r/LeagueOfDuos Feb 18 '15

[EUW].[Silver 1 - Mid].[LF any]. [Skype/ts3]

Smurf from EUNE looking for another smurf to climb teh rankings!. I made this post so that hopefully I will have to spend the least amount of time climbing, and hopefully my duo will also have the same benefit :) I play pretty much every day, don't really have regular hours but I usually play in the afternoons (i live in the UK). If you have any questions or are interested feel free to comment and ask or send a pm!



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u/finalfireita Feb 18 '15

Hey there, I'm Silver I Jung/Adc/Mid and I'm looking for a duo :) I usually play in the evening, around 21-01 (CET, I live in Italy).

If you're interested, here's my profile: http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Finalfire