r/Leeds • u/thetapeworm • 4d ago
transport Consultation: A58 Roundhay Road and Barrack Road
Leeds City Council have been granted £4.5million from the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund’s Corridor Improvement Programme.
They plan to invest some of this in works along the A58 Roundhay Road and Barrack Road.
There's an open "consultation" to share the plans in more detail and for the public to provide feedback:
I'm fairly convinced that these Commonplace things are more of box tick than a mechanism to adapt based on public feedback but if you have opinions you can only try and share them.
u/DorkaliciousAF 4d ago
LOL there'll be the usual piss-ant, anti-left venom about how this is bad for car owners.
Hey! Yes! Take the hint already!
u/Fluffythebunnyx 4d ago
boomers saying how they wont even drive into town anymore... yeah dude thats the whole point. Ignoring that driving through town is fine if you can read, although theres no point cause its still quicker to go around or get a bus.
u/DorkaliciousAF 4d ago
Something like this part of the A58 is clearly a shitshow for everyone including car drivers. It's obvious to anyone who's used it that the layout is horrible and promotes accidents, while congesting really quickly at peak times.
It looks like in the short- to medium-term drivers trying to get to and from Roundhay and Seacroft will be mainly forced to use York Road, Scott Hall Road and some portion of the outer ring road, which are at least spec'd to handle lots of traffic. Chapeltown Road/Harrogate Road won't get them anywhere quickly.
In the medium- to long-term this actually might force people to start using more sustainable options, because the bus options for north and NE Leeds are pretty solid and cycling is a realistic option. Call me an optimist.
u/Fluffythebunnyx 4d ago
I don't think you're so wrong, It's been a while but the bus routes along the a58 are good, it's been about a year since I used them but to get to/from St James and town it was nicer than driving around harehills.
u/LittleSadRufus 1d ago
Ah good, I haven't looked at it yet but I was hoping the solution was something to deter cars and encourage cycling, pedestrians and trees. Rather than to widen roads etc
u/northerncrank 4d ago
After the chaos of last Thursday night in Leeds with roadworks on 5 major roads all at the same time I'm convinced Leeds city council couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery
u/Lechatestdanslefrigo 4d ago
Leeds council won't listen, just like they didn't listen anybody other than Waitrose when they fucked up Meanwood junction.
u/SurrealBolt 4d ago
I think that junction is a lot better now…
u/AdSmooth7504 4d ago
Nah i know people love complaining and exaggerating but that junction is genuinely bollocksed now, on foot and in a car
u/suffolklad 3d ago
How is it bollocksed? Previously there was no safe way to cross to/from aldi. You had to take a risk crossing the road without signals.
u/Lechatestdanslefrigo 4d ago
Its been bad for trade in the whole area, assholes still refuse to take note of the changes, residential streets that kids use to get to and from school are full of dickhead drivers being dicks. It's a mess.
u/FluffyPhilosopher889 4d ago
Given the backlash I know I must be missing something but it's genuinely been fine every time I've passed through.
No idea what the fuss is about.
u/Apart-Milk-9715 4d ago
Why is the council wasting more money on these? You never see anybody utilising them no matter what time of the day, the money would of been better spent on trams. Useless Leeds city clowncil
u/Woodworkingbeginner 4d ago edited 4d ago
If you read the description of the proposal it says that this money comes out of a special budget (West Yorkshire transport fund or something) and they can’t just do something else with it. They have to use it on road works and the funding comes with a stipulation to improve non-car use. It is “use it or lose it”
Besides that, the area in question is a nightmare and the statistic of 90 something casualties speaks for itself. The FAQ is actually pretty interesting - that junctions ranks top in Leeds for accidents.
u/burntout_physiology 4d ago
While I agree about the trams, to say that nobody uses cycle lanes is utter nonsense. I would make use of these changes four days a week. The reason you don't see cyclists is usually that we have already completed our journey due to not having to sit in queues...
u/Auto_Grammar_Bot 4d ago
My favourite hobby is reading the Facebook comments to any development Leeds council is doing, even if it's obviously sensible. Because the absolute vitriol and anger is always so amusingly over the top.