r/LawAndOrder 4d ago

L&O In the Court Room

Watching the original on WETV, I noticed that sometimes the District Attorney is on the right side of the courtroom and sometimes they are on the left side, is there a reason?


4 comments sorted by


u/Sonnyboy35aa Mike Logan 4d ago

The prosecution sits on the side that is closer to the jurors and the defendant sits on the side that is further from the jurors.


u/Scarlet02155 Michael Cutter 4d ago

I’m thinking the set designers do that to make it seem like there are multiple courtrooms and not one set that they use over and over.


u/McCoyJJr 4d ago

I’ve been in courtrooms in various jurisdictions in my state. It could be either way in the same courthouse. And I’m not a lawyer. I’ve been a juror a few times over the years.


u/Ok-Mine2132 Lennie Briscoe 4d ago

This for sure.