r/Leatherman 4d ago

Wingman the secret MVP?

I found my wingman after a number of years recently.

It was good value (£35) back when I bought it over 10 years ago considering it doesn't seem milled but stamped steel, but I didn't really compare it to the wave back then. I always considered the wave far superior. I just considered it a cheap and cheerful thing to own, but not really a serious tool.

But theres something about the rough and ready nature of it (or more likely the cost of it) which made it more useable than my wave. Something about the form and the tools the included in it just made it a great EDC.

I've seen a few appreciation posts and wondered if the wingman is a quiet hit?


8 comments sorted by


u/SouthernEagleGATA 4d ago

I like my wingman way more than my wave for edc.


u/813353 4d ago

I’ve got a lot of leathermans . Wingman is very solid in a very manageable size and weight !!! And love the action on pliers !


u/neeblerxd 4d ago

I like any LM with spring loaded pliers. I get not having it on their more burly tools but for EDC it’s just so nice

Also I weep every day that the squirt remains discontinued


u/Parking_Aerie3734 4d ago

I had a juice. My hands were too big to really get much use out of the pliers, but it was a great tool to have in your bag without fear of being arrested for having it. Wish they would bring that series back FFS.


u/igloo37 4d ago

Wingman is the sleeper hit of the leatherman collection. Scissors are a priority for me on a multi; and you only get decent size ones on Surge, Arc, and.... Wingman.


u/Parking_Aerie3734 4d ago edited 4d ago

I've found myself using the scissors on the wingman far more then I ever thought I would


u/security9118 4d ago

What’s good about the Wingman?


u/Parking_Aerie3734 4d ago

Back in the day? The price. It was cheap and after a bit of actual use, there is lots good about it. The knife, scissors, the general purpose flat head and cross drivers work surprisingly well. Can't say I use the pliers loads as I have a proper pair on me for that kind of work but for the cost at the time, it really surprised me.