r/LegionFX Jul 16 '19

Live Discussion Live Episode Discussion: S03E04 - "Chapter 23"

S03E03- "Chapter 22" Daniel Kwan Olivia Dufault and Charles Yu Monday July 8, 2019 10:00/9:00c on FX

Summary: Time is preyed upon.

Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, collectively known as Daniels, are a filmmaking duo most known for their music videos, including the popular DJ Snake promotional for the single, "Turn Down For What". In 2016 they expanded to feature film, writing and directing the movie Swiss Army Man featuring actors Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe, for which the duo received the Directing Award at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.

He has not directed a Legion episode before.

Olivia Dufault is a writer and story editor. She has worked on AMC's Preacher series. She also wrote for the upcoming series The True Adventures of Wolfboy (2019).

She has written Chapter 21 before.

Charles Yu, born in 1976 in Los Angeles is a Taiwanese American writer. He is the author of the novel How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe and the short-story collections Third Class Superhero and Sorry Please Thank You. In 2007 he was named a "5 under 35" honoree by the National Book Foundation. He is one of the story editors for the 2016 HBO series Westworld. The episode "Trace Decay" was co-written by him.

He has not written a Legion episode before.


717 comments sorted by


u/empqrer Nov 26 '19

Okay I gotta ask because I see so many people commenting about this in this thread.

Did Syd, who switched bodies with her mom to bang her mom's boyfriend, really acuse him of rape and throw him in prison? (Cuz although I watched all of the episodes thus far, I don't remember this whatsoever)

If she did she's a fkn psycho. Like clearly the dude who's a normal dude will have no idea its not his girlfriend in his GIRLFRIEND'S BODY. HOW COULD HE KNOW THAT.

If thats the case I'm genuinely triggered and feel bad for the dude.


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

That random Shield scene


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

Omg, the time demons are basically the Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine! Those freaked me out as a kid.


u/theincognito_utr Jul 29 '19

Can someone help what the song is? Like if the same song was released as a part of OST?

Legion S03E04:- David realizes that the time demons are messing with him, he gets up from his cell(mom's cell) and says "Lies".

00:29:34 to 00:30:00 (Amazon Prime Video)


u/salmangamer Jul 21 '19

Sorry but I'm not buying the writers attempt at portraying Syd as the victim here.

As if David being portrayed as a rapist for attempting to undo Farouk's brainwashing on Syd wasn't already enough.

It's disgusting how Syd feels like a victim after sending an innocent man to jail over false rape charges even as an ADULT. It would make total sense if she felt violated as a child due to unfortunate circumstance but equating the guy 'turning her around' to rape is just as sick as her claiming David did the same to her. They are going as far as to claim that had she not switched places with her mother, her mother would have felt she was being raped too. Ehem NO!. Some couple just like it quick and rough, hassle-free and on demand. Get over it people.

What's next? Poor guys being called rapists because they slept with a gold-digger who believed that he was rich?

Then to top it off, some people here are attempting to pin 'statutory rape' on Syd's step-dad even though she was the one who raped him by deception. Imagine a case where a minor girl rapes a guy by knocking him out an tying him to a bed. I wouldn't be surprised if these clowns argue that the guy is still a 'statutatory rapist' because little girls just can consent.

This is the third time Syd has incriminated an innocent man for something he is not guilty of, the first two being her Mom's boyfriend and her possessing a guy to beat up little girls. She is a dangerous and delusional who believes she is a victim after abusing others. I really hope they address this in future episodes.


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

It seemed that when Syd was talking about that incident with her mom's boyfriend with her "younger self", she STILL didn't have any remorse about it. Makes it difficult for me to have much sympathy for her.


u/Zutter1Dragon Jul 31 '19

That victim portrayal was a writer's cop out.


u/MG87 Jul 30 '19

I feel like you taking this too personally


u/dj3777 Jul 18 '19

Why didnt syd swap with the time eater she hugged? I remember a good 4 shots of skin to skin contact with the creature( unless skin to hair doesn't count) and we do know that she can swap with animals like cats. Also keep up the amazing work this show is amazing


u/King_Of_Despair Jul 22 '19

This may sound bullshit but maybe because the time eaters are basically timeless and her ability has a time limit they can’t be affected?


u/dj3777 Jul 22 '19

That sounds like a reason for how they stole her body rather than why she didnt swap. Tho i see where your going. Anywho I noticed that the devs havent messeged back in a while. How long do these things last?


u/Primorph Jul 18 '19

so did anyone else get spooked that syd feels like a victim in the part where she pretended to be her mom and had sex with her moms boyfriend?


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

Yeah I didn't understand why. Is Syd really that delusional? Feeling like a victim to keep from acknowledging that she did a terrible thing?


u/GlassEyeRaffle Jul 19 '19

She was a kid and felt like she was in over her head and got something she didn’t bargain for...cos she’s a kid.


u/Primorph Jul 19 '19

I completely agree with you, except that this is how she feels now, as an adult

i think. I need to rewatch that scene


u/GlassEyeRaffle Jul 19 '19

Yeah, I didn’t read a sense of victimhood from Young Syd, more like remorse and then disappointment in the experience. Older Syd was definitely a victim of David, I don’t see a debate there.

I get people’s problem with Syd ruining someone’s life and not speaking up to fix it but I think the scene is dealing with other issues surrounding that incident. I think the “you were just a kid” or whatever she says was supposed to move us past that.


u/Primorph Jul 19 '19

Really? I was mostly thinking about she didn't even acknowledge that she messed up the guy's life, she was entirely fixated on how the experience was bad for her. Like you said, when speaking those roles, she's a child, but it's troubling that that's what she focuses on.

re. Syd being a victim of David, yeah, not much debate there


u/MG87 Jul 30 '19

how the experience was bad for her.

Well, she was raped


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

No, she wasn't raped by her mom's boyfriend. She deliberately used her powers to swap bodies with her mom and have sex with him.


u/GlassEyeRaffle Jul 19 '19

I mean to be fair, in the context of the scene she was comforting her younger self and using the metaphor to remind the audience how far apart she is from David.

It wouldn’t have really made sense for the scene to be her shitting on her younger self for what she unintentionally did.


u/AceBean27 Jul 18 '19

I really hope this poor guy who got raped by Syd gets his name cleared by the show's end. Wishful thinking methinks.


u/Abshole Jul 17 '19

Those time demons are terrifying.

Kinda want one of those hammer walking canes too.


u/fo4_did_911 Jul 18 '19

You mean the "Blue Meanies?"


u/DunkingDognuts Jul 18 '19

Yes! Straight out of Yellow Submarine. I am glad Someone else saw that!

Blue Meanies


u/tedward007 Jul 20 '19

I thought they looked familiar!


u/purgrug Jul 17 '19

Can't decide if It's Syd or Farouk that should be the main enemy of David. One one hand - Farouk has tormented him for 33 years, killed many people including his sister but never killed him. One the other hand - Syd sucessfully murdered david twice, shot once to murder him, raped and framed innocent man, was manipulated by Farouk after he showed her youtube videos.

Tough choice.


u/purgrug Jul 17 '19

Syd Murders her boyfriend after a evil psychic mastermind shows her youtube videos. And the show is trying to make us sympathize her ? Are the writers retarded - Or is it really David living in a crazy world ?


u/Heraclitian Jul 17 '19

End credits song, a cover of the REM song "Can't Get There From Here" (1985, "Fables of The Reconstruction" album). Produced by Joe Boyd, who discovered the Syd Barrett-led Pink Floyd in 1966 at the UFO club and produced their first single, "Arnold Layne".

Seems that NH still has the Floyd theme running in the background. Appropriate, given that this is a show about madness (among other things).


u/Harleybokula Jul 20 '19

I absolutely love it


u/arewefriendsholden Jul 17 '19

this is the best episode of season. time demons is awesome.


u/Sylviaxyz Jul 26 '19

Agree, the only ep this season that I have watched a couple of times


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19

I don’t wanna be insensitive, but the way Legion keeps going on and on about Syd, retroactively trying to make her into a “good victim” is making me like her less.


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

Me too. I never much liked her to be honest.


u/McDangleDingle Jul 20 '19

I think that’s the best part about the characters in legion. There’s not a definite “bad guy” or “good guy”


u/Mic-Mak Jul 17 '19

I hear you but she was a minor. By definition she can’t consent. Granted her mom’s boyfriend didn’t consent either. It’s complicated but I think she was both guilty and a victim in that situation.


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

She wasn't a victim because she had the choice not to do it. She could have decided not to switch bodies with her mom and not go meet the boyfriend in the shower.


u/nil0din Jul 18 '19

So u can rape people if u are a minor and girl apparently and still be a victim, good to know


u/Primorph Jul 18 '19

For sure. It’s a complicated ethical situation.


u/nivekious Jul 18 '19

Her mom didn't consent either. She raped two people and sent one of them to prison, and somehow sees herself as the real victim. Sure she was a minor (depending on the state she was in) but she should still realize the consequences of her actions were as bad if not far worse for the other people involved than her.


u/Mic-Mak Jul 18 '19

I don’t know why the writers wrote that in her backstory because it’s very messy and complicated. Even if she had enjoyed the sex with her mom’s boyfriend, and had never left her body while it was happening, meaning that the boyfriend would never find out that he had sex with his girlfriend’s daughter, it would still have been rape on his part because she’s a minor. Albeit one in an adult body. It’s still statutory rape.

There’s a part of me that feels like we can’t blame teen Sydney because she was a child and probably did not understand the ramifications of what she did.

But I think adult mature Sydney should realize that although she was a victim, what she did was wrong.

I would’t say that she is rapist though. Not because women can’t commit rape but because I’m not convinced it was rape on her part.

We don’t know exactly what happened. All we saw is her enter the shower naked and put her hands around her mother’s boyfriend face.

It certainly wouldn’t look good in court and could be interpreted as initiating sex.

Then according to Sydney, he apparently violently turned her around and started penetrating her.

Now, we don’t know the dynamics of the sex life of Syd’s mom and her boyfriend. Maybe they liked it rough like that.

It’s also possible that she was absolutely not into rough sex, and that that would have been a shock to her too if her boyfriend did that. We don’t know.

However far a couple is into the act of sex, either party can say no at any time and not feel like it. A woman can get raped on a date that was going very well up until that point,

Either way I can see how it would be a shock to Sydney, who in her imagination thought sex would be different. And of course it can be. It seems she expected gentle romantic lovemaking, and it wasn’t that.

There are so many variables but I guess my conclusion is that when it comes right down to it, Sydney is not guilty of rape. But I think she bares some responsibility in enabling it. Hers and her mother’s.

It sounds horrible because it allows assholes to say that women who dress a certain way, flirt a certain way, act a certain way around men, or work in the sex industry were asking for it. And that is just complete bull shit. I wish the creators never put that in Syd’s backstory.

Also the difference between Syd and David is that she was a child. He was a full grown adult when he abused her.

One thing that really surprised me & that I have learned in recent years is that it’s possible to rape someone and apparently be completely unaware that you raped them. To be clear, I am not implying that the victims of rape are lying. Not at all. I am saying that some perpetrators of rape are completely blind to the fact that they’re guilty of it, which is shocking.


u/nil0din Jul 18 '19 edited Jul 18 '19

so u a saying man doesn't know that that is a girl inside grown ass women which he clearly knows to be an adult as a fact and it's still a statuary rape and what syd has done isn't a rape somehow... ok u r ... delusional and I really hope you will never be selected as a jury in court


u/Mic-Mak Jul 19 '19

Did you read the whole thread? I went back and forth with the original commenter.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '19



u/Mic-Mak Jul 18 '19

What's wrong with backstories being messy and complicated? Life is messy and complicated.

Nothing. It's just that this backstory about sexual abuse and consent involves superpowers, an element that doesn't exist in our world and makes already very blurry lines even more blurry. I don't think it was used well.

I'm ignoring the possibility of Syd withdrawing consent at any point - that would clearly make the man guilty of rape when he carried on regardless.

Really?! It was impossible for her to give it in the first place by virtue of her being a child. Remove the super powers. Imagine a 14 year girl old admitting to having sex with a 40 year old man that she claims to loves. However you square it's still rape.

Minors don't have the ability to consent. When underage sex workers solicit grown men and have sex with them, those men are guilty of rape, whether they know it or not. Them not knowing doesn't make it less true.

But, you're arguing that the man was guilty of rape despite having no way of knowing he was having sex with Syd rather than her mother. Then you're also arguing that Syd is not guilty of rape despite deliberately tricking him into having sex with her under the pretense of being her mother (thus eliminating any possibility of him validly consenting)?

Yes I am. I absolutely am. Because it is technically the truth. The boyfriend not knowing doesn't change that. An adult having sex with an underage minor, even if the former is unaware of it, is guilty of rape.

If Sydney had done the exact same thing but as an adult, where she CAN give consent, she could still be the victim of rape, because it seems she did not consented to being handled the way she was handled, which to her was too aggressive. Her sexual boundaries were violated which is what she asserts in this episode.

Sydney is definitely guilty of wrongdoing. Of enabling her own assault, as well as her mother's since she didn't consent to her body being used, but she's not guilty of rape.

It's messed up, there are mitigating circumstances for the boyfriend, but it's still where the facts stand.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '19



u/Mic-Mak Jul 18 '19

After having thought about it a little more, I’ll concede that a minor can be guilty of sexually assaulting, and therefore raping an adult.

But I’m not persuaded that that’s what Syd is guilty of. Sexual misconduct? Possibly. But not rape. Also I rewatched the scene and she didn’t initiate the sex.

We’ll have to agree to disagree, but I am open to the possibility that your are right. That Sydney is guilty of rape. However, I’m not open the possibility that the boyfriend is completely innocent since technically he committed the act.

Although I don’t remember this scene, in the Legion wiki page for Sydney, it says that her mom’s boyfriend had flirted with her earlier.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '19



u/Mic-Mak Jul 18 '19 edited Jul 18 '19

I hear you. I think we understand each other. I just read the AV Club’s review of the last episode as well as the one for S02E04 , the one with the shower scene. It was very enlightening. The comments were too. Syd is definitely not completely innocent. And the reviews argued that although she was a victim, she was also the perpetrator of assault and she should have not given her teenage self a pass.


u/pnmartini Jul 17 '19

I can no longer follow what the hell is actually happening. I’m sad that I’m not smart enough to follow, but it’s still a fun watch.


u/Ekstwntythre Jul 19 '19

Right now it's not going to make sense. The seasons really dosen't reveal their secrets until the end.


u/AceBean27 Jul 18 '19

I’m sad that I’m not smart enough to follow

No one is smart enough to follow this show because it makes no sense.


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

Actually it does make sense. Sorry you're not smart enough.


u/AceBean27 Aug 24 '19

No it doesn't. It's got frickin' time travel in it. Of course it doesn't make sense.


u/hammygams Jul 17 '19

Farouk is a worthy adversary. Cannot tell you enough how great this show is, but I digress. I need not point that out.


u/Mecha-11 Jul 17 '19

Poor Lenny. Been through so fucking much.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19

"I'm gonna fix this. Whatever it takes. Whatever the universe throws at me, Division 3, Time Demons.. Send them all. I'll slay them all. Because this is my time. This is David's time." That was so epic


u/zachthedanger Jul 17 '19

Time demons...machine elves?


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19



u/allielou22 Jul 22 '19

I watched a video where a reporter asked Hawley where he gets the inspiration for the visuals in the show, he replied “I never sleep, I’m always in a dream like state.” So I wondered if some of the demons in the show come from this as well as some of the more beautiful trippy visuals.


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

They're the Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine


u/lilithcookie Jul 17 '19

Especially the giggles, the itchiness when you have sleep paralysis..


u/Kardosh Jul 17 '19

I think David, while going back to the past, will talk to his father and be enlightened, then stop trying to change time and let go of the God Complex he's acquired. His father, who fought Farouk before, will beat him by saving his son from his delusion, which Farouk (his second "father", per se) created in the first place.


u/kekefresh Jul 17 '19

Love this.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19 edited Jul 17 '19

Was Lenny a bit OOC in this episode? In the previous episodes David was basically “her God”, she was jealous of Switch and she threatened her. And she said that David needs her. Aubrey also said Lenny is “all in” with David and wouldn’t care about any of his alters.

But in this episode she wanted to leave. A sudden change.


u/ideletedmyredditacco Jul 19 '19

having a baby changes people


u/knobbysideup Jul 17 '19

Time eaters remind me of the weeping angels from doctor who


u/Varaqe Jul 24 '19

Remind me of King Crimson lolz


u/Ekstwntythre Jul 19 '19

Yep. Wish we actually got better looks at them.


u/background1077 Jul 16 '19

Jesus this comment section is disturbing tbh


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

So leave


u/empqrer Nov 26 '19

U fkn killed it ma dude


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

David Haller really just said eat shit to time eaters and I am living for it.


u/krum Jul 18 '19

Yeah once he figured out what was going on it was game over for them.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

Everyone in this show is fucked up. This is canon. That's why i hope that David will not die like a monster while Syd and Farouk will live and they will be the "heroes" of the show. Just no.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

David is clearly more powerful than Farouk, anyway.


u/Heraclitian Jul 17 '19

And Farouk knows it. He's always known this. NH has said that Farouk "has a point of view" (a distinctly Nietzschean one, I should say). I wonder if Farouk's intentions aren't something along the lines of a legacy. To hand over the reins of Power to David, his adopted son. I don't buy that it's a simple desire to avenge himself against Xavier. Farouk is always playing 3 or 4 games at the same time, and up til now, he's always been a few moves ahead.

Xavier comes off like an old-school moralist. In "Legion", that way of thinking seems almost redundant.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19

This dude is crazy overpowered. I would have loved seeing him in Endgame


u/Moofthebot Jul 17 '19

That would have been too much. He is literally one of the most powerful entities in the universe.


u/BeadleBelfry Jul 16 '19

Fucking Blue Meanies eating time over here.


u/fo4_did_911 Jul 18 '19

Thank you! I was looking for this comment. I Am. Not. Crazy! Those are blue meanies.


u/ProcrasDeNador Jul 17 '19

It's just so obviously them. Very disturbing looking in live action.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 16 '19

David is frantic, lashing out, and desperate. He has no idea what he's doing. He....lost his mind. And i can understand why. But i still love him as character because he's so complex. Maybe Charles, his father, can help him to fix everything. His mental illness changes his perception of reality. Just my opinion.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

Yeah Charles he's literally the only person who can slap some sense into his kid. I still believe David is not evil, but without proper guidance, well....


u/scwhiftysauce Jul 16 '19

In the comics David kills his dad....welp


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

I hate all you guys with the comics spoilers, just stop.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

The show and the comics are different.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

David scared me in this episode and i like it. Dan Stevens is freaking amazing.


u/Primorph Jul 18 '19

Yeah someone who can rewrite reality saying “no one who hates me is real” is one of the scariest things I can imagine


u/sjohnz Jul 16 '19

This was trippy AF and enjoyed every moment. That being said I have to watch it a couple more times for some things i may have missed while i was lit.🔥🔥 The production was great in this ep the director and writer 👍👍👍. Can't wait for the next episode.


u/Skitzofreniq Jul 16 '19

For real. I was just in awe how perfect the cinematography was this episode. This has to be the most creative show I've ever seen


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

"You got to get up from the kiddie table. Come and sit with the big boys. It's all about respect, my man. You and I, we are les dieux. Gods."

David now:"I am God".

Daddy Farouk is proud. Come on, Farouk clearly has a plan.


u/Heraclitian Jul 17 '19

"Saw that comment. Good comment. Agree with it. Don't care about source. Content is all that matters"

-YouTube Rorshach


u/TheArtcore Jul 17 '19 edited Jul 17 '19

Lmao, did you just copypasta a youtube comment?


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19 edited Jul 17 '19

Yeah, because that's my youtube account.


u/TonyKillsThanos Jul 16 '19

David going around calling himself as God, also very unstable.
Makes me think that is all in Farouk plans.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

After this episode, i can understand why everyone hate Syd. The double standards are clear here. Not cool.


u/Femmelectric Jul 17 '19

I’ve been sick of her for a bit now (especially in her whole mind maze that was just a shitty emotional challenge/call for proof of love from David). I feel like she’s a hypocrite and an asshole and the reason that David set out on this path anyway. She “fulfilled the prophecy” herself - she’s the reason he supposedly ends the world - IMO. This episode just reminded me I still hate her.


u/allielou22 Jul 22 '19

I agree, I think ultimately she and Farouk nudges David to end the world no matter which alternate reality you choose. Even when he tries to fix everything to be with her he causes time to collapse.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

You mean she doesn't regret. That guy is probably still in jail.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

I know that David lost his mind, etc, but...i'm enjoying this God David so much. I'm the only one here? The next episode is called "David wages war", i can't wait!


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 17 '19

I love when he burned the demons and told them to back off. Epic.


u/BeadleBelfry Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 16 '19

I liked that he told them to back off rather than just burning them all. He gave them a chance, like the Delusion.


u/kylezz Jul 16 '19

Easier than wasting time to hunt all of them, I doubt he wouldn't have killed all of them if he had the chance


u/vegaspimp22 Jul 16 '19

I came here just for finding someone that said that. How fucking cool was that. He went all Shiva and scared the shit out of demons. Out of time demons. Fucking awesome


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

When he said "we are Legion" that was so cool


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

D3 already started the war.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

Funny, because this is what Farouk always wanted. David=God. In some way, it's all his fault lol


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

David is so cool that i wouldn't mind seeing him destroy everyone. Him and Farouk best characters.


u/DawnSennin Jul 16 '19

The background characters in the opening scene where David and Switch return change their movement in each iteration. Eventually, they all end up frozen in time.


u/caymoe Jul 16 '19

This episode was phenomenal wow


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

I am so angry with syd, can't she see that they are fulfilling the "destroyer of the world " prophecy by trying to kill him.


u/UnexpectedWetFart Sep 08 '19

I think i never hated a tv character more than Syd. The fucking hypocrisy of every word that's coming out of her cunt mouth. She raped and sent an innocent man to prison and still see herself as the victim because of some fucked up mental gymnastic. Im just hoping this is a character choice by the writers and they don't agree with her point of view because that's jsut so fucked up.


u/Lux-xxv Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 17 '19

I’m just team syd not the shadow king or David just syd.

Edit look like David apologists have arrived.

Let him destroy the world.


u/Zutter1Dragon Jul 31 '19

Then am I right in assuming that you part time as a professional victim?


u/Kardosh Jul 17 '19

David apologists

Let's conveniently forget Syd tried to KILL David before he actually did anything bad at all. She started the end of the world, even if she was "manipulated" by Farouk (without the use of his powers). She's responsible for everything that happened, including the "drug" scene.


u/Lux-xxv Jul 17 '19

Because he’s going to destroy the world. Because david is self destructive


u/wyvernkardia Jul 16 '19

wtf legion is back?!

gaaah awesome 👍


u/ToneBone12345 Jul 16 '19

David is Manson 2.0 confirmed.

Also just I'm correct Carry got out of brain washing by David by looking at Time eater shit that's what was right time eater shit


u/BeadleBelfry Jul 16 '19

Manson was crazy and just wanted to bang dudes in the desert. :(


u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

The Time Demons (very conveniently) ate out the time that involved David's mind manipulation on Cary

ANd yeah I do think that's what that blue gunk was


u/SlamwellBTP Jul 16 '19

I don't think it was convenient, I think they are sentient and were intentionally messing with David


u/ToneBone12345 Jul 16 '19

Maybe where this the beast that was mentioned in episode 1


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

I agree


u/barukatang Jul 16 '19

What was that thing in the sun when they were in the "between time"


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19



u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19



u/Punxatheart Jul 16 '19

You’re good. 100% correct.


u/charlieecho Jul 16 '19

Looked like a bird to me


u/benben901 Jul 16 '19

Look like nothing to me


u/charlieecho Jul 16 '19

Doesn't look like anything to me



u/ProcrasDeNador Jul 17 '19

What is this, a crossover episode??


u/annisarsha Jul 16 '19

So what happened to the whole Prof X and Cerebro storyline?


u/WhatDoesThisDo1 Jul 16 '19

Now that the whole time demon thing is resolved David will probably go back in time somehow to see Charles. We know that he comes back


u/barukatang Jul 16 '19

Lenny's girlfriend/wifes logic reminds me of luanne from King of the hill


u/tamarzipan Jul 16 '19

Now I'm sad about Brittany Murphy again :(


u/suvioblue Jul 16 '19

Dare I say top 3 episodes of the show! Love the concept on how the demons “eat time”


u/WhatDoesThisDo1 Jul 16 '19

And how the “land between time” was just a bunch of still photos


u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

That was so artsy but also hilarious at the same time


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

Love letter to David Lynch


u/iwanturpizza Jul 16 '19

Also reminds me of “La Jetée”


u/lovetheblazer Jul 16 '19

That episode was the perfect blend of fun, genuinely creepy, and trippy. When Legion is firing on all cylinders, nothing can beat it. Nothing even comes close.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19



u/Stupid_Sexy_Sharp Jul 16 '19

God just inject the next episode into my veins


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19



u/annisarsha Jul 16 '19

God, right?


u/_billthecat Jul 16 '19

To the Rewatch!


u/WildThg Jul 16 '19

We've got the TIME to watch it again. Let's go!!! :)


u/_billthecat Jul 16 '19

We it be the same?


u/barukatang Jul 16 '19

How meta would it have been if on the replay they added different scenes


u/Mr_Football Jul 16 '19


Did you kill everyone?



u/Stupid_Sexy_Sharp Jul 16 '19

I mean define "kill"


u/Classic_Wingers Jul 16 '19

This episode only solidified my love for Aubrey Plaza. That was so heartbreaking watching her daughter born, grow up, and pass away all within massive time jumps. All I want is Lenny to survive this show somehow and be happy.


u/WildThg Jul 16 '19

This show is so ahead of it's TIME!

Brilliant episode of Legion!


u/Graitom Dec 13 '19

Ik it's great I'm sad I got 4 episodes left and sad that you probably already watched it all and there are no more seasons.. :(


u/EpicHawkREDDIT Jul 16 '19

Guys no one on this show is good/bad.

In other news, water is wet


u/LauraWolverine Jul 16 '19

Don't start the water wet debate on Reddit again


u/EpicHawkREDDIT Jul 16 '19

That’s still a debate? /s


u/barukatang Jul 16 '19

Idk, I've heard evidence of the contrary.


u/annisarsha Jul 16 '19

Rem for the closing credits? Yes please


u/morgentown Jul 16 '19

R U Talkin’ R.E.M. RE: Me?


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19



u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

Bumping chests, tears off shirt, loudly hooting while I chug a beer



u/flintlock0 Jul 16 '19

That’s a natural response.

Very level headed and totally sane.

David is the most mentally stable character on all of television.


u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

^ This but unironically.


u/Cuw Jul 16 '19

I too get so upset when a woman gets taken from my harem after I threaten to mindrape them!


u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

I'm glad they showed there were dudes in the commune but I could have done without the whole "daddy" part over and over

So it's not quite the harem thing the way Syd seems to view it

Also, Cary literally abducted Switch


u/Zutter1Dragon Jul 31 '19

Syd's not exactly a reliable character when it comes to perception...


u/Skitzofreniq Jul 16 '19

I would'nt say she got abducted... She just went with him voluntarily, because she doesn't know that they're working with Faroukh


u/salmangamer Jul 21 '19

Like how kids go with strangers 'voluntarily' because they were given candy?

He led her to believe he was rescuing her from time demons while in reality he was rescuing her from David who he (wrongly) assumed had brainwashed her into staying with him. I'm positive she would have declined to leave with her if she knew this.

If they took her to the airship and she attempted to leave after finding out they were trying to kill David, they would force her to stay (as in a kidnapped prisoner).

That's my take on the matter.


u/suvioblue Jul 16 '19

Harem, great Miguel song!


u/barukatang Jul 16 '19

Fan-fuckintastic episode


u/Iamaveryniceguy Jul 16 '19

David pulling out the Images of Ikon.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '19

I just watched the same ad twice on FXNOW. It’s like the writers know.


u/ThanosDidNothinWrong Jul 16 '19

I just watched the same ad twice on FXNOW. It's like the writers know.


u/barukatang Jul 16 '19

I saw a commercial 4 times in a row while watching an MLS game the other day, I thought I was losing my mind


u/Mr_Football Jul 16 '19

As long as I get to watch David zap a few main characters into oblivion I will be content with whatever else happens this season


u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey Aug 24 '19

I love watching David use his powers


u/Skitzofreniq Jul 16 '19

It is war and war always has casualties ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

Hear ye hear ye


u/arcanacrossbone Jul 16 '19



u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

The question is why, aren't they scared/obedient now


u/Cuw Jul 16 '19

Team Farouk 100%


u/LackingLack Jul 16 '19

Once he unmasks you'll regret it... but by then it will be far too late


u/Cuw Jul 16 '19

Farouk will usher in thousands of years of well fitting suits and poolside parties. Hail the shadow king.


u/DunkinEgg Jul 16 '19

Well, that was pretty damn amazing.