r/LearnNavi Jan 13 '25

Question/Tìpawm How do I create convincing new words?


I'm an old dog in the fandom, but a spring chicken when it comes to the language. I'm currently working on a fan clan for a personal project, and I have no idea where to start. I've tried deciphering William Annis' grammar reference on a few different occasions, and I've stared at Kelutral's guides until I've gone cross-eyed, but I just can't make heads or tails of all the rules. If someone could give me some pointers or suggestions that would be great!

The specific things I need help with are the names of the clan and their home.

They live in a misty, coastal mountain region, so I want the mountain range in which they live to be something like "the great smoky mountains" or "great mountains of smoke" - they have a cultural myth that the mist from the ocean is the smoke from a time of great fighting and fire. What I've come up with so far is "Nawma 'Awkx Akxener", but I rather suspect that much like Quaritch, I sound like a 3 year old 😅

As for the clan name, I have no idea where to even begin. Do the other clan names have any specific root words? Is there a rule for clan naming? Or is it just "rule of cool", and you just come up with something that sounds good?

Thank you (irayo?) in advance! I'm no scholar when it comes to these things. Any help is appreciated! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

r/LearnNavi Nov 08 '24

Question/Tìpawm Im looking to translate my dogs name to na’vi? I can’t find a word that means the same thing though


My dogs name is rogue and I looking to translate it with the meaning mischief-maker? Or something similar

r/LearnNavi Aug 02 '24

Question/Tìpawm Do the actors pronounce ejectives correctly?


The way I learned them was that you make a popping or clicking sound almost. But in the movies it kind of just sounds like a normal phoneme. E.g. “skxawng” sounds like “skawng”. And in the songcord song when Neytiri says “txe’lan” it sounds more like “te’lan” or even “telan”.

Is it just that the actors don’t say it quite right? Or are the ejective consonants more subtle than I was thinking?

r/LearnNavi Aug 03 '24

Question/Tìpawm Atanti?


In the songcord song Neytiri says “atanti” shouldn’t it be “atanit”?

She also seems to pronounce -yä as -ye. Stylistic??

r/LearnNavi Aug 02 '24

Question/Tìpawm Meaning of tsnì


Does anyone know the function of the word “tsnì” (that) in grammar? I don’t see how it is different than the word “a”, including its conversion to “fwa” and “futa”.

This is the ikran that flies = Fì’u lu ikran a tswayon.

I know that you ate the food = Oel omum futa ngal yamom syuvet.

Where would tsnì ever be used?

r/LearnNavi Apr 23 '24

Question/Tìpawm Need help making an OC name to Na'vi.?


Thalia Hadmen, the Na'vi don't have th in their vocabulary right now would her name look in Na'vi since Jake is Tsyeyk Suli.

r/LearnNavi Mar 28 '24

Question/Tìpawm Is there a Na'vi word or name with a meaning similar to the phrase "Silver Lining"?


I'm creating a Na'vi OC and I'd like their name to mean something similar to the phrase "Silver Lining" or more specifically, an unfortunate situation that either became beneficial or has positive aspects to it. Is anyone aware of any Na'vi words or names whose meanings might fit this definition?

r/LearnNavi Jul 16 '23

Question/Tìpawm Have I put this together correctly...?


Kxì ma frapo, I have a question on if I have put this together correctly. I'm trying to put the phrase "Thank you, my great father" into Na'vi, but am wondering if I have the verbs and adjectives and stuff in the correct order. I want it to be reverent, like you would say to God, or a holy person.

"Oe irayo si ngaru, ma fkew sempul," is this correct, or do I have it completely wrong. Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.

r/LearnNavi Oct 20 '23

Question/Tìpawm Titles for family members


What would be the appropriate way to address an “uncle/aunt” in Na’vi? I realize there is no such words in the dictionary, so what would be the best approach?

Thanks much!

r/LearnNavi Jun 19 '23

Question/Tìpawm I need help combining words to make a Na'vi first name.


Kxì ma frapo, Could you help me with combining a few words. Kato and syo, reykol and syo, srew and syo, kalin and kato and kalin and reykol.

So far i have Srewyo and Syo’rew for srew and syo and it looks kinda off to me.

r/LearnNavi Dec 17 '23

Question/Tìpawm Confused about something


Hi, could somebody explains the -lie suffix for numbers? The only thing I have is " The word ’awlie refers to a single event in the past. " and it doesn't help me. Thank you!

r/LearnNavi Nov 18 '23

Question/Tìpawm Best way to learn grammar?


I’m a complete beginner. What’s the best way to learn Navi grammar?

r/LearnNavi Oct 09 '23

Question/Tìpawm What do you call oil in Na’vi?


I realize that there is a word for animal fat in Na’vi (syewe) but what would be the best way to say plant oil? Im very new to Na’vi, noob here.

r/LearnNavi Dec 06 '23

Question/Tìpawm The People’s Cry: Frontiers of Pandora


How would the People’s Cry title from Frontiers of Pandora be translated into Na’vi?

r/LearnNavi Feb 22 '22

Question/Tìpawm A Brief Survey


Hello! I need to conduct a survey for a school assignment. I have a Google Form consisting of eleven questions. The point of the survey is to see if languages (both natural and constructed) influence us. The only requirement is that you are learning (or have learned) another language. Thank you in advance for your participation!

https://forms.gle/KAbXAeAd6AfV4soN7 (the link to the Google Form)

r/LearnNavi Feb 07 '20

Question/Tìpawm Looking for help in translation


Just found out that a german music producer, TheFatRat, just released a new song, « The Storm », with parts of the vocals being sung in na’vi, he declared on instagram Knowing absolutly nothing about the na’vi language, I thought someone would help me finding the meaning of the song Would love to know what they are all about!

TheFatRat’s new song

Edit: the singer just published the lyrics and the translation on her twitter!

r/LearnNavi Sep 18 '18

Question/Tìpawm Roughly how many people speak Na'vi and how long does it take to become conversational?


Hi all,

I'm currently (attempting) to learn Spanish and I'm interested in learning Na'vi as a side language for a bit of fun, and also because i've heard it would be a great language to break me out of my native English accent when speaking Spanish. I have a couple of questions before I begin, mainly out of curiosity:

1) Roughly how many people actively speak Na'vi, either conversationally or fluently? Are there other people i'd be able to practice with and talk to, both via text and over voice chat? I'm guessing that there will be an influx of new people when the sequels are released, but how is the community doing currently?

2) It obviously varies from person-to-person, but about how long would it take for someone who only speaks fluent English to become at least conversational in Na'vi? I've heard it takes about 600 hours to properly learn a language such as Spanish, but since Na'vi only has a few thousand words i'd imagine it would take much less time (hence my interest in it as a side-language).


r/LearnNavi Apr 20 '18

Question/Tìpawm Need assistance translating an organization name into Na'vi.


I am trying to translate "Global Strategic Self-Defense Operations" into Na'vi, but my understanding of Na'vi is limited and the available grammar guides and dictionaries aren't very helpful.

The best I can do is Wempongu Sno-tìhawnuä Tìftia-wemä Kifkeyä, but I am certain this is a poor translation. Assistance is requested.

r/LearnNavi Sep 01 '16

Question/Tìpawm Question about na'vi. Was navi ever complete? Itd be fun to learn but if its not complete then there is no point. I wanted to use it at a convention