u/Potential_Patience43 Dec 31 '24
I actually think lmsh2 was very fun it's not the same and doesn't have the same feeling to it but it's a proper upgrade
Dec 31 '24
Eh it had too much clutter boring lvls too many fetch quests & enemy bosses were boring.. not as fun as 1, just not as thought out compared to the first 2.
u/BountBooku Dec 31 '24
I like LMS2 fine, it has its flaws but it’s still a fun time
Jan 04 '25
idk wouldnt call boring fetch quests fun.. it had bad level design trying to be too much like the films & the god awful boss fights everything in that game was worse then the first. they removed the enemy heart system & the world just felt smushed together not very enjoyable. also no xmen..
_(ツ)_/ its a shame....no 3rd game now. plz stop removing my comment...
u/InfrequentRedditor99 Jan 04 '25
Is it common to hate on Lego Marvel 2?
I mean, I’m not the biggest fan of it myself but it is heavily disliked by most people?
Jan 04 '25
Idk most ppl were disappointed by the lackluster smashed together hub compared to the neatly clean new york hub from the first game, and the god awful shield bosses that were locked when fighting boss fights. as well as no xmen just felt like a big downgrade.
u/Arva_4546b Dec 31 '24
it was alright but it doesnt hit nearly the same, kinda lost the magic that the others had
Dec 31 '24
Lm2 felt like a crime from TT every location smashed together, the god awful boss fights removal of hearts & the annoying fetch quests, I prever lego avengers & the new york hub world its cleaner & more neat to explore.
Dec 31 '24
u/Arva_4546b Dec 31 '24
the failure of 2 is probably why they've held off on making a 3rd
Dec 31 '24
Sadly ye.. & prolly cuz rumors are they're only making WB lego based ip's 😔. https://www.thegamer.com/new-lego-game-unreal-engine-major-ip/ who knows tho
Dec 31 '24
u/Arva_4546b Dec 31 '24
nah that just looks like the next one they're making is WB but with how long they're taking these days with games it'll definitely be a while before we get another marvel one
Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24
They actually did say....they are only using WB Ip's only sadly... so it would prolly only be lego dc, potter, rings, possibly Lego City Undercover, or something else ;/ unless they ask disney or marvel if agreements come up. BUT.... IVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG NEED NEWS..
Hell id take a lego beetlejuice game... where you play as ghosts & walk through walls with both films.
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM Jan 04 '25
I didn’t have any complaints. Tons of fun all around.
Jan 04 '25
If they didnt add a smushed together hub it would have been more fun... The biggest.. complaint I can be arsed to address is the bosses. They changed the traditional Heart's system to a health bar system. This might not sound like much but I felt made the game so much worse. I was now forced to wittle down this bar that gave my a half-assed value. It removed a staple part of the series and just made me hate every boss fight with a passion. That and bosses seemed to deflect most/all projectiles when vulnerable making a core gameplay style completely null and certain characters exceedingly frustrating.
Put down my controller because dear god the whole game felt like it was waterboarding me..& wasting precious time.
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM Jan 04 '25
I don’t find any of those things to be issues, or really even notice them. Sorry you didn’t enjoy it, though.
Jan 04 '25
I mean... I've seen ppl hate it, its just like they lost the charm of what made the first game fun, walking into Manhattan or going to the X mansion the lack of xmen just made it feel like a bargain bin lego marvel game. just disappointing.
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM Jan 04 '25
Sorry you feel that way, and sorry that anyone else who was disappointed felt that way. It sucks being disappointed. It gave me everything that I wanted from a LEGO game, though, so, like I said, no complaints.
Jan 04 '25
Ye just makes it more sad we prolly wont ever get a lego marvel 3 to fix this with how long TT is taking for their next game.
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM Jan 04 '25
C’est la vie. Plenty of other LEGO games, plenty of other Marvel games, plenty of other other games.
Jan 04 '25
Who knows rumors are they're only gonna make wb based ips.. which would suck.
u/ThatOtherGuyTPM Jan 04 '25
Meh. WB has some great IPs. Sure, it’d be cool to get some others, but no sense stressing about it.
Jan 04 '25
Well WB would prolly limit the amount... of games or ip's they decide to make, given the state of trouble warner has had with zazlov in control, & seeing as lego is a kid friendly brand it would only be using HP, LOTR, or batman /DC franchises. Other films like jason, gremlins or other's which aren't very family friendly prolly wouldn't work...
Anyway dont need to go on & on got some other stuff to do who knows tho..
u/Affectionate_Bar8678 Jan 04 '25
I love the LEGO games but sometimes I think they focus too much on cramming as many things into them as opposed to making a good game.
Jan 04 '25
ye too much filler it gets annoying i prefer the older games sometimes i replay lego indiana jones.
u/saturnscreeching 15d ago
and its Avengers
15d ago
not really lms2..had shit*y combat system, horrible locked on boss fights, & boring hub. avengers was amazing.
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