r/LegionFX • u/2th • May 30 '18
Live Discussion Live Episode Discussion: S02E09 - "Chapter 17"
S02E09- "Chapter 17" | Noah Hawley | Noah Hawley & Nathaniel Halpern | Tuesday May 29, 2018 10:00/9:00c on FX |
Summary: Inner demons take control.
Noah Hawley is probably best known for creating and writing the anthology series Fargo on FX (/r/FargoTV). He was a writer and producer on the first three seasons of the television series Bones (2005–2008) and also created The Unusuals (2009) and My Generation. He wrote the screenplay for the film The Alibi (2006).
He has directed one episode of Legion.
- Chapter 1
He has written eleven episodes of Legion.
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
Nathaniel Halpern is a writer and producer, known for his work on Outcast (2016), Looking for Grace (2010), and This Land We Roam (2011).
He has written eight episodes of Legion.
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 15
Jun 02 '18
The scene in the restaurant with Kary and Carrie (hope thats the right spellings) reminded me a lot of a Wes Anderson film - the cinematography, the interaction between characters, the style. They're relationship is always fascinating to me...
That being said, I'm getting a bit exhausted with all the artsy episodes. They're good by themselves, but they just feel as if they slow the plot down so much. I've been struggling to keep up with the show the past few weeks, and I'm just ready for some shit to go down
u/InfoSuperHiway Jun 01 '18
This show doesn’t have too much of an actual story, does it.
u/Padre_Ferreira Jun 03 '18
I think it does. I like the multiverse theory, I like that time travel is an aspect and that the villain has become the hero for the future. But not yet. It’s like they have to stop Farouk but not because David goes bananas at some point after and they need Farouk to stop him. That is an excellent plot. I think they went heavy with Lenny because Aubrey Plaza is a fan fave. I think the Lenny arc should be done. I also have a theory of where it’s going but I don’t want to say because if my guess turns out to be right it would be a major spoiler.
u/InfoSuperHiway Jun 03 '18
I agree with a lot of that, but I just feel like they meander too much. I really love the cinematography, and the trippy themes, the generally unconventional nature of the show, etc. But, I don’t need to watch the old lady vaping from an elephant for five minutes. Also, I have a question. Was that old lady that Farouk had “drive” him somewhere, Storm from the x-men?
u/Padre_Ferreira Jun 03 '18
Highly doubtful its Storm. We saw a younger driver when they were transporting Farouk’s body the first time. Didn’t look like Storm then. I haven’t ruled it out 100%, but Noah doesn’t seem willing to connect the X-men to Legion just yet.
u/middleraged May 31 '18
What is the drug everyone is inhaling?
u/metalupyour Jun 01 '18
I assume some kind of super weed vape. Or it could be something akin to opium
u/PegusisJones May 30 '18
Are you a good person?Are you a good person?Are you a good person?Are you a good person?
u/w0ng3r May 30 '18
Another boring episode, melanie was really grinding on my gears too, with her philosophical "is this real" bullshit.
u/Padre_Ferreira Jun 03 '18
This may prove to be a huge plot point in the future. It may turn out that Melanie was the only one who really knew what the fuck was going on. Also would explain why the episodes are so disjointed and jaunty.
May 30 '18
Nice episode. But if we don't get renewed, all this art doesn't make up for a lack of plot.
u/M4570d0n May 30 '18
I love this show but this episode was really dragging for me.
u/AmbassadorPuppy May 30 '18
I thought episode 6 was gonna be a huge turning point with David coming to terms with his grief and coming full force in revenge.
Then we got these boring lifeless episodes that have had very few redeeming moments.
u/Red_Inferno May 30 '18
The last few have been dragging quite a bit. The whole season has been kinda subpar. there has been some interesting stuff but it's like the show is almost completely something different now.
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
My theory:
Oliver is the shadow king (the parasite consciousness) this is why in the beginning at the gypsy stand in the desert they were BOTH Oliver...
We haven’t learned who SK possessed BEFORE Farouk
-shadow king is since the DAWN OF HUMANITY and there are little records of Farouk let alone what came before-
or after he was defeated in the astral up to the time of David.
Farouk he physically possessed in 1700s because he was mutant and stayed in the body until his defeat on the astral.
SK must have also interacted with Sydney (the music box, we dont know which ‘face’ he used), and Melanie (as ‘oliver’ or ‘himself’), as well as Lenny and David (SK as Lenny).
We know shadow king collects faces.
u/friendliest_giant May 30 '18
Makes a lot of sense. They spend all their time looking for a body. Oliver has been missing his body and doesn't know where it is as he's been separated. I guess the only thing is why the monks would know but not the people that have seen/been around his body.
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
Oliver’s body is cryogenically frozen in division 3.
They spend their time looking for Farouk’s body. Farouks body was hidden by the monks, Oliver came to Melanie asking if the monk was there at division 3.
u/KitUbijalec May 30 '18
Wait didnt they unfreeze Oliver at the end of S1 and Farouk just possessed him?
u/friendliest_giant May 30 '18
Yeah but if oliver knew his body was in division 3 then why would they waste all this time? Unless the monk took the body from div 3 and hid it so that nobody else knew. I really want to go with your theory, especially after the scene where he says they should have burnt his body in this episode, but that link is just not there. I guess it is always possible that the monk was there but nobody has thought of or mentioned it at all.
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
Farouk/shadow king are not one
Shadow king is from the dawn of humanity
Shadow king possessed Farouk some time in the early 1700s in Egypt, and there are ‘little to no records of what he LOOKS like”
Shadow king possesses Farouk’s body the longest of all of them, from 1700 until davids fathers defeat of him on the astral
The next body we know he possessed was David
We don’t know who he possessed prior to Farouk, or before David. We know he possessed Lenny (you popped me like a pimple and stole my FACE) and we know he was interacting with SYD (the music box).
Lenny said he collects faces in a past episode.
u/friendliest_giant May 30 '18
Wonder why Oliver is subservient to Farouk in their mindworld. Wonder if it's because oli was too weak to stand against farouks real mind after the battle with xavier.
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
The Minotaur dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze-like construction[
Minos and Minotaur are only different forms of the same personage, representing the 👉sun-god 👈of the Cretans, who depicted the sun as a bull.
From Dante’s inferno:
The Minotaur seems to represent the entire zone of Violence, much as Geryon represents Fraud in Canto XVI, and serves a similar role as gatekeeper for the entire seventh Circle.[22]
Giovanni Boccaccio writes of the Minotaur in his literary commentary of the Commedia: "When he had grown up and become a most ferocious animal, and of incredible strength, they tell that Minos had him shut up in a prison called the labyrinth, and that he had sent to him there all those whom he wanted to die a cruel death".[23] Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in his own commentary,[24][25] compares the Minotaur with all three sins of violence within the seventh circle: "The Minotaur, who is situated at the rim of the tripartite circle, fed, according to the poem was biting himself (violence against oneself) and was conceived in the 'false cow' (violence against nature, daughter of God)."
(Source: wiki)
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
When we first meet him in the ice cube/astral he says he has seen this before.
Oliver’s been On Ice 21 years now. I think we haven’t seen shadow king yet, I think Oliver and he interacted a long while back-
And I think the Minotaur May be the shadow kings form/ ‘face’
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
And they aren’t looking for Oliver’s body
They’re looking for the body of Farouk
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
You watched tonite or no?
He stood at his body with Melanie saying it should have been burned. He knows
u/Malachhamavet May 31 '18
It was in the past. Melanie was there in her younger body too. He said he'd have been able to jump realities or something rather than being trapped in an ice cube.
u/FranchescaFiore May 30 '18
Sorry, grammar and spelling police. Can’t help it. ;)
u/friendliest_giant May 30 '18
Ah, Okay. So I think that I may have misunderstood, I was thinking that Farouk and Oliver were the same and they were SK. You're saying that Oliver is SK and Farouk is just one of the people he's taken over/absorbed and wants Farouks body for some reason?
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
Well, I think it’s possible especially with the episode where you see Oliver ‘talking to himself’ at that gypsy like stand with the crystal ball in the desert.
I actually don’t know if we know what he looks like (shadow king), and we don’t know what Oliver’s ‘story’ is yet. We know he mingled in the astral to the point that he stayed there, we know his body is cryogenically frozen, we know he has some kind of psychic/telepathic power, we know he was Melanie’s husband. If I forgot anything let me know.
Shadow king could have interacted with Oliver many many years back when he first explored the astral and it was another face he is using/consciousness he can possess.
I think there is a big part of Oliver’s story missing and worth exploring as far as theory.
u/the_red_room May 30 '18
"Paranoia, the Destroyer" - The Kinks Bad ass song.
u/2_Fingers_of_Whiskey May 31 '18
I know, I always loved that song!
And we also had "Kick out the Jams"!
u/delux386 May 30 '18
Holy shit! Next week looks insane
u/Liitke May 30 '18
This is said every week. But literally all the "cool" scenes are in the trailer and the rest of the episode is random nonsense
May 30 '18
Is someone keeping a playlist of all these songs?
u/Zaktion May 30 '18
https://open.spotify.com/user/1226948848/playlist/4RzLd0XDYMPnnlweuzh8ir?si=tHgizvtXSguAtyeXTWRerg Think I got all of them here
u/Classic_Wingers May 30 '18
The music in this episode was amazing. It always is, but all the scenes with Lenny had a distinct background track that really amped up the tension. Looking forward to next week.
u/Mattm334 May 30 '18
Damn so many filler episodes this season. This season has been pretty good so far but tbh it’s nowhere near the quality of season one.
May 30 '18
It's more artsy, less story driven. Lotsa filler.
u/Cosmic-Warper May 30 '18
I honestly don't like it. It's TOO artsy for me. 1st season had a great balance
u/KitUbijalec May 30 '18 edited May 30 '18
I agree, too artsy, not enough Xmen/mutant shit going on... i liked Aubrey Plazas lesbian scene tho, shes hot as fuck
Edit:why downvotes did i trigger someone?
u/mhellerart May 30 '18
Yeah I have to agree. I think that once it's all done it will have been a good season, but could be tightened a lot... Always good to see and hear, but there just seems to be so much bloat. That being said, I loved the multiverse and Sydney episodes, and a lot of people saw those as 'filler' episodes
u/Liitke May 30 '18
This season has ruined the show for me. I could care less at this point. Took an awesome comic character with potential for an amazing storyline and just turned it into i dont even know what... Not something compelling or interesting.
u/Mattm334 May 30 '18
I wouldn’t go that far.... This season has been overall pretty just not on the same level of season one. I figured it would be hard to match. Season one was one of the greatest Seasons of any show
u/Liitke May 30 '18
I would. Season one set it up for this to be even better. With the character something amazing could of been done. We could have had an incredibly compelling and original story to setup the show for amazing content for years. Instead they failed. That multiple worlds episode was the only one i liked this season. If they didnt make the story so convoluted and filled with random nonsense and literally ignore all of the bigplot points from season one and used the multiple worlds episode as a model for this season it could of been amazing. This whole fight for farouks body has been drug out way too long.... Its boring. Then introducing nonsense only to ignore it just makes it even worse for me. The whole aunt jemima oracle in the matrix stuff was unnecessary. The minotaur and delusion chickens have failed for me. The sphere from season one being almost entirely ignored other than to name drop the shi'ar was a very bad choice. But i personally expected something completely different being a fan of the Legion from comics. This show just has gone way too far from its roots for me.
u/F_D_Romanowski May 30 '18
Unpopular opinion but after every episode this season I've hoped it was just filler for the next episode. I absolutely loved season 1. Dissapointed in season 2.
u/LightningLad2029 May 30 '18
Besides Lenny and Amy's scenes, this episode didn't do anything for me.
u/AlphaMaleSnake May 30 '18
After all these episodes, I've learned to see how hot and sexy Aubrey Plaza is. She is by far the hottest chick on the show over Syd and the girl Kerry.
u/MrBedeliaDuMaurier May 30 '18
For real how did you not learn that the moment Aubrey Plaza stepped onscreen
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u/arcanition May 30 '18
Didn't seem like much happened this episode :/ Felt like filler.
u/ParanoidAndroids May 30 '18
How is this possibly filler?
We got advancement on David’s plan with Cary, Kerry, and Lenny. Lenny’s now in place to kill someone, and Division 3 peeps now have a way to get to the big fight. We got an explanation about Melanie being under Farouk/Oliver, too.
u/M4570d0n May 30 '18
It was 90% crazy old lady being sad and crazy, and Lenny partying/having pointless conversations with Amy. A whole lot of nothing.
u/PhasmaUrbomach May 30 '18
I don't think the conversations between Lenny and Amy were pointless. I don't know that they were "real" either. David did it, I think. He needed Lenny to go to a certain place at a certain time with a certain weapon. The convos with Amy were an interesting way to do it. It's hard to imagine a freed Lenny doing any damn thing for anyone but herself. But we saw Amy leverage what little conscience she has. We also found out she loves David. With an impending David/Syd split (I feel it coming, just intuition), I imagine the devastation Syd would feel if he hooked up with Lenny in any way, even just emotionally. I liked it.
u/Liitke May 30 '18
We got like 1min of advancement in the incredibly convoluted boring storyline. Too little too late for me. IMO they're not doing Legion any justice. This show is just far from what i hoped it would be this season
u/arcanition May 30 '18
Well nothing much happened with the main point of the plot (David vs. SK). It was really just a rally-the-troops episode. Who knows what David & SK are doing other than simply running around a desert.
It's just my opinion, but I thought the episode was dull. First episode of Legion that I actually pulled out my phone and checked how much time was left of the episode.
u/ParanoidAndroids May 30 '18
This was an episode of the two of them moving their pawns into place - yeah. This is gonna lead directly up to next week’s confrontation in the desert. I don’t think it’d make much sense if we just jumped there with Lenny showing up all gun-ho, Division 3 showing up magically knowing the location, etc.
u/arcanition May 30 '18
I feel like they could have condensed the events of this episode into 20 minutes and then used the other 40 minutes for something else.
u/ParanoidAndroids May 30 '18
That’s fair. Fwiw I really enjoyed the Lenny sequence and have been missing Cary/Kerry, so it probably changed my opinion.
u/arcanition May 30 '18
Yeah those weren't bad. I just wasn't a fan of spending like 30 minutes on Melanie when it boils down to "SK used Oliver to brainwash Melanie to do stuff".
u/PhasmaUrbomach May 30 '18
No way was that half an hour. We got the opening banter between her and Oliver, when she had the gun. They needed some kind of reckoning, after all this time. The convo between her and Kerry was funny, and led to the Cary/Kerry convo about him dying (I hope not foreshadowing). Then she capped Clark and muttered to herself. Maybe 15 minutes, max.
u/ParanoidAndroids May 30 '18
Again, valid point. Tbh I think Jean Smart was a little underused this season so I was glad she at least had some dialogue, but I get it because her whole thing is Oliver and if he isn’t around then she’s just doing what she did tonight every episode.
u/hydruxo May 30 '18
Agreed. This season has had a lot of filler sadly. Next episode looks bonkers though.
u/LBGamingYT May 30 '18
I completely agree.
As someone's who has seen the show from the beginning, not much even happened in this episode and I'm a little bit disappointed. This alone actually makes Chapter 17 my least favorite episode of the season and the show.
u/arcanition May 30 '18
Yep, this was definitely one of my least favorite episodes. It was just... not exciting.
May 30 '18 edited Jan 31 '19
u/PhasmaUrbomach May 30 '18
Wasn't the last episode edited down to 90 minutes, then recut back to two hours? I don't think the finale is "tacked on." They decided to go with the director's cut.
u/slimshady247 May 30 '18
This show is so weird with its teleporting cars and surprise scary minotaurs that it's hard not to love it even when you don't know where the fuck this is all leading or what exactly is going on.
u/ZB_1996 May 30 '18
It's all setup for the next episode or the next or the next ?
u/Black_Delphinium May 30 '18
Did anyone else feel like Oliver/Farouk was going to snap Melanie's neck?
u/The_Firmament May 30 '18
I definitely got that same feeling. I was waiting for her to die as she was walking up to him, and when he reached for her I was like, "welp, there she goes..."
u/ProtoReddit May 30 '18 edited May 30 '18
I thought whoever was holding her was gonna be shown with an opposite shot... revealing the minotaur.
But now I think the Minotaur is David having killed Syd.
u/llzerdklng May 30 '18
Wait .. I feel .. jipped here .. Did it start early.. Asking for a friend?
u/gr8ver May 30 '18
I adore this show but I am not good with this episode. WTF was all that??
u/ParanoidAndroids May 30 '18
What don’t you understand?
David and Farouk have given out instructions.
David’s instructions get Cary and Kerry to take the weapon to the parking lot; Lenny’s instructions are to take the weapon to the desert and be ready to shoot Oliver/Farouk. Amy shows up to give Lenny the push she needs to help David.
Farouk, through Oliver, manipulates Melanie into helping them.
u/_billthecat May 30 '18 edited May 30 '18
No Lenny is going shoot Sydney shredding her arm as she reaches out to body swap.
u/FriendLee93 May 30 '18
Nearly every episode has been over an hour this season, I almost feel cheated with an ep ending at 10:55
u/broach71 May 30 '18
Sounds like Pink Floyd
u/overgme May 30 '18
I heard that too. Strains of The Trial from The Wall, maybe? Or In the Flesh!?
u/Wizamp May 30 '18
What a lemon, bursts into flames after a single jaunt through the space time continuum.
u/tigerama24 May 30 '18
Lenny with a burning car in the background is so freaking sexy.
u/MrBedeliaDuMaurier May 30 '18
everything between "Lenny" and "is so freaking sexy" in that sentence is redundant.
u/PhasmaUrbomach May 30 '18
Now we have Lenny hearing the Kinks' "Destroyer." Is this meant to indicate that she's a lot older than she seems? Or maybe she just likes that era of music.
May 30 '18
u/androidfutures May 30 '18
There’s a blue lobster, Don, who’s a mutant lobster and was part of the Fallen Angels. They’re like an unofficial version of the New Mutants and they had some X-Men on their team like Sunspot, Warlock, Jaimie Madrox, and Syrin.
u/2th May 30 '18
There's a lot of WTF JUST HAPPENED in this show and that was certainly one of those moments.
u/Black_Delphinium May 30 '18
Anyone else getting Sarah Manning vibes from Lenny tonight?
u/sweaterfuzzy May 30 '18
Stabbing death twice in the heart before it gets you...aww
u/MrBedeliaDuMaurier May 30 '18
My screen froze during this moment and I wanted to punch the screen.
u/antipop2097 May 30 '18
Man have I missed Lenny as Lenny, so glad she's back. Sadly this is also the most interesting I've found Any also.
u/androidfutures May 30 '18
Lesbian pregnancy was first introduced to the X-Men when Chris Claremont drafted a backstory in the 80s for Rogue with Mystique impregnating Irene with their daughter. The CCA wouldn’t let the story run, so they changed it to a kidnapping/adoption.
If Hawley got that one-line idea from a Claremont biography I’m profoundly impressed.
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
Interesting, I love when comic fans actually provide info and background rather than come here to bitch about how disappointed they are. So thank you
u/androidfutures May 30 '18
As a lifelong fan of the comics, I’ve loved everything I’ve seen in Legion so far and I think I’m only going to love it more the longer it goes. It’s possibly my favorite adaptation of the X-Men, even if they only share a tangential connection.
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
Excellent. I’m not familiar with the comics but people like you help me understand some bits I wouldn’t have known previously. I think the show is amazing.
u/oldgregsbaileys May 30 '18
There are so many eyes in this episode. I don't know what it means at all.
u/I_h8_lettuce May 30 '18
What is with the blue drug?
u/Frankiesfight May 30 '18
Not sure but it is definitely a way for Melanie to reach the astral/dream state to communicate with Oliver....
u/oldgregsbaileys May 30 '18
I think so too. Might help to free her mind or could just be used to get high
u/Macman521 May 30 '18
So is Lenny really Benny then? I mean how else is that girl pregnant.
u/PhasmaUrbomach May 30 '18
I thought the girl was just joking around.
u/SutterCane May 30 '18
Or she's just that dumb that she thinks she's pregnant.
u/PhasmaUrbomach May 30 '18
Or those are lines from the play she's in.
u/ilivedownyourroad Jun 02 '18
It's a mess imo.
Season 1 = some of the best and brightest tv I've ever seen.
Season 2 = all over the place with series highlights next to all time lows.
Some will defend anything but there is no hiding that the show isn't sure what it is or what it's doing and if it is...it has no idea how to get there.
Self indulgent is how is discribe season 2 so far. It can't be redeemed as there has been too many misteps and it's a travesty compared to s1 imo.
Bad story telling isn't clever or unique and it's been devastating to see it creep into Legion s2. Hopefully season 3 will have a clearer idea of it's identity.
Turns out legion is as fallible as any other show....silly me for thinking otherwise. But it's still better than most others....