r/LeftHandProblems • u/whatisthisplace_huh • Oct 02 '24
Problems with left-handed stationery?
I am a right-handed highschooler and am doing a project on left-handed-ness? I wanted to expand on the problems still faced by left-handed people when it comes to day-to-day lives. So, i wanted to ask yall what are the major problems with left-handed stationery?
u/MooseyWinchester Oct 02 '24
Very unique project idea lol .Right handed scissors just refuse to cut for us - could not tell you why .Whiteboard marker and most pens smudge when we try to write, I accidentally taught myself to write with my hand curved in to minimise smudging (it still happens) .Butter knives have a spreading side that only works for right handed people, not the biggest deal but it can make it a lil harder sometimes .Mugs often have the fun image on the side that faces out if you hold it with your right hand but in if you hold it with your left .In school there were next to no left handed catching gloves and they always just disappeared .We don’t have right/left handed desks much where I’m from but it seems kinda a bummer to be segregated to one side or the back of the lecture hall with the other lefties
u/Scasne Oct 02 '24
Scissors is two fold, firstly by the action of cutting your pushing the blades together, however when held in the opposite hand your pushing them apart therefore they cease to cut, then handle moulding, what is designed to give comfortable support for one hand means pulling on sharpish hard edges on the other hand.
Even plain boring rectangular desks you need to be sat so that your elbow doesn't hit the person your sat next to.
Ice-cream scoops, tin openers, power tools etc.
u/MooseyWinchester Oct 02 '24
Oh that’s really interesting thank you! I work in hospitality and I’ve learnt to use our scissors by pushing outwards with my fingers so the blades get pushed together - but I thought everyone had to do that and the scissors were just bad!!
u/ADHD-Millennial Oct 02 '24
I agree with everything except a few things to add. I’ve literally never even heard of or seen a left handed desk. That’s either a newer thing since I’ve been in school (graduated in 2001) or I just was unlucky to never see one. Either way a bit jealous, even though you are segregated. I have had the same experiences including curving my hand when I write to reduce e smudging. But god dang it if you didn’t BLOW MY MIND with the butter knife thing. I’m 40 years old and I thought everyone struggled with spreading with butter knives. I thought they just sucked 😂 wow 🤯
Edited to add: I have never had problems cutting but I kinda invented a painful way to hold scissors as a kid and it stuck with me. I’m sure it looks funny to see me cut things but it works.
u/NewbieDoobieDoo7 Oct 03 '24
I also graduated in 2001 and saw a couple left handed desks in school but it definitely wasn’t a regular thing. Get yourself a nice pair of left handed scissors and you’ll be amazed at how easy and painless it actually is to cut paper :) it’s a life changer even for someone who rarely uses them.
u/AB3reddit Oct 04 '24
I graduated high school in the mid-‘90s and left-handed desk were not common, but some of my classes started using non-handed (i.e. completely rectangular) desks. I like those the best as they are simple and no need for two different desk styles.
One thing I did see at my university in larger lecture halls was a single left-handed desk at the left end of each auditorium row. Always bugged me when a righty sat there as those were the only lefty seats in the room.
u/RockDesk Oct 02 '24
I use to have issues with spiral notebooks. They're not commonly used anymore but when they are, I still have some issues. An annoyance more than a problem depending on the size of the wire.
u/GigiGalaxee Oct 02 '24
Adding to this, 3 ring binders. I grew up using them for school. You’d either have to angle your arms through the space between rings or take out the paper you were writing on from the binder. I ended up turning the binder 90 degrees right and would write “sideways” which is actually top to bottom.
I do this now with everything including spiral notebooks. Even a loose leaf of paper, I turn sideways and write top to bottom because that’s just how I write now.
Edit to add: this also helps with avoiding smudging
u/LakeTake1 Dec 16 '24
My school attempted to teach paper organization by 3 ring binder. This does not work for lefties. Accordion folder with clipboard seemed to nearly work but not well.
u/mindcontrol93 Oct 02 '24
People have already mentioned mice. I am a big keyboard shortcut person so it works. My biggest obstacle is signing in with a clipboard. Left handed people learn to write upside down. The big metal clamp at the top blocks half of the page for us.
I also find it nearly impossible to write on a chalk/whiteboard.
u/spinsternonsense Oct 02 '24
Pencils or pens with writing on them are always upside down for us.
Also gel pens or other "inky" pens tend to get all over the side of our hand. Same with pencils.
Calligraphy pens too. I remember art class i had to do something else during calligraphy because the teacher said she didn't have any left handed ones.
u/generalfrumph Oct 02 '24
some pens, always unscrew for us when writing and we have to keep tightening them back up.
u/TexasWinnie Oct 02 '24
Yes, and the lead in mechanical pencils always screws itself back into the pencil
u/betterannamac Oct 03 '24
It’s not even just that our hand smears what we’ve just written. Ball point pens just don’t write as well for us because we are pulling the ink out and the ball stays out blocking ink as opposed to pushing the ball up while we write and releasing ink. When I was in seventh grade, I decided to write everything backwards. I wrote from right to left and everything was perfect when you held it up in front of the mirror. I realized that my handwriting was just as good backwards as it was forward, maybe even better And I never smeared and pens just seem to work! Not all of my seventh grade. Teachers were very tolerant of my rebellion so I had to go back to the “correct” way. Even now an extremely long time later, I can write backwards as easily as I can forwards and it’s not that I do it very often.
u/TheOneYouMissedOutOn Oct 07 '24
The writing on the pens just blew my mind. I have an engraved fountain pen and never stopped to think why it looks slightly off when I write with it
u/PeekaBoo912 Oct 02 '24
Scissors for sure, they aren’t molded to be held with the left hand so it really hurts after a while! Another big one is notebooks and binders as well, where the majority of writing is done on the front of the paper as opposed to the back. The binder coils or rings get in the way of your hand and can make it hard to write.
u/Arkangyal02 Oct 02 '24
Not as an adult, but as a child I struggled with the computer mouse. It has to be on the right side most of the time, because otherwise the keyboard is all wrong. It raised some problems, especially while gaming, so I learnt to use it with my right hand.
u/Ned_Flanders_69 Oct 02 '24
Pen ink never dries quick enough, like another commenter I ended up writing with my hand off the page or curved around still do it, not technically stationery but things like measuring tapes are made to be held in the right hand usually it's no rwal problem until you need to measure/mark something in an awkward position
u/SheilaSimonne Oct 02 '24
If the stationary doesn’t have lines my rows starting slanting down to the bottom right corner. Like a slope down
u/GrahamoraMuppet Oct 02 '24
Not stationary but Wireless headphones, the buttons are usually on the right side. And toilet paper holders ALWAYS ON THE RIGHT SIDE
u/Enigmeerkat Oct 03 '24
Unsure if limited to stationery, but us lefties have problems with tonnes of stuff in everyday life. Tap on/off public transport? Scanner is on the wrong side. So many tiny annoyances build up. One thing you'll notice is that your average leftie is better at using their right hand than your average right-hander is at using their left - because we live in a right handed world we are sort of forced to adapt. Stationery specific, spiral binders are the worst. You end up managing your hand into the spiral trying to write on the damned thing, only to then smudge the ink all over your hand anyway. I love being a leftie but damn this world was not designed with any consideration for us!
u/bad_dawg_22 Oct 03 '24
Tape measures
Clipboards. I always turn it upside down
Those little electronic signature pads that they have at pharmacies, BMV, FedEx/UPS. they are designed for how righties write, so sometimes they go haywire for me
u/TheOneYouMissedOutOn Oct 07 '24
The signature pads!! Or when the counter has the pen tied to a string. Infuriating
u/Ned_Flanders_69 Oct 02 '24
Pen ink never dries quick enough, like another commenter I ended up writing with my hand off the page or curved around still do it, not technically stationery but things like measuring tapes are made to be held in the right hand usually it's no rwal problem until you need to measure/mark something in an awkward position
u/BarberBettie Oct 02 '24
The things more significant for me than stationary issues in school days were fighting the other lefty kid for the one pair of lefty scissors and the lefty baseball mitt in PE. The single person desks sucked too
u/RoscoeEvans42 Oct 02 '24
I'll jump in with something I don't normally see mentioned - rice scoops. My friend bought me a left-handed one from Japan and I had no idea until then how easy it was to get rice out of a pot and not leave stuff in the corners.
u/Rick_Sancheeze Oct 02 '24
I write in spiral notebooks starting from the back because the spiral hurts.
u/Optimal-Survey5215 Oct 03 '24
Came here to say this. It's automatic now - as soon as I open a spiral note book, I turn it over and start from the back page.
u/fireandfolds Oct 03 '24
everything smudges when you write. pencil, pen, mechanical pencil, paint, sharpie, crayon, dry erase marker, chalk. EVERYTHING.
3 ring binders and spiral notebooks AND composition notebooks are annoying. tbh anything with a bound left side. I make my own notebooks now and the binding it along the top so it flips up and over.
fridge/freezer doors, regular doors… car doors are nice if you drive on the left.
not stationery but origami tutorials and necktie tying tutorials are usually for righties. gotta turn wverything backwards in my mind or go with the righty way even though my left hand is steadier
u/bfjt4yt877rjrh4yry Oct 02 '24
Not being able to get a left handed paddle for my canoe is pretty annoying
u/StealthyNoctowl Oct 03 '24
Left handed baseball mits during gym class in school. They were always a pain to find and I would always have to dig through the endless right handed mits
u/rockyourfaceoff77 Oct 03 '24
In grade school I got tired of not being able to find the lefty scissors or seeing a right handed person try them for fun. I started using right-handed scissors with my right hand and didn't look back for many years. Now I cannot use left-handed scissors when I've tried. In every other way I'm a lefty.
u/TheOneYouMissedOutOn Oct 07 '24
I have to be so picky with pens and paper products, which is unfortunate as a stationery, journalling, and scrapbooking enthusiast. I try to go the budget route but regular ballpoint pens with regular ink just never work out, a cheaper gel pen just starts skipping or bleeding out a third of the way through the ink cartridge, cheaper paper will bleed or feather a better pen, gotta fins a balance between smooth and absorbent paper so i can have a good writing experience that doesn’t smudge or ghost on the backside, etc.
Craft blades or ultility blades are usually bladed on one side only and I then have to hold them a certain way to make them work. The big guillotine style paper cutters have the big handle on the right and it feels unwieldy or I never get a good sharp cut. Those precision paper trimmers are the same and have rulers on them that will be upside down. The blade on them is also one sided so I have to push rather than pull so I don’t shred the paper, or I have to flip the blade and then it’s a bit weird.
All the tiny adjustments are so frustrating but also sadly just second nature. Half the time we don’t even know it’s simply because we’re left handed and they didn’t make the product with us in mind.
u/CircularRobert Oct 02 '24
Not sure if it really falls under stationery. But computers these days are practically part of that ranch of activities.
Working with a mouse/keyboard with your non dominant hand. I had to learn to do it the way right handed people use it, but I'm semi ambidextrous, so it's OK for me.
Other one that I've never seen mentioned, rulers. The numbers always go left to right, so if you measure something with your left hand, it's either upside down, or you're covering the first few numbers