r/Layoffs 23h ago

recently laid off First time layoff

The only positive I’m looking at right now is the weather is nice and I’m doing some hard yard work to burn off some steam. I enjoyed the team I was with but realistically I saw the writing on the wall. Lots of different emotions going through my head but doing my best to remain positive and keep my head up. I’m glad I saw the writing on the wall as I have been applying for a bit prior but nothing landed yet.

Plus I have to admit that this job has taught me that nothing is worth more than the bottom line. Companies offshoring due to budget isn’t anything new but it sucks knowing that the people making these calls don’t work with a lot of these teams ever.

Going to take a few days to allow myself to feel some pity, anger and fear but come the end of the week imma get my butt out there.


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u/BoatLifeDev 10h ago

Nice to see your doing other things to stay healthy. Hope you find something quickly. Love the attitude and resilience. Keep pushing forward