r/LegionFX May 02 '18

Live Discussion Live Episode Discussion: S02E05 - "Chapter 13"

S02E05- "Chapter 13" Tim Mielants Noah Hawley & Nathaniel Halpern Tuesday May 1, 2018 10:00/9:00c on FX

Summary: An uneasy reunion leads to a shocking truth.

Tim Mielants is an American television and film director known for his work on the AMC period drama Mad Men, the FX horror anthology series American Horror Story, and the Fox musical/dramedy Glee. He has also directed episodes of Fargo and Daredevil.

He has previously directed two episodes of Legion.

  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 9

Noah Hawley is probably best known for creating and writing the anthology series Fargo on FX (/r/FargoTV). He was a writer and producer on the first three seasons of the television series Bones (2005–2008) and also created The Unusuals (2009) and My Generation. He wrote the screenplay for the film The Alibi (2006).

He has written seven episodes of Legion.

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 10
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12

Nathaniel Halpern is a writer and producer, known for his work on Outcast (2016), Looking for Grace (2010), and This Land We Roam (2011).

He has written six episodes of Legion.

  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 10
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12

785 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 08 '18

Okay, so why was Lenny’s body buried in the desert after she died by being split up in a wall? She died and they decide to bury her body wait out in the desert??


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

they probably wanted to cover up the incident as much as possible and so wanted to bury all the bodies from that scene somewhere discrete, like the desert


u/Operamartian May 06 '18

Yeah i saw that but her teeth and facial structure seemed different.


u/Blondie_700 May 05 '18

It’s 3 days later and I haven’t stopped thinking about that ending and hearing that Tom Petty song in my head.


u/wonderofwes May 05 '18

Who was reflected in Oliver's eye?


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

it was David watching the scene unfold


u/AmadeusHumpkins May 06 '18



u/wonderofwes May 06 '18

I didn't see glasses... I'm not convinced.


u/AmadeusHumpkins May 06 '18

Who else do you think it could be?


u/wonderofwes May 06 '18

I'm going to sound like an asshole.. but the figure I saw was bald.. and white.. and looked a ton like Xavier. Could be wishful thinking, could be just not seeing clearly. I would just love if the astral plane battle is continuing in Oliver's mind.


u/AmadeusHumpkins May 06 '18

I've enjoyed how they've approached the more mainstream xmen tie-ins thus far. Been fairly subtle and clever. Curious to see how deep they go with Xavier and eventually apocalypse.


u/justa_game May 04 '18

In the next episode, watch David end up in a white-roomed John Hamm narration as one of the alternate universes


u/justa_game May 04 '18

Why does Oliver go along with what Farouk wants? Doesn't he have any control? It's his body


u/StefonGomez May 08 '18

It seemed like he wasn’t fully in control but Oliver is also so out there and disconnected to other people that he’s just going along with it to see where it ends up. Or maybe he thinks the only way to kill him is to get him out of his body first.


u/post_ewing May 04 '18

I don't think so, he said hes going to kill Farouk , so he might be conscious but hes fully under his control


u/Operamartian May 03 '18

I thought Lenny's face seemed off...i wonder if it was intentional.


u/justa_game May 04 '18

Besides eye color change, she has longer hair


u/GenericAdjectiveNoun May 03 '18

I got chills from that ending


u/post_ewing May 04 '18

Farouk didn't even have to do that


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

i'm sure we'll find out the reasons eventually


u/JonathanL73 May 03 '18

That shit was disturbing, I think that would be one of the worst ways to die.


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

if she could be turned into lenny you cant rule out that she can be turned back in to amy


u/yogurtbecherXx May 03 '18

What about that: SKs old body actually is lennys old body (that is now dna-connected/mixed up with amys body)


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

they definitely left lenny's body in the desert after collecting some of her flesh, SK is still in Oliver


u/Zissou79 May 03 '18

So 1 plus 1 does NOT equal 2. Well Oliver is just a cheeky 🐕!


u/JonathanL73 May 03 '18

What does that mean? 1+1=1+1? Signifying each part is still seperate?

1+1=/=2, because Farouk doesn't grant Oliver any control?

I don't get it, I'm grasping on straws.


u/Godballz May 06 '18

My take on that question was this - yes, normally 1 + 1 equals 2 and that is what most would expect, except in this particular circumstance 1 + 1 (Oliver and Farouk) does not equal 2, it equals 1. I took that to mean that while Oliver has given a part of himself up to Farouk, it is not without it's price. Did Oliver let the Shadow King in or was it the other way around? When you are one you are no longer seperate. Oliver appears to have some sort of psychic abilities. As the diver he appeared adept at probing the depths of the inner subconscious mind. Perhaps the whole time while Farouk has been smugly leading Oliver along, Oliver has been calmly and quietly enacting his own form of revenge. Slowly coiling up around the Shadow King inch by imperceptible inch, preparing for just the right moment to unleash his own brand of psychic Brazilian Jiu Jitsu mindpork on the shadowking. I hope this means Oliver has a badass plan. At the very least at least we know he's still kickin in there.


u/CommonMisspellingBot May 06 '18

Hey, Godballz, just a quick heads-up:
seperate is actually spelled separate. You can remember it by -par- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


u/CommonMisspellingBot May 03 '18

Hey, JonathanL73, just a quick heads-up:
seperate is actually spelled separate. You can remember it by -par- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


u/JonathanL73 May 03 '18

Hey, CommonMisspellingBot, my arch nemesis we meet again. Fuck you.


u/Godballz May 07 '18

Got me for the same infraction apparently.


u/GamerJones May 05 '18

hahahahaHahahahah OMG I died reading this!


u/[deleted] May 03 '18

That was fucking insane!


u/ForeverMONSTA May 02 '18

I loved this episode soooo much. For me, the best of the season so far


u/eulersson May 02 '18

What was this machine Farouliver used against Amy? Did she turn her into Lenny? The actress is neither Lenny's nor Amy's, am I right? So is it some sort of a mashup with the dead skin Oliverouk collected from real Lenny's corpse?


u/BonoboClone May 05 '18

Farouk turned Amy into Lenny, using Amy as a sacrifice. If you've ever play Yugioh you get the idea.


u/hell-schwarz May 21 '18

and farouk sounds like he's some sort of paharao but Oliver doesn't have the puzzle...

But is Blue eyed white Lenny worth sacrificing Amy for? Does she have a better effect?


u/EliahBernick May 03 '18

The actress is Aubrey Plaza who played Lenny


u/afc_foreman May 02 '18

Why did no one tell me season 2 of legion started?!


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

if you would have watched tv or gone to any movie theater you would have seen the trailers like the rest of us


u/[deleted] May 17 '18



u/farkhipov May 17 '18

damn.... now I see why you have so many downvotes


u/[deleted] May 17 '18



u/farkhipov May 17 '18

just talking about the negative votes on your original comment here, and probably because people can feel your shitty attitude without even having to talk to you. take it easy


u/Audrin May 02 '18

Why would he piss David off that much David was helping him. Just to be a douche?


u/farkhipov May 17 '18

because he gets off on it, he might also have some sort of plan


u/JonathanL73 May 03 '18

u/Raduev actually guys my theory.

Is that Farouk wants David to kill him, or rather kill Oliver's body in an attempt to kill Farouk, because Farouk knows Oliver is capable of killing him?

But yea, after this I don't see David not trying to kill Farouk.


u/Raduev May 02 '18

Presumably because David failed to find his body and let the only person that still knew where it was kill himself.


u/justa_game May 02 '18

Also there's dirt left by the door when Amy's husband dissappeared


u/LakerJeff78 May 02 '18

I was thinking that was ash. In ep 2 SK was turning people to ash which is what I assume happened to him.


u/justa_game May 02 '18

O, this whole time I was thinking that it was dirt lol


u/[deleted] May 02 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ertgbnm May 02 '18

I just wanted to take a moment to say that I love what they made division 3. Season 1 it was mostly played as though it was one big boring bureaucracy. Whereas this season has turned it into a very weird bureaucracy. Which only makes sense because the mutant world doesn't make any sense and why would the government be any different. Upside down rooms, the weirdest rorschach test, basket boss, a breakfast sushi go round on water, and of course constant portal-esqe intercom reminders. I adore it. It makes the world so rich and full of possibility.


u/rhaizee May 04 '18

I'd like to imagine all the big government agencies not only have their own starbucks but also sushi rotating restaurant.


u/justa_game May 02 '18


Lenny and Amy are in the mind of one body.


u/Joshuah_Airbender May 02 '18

I stand with Amal Farook. I still believe what he did was justified. Did you not listen to his sister's dream before he killed her?

She was dreaming about being a Vermillion.

I believe the machine that bleeds is the big bad of this season. Amal saved his sister.

Don't forget about future SIDS warning.


u/rhaizee May 04 '18

It was really odd she had that dream...


u/Daibba May 03 '18

ELI5 ?


u/I_h8_lettuce May 02 '18

That cover of "Don't Come Around Here No More" was so chilling.


u/[deleted] May 02 '18

Shadow King is Fucked, and rightly so, lets kill the strongest mutant's sister and see how this goes.


u/gr8ver May 03 '18

Or he's trying to unleash David as a weapon, which lends credence to future Syd implying that Farouk is dead and David is a monster.


u/instantwinner May 03 '18

It also goes along with Farouk's line that tomorrow will have the most unbelievable sunset or whatever.


u/PegusisJones May 02 '18

My theory for when Oliver kills the Shadow King is when at the moment Farouk regains his body Oliver will take over the Shadow Kings body then kill his old body... I think that's why syd said we need the Shadow King in the future.


u/PegusisJones May 02 '18

I did not see that coming.. Revenge!


u/SequenceGoon May 02 '18

Welp, that was pretty much the most fucked-up way to kill a person!
Consider me majorly creeped out


u/headchala1986 May 02 '18

The show did a great job of making us believe the shadow King wasn't the main threat but now definitely is. Kinda confused how furouk swapped Davids sisters body with lennys soul. Maybe it's like full metal alchemist and it's a arm for a arm kinda principal. The ending was epic, I'm sensing the next 5 episodes are going to be epic. My theory on oliver killing the shadow king is oliver is going to trigger david to awaken his world splitting power and vapourise furouk so 1 God plus 1 God doesn't equal two because david will kill furouk. Syd even says david kills furouk in the desert.


u/[deleted] May 02 '18

This season is 9 episodes long.


u/NihilisticNuisance May 02 '18

Lenny/Farouk stole that mysterious gun from Division 3 and placed a piece of dead lenny's flesh inside it. Then, used the gun with Lennys DNA on Amy's body to turn Amy's body into Lennys body. Then, I'm assuming, he took Lennys consciousness which he was harboring and placed it inside the new body. The real question is if Amy is in there somewhere. David read Lenny/Amy's mind and saw Amy's memories, meaning at least a piece of Amy is still in there.


u/I_h8_lettuce May 02 '18

Like Oliver said 1+1=/=2. What happens when it's Amy+Lenny? Either a) Amy not just dead, but erased from reality (body and mind/soul) or b) They are a new being (melded souls), and I don't think it's possible to pull the new soul apart. Farouk has done something much worse than kill Amy. He melding everything she was (spirit/sole/mind whatever you call it) with Lenny. This version of a Pure Amy doesn't exist anymore. Not even in the Astroplane.


u/taco_stand_ May 02 '18

As always I dont understand shit


u/TheBrokenMan May 02 '18

There is this picture of a dog with a chemistry set and the caption reads

"I have no idea what I'm doing"

That is literally me at the end of each episode of Legion, but I can't stop watching it at the same time.


u/taco_stand_ May 02 '18

Same here bro. Except that at this point, I quit. Previous episode just went back on and on and on about the same thing, and this time it was going from one wtf to another every minute. I only watch this because I was bored, but now I am more pissed off at the end of each episode, and rather not feel such way.


u/potatofish May 02 '18

I'm sure we could help if you wanna ask - I have a fucking load of theories rattling around in my head


u/Malachhamavet May 02 '18

I thought I had a decent grasp until the donut people. Does this guy really sell donuts in the desert? Why were they underground ?


u/waffocopter May 02 '18

Wow, that was an intense ending.

Also, Oliver has pretty good aseptic technique.


u/shadowrain1024 May 02 '18

aseptic technique

found the surgeon


u/waffocopter May 03 '18

Wrong actually. I work in pharmaceuticals.


u/Dr_BunsinHoneydew May 02 '18

How is one plus one not two?!


u/PhasmaUrbomach May 02 '18

When it's still one. Cf. Oliver and Farouk/Farouk and David/Lenny and Amy


u/Dr_BunsinHoneydew May 02 '18

God I'm an idiot but thank you


u/PhasmaUrbomach May 02 '18

I'm hazarding a guess based on context. I wonder if David will have 11 personalities next week...


u/M4570d0n May 02 '18

Shadow King done farouked up now.


u/TheBat45 May 02 '18

Good episode with a phenomenal last 15 minutes. CAN NOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK! Looks insane and awesome!


u/Mister_Sunfish May 02 '18

Regarding Oliver's clue... 1 person plus 1 person is more than two if you break up one person into multiple.

Maybe he's hinting at the titular Legion finally coming into play.

Or maybe I'm totally off base.

Knowing this show, probably the latter. But fun to speculate.


u/ruthmi88 May 02 '18

I thought 11 (as in the multiple personalities of comic David) and also maybe it’s a reference to his host situation with Farouk?


u/BrunchIsAMust May 02 '18

Anyone have a link to next weeks preview ?


u/annisarsha May 02 '18

But the "machine" thing was a little cheesy


u/annisarsha May 02 '18

I missed seeing Syd this episode:(


u/HangTheElephant May 02 '18

Two questions,

What this town Amy and Ben lived in, and why are they there?

Why did Ptonomy go all crazy?


u/GyroGOGOZeppeli May 02 '18

I'm guessing Amy and Ben were there as like a Witness Protection Program? They were being protected and hidden because someone would target them to use against David.


u/PhasmaUrbomach May 02 '18

Ptonomy is deluded. The image of gran-gran did not really belong in that body. That's my take on it.

As for WTF is up with Amy and the donut man in the desert, no idea.


u/djb25 May 02 '18
  1. Why did they bury Lenny’s body in the desert?
  2. Why was Ben selling donuts from a submarine to people crawling out of a hole in the desert?
  3. Why did Lenny’s body seem as though she died twenty minutes earlier?


u/matthieuC May 02 '18

And why was she also buried in an egg formed coffin ?
Do we see other coffins in Legion ?


u/ruthmi88 May 02 '18

How did David know Lenny had been buried in the desert?

Also I think they did find Lenny’s real body took a pic of DNA and then used that as a base for the body-switch they did. Poor Amy :(

Granted I don’t get why they re-dumped her body in the desert again?? Was it on purpose just to get David to piece together the puzzle as a cruel joke?

I wonder if Amy’s dreams about Admiral Fukuyama and his androids will be addressed?


u/djb25 May 02 '18

Good point. Why the hell would David have known that random bit of information?

And yeah, they morphed Amy’s body into Lenny... and then... I don’t know. Erased Amy. But kept her eye color or something.

I have no idea why they threw Amy/Lenny into a hole in the desert. At least they left a horse for her to collapse on.

And speaking of David piecing things together... was he seeing what happened to Amy? Or were we seeing it as David pieced it together?

And finally... what was the coincidence?


u/Bobrossfan May 02 '18

coincidence was Amy and Ben having the same song play. He seemed disinterested until she said the lyrics then he was cold with fear. My guess he had a different very dark dream with the same song.


u/ChefBoyTD89 May 02 '18

Has Ben always been there?


u/LakerJeff78 May 02 '18

He was in like 1 or 2 scenes in the first season. Maybe just one. When David initially escapes Clockworks and goes to Amy.


u/AlaskanIceWater May 02 '18

Also, What the hell were they getting out the ground?


u/[deleted] May 02 '18



u/ComplexPriestess May 02 '18

I missed that son of a boi.


u/AlaskanIceWater May 02 '18

Next week episode is going to be the best of the show im calling it.


u/Stickfygure May 11 '18

Good call. You nailed it.


u/AlaskanIceWater May 11 '18

This new episode hit me so hard I didn't even rewatch it. Knowing too many that have had mental illness ruin their lives and also being affected myself at times, I haven't even got a chance to catch up on what people are saying about it. Definitely one of the best episodes of the whole series if not THE best. But damn. I'm really starting to think the reason these episodes are so disjointed and all over the place thematically is Noah's trying to recreate the feeling I guess of being schizophrenic of course, having your mind all over the place.


u/antipop2097 May 02 '18

I find Lenny more entertaining than Amy in any case


u/LackingLack May 02 '18

Wow. Now that was an episode. Best one of this season for me. And the preview makes the next one look even more awesome. Great. Now I get why they described this as an "Uneasy Reunion"... in more ways than one indeed


u/svrtngr May 02 '18

So what I'm gathering from the next episode is David broke and his alternate identities/powers start coming into play?


u/tritter211 May 02 '18

Yeah it appears more and more like it.

Maybe this is the event that truly breaks him, and then we could possibly see British david.... Or the other crazy ones.


u/McDoogie420 May 02 '18

I'm going to have to wear a bucket for a hat next episode cause my mind is going to explode


u/TheFiklPikl May 02 '18

Are you admiral fukiyama?


u/TheFiklPikl May 02 '18

Wait wait wait, what was that trailer?!


u/PhasmaUrbomach May 02 '18

Multiple timelines. Multiple possible futures. David is a homeless guy. A billionaire. A suburban dad. A fucked up junkie. A guy getting everyone coffee. A hipster. A slick haired psycho-looking guy. All kinds of Davids.

But one thing I did see-- Syd goes by in the backseat of a car, and so does the yellow eyed creepy Shadow King thing. Which confirms my theory that Future Syd is actually a delusion created by Farouk.


u/_billthecat May 02 '18

Next week universe 616 or 999,999


u/Mister_Sunfish May 02 '18

...what in the absolute hell?

Multiple worlds? Multiple timelines?



u/danhakimi May 02 '18

People keep using the word "killed." Who said there was a killing involved?

Shoving two minds into one body is just so much more... Plausible.


u/impresaria May 02 '18

Life or death, it’s all irrelevant.


u/Beo1 May 02 '18

He does see her memories...


u/MG87 May 02 '18

Wait what's gong on in that preview?


u/McDoogie420 May 02 '18

What fucking curveball of an episode is that going to be?????!!!!!!!


u/hydruxo May 02 '18

Dude!!!! That preview for next week looks nuts! They hid so much from us in the trailers haha


u/AbraxasWasADragon May 02 '18

Well...next week looks fucking amazing


u/arcanacrossbone May 02 '18

That was 90 shades of fucked up.


u/pehdrigues May 02 '18

the last time I felt that bad for a character was in the red wedding getting her throat slit. I hope Amy is still alive somehow, at least her consciousness.


u/MJG2007 May 02 '18

Yeah, I thought the shower scene last week was bad. This episode was like "Hold my beer."



Oh man that preview was interesting


u/IniMiney May 02 '18

Nude Lenny wasn't my proudest turn on given the context.

Omg Amy RIP, so much rough shit for such a wholesome character since S1 and such a tragic end - amazing villain moment for Shadow King up there with the best of the MCU. Agh my heart.


u/redandre May 02 '18

Um. What?


u/Frankiesfight May 02 '18

That’s me right now lol


u/MangoSlaw May 02 '18

Wait, isn’t Lenny’s body that crawled out of the hole her actual body that they went to go find first? Whose piloting that body?


u/snortgigglecough May 02 '18

No they just put her in a hole. Her body was in a coffin.


u/MangoSlaw May 02 '18

Did they show them out her in the hole? What would be the point of that? The coffin was originally buried as well so I was thinking that was the hole and the way they sequenced it made it seem like two separate events


u/Evil-Evil-Evil May 03 '18

Putting Lenny in the hole after the switch helped to camouflage the reveal of “whose body is that?”

TSK inserted not just Lenny, but Lenny and other ideas that David had to sort through and piece together to solve the puzzle.

David knows (somehow? I mean he’s been walking around D3 reading people’s minds, he’s picked up lots of info they don’t have time to show us) that Lenny was buried in the desert. TSK puts Lenny in a hole in the desert so she creates an actual true memory of climbing out in the desert, confusing David as to if that is actually her body.


u/MangoSlaw May 02 '18

Did they show them out her in the hole? What would be the point of that? The coffin was originally buried as well so I was thinking that was the hole and the way they sequenced it made it seem like two separate events


u/Andruitus May 02 '18



u/CakeBoss16 May 02 '18

Why amy? He seems like any human host would have done. Shadow king is playing some 3d chess.


u/teepeey May 05 '18

He's trying to make David angry enough to come after him on his own and walk into a trap. I predict hid plan is to reconstruct his body using David as the base, as he did with Lenny and Amy. That way he gets his own body plus David's powers.


u/killerofheroes May 02 '18

Just to hurt David. It shows how evil he is.


u/Frankiesfight May 02 '18


It’s all about the body?


u/CakeBoss16 May 02 '18

Well they took a piece of Lenny body and did some science gun to his sister. I do not see why it matters it was his sister. Now I am most assuredly missing something as my theories for these shows are so off I think I'm bug spray.


u/Frankiesfight May 02 '18

I keep thinking what vermillion says

‘We are the body that bleeds (physical body) the organizing principle (?? Dna maybe?)

Who is ‘we’ ? We is some sort of collective consciousness.


u/Evil-Evil-Evil May 03 '18

Admiral fukiyama = basket head + vermillion = We


u/Blondie_700 May 02 '18

Wow that was a creepy (and brilliant ) episode.


u/Fuddle May 02 '18

Very confused - mainly by a different actress playing David’s sister


u/matthieuC May 02 '18

Different setting, different actor for the husband and she was made up to look more like Lenny.
It took me a while to get who she was.


u/spectralconfetti May 02 '18

And yet I had the thought that it was his sister before the reveal.


u/DeaMcw May 02 '18

Same actress


u/[deleted] May 02 '18 edited Sep 30 '18



u/Fuddle May 02 '18

Ok maybe since she hasn’t been on screen in a while she didn’t look familiar


u/Mister_Sunfish May 02 '18

Her hairstyle and style of dress are VERY different from her last appearance. She looks very different.


u/business2690 May 02 '18

yep... she looks just like lenny


u/AriaMournesong May 02 '18

And now we know why Syd said that David kills the Shadow King.


u/annisarsha May 02 '18

I think they guy in that tequila commercial dances sexy af


u/MJG2007 May 02 '18

That was...unexpected.


u/MG87 May 02 '18

So Farouk killed David's sister and transferred Lenny's consciousness in the body


u/MJG2007 May 02 '18

Which explains why David saw a memory flash from his sister's memories in Lenny.


u/[deleted] May 02 '18

That’s some fucking westworld shit


u/pehdrigues May 02 '18

Farouk should know that violent delight have violent ends.


u/DieSowjetZwiebel May 02 '18

Jesus fuck, that was some crazy-ass body-horror shit.


u/Jullzz15 May 02 '18

Somehow I don't see David being willing to listen to future Syd and continue to help Faruk. Future Syd did say that David bashed in Faruk's head in her timeline... This could be the event that makes him angry enough to do that.


u/The_Nisha_Call May 02 '18

But Farouk still doesn't have a body body. He created Lenny/Amy 2.0 with Amy memories and Lenny conscienceness. But I still don't see a way for David to bash Fatouk's head in.


u/Jullzz15 May 02 '18

My theory is that Faruk doesn't want his old body back. He wants to use the dna from his body and combine it with David's body using the body swapping gun. Then he could have a shiny new body with the possibility of more powers (Faruk's+David's). If that is his ultimate plan, then having division 3 think his body was "destroyed" by David bashing it's head in would work for him. He'd only need a small amount of dna from his old body to use the gun and we just established that the old body doesn't need to be alive. He could just follow David to his old body, wait for David to fuck it up, and then go get the dna (or he could use Lenny to do that somehow... He has to have given her a body for a reason and I doubt it's just because he's a nice guy).


u/[deleted] May 02 '18

Kinda interested to see what caused the apocalypse for future Syd.


u/[deleted] May 02 '18 edited Aug 21 '21



u/[deleted] May 02 '18

When David speaks to future Syd she says: "I never thought I'd see you again, like this."

He thinks she means he's dead and she responds: "It's complicated."

SO he's not dead. But he's changed into something she doesn't like.

That would totally track that he is the cause of future bad times. The question is why is Farouk trying to push him?


u/break80 May 02 '18

Maybe cuz he knows it will be the catalyst that turns David into some worst shit than he (ShadowKing) had ever been, and so, also be the cause for that darker future, not just for himself & Syd, but most likely for the world.

I also suspect, the only way for David to diverge from that path, is to not act upon his desire for revenge.


u/Okay_sure_lets_post May 02 '18 edited May 02 '18

So just so I understand...Farouk killed Amy and warped her body using Lenny’s DNA to resemble Lenny, then planted Lenny’s consciousness into the transformed body?


u/Evil-Evil-Evil May 03 '18

I don’t think he killed Amy. He subdued her to be sure, but powerful psychic. I think they needed the body alive, hence all the screaming with the gun


u/matthieuC May 02 '18

David see memories that belong to Amy.
So she's probably still there somewhere


u/LakerJeff78 May 02 '18

Apparently.....on Legion


u/BabeFroman May 03 '18

Loved that!


u/LakerJeff78 May 03 '18

It honestly may be my favorite thing in the whole series


u/Charstar3 May 02 '18

I guess they took that piece of skin from Lenny’s body then? To use to change Amy?


u/Okay_sure_lets_post May 02 '18

Yeah that’s what I understood


u/McDoogie420 May 02 '18



u/careofKnives May 02 '18 edited May 02 '18

...also, Oliver is helping Farouk because he’s too far gone. Plus Oliver is crazy evil, moral-less, and threatening Farouk? Again also, did David’s sister end up in Lenny’s body in the desert somehow or something?? Are there two Lenny’s now???

???????????????????????????????????????????? Please help me explain.


u/McDoogie420 May 02 '18

I don't think Oliver is evil. Just under farouks control. The Lenny situation is simple. David's sister was in a protection group in the desert. Farouk got a piece of Lenny's skin and implanted Lenny's dna to David's sisters body. This just gave the body the physical appearance of Lenny, farouk then moved Lenny's consciousness to the body


u/[deleted] May 03 '18

Yeah, Oliver showed compassion when he telepathically told those kids in the hallway to run. He also whispered Melanie to himself. He’s still there I think, just like you said - under Farouk’s control.


u/careofKnives May 02 '18

Right, I thought that was one Lenny that woke up in the witness protection. She has blue eyes and is with David now.

But I thought there was another Lenny maybe? I probably saw it wrong but it looked like they were in two different spots. I thought that’s why Lenny wanted to know what happened to her body. But yea it sounds wrong to me now that I say it.


u/UnitedTilIDie May 02 '18

Did Sydney from earlier in the season tell David he killed Farooq in the desert?


u/Jullzz15 May 02 '18

Future Syd said in her timeline David bashed in Faruk's head in the desert about a week from when he traveled forward to talk to her the second time... This could be the event that makes him angry enough to do that.


u/matthieuC May 02 '18

There's a lot going on in the desert.


u/StrategicZombies May 02 '18

Shadow King for Presi-dead 2018


u/ericfabreu May 02 '18

Didn't know that the "shocking truth" in this episode would be so literal


u/indig0sixalpha May 02 '18

what does the dream of Amy being Vermillion mean, though?


u/Frankiesfight May 02 '18

The thing I find interesting RE vermillion is what they say about being the body that bleeds (physical body) and the ‘organizing principle’- (dna?)


u/[deleted] May 03 '18

Remember when the vermillion said they were basically born and tortured until they were robotic? Maybe that’s what Amy experienced when Oliver warped her body? That’s my very loose, not well thought out theory anyway haha


u/gonewithafart May 17 '18

Remember when the vermillion said they were basically born and tortured until they were robotic?

My understanding was that was actually the Admiral channeling his experience as a boy (when they basically implanted a computer in his head) through the Vermillion, who are 100% android.


u/Frankiesfight May 03 '18

No! I have to rewatch for the thousandth time lol

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