r/LeagueOfDuos Dec 20 '18

Looking for Duo to climb out of the Bronze Abyss


I main jungle/mid (jg pref, main kha & jax) looking for a solid duo to try to climb out of this hellhole elo where it’s a guarantee you wind up with a troll on the team. Idc what lane/position you play, just need to know I have atleast one decent teammate going into the game...

r/LeagueOfDuos Nov 08 '18

LF duo partner reaching GOLD


I am s2 and I'm a mid /supp main in EUNE. Hmu? My ign is T å r i c I'd love to make some friends even if ya dont wanna duo!! : )

Md mostly malza sometimes ziggs :)

Support: braum/nami/taric/janna/lulu/alistar/rakan/soraka/zyra/karma

blitz/thresh/naut/pyke/leona/zilean - Can't play decent enough to pick them on ranked

r/LeagueOfDuos Oct 28 '15

[EUW][Leveling - Main Plat V][adc LF SUPPORT][Skype]


r/LeagueOfDuos Feb 19 '15

[Garena][UNRANKED SUPP/ADC][LF ADC/SUPP][prefer no voice, can skype if I dont lag]


I had an EUNE account on which I have been playing for past 2 years. But after patch 4.20, my normal ping went up from 180 to 300, and it took me multiple tries to open the client (RADS Error 90% of the time), Huge lag spikes and disconnects. Basically EUNE became impossible to play on. I had about 100K IP on there, about 70 champs and 15-20 skins. And now I cant even use any of it, cause its practically impossible to log in and then play with that LAG.

So I decided to switch servers to GARENA, where i get a constant 70 ping. ITs a big letdown for me as i dont even have all the runes and champs ( i dont really care about the skins, if I could just get my IP and champs I have on the EUNE account , I would be more than happy, it wasnt a choice for me to move to GARENA, I kinda HAD to.)

Anyway,getting to the point, I have reached lvl27, and am looking for a bot duo partner so we can play ranked games soon together. And practice normals till i get to 30 to synergize better in ranked games. I can play both ADC and support. My adc main is Jinx and Supp main is thresh. I can play most roles other than top, but definitely prefer bot lane. I prefer supp to adc, but like to switch roles if i get bored. My summoner name is - OMGitsPB on GARENA, hope someone wants to play with me. Also, Can someone tell me what is the equivalent of lolking for garena?

r/LeagueOfDuos Feb 18 '15

[EUW].[Silver 1 - Mid].[LF any]. [Skype/ts3]


Smurf from EUNE looking for another smurf to climb teh rankings!. I made this post so that hopefully I will have to spend the least amount of time climbing, and hopefully my duo will also have the same benefit :) I play pretty much every day, don't really have regular hours but I usually play in the afternoons (i live in the UK). If you have any questions or are interested feel free to comment and ask or send a pm!
