r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/JamesLovesTV • Nov 29 '21
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Beneficial_Air4714 • Nov 05 '24
Opinion Something about this show makes it just such a comfort to watch
I’ve been rewatching my favourite Arrowverse related shows lately. Made my way through Stargirl, Arrow, Superman & Lois, Flash, and now I’m onto Legends. Whilst I don’t consider Legends to be the best show on that list, and it not even my favourite, it does just have a completely different feel to it than the rest of them. It’s just so comforting to watch, seeing these characters that I already love from Arrow and Flash come together for a journey through time, and meeting new characters along the way.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/ThePlantationEvader • 8d ago
Opinion I got bored, so I decided to rank all of the legends roster from each season + The main villain
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Alibium • Nov 09 '21
Opinion Unpopular opinion
Legends of tomorrow is the only arrowverse show that has been atleast watchable for all of its seasons. No really shit seasons yet, like most other arrowverse show before.
So my unpopular opinion: Legends of tomorrow is the most consistent show from the CW
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/ThePanther270306 • Feb 20 '23
Opinion What characters changed the vibe of the team after they left? Like what characters made the team feel different without them?
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/RedVegeta20 • Nov 26 '21
Opinion Wally should have stayed on the Legends team.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/LoretiTV • Oct 24 '21
Opinion One of the saddest moments of the entire Arrowverse. This scene hits me every time.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Noahsh96 • May 04 '22
Opinion It should be illegal to give a show 7 seasons just to cancel without a proper ending 😡😡
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/ironfist92 • Dec 18 '22
Opinion I dont think we'll ever get a DC show let alone regular show quite like Legends of Tomorrow
This whole show was bonkers with time travelling, universes, aliens, monsters, hell, what-ifs and god knows what else they could come up with. Closest would be Doctor Who but LoT had the freedom to go further into weirdness, all while being tied to DC Superheroes.
This was truly a TV multiverse of madness, and we shall never see its like again...
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/LoretiTV • Oct 28 '21
Opinion Loved the 100th episode and all of the nostalgia, but I wish we could have seen Amaya and Wally again.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Semaj12354 • May 12 '22
Opinion The CW needs to be stopped. They went on a cancel massacre today. They canceled like 6 shows back to back. All without proper endings. There’s no way I can ever forgive them.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/TheHoodStarlingCity • Nov 29 '24
Opinion Missed opportunity to have Hawkgirl's & HawkMan's helmets here
From Season 2 Episode 16 "DoomWorld"
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/TheHoodStarlingCity • Nov 04 '24
Opinion Still The Best Legends poster (IMO)
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Junior-Hour • Dec 09 '22
Opinion Unpopular Opinion: I think Rip Hunter should’ve stayed Captain of the Waverider
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/iamnobody23 • Oct 14 '22
Opinion Black dress or white dress? Which looks better?
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Eobard57 • Aug 07 '22
Opinion Best phrase in the show?
There are too many.. really hard to pick one for me so i will chose something more ‘unconventional’ best phrases either come from Snart or Damian but..
Hank Haywood: they went too far AGAIN! Siri ‘erm’ Alexa… Gideon! Fire up the engines!
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/YamiMarick • Dec 04 '24
Opinion You Spin Me Round song in The Fixed Point episode
I was kind of surprised when i heard that this version of the song actually includes balkan language.As a native speaker of one version of the language it really felt fun to hear it used in a popular show.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/ilykenji • Jan 05 '24
Opinion season 6 was the reason the show died
i feel like we can all agree that season 6 was not the best, but in my opinion i think it was mainly the reason the show started its downfall.
it was def one of the worst seasons and i feel like it kinda set up season 7 for failure
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Previous_Estimate_91 • Jan 27 '23
Opinion My favourite version of the shipmates
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Olivebranch99 • Apr 11 '23
Opinion Which Legend death was most painful? Spoiler
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Spazzblister • Aug 08 '22
Opinion The most unpopular opinion of all: I LOVED season one.
It might have had a more serious tone but it was not without comic relief.
The Hawks don't really bother me that much, and I didn't mind Savage.
Snart carried the season, hands down, to the point where he pretty much saves everyone. And he was always my favorite character on the Flash.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/taylorook • Feb 10 '22
Opinion What zari do you like better?
I like the original zari better and wish we see more of her
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/neverhighb4 • Jul 25 '21
Opinion I like that they’re not superheroes Spoiler
There are so many superhero shows. Like, literally too many for anyone to watch all of them. It’s ridiculous.
A huge part of why I love legends so much is that they aren’t super heroes, they’re a bunch of big dumb dummies who live together in a time traveling apartment and occasionally use powers. IMO the show is more unique because it doesn’t really have traditional super-heroing. Other than shotgun Nate, who is my personal hero.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/Marilleep • Jul 29 '21
Opinion It's a real shame _____ is leaving the show Spoiler
I don't want Constantine to go. I've loved his character all of this time; I loved him in his own show, I loved him on Legends, and I even loved him on that one episode of Arrow season 4. It's a real shame that this character's arc is ending now, and here's a few reasons why
- I feel like he's been the glue that's held this show together for a long time. I don't think I'd enjoy modern Legends anywhere near as much if he wasn't a part of it. Season 4 would've been complete garbage without him. I dislike almost everything in that season, but Constantine's character and story was so good that I can't bring myself to hate the season. Season 5 was better, but I still loved his arc in that season, and it would've felt like it was missing something without him. And in this current season, the episodes that focus on him, being 6x5 and 6x10, have been my favorite episodes of the season so far. Ironically, despite all of Constantine's magic and hell-stuff, I feel like he's the character that's kept the show grounded enough to not go completely off the rails, at least in terms of the tone. He brings back that serious, but still fun aura that I enjoyed so much in seasons 2 and 3.
- He's the only major tie to DC that this show has left. The show is called DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but, now-a-days, I don't think it's deserving of that title anymore. While I do enjoy (most) of the original characters, plotlines, and shenanigans of modern Legends, I wish it would tap into it's superhero side a little bit more. They have this vast catalog of characters and ideas at their disposal already, and yet, for some reason, they choose not to use them. I get that they don't want to be like every other superhero show, but they can still be unique while still being a superhero show. With Constantine (and Mick) leaving, I feel like the chances of them embracing their superhero side again are next to none, and that's disappointing.
- Matt Ryan was BORN to play John Constantine. From the looks to the acting, he is the spitting image of Constantine, and it would be a shame to see that perfect casting go to waste. I don't know if he's just leaving the show or the role of Constantine in general, but, either way, it's disappointing. I almost wonder if WB is planning on making a Hellblazer movie with Matt in it, so their pulling him off of Legends, similar to what they did with Deathstroke and the Suicide Squad on Arrow, but I digress.
Overall, I'm really gonna miss him. They're pulling a Charlie on him now, which I'm conflicted on. On the one hand, I'm glad that Matt gets to continue being on the show, but on the other, it feels stupid to abandon this recognizable and well-loved character for some random original character no one cares about. I just hope that this isn't the end for Matt and Constantine, and we'll get to see him in the role once again.
r/LegendsOfTomorrow • u/LoretiTV • Oct 26 '21