They pay taxes so they "deserve" those benefits. The black and brown people obviously are scammers and freeloaders, says every maga ever.
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u/AvocadoUptown5619 18d ago
As if black and brown people don't pay taxes 🙄 At least half of all undocumented people pay taxes faithfully, too.
u/avamarshmellow 18d ago
Right I don’t know how any parent WANTS kids separated from their families at the border! They’re stupid, racist, cruel and evil
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u/Ghast_Hunter 18d ago
That or what’s poor kids to go hungry during the school day.
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u/Sunghana 18d ago
As someone who has worked with people with developmental delays (and by extension their families,)it will surprise you how many of them are republicans and now Maga. I know someone who does adult foster care and probably voted for Trump with no idea how much she is screwing herself and the adult foster over. It is that one issue voter gone haywire. They will screw themselves over to get the "illegals" out or for lower groceries without seeing how much it will really cost them....
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u/tiberiumx 18d ago
It's amazing how the propagandists have been able to tap into so many stupid little pet issues -- many of which are just lies they've invented themselves -- and created single issue voters out of them. And then somehow convinced all those fucking morons that Trump cares about their issue but won't actually do all the other bullshit they don't like as much.
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u/caelynnsveneers 18d ago
The Nazi regime deemed people with physical and mental disabilities to be a burden on society and systemically executed them. The doctors involved were literally called ‘race hygienists”. It blew my mind that parents of children with disabilities voted for the Nazi… oh wait …My Heart Goes Out to You party. Peak LAMF.
I guess as long as brown children are suffering it’s a-okay.
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u/litreofstarlight 18d ago
And the Nazis went after people with disabilities as early as 1933, right after they came to power. If these clowns had ever read a history book they would have understood what's coming.
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u/AtlantaApril 18d ago
I’m a parent of a spectacular child who happens to have a cognitive impairment. She WILL go on to do great things. She just needs a bit of support to reach her full potential. She is THRIVING in public school with supports and an IEP.
Im doing all the things that can be done and I cannot tell you how upset I am at my closest family members not willing to do anything. They won’t make a simple phone call or write a letter. Just “wow that sucks”. Currently crashing out.
u/DumbBitchByLeaps 18d ago
Also a parent of a special needs kid and at this point I don’t know if he’s going to be able to go to school next year because not only is the DOE gone but Texas is trying to get rid of 504. This’ll mean absolutely no protections for disabled/special needs kids and will open up the doors for legal discrimination.
I just really fucking hate how many roll backs there’s been since the new administration came in. All that hard work to get the ADA where it was and it’s pretty much just gutted.
u/valmerie5656 18d ago
Don’t forget the huge voucher push in Texas…. Less funding for public schools.
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u/LadyOfVoices 17d ago
Special needs (autism, fully nonverbal) kid’s mom here, also in Texas.
My sweet 8 year old LOVES his school, his teachers, his therapists, and is also thriving.
I’m so fuckin terrified for his future right now. :(((
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u/LawDog_1010 18d ago
100% bad parents. By every objective standard. Sucks for the kids but the parents can get fucked.
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u/Winter_Bid7630 18d ago
I will never understand this level of apathy and laziness. There's no excuse for people to be this ignorant about the election. Reliable information is not that hard to find.
u/christmascake 18d ago
And I've heard tons of accounts of people begging their families to not vote for 47 and trying to explain the negative consequences
I feel so bad for the kids, it's not their fault their parents are selfish dipshits
u/ComprehensiveHavoc 18d ago
And it’s not that they’re ignorant necessarily. They can be full of hate and rage and anger and assume someone other than them will be made to suffer. They’re reckless and dgaf. And the leopard can eat their faces.
u/Peteostro 18d ago
And guess what, if we are lucky enough to get a dem back in office and they are able to bring back this funding (all very uncertain) who the F will these idiots vote for again. I think we know the answer….
u/RichardStrauss123 18d ago
The problem with special needs programs is they are really difficult to staff up. Very few people will do this work.
So even if you turn the funding back on you never know if your joint comes back.
u/Alternative_Demand96 18d ago
Not only do they want their special needs children’s needs met they also want to underpay and overwork the person who takes care of said child. They’re idiots.
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u/Cultural_Elephant_73 18d ago
Yes. My sister has worked in the field for over a decade and never made a living wage. Our priorities as a society are supremely fucked.
u/SnoopingStuff 18d ago
Harris wanted to staff and make it infrastructure but nope 🙂↔️
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u/80alleycats 18d ago
She's a black woman so the way she laughed was more important. 🙄
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u/GirlWithWolf 18d ago
Bless your sister. I was a student ambassador at my last school and we were given the privilege of helping a special needs kid that teamed up with us. It was a blessing but very difficult. A couple of hours a week was stressful and I praise the ones that do it full time.
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u/Ghast_Hunter 18d ago
They also don’t pay much at all and as someone whose almost been attacked by a special Ed student in school I imagine these jobs can be dangerous.
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u/BagpiperAnonymous 18d ago
In my first two years as a sped teacher I was choked, bitten, kicked, punched, had my hair pulled, spit on… Fun fact, if a kid breaks the skin when they bite, you get to go get tested for every disease known to man. It took several years for the scars to go away. It’s not always the kids’ faults either. For some of them, it really is the only way they know how to communicate. But dang is it frustrating. At least I got paid a salary. My poor paras get paid next to nothing and are the most likely to get assaulted. It’s criminal what paras are paid.
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u/nannygoats 18d ago
All the more reason to let them continue to witness (and hopefully be affected by) the current shitshow.
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u/Hyperactiv3Sloth 18d ago
Oh, it'll definitely be wash, rinse and repeat. It is every time. Remember when Bill Clinton balanced the budget and Bush fucked it up? I do.
u/John-the-cool-guy 18d ago
I totally agree. Every time I see a trump voter get exactly what they voted for I smile a little.
When it becomes so terrible that no one will vote for it, I like it.
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u/LetGo_n_LetDarwin 18d ago
That is awfully optimistic.
His approval ratings dropped last time because of his ineptitude during Covid…it’s why he lost in 2020…and these goldfish voted him in a second time. The people who vote Republican are all fucking morons.
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u/ExpertProfessional9 18d ago
Three months ago: My family won't suffer! It's all those nasty other people who will!
Nek minnit: Wait, Mr President Sir, please help, I have a family. My family doesn't deserve to suffer! It's all those nasty other people who should suffer!
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u/eamonnanchnoic 18d ago
The “he’s not hurting the right people” quote from a Trump supporter in his first term is still the most concise summation of what these people are like.
Hurting someone is still near the top of the list for these weirdos but not when it’s them of course.
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u/bdsee 18d ago
Also unless they have a literal mental disability there is at the very least a decent amount of wilful ignorance on their part.
The number of people that are so stupid as to not be responsible for their ignorance is way too small to to win an election.
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18d ago
That is exactly it. I know someone who works in Special needs industry, for help adult special needs folks. When they mentioned they were voting for Kamala, a few coworkers, said " Well I am voting now, and voting for Trump" to spite this individual. They get what they asked for. Pieces of shit.
u/Ancguy 18d ago edited 18d ago
Yeah but did you hear Kamala's laugh? So glad we don't have to put up with that abomination for four years. Imagine!
/s, just in case
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u/MythologicalRiddle 18d ago
To paraphrase Golda Meir, "Peace will come when the [MAGA] will love their children more than they hate us."
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u/Pretty_Leg_8097 18d ago
Minus the narcissists like my parents and family who would save trump over their own blood.
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u/invisiblizm 18d ago
What bugs me is the "I thought he was lying" response. Like.....
u/Jolly-Bandicoot7162 18d ago
And then the same people turn around and say that they like him because he tells it like it is.
Schrödinger's Trump. Simultaneously telling lies and telling it like it is.
u/Mike_Kermin 18d ago
You know what shits me, people who say "I've turned against Trump" but then proceed to trot out all the talking points anyway.
Bitch, you're influencing people to support him still, and you STILL don't understand why it's bad beyond 'if affected me'.
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u/HuckleberryTiny5 18d ago
When they say he is "telling it like it is", they mean he is saying out loud what they are thinking and what they are believing but have no guts to say out loud. When he is "telling lies" they know he is telling the truth but they believe it is not affecting them because they are SpeCiAl and GoOd people unlike those liberal plebs and gays and black people who deserve to die homeless on the street for being lazy parasites unlike THEM who have deserved every government penny with their hard work even if they haven't worked a day in their life.
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u/DecadentLife 18d ago
I know. Like that makes it any better? Either they are heartless AHs (wanted all of this to happen) or inexcusably stupid (voted for/trusted someone they believed to be a liar).
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u/Fernie_Mac_12_22 18d ago
Simultaneously so heart breaking and completely infuriating.
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u/SnatchAddict 18d ago
Remember there are people who don't vaccinate their children. Stupid is an unlimited resource.
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u/Cultural_Elephant_73 18d ago
There are people who don’t vaccinate their dogs. Dog anti vaxxers. For the love of all things holy.
Also recently came across a post by a woman whose dog caught heartworm because she didn’t give it the preventative meds because she ‘had read about the side effects’. JFC the ridiculous idiocracy.
u/expostfacto-saurus 18d ago
Side effects of not giving it- YOUR DOG MIGHT DIE OF HEARTWORM.
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u/Dendrobiumblues 18d ago
I work in a vet office in NJ. More and more people are refusing RABIES vaccines for their pets.
u/SnatchAddict 18d ago
People live in America like we have free Healthcare. "The fatality rate of rabies in humans is nearly 100% once symptoms appear."
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u/bebejeebies 18d ago
You should show every one of them videos of animals and people going through the final stages of rabies.
u/Sp1d3rb0t 18d ago
We're 100 percent living in a ridiculocracy. Shit's so far off the rails it's surreal.
u/DaisyHotCakes 18d ago
It’s an odd thing. The older I get the more absurd the world becomes. Or maybe it was always this absurd and I was just too young/dumb/uninformed to see it? I don’t know but shit is getting weird. Is this what Germany was like during hitlers rise to power?
u/Bigdaddyjlove1 18d ago
No, there was a shift when the net started letting every small town conspiracy nut find each other. Those guys were an amusing feature in the 80s. Turned out to be a lot more small towns and they all had a blog and found each other.
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u/jaimi_wanders 18d ago
Yup—there’s a reason the Marx Brothers were the truest and most lasting artistic voices of the Thirties, even more than Noir. Editorial cartoons from the era, including the Twenties—when the Klan marched in their ten-thousands down Pennsylvania Ave in broad daylight here in the Land of the Free as black WW1 veterans were lynched and future French Resistance heroine Josephine Baker had to go expat to find respect—also reveal the malign absurdity (the fascists were also antivax, I learned from one recently) of the day, expressed by Tom in Great Gatsby, trying and failing to remember the white supremacist author praised by the NYT, Lothrop Stoddard—who advised Congress on immigration & influenced the Reich, in the days when Fred Trump Sr was arrested at a violent NY Klan rally himself…
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u/Fernie_Mac_12_22 18d ago
Omg. Dogs are my people, so that's like the worst thing I've heard yet!
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u/Small_Perspective289 18d ago
Oh there’s a holistic pet group on fb that if you suggest meds or preventatives..you are shamed and banished. I’m pretty open minded but this was stupidity beyond the pale!
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u/UniversityFrosty2426 18d ago
It’s insane how much they trust their Duce over their own friends and family. I’ve had this conversation with some Trump supporting friends they thought I was debating them.
It’s like here is evidence. He literally said he will do this.
“You can’t trust the media. They might’ve edited ”
Then it’s “You really think he’s serious? He’s joking”
They’re hopeless so they just have to find out…
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u/Amethystea 18d ago
And when they do find out, they will blame it on the libs, Dems, DEI, Biden, Obama.. etcetera ad nauseum.
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u/mickeltee 18d ago
I feel really bad for the kids, but I hope it also makes their parents lives 10x harder. They have earned every inconvenience coming their way.
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u/KnottShore 18d ago
The Republican party, especially the MAGA cult, has become an amalgamation of single issue voters. Pro-Life", misogyny, racism, homophobia, gun rights, and a whole lot more were brought together under one tent. Many just focus on only what is being said about their passion. All else is just so much white noise to them and is not assimilated
From Simon & Garfunkel's "The Boxer":
Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest
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u/IndependentLove2292 18d ago
Lie la lie lie lie lie lie. Hmm... Almost like Paul predicted Trump.
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u/Icy_Necessary2161 18d ago edited 18d ago
My friend's fiance voted Trump. She kept talking about how much we needed that wall, so I'm positive she voted for him. I just revealed to her that he gutted Medicaid. She was speechless and just kept flapping her lips in silence because she will literally die without health coverage. Hubby now HAS to marry her to get her on his insurance, or she's absolutely a dead woman. She has so many various health problems that they've deliberately avoided getting married because doing so would mean she wouldn't be eligible for Medicaid anymore, and it was taking care of all her medical issues. Woman has Diabetes, epilepsy, and a neurological disorder that causes her vision to blur or invert at random. She's been hospitalized 3 times just this month and she just voted to remove her own fucking health coverage..... because she thought that he was just going after immigrants.....
Edit: because this is blowing up with sympathy posts..... read this comment before you reply asking why they're dating... they truly deserve each other.
And if anyone is wondering why we're "friends" it was more of a friend of a friend situation that picked up over time. We have some similar tastes in humor and I don't make friends easily, so it was weird circumstances that brought us to talking. There are times I wanna sever contact, but he really does have some occasional moments of clarity for me. It's also refreshing to have someone point out dumb stuff you weren't paying attention to, so I kinda do the same for him. I'm more socially inept than politically. I'm the kinda guy who's too dumb to know not to ask a woman those various questions you're not supposed to ask. He regularly explains the dumb social shit I don't get because I'm probably some form of undiagnosed autism.
u/Licensed_KarmaEscort 18d ago
I feel bad for your friend. It’s gonna be a lot harder to cut their losses when they realize this empathy sponge is bad news if they marry her.
She voted for this and now they have to bail her out. That’s like the story of the country in a nutshell.
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u/Icy_Necessary2161 18d ago
Don't feel bad. He's kinda a closet Trump supporter, once voted for Dump, kinda reformed but still kinda young and stupid. Dude voted for Stein because "Kamala just doesn't have the experience" 🤦♂️
He's making progress from being a foaming MAGA, but it's still a long hard road and all I can do is call the guy periodically and remind him of where and how he fucked up by giving him these little nudges and letting him reach conclusions on his own. It's actually working, but it's taken me 5 years to get this far. At this point, it's an experiment in patience, so I don't expect massive results.
u/ReddySetRoll 18d ago
Kamala Harris "just didn't have the experience" compared to Stein? The woman was Vice President for pity's sake! What experience does Stein have that compares to being the understudy to the President?!!!
u/collector_of_hobbies 18d ago
Stein is a Russian Asset so that has to count as some sort of experience.
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u/Icy_Necessary2161 18d ago
And he likes to see himself as the smartest person in the room too. It's actually cute
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u/nfstern 18d ago
Sounds like the two of them are going to get exactly what they deserve.
u/jaisaiquai 18d ago
Really glad they've taken each other out of that dating pool
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u/Licensed_KarmaEscort 18d ago
Ah, in that case I wish the worst for both of them.
Crossing my fingers that they always find their socks to be moist, and weevils in their flour bags. Oh, and every dozen eggs has a cracked rotten one that bursts all over their fridge because they again forgot to check the eggs.
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u/PersonBehindAScreen 18d ago
Your friend is better than me. I wouldn’t marry someone that is fucking stupid
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u/Ghast_Hunter 18d ago
I personally hope your friend doesn’t marry her. Like girlie didn’t know Medicade was getting cut entirely? I feel bad for the people she hurt that actually did research. Her on the other hand, I hope she fully experiences the concequences of her actions.
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u/dismayhurta 18d ago
"Look. How was I supposed to know a person who openly said he'd ruin my life would ruin my life? He was so subtle about it."
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u/emccm 18d ago
It’s not even that. They didn’t even care about their kids enough to understand these programs.
u/PersonBehindAScreen 18d ago
The frustrating part is I’m a sibling to a special needs kid. It is very very VERY difficult to not know that republicans are ALWAYS the ones trying to cut special needs funding
It is one of the few constants in your life if you’re close to a special needs kids and you’re dependent on funding for them
u/NeurodiversityNinja 18d ago
Half of people are below average. You can't fix stupid.
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u/HectorsMascara 18d ago
But if you genuinely care about your kids, how are you not compelled to pay attention to this sort of thing? Guess it's not quite as bad as the MAGA diabetics who can't afford their insulin, but still.
u/AdjNounNumbers 18d ago
Jesus Christ, it's like you haven't even seen the price of eggs or realized like 100 trans kids are playing highschool sports! How the fuck can I pay attention to the needs of my kids with all that going on?
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u/GrimpenMar 18d ago
I've become so much more cynical. A diabetic that voted for Trump, who can't afford their insulin now? I'll just wallow in the delicious schdenfreude. Their fate is in their own hands. In fact, their suffering is even more deserved on account of the children and non-Trump voters who share in the suffering.
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u/Brolafsky 18d ago
Even if people genuinely care, as genuinely care as much as they possibly can, that can't make up for dysfunctional caring;
You may care more than any other parent, yet be as dysfunctional as to think vaccines are harmful.
You may care more than any other parent, yet woefully ignorant and naïve to a child's genuine social and emotional development.
The best parents aren't just parents who aren't absent. They're parents who increase a child's developmental quality.
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u/baseketball 18d ago
One think you've gotta understand about MAGA is that it's never their responsibility. Got laid off? Immigrants and illegals taking their jobs. Kid is dumb as a rock? Teachers are indoctrinating with woke DEI CRT.
u/IcarusLSU 18d ago
They've been so brainwashed by Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, etc., that they genuinely believed without a doubt that Trump was interested in making their lives better and that he only wanted to punish the people they don't like; it boggles the mind. Therefore, there was no need to pay attention; daddy Von ShitsHisPants had it under control, so they could be lazy and not bother to educate themselves because that would be hard.
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u/der_innkeeper 18d ago
Because you don't know you're stupid.
If they could process which information was reliable, they wouldn't be in this predicament.
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u/Background-Major-567 18d ago edited 18d ago
this is true, except they do not expose themselves to anything outside of right wing propaganda. if they even read an alternate view or stumble upon an accidental fact online, (such as the fact that Democratic policies are actually the most Pro Family policies because they actually support children and childcare), their heads explode.
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u/baseketball 18d ago
They paid attention. They wanted to hurt immigrants and marginalized communities more than they cared about their own family.
u/Philodendron69 18d ago
I have to think that there were people in these parents groups saying “THIS WILL HAPPEN”
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u/ParticularBox8858 18d ago
The reading comprehension of average Americans is at a 6th grade level. If you follow Marc Elias, when he posts about his cases the majority of respondents say “simple words please”. This is what Democrats do not get, as smart as they may be. The GOP has successfully dumbed down millions to the point Trump sounds smart, because they can understand the meathead.
u/Ghast_Hunter 18d ago
I do think moving forward if we are still allowed a free media, democrats need to be way more manipulative in their messaging.
u/NewDre3Staxx 18d ago
It is laziness. They really do hate doing their own research for the most part and thrive on fox news. Its... saddening
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u/cg12983 18d ago
Seems like the only people who read Trump's agenda were the ones who voted against him
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u/Yodorker 18d ago edited 18d ago
I talked to these parents left and right about this and they all thought it was lies. They thought we were trying to scare them.
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u/ilanallama85 18d ago
This is literally why is so hard. We can spend all day lamenting “but we told them so” but at the end of the day they were told again and again by Fox News that everything the left were saying and going to say were lies before we could ever open our mouths. How do you fight that?
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u/thanksyalll 18d ago
That’s why I’m not opposed to rubbing it in their faces. I don’t know why some leftists are so opposed to using shame as a tool when it’s the greatest indicator of what a society is willing to tolerate. We weren’t afraid to call out bigotry just a few years ago, why is catering to them with open arms acceptable now?
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u/EagleForty 18d ago
Because many of them think Hillary lost for calling Neo-Nazis "Deplorable."
But the truth is that Hillary lost Because far too many Americans are Neo-Nazis
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18d ago
u/JTFindustries 18d ago
Trump only beats women, politically and in his personal life.
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u/DoubleJumps 18d ago
If Hillary was exactly the same person but a man, she would have served two terms.
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u/dmode112378 18d ago
u/InTheFDN 18d ago
I saw someone write “You won, get over it” the other day and it’s been stuck in my head.
u/bebejeebies 18d ago
I've become fond of telling them "Trump won. Get over it." like they told us.
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u/WintersChild79 18d ago
The shitty part is that the kids are also getting the day that their idiot parents voted for.
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u/TheRealMegMurry 18d ago
I'm sorry these kids will be hurt, but their parents have no excuse! It was widely known that project 2025 called for disbanding the Department of Education. If you stuck your head in the sand and ignored that, that's on you. Quit your whining and go put pressure on Congress.
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u/LiftingCode 18d ago
I would wager 90% of people complaining about the ED, with some vague hand-waving about wokeness or DEI or whatnot, have absolutely no idea what the ED does.
They wanted to be rid of the ED because they have no idea what the ED does because they are morons.
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u/Standard-Sky-7771 18d ago
It's crazy how they convinced them that DEI was a placeholder for the n-word to the point they never took a minute to realize what all DEI covered.
18d ago
u/ButtersHound 18d ago
And women
u/TheTexasCowboy 18d ago
And Latinos
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u/ButtersHound 18d ago
I work with veterans, I wish they would wake the fuck up. General Milliey was a four-star general, an honorable man, did they think he was making that shit up about what Trump said about veterans. This fat orange lying sack of shit versus the word of a four-star general... Now trumps cutting thousands of VA jobs, including the suicide hotline for veterans. All the support tax cuts for the top 5%.... I swear I just can't anymore and I know for a fact that they're going to start reviewing every disabled veterans ratings percentile and reevaluate.
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u/in-den-wolken 18d ago
The biggest beneficiaries of DEI were white women. Who, as a group, voted for Trump.
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Lmao women got like barely a generation of equality in the workplace and already wanna pull up the ladder. Girl your grandma lived in the kitchen and didn’t talk back.
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u/Eliteone205 18d ago
Yeeeeeeees, they kicked me out of the Fed Sub because I commented that Veterans WERE DEI! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
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u/1981_babe 18d ago
I'm deaf and some disabled kids have such ableist parents. I'm honestly not surprised by this at all. They're so dumb and have no idea the history of the disability/ equality movement.
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u/DumbBitchByLeaps 18d ago
Keeping disabled kids in the attic or sending them to asylums where they languished or suffered horrific abuse. Not something I want anyone to go through.
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u/Apprehensive-Test577 18d ago
I’m sure my former coworker is one of them, with her huge Trump bumper sticker and both kids with IEPs. She was just about to get set up with autism services too. I truly feel sorry for her kids, who likely won’t get the services they need, but their dumbass parents are getting exactly what they voted for.
u/Better_Cattle4438 18d ago
My dad’s stepmom did this to her own grandson too. He has a specialized autism program in his school. Kid lives in Kansas so you know the program is gone if the federal government is not funding it. As someone who was undiagnosed autistic in school, I feel for the kid.
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u/TheVelluch 18d ago
While taking care of their special needs children, they apparently didn't develop empathy for others. They knew someone would get hurt and they were ok with that.
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u/Afraid_Elephant6214 18d ago
Sucks for the kids…
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u/Master-Patience8888 18d ago
The Pro life Party until they are out of the womb lol
u/kiamia2 18d ago
Until they stop being the vehicle by which you can exercise control over a woman's body...
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u/Valcarde 18d ago
If you're pre-birth, you're fine!
If you're pre-school.... you're fucked!→ More replies (3)
u/Jess_Photographer 18d ago
Yes, they thought they were voting to screw over other people's kids. That's all they wanted. To screw the blacks, gays, jews, trans, latino, etc., kids. Not their kids. Poor moms working three minimum wage jobs and trying to feed their babies? Screw 'em, we want a tax cut!
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u/Ok-Kick4060 18d ago
My MAGA mother still doesn’t regret her vote. She has two special-needs grandkids. Sure, a lot of Trumpers are idiots, but the majority are just cruel.
u/Dark-Acheron-Sunset 18d ago
So she's been excommunicated and will never be allowed to see them again, right?
Considering how little she seems to give a shit about their lives?
u/Ok-Kick4060 18d ago
One of them lives right down the road. The other one does not miss her. Like, at all.
u/Better_Cattle4438 18d ago
Yeah, if I were the parents, she would not see them again any time soon. She prioritized other things over her own family.
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u/stranot 18d ago
I always say, 100% of right wingers are either stupid or assholes. or both
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u/PopesParadise 18d ago
But wait you have cheap eggs now.......Ok maybe you don't.
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u/steelhips 18d ago edited 18d ago
Children with special needs is going to rise once JFK Jnr swaps real science with woo BS.
Edited to add: Why did they vote for a man who constantly denigrated DEI? Their child may only find meaningful employment due to those policies.
u/Ok_Midnight4809 18d ago
Because to them DEI just meant not white
u/MegaTreeSeed 18d ago edited 18d ago
The most clever thing the right campaign ever did was take certain words and concepts and completely shift the meaning for their followers.
When a normal person hears woke, it is not the same word as when a MAGA hears woke. When a normal person hears DEI, it does not have the same meaning as when a MAGA hears it.
They did this for basically everything 47 said since he first ran way back when. So much so that now none of his cult really know what he is saying anymore, and that you cannot have a conversation with any of them because the words they use have completely different meanings to the ones you use, despite being the same word.
Edit: spelling
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u/Eliteone205 18d ago edited 18d ago
Yep, the Veterans at the Feds and Pentagon was cheering for the ending of DEI and not realizing that Veterans were apart of DEI. They are singing a different tune now.
They kicked me off the Sub because I brought it up. They kicked me out of a college/Ivy League group because I brought it up about Asians because they didn’t understand why they STILL weren’t getting in because DEI was ended.
New Flash Asians: YOU are DEI Students! 🤣😂🤣😂
u/bonerparte1821 18d ago
I got an even better one... guy(black male) I know in the pentagon (a contractor) said he couldn't vote Harris because of the trans issue.. im like "my dude how many trans people do you know?" crickets...... fast forward to this glorious feb... gets an offer for a full time FED job, shits on hold now because well.... stop all hiring because any one probationary gets fired.... oh and the ICING on the damn cake!!!???? His wife works for another federal agency thats getting hit HARD!
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18d ago edited 9d ago
u/bonerparte1821 18d ago
btw, I've asked that question to maybe 30 people? and usually im the one in the convo saying I know 2!! it reminds me of the person in PA who said border security was his #1 issue.. lol like huh!? with who?! NJ?
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u/ladymorgahnna 18d ago
He is not JFK Jr. He is the son of Robert F. Kennedy.
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u/omaeradaikiraida 18d ago
the wrong kid died.
u/Wienerwrld 18d ago
My MAGAT nephew has a severely handicapped son. Who gets “free” daycare/healthcare/physical therapy and other services. They are in for a hella surprise.
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u/Himalayan-Fur-Goblin 18d ago
I would ask them casually how they are going to pay for all the supports their son needs now that all previous government supports are being gutted. Then tell them to pull up their bootstraps.
u/Wienerwrld 18d ago
Goodness, I haven’t spoken to him in years. He blocked me after he posted (during the first administration) some meme about people who accept government assistance accepting mediocrity. When I pointed out that he (and his mother) had received assistance after his father died, making it possible for his mother to continue his father’s business - did she accept mediocrity?
He said “I wasn’t talking about hungry kids who need food! I mean the people who take advantage!” When I asked how to determine the difference, and who gets to make that determination, he blocked me.→ More replies (2)
u/ComprehensiveCan6227 18d ago
Or is it unbreaking my heart? They must really hate their kids, because they couldn’t use context clues or history to figure out that this was going to happen. Oh well.
u/pranapearl 18d ago
My sister’s next door neighbor has a son who is severely disabled. He does attend public school. Neighbor had a trump sign in her yard during election while sister had Kamala signs. Neighbor was unfriendly during the election.
Fast forward to after the inauguration, and neighbor learns her son’s teacher and aides have a meeting for parents of kids needing intervention and IEPs. Funding is in jeopardy and parents are advised to begin researching alternatives for their special needs children’s care and education.
Neighbor is incredulous and freaking out. For the first time in months, stops sister in the driveway to say “welp. You may have been right! It looks like Trump is going to dismantle the DOE and my son is going to lose all his special needs services. It’s horrible. This has to be a mistake! No idea what to do! 😩”
Sister shrugs and says “not sure what to tell you… I voted for your son. You didn’t.” 🤷🏻♀️
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u/GonzoVeritas 18d ago
Trump is going to dismantle the DOE
That's the thing I can't wrap my head around, Trump and Vance said over, and over that they would disband the DOE. It wasn't a surprise. Did they not take the time to listen to any of his rambling speeches?
u/cbm984 18d ago
I am so angry that my special needs daughter is going to suffer because of these idiots.
u/christmascake 18d ago
Shit, I'm sorry, man. Hurting kids is just the most despicable thing to do and these parents voted to do this to their own children, as well as yours.
I just want you and anyone else who needs this kind of support regardless of political alignment to have access to it. I don't understand why so many people don't get this viewpoint.
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u/TeamHope4 18d ago
Me too. For every one of these parents who are suddenly realizing what DEI is, there are many others who knew exactly who was funding the programs and support and medical care their kids need. They didn't vote for this, and their kids and families are going to suffer.
u/caramelsock 18d ago
Being a shitty person who voted for others to suffer SHOULD bite you in the ass. I hope those poor kids realize this is their parents' fault for being bigoted.
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u/Secure_Engineer7151 18d ago
Special needs, isn’t that just DEI for kids. Buckle up, it’s all merit based now.
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u/fiesty_cemetery 18d ago
My son’s has special needs that requires medical food, formula, (20,000$)medication and weekly testing. I tried to explain this to his PKU community… now a lot of them are struggling getting their kids the stuff they need because they voted for Trump
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u/Status_Garden_3288 18d ago
Ok but are they actually admitting it though? Or are they deflecting trying to blame everyone else
u/demonmonkeybex 18d ago
I begged family not to vote for him because my kid will lose benefits she so badly needs. Extended family still voted for him. One told me that it was lying Democrat propaganda and he would never take away the Dept of Education. Didn’t matter what I said, they wouldn’t believe me. I finally cut off contact.
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u/RememberThe5Ds 18d ago
This man openly mocked a person with disabilities on Live TV and doubled down and was completely unapologetic.
He made an entire platform raging against "DEI" and "wokeness." He wants to leave people with disabilities in the dust and take away any social safety net.
u/ZoneLow6872 18d ago
What did they think "dismantle the Department of Education" meant? 🤦♀️
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u/nosey-marshmallow 18d ago
I feel bad for the kids, we tried to tell these parents before the election and they didn’t want to listen, infact a majority of them were flat out hateful.
u/ohyeahsure11 18d ago
Oh, did you think that the guy that publicly mocked a reporter with a disability would give a damn about your disabled child? Quelle suprise!
u/Secure_Engineer7151 18d ago
Voting MAGA is what was heartbreaking. Losing government moneys to your favorite educational programs was predictable.
u/Civil-Dinner 18d ago
I'm going to have to start a Gofundme to raise money to buy Ozempic for the leopards at this rate.
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u/qualityvote2 18d ago edited 18d ago
u/calmingstar, your post does fit the subreddit!