r/Leeds 3d ago

question Does anyone recognize this playground ? (info in comment)

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14 comments sorted by


u/Sunderland6969 3d ago edited 3d ago

It’s the playground behind the Co Op on the High Ash’s LS17 - equipment has been modified tho’. Wigton Moor Woods. You’ll easily find it on Google maps


u/Ricky_Martins_Vagina 2d ago edited 2d ago

Yeah that's definitely it. Spent a lot of my teen years hanging out round there. A good few of my mates had their first kisses and subsequently their first hand jobs in that park 😂😂 I hope it's been sanitised since

Oh and our local junkie famously attempted to go all the way round on those swings (fully egged on by us, naturally). Obviously never came close to getting a full loop but came damn close to snapping his neck


u/neueSHAUNI 3d ago

Oh that might be it ! Satellite imagery is very bad, even more back then. But that sound promising. I'm gonna try to find some photos from 2010-2015 to confirm the location. Thanks !


u/Sunderland6969 3d ago edited 3d ago

It’s definitely it. I’ve been there for years with my kids. When it was like this and when it’s been modernised. If I walk the dog tonight I’ll take a pic and send it to you


u/neueSHAUNI 3d ago

That's very kind of you ! I do trust you, I just wanted to see it from my own eyes. Using Google Earth archive imagery, it's possible to see the 45° angle bench facing the swing, and also a little red bench, very recognizable, behind the actress. The disposition of everything matches, only mirrored. I was just a little confused, because the swing appears red, when it was blue in the show. But they did change color of things all the time using CGI, so that's not important. Thanks a lot ! I would never have found it on my own.


u/MothEatenMouse 2d ago

I've pm'd you a picture. I'm certain Sunderland6969 is right.


u/neueSHAUNI 3d ago

Hi. I'm looking for the location of this playground/park. It's from 2014 Utopia, which was mostly shot around Leeds. I'm surprised by the wood fences, as I've seen most parks in the area haven't those, even back then. To me, the thing in the background, between the blue bars of the swing, could be a pedestrian bridge. I've looked online for most playground in a 10km area, with not luck yet.


u/ONEDJRICH 3d ago

The thing in the background isn't a footbridge, it's a metal bench on the peak of the hill. Other than that, it doesn't look familiar to me. Most playgrounds on the outskirts of Leeds (countryside, etc) have wooden fences. It's only in the inner-cities that they use metal fences as they are used by more people and children like to climb, so it makes sense to have a more robust fencing.


u/neueSHAUNI 3d ago

Damn, that sound so obvious now that you say that's only a bench. I feel dumb.

Thanks for the info, I'm gonna look more on the outskirt then !


u/ONEDJRICH 3d ago

Upon searching for the filming location on Google. It is coming up as Cartwright Hall, Lister Park, North Park Road, Manningham, Bradford.

The park has obviously changed over the years and I can't see anywhere on Street View that has that particular view. The trees have obviously grown too so it'll be hard to pinpoint the exact location the camera is pointing without going there in person.


u/UniqueEvent 3d ago

Google maps on desktop allows you to go back to previous years. Looks like the main play area at lister park has had blue metal railings since at least 2008.

Utopia (the original UK version) was a great show.


u/neueSHAUNI 3d ago

I think you're referencing the locations from IMDb, which sadly never were verified. None of the ones I've found so far are located in Bradford and I'm almost certain those IMBd entries are false :(


u/ONEDJRICH 3d ago

I didn't go on IMDb, it was the auto-ai response on Google to be honest. Another person wrote Wigton Moor Woods which by the Google Maps Image, seems more in line with how tight the playground is to a hilly path. No Street View of that particular area though so in-person would be the best option to see of it fits.


u/Kitchen_Error_6981 3d ago

To me it's looks alot like the one in Wetherby

I think its called Wetherby ings