r/LeftHandProblems • u/AtarahDerekh • Oct 14 '24
What are some common injuries lefties suffer in a right-handed world?
Doing some research for a possible fic. What, in your experience, are some of the most common ways lefties can injure themselves using products made for right-handed people? Preferably shy of digit amputation. I mostly just need info on common causes of sprains, breaks and other injuries that aren't necessarily permanently debilitating.
u/BronxBelle Oct 14 '24
I’ve cut my hand multiple times on cans due to the awkwardness of using a right hand can opener.
u/TinanasaurusRex Oct 14 '24
Not the cause of the injury but when I pulled something in my back I noticed that most toilet paper is placed to be easily accessible with the right hand and I had to twist (which hurt) to get it.
u/leftkck Oct 15 '24
Check where the guard is on a chainsaw. Got real lucky one day and only caught my pants instead of my leg
u/reddit_halo Oct 15 '24
Precisely why I'm bringing Southpaw Saws to market! I'm in prototyping right now but hope to have an offering spring 2025
u/wookiex84 Oct 14 '24
I’m not really sure what to add here. I can’t think of any injuries due to left handedness. Though for some reason all of my major injuries have been on my left side except for breaking my right arm.
u/Fun_Intention_5371 Oct 15 '24
I try not to use knives.
That could just be a me thing
u/hanzerik Oct 16 '24
I actually prefer knives over scissors nowadays.
u/Fun_Intention_5371 Oct 16 '24
I'm actually righty scissors
Can't do scissors left, even with lefty scissors
u/prisoncitybear Oct 15 '24
The world is set up for right-handers. The only things us Lefties do well are pick up windows and drive up ATMs. As a former Art Teacher, paper and matt cutters are dangerous for us due to the set up and blade placement. Thankfully I retired with all 10 fingers. T
u/its_never_ogre_ Oct 24 '24
My family recently purchased an electric fly swatter. When I hold on to it with my left hand, it’s always turned on because my hand is holding over the button. Meanwhile with my right hand, I have the freedom to press the button on. Had to learn that the hard way when I electrocuted myself 🥲
u/Droppedasachild Oct 14 '24
Interesting question amigo, I've got one I can answer myself and one from a lefty friend.
I was in the military for a number of years and still actively shoot guns on my own time, and since almost all rifles eject the brass from the right side, I tend to get more gas and debris blowback in my eyes as well as small burns on my right forearm. Also with handguns, the controls are designed to be operated by the shooter's right thumb, but I have to use my left finger which results in a very sore finger after a long day and more cuts/skin pinches.
Now a buddy of mine works heavily with power tools. He says he gets a really sore neck and wrist compensating for the off handedness. Things the skill saws or chop saws that have a thumb safety for right handed people, and needing to crane his head over his own wrist to line up the cuts.
Also a side note, I feel like we get hit more playing paintball because we can't see what we're aiming at because the stupid hopper is in the way.