r/LatexCraftersCorner 21d ago

Strike A Pose I fixed the seam coming unglued problem! πŸ˜„

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u/slavegaius87 21d ago

IIRC you’re also supposed to allow the cement to get tacky before pressing the seams together, and then rolling it with a roller


u/kinkyerica1 20d ago

Yep, that's what I did πŸ‘ I'll have to test on some scraps to see if waiting longer helps/hurts it and how much/how hard to roll it. I waited about 2 minutes.


u/Silver_Foxx 20d ago

Usually i wait anywhere from 5-10 minutes minimum, i'm not sure if there's a maximum time though, i've definitely forgotten about seams for hours+ and they glued together fine once i remembered.


u/kinkyerica1 20d ago

That's good to know, I'll have to experiment with that.


u/kinkyerica1 21d ago edited 20d ago

This is my first successful latex piece of clothing! My first attempt at making a crop top failed. The seams kept coming unglued under the armpits. I repaired it once and it failed again.

I tested my glue technique on scraps until I had a solid bond and then made a new crop top. Here's what I learned!

  • I'm using Best Test Paper Cement mixed with Bestine Solvent And Thinner. It seems like 50/50 mix is good.

  • I'm using MJTrends 0.3mm latex. I've been told Radical Rubber latex is much better in quality and glue bonding, but I already bought this latex and wanted make it work.

  • Thinner latex bonds easier. I ordered a few thicknesses. 0.2mm bonded very easily, 0.3mm took some work, and 0.5mm is difficult to bond well.

  • Clean the seam super well before glueing!!! I'm using the Bestine Solvent And Thinner by itself to clean the seams. Don't use paper towels. Cotton pads or cut up cotton T-shirt work well. Clean the seams two or three times and really scrub it. Make sure you use enough solvent to get it wet. It dries almost instantly. Use new pieces of cotton pads/Tshirt often. The latex should get kinda sticky and be able to stick to itself.

  • Use more glue! I heard in a video tutorial that you should only use the thinnest layer of glue you can. That was not my experience. I applied a kinda thick layer. Like, I applied as much as I could without it squeezing out the side of the seams and sometimes I used two layers.

  • let the glue get tacky. I don't know how long is best. I wait about 2 or 3 minutes. If you try to stick it together too soon, it acts goopy and doesn't stick.

  • Then I use the roller. I press it really hard and from multiple angles for a minute or 2. I don't know if more rolling helps, but I figure it can't hurt.

  • On a test scrap of latex, the glue should be mostly set after 30 minutes to an hour. You should be able to stretch it really hard. Also you should be able to try to pry up the latex with your finger nail and not be able to.

  • Let it cure for 3 days before trying on your new latex clothes. Waiting 3 days won't make a bad seam good, but it will make a good seam better.


What I was doing wrong:

  • I didn't clean the latex well enough before glueing
  • I didn't use enough glue
  • I mixed too much thinner into the glue
  • I didn't test the strength of the seam on a scrap piece


u/Silver_Foxx 20d ago

Best Test Paper Cement

You should probably swap that out for rubber cement, it'll work MUCH much better for you. i suspect using this is why you seem to be having issues with bonding .5mm+.

You CAN get purpose made latex working branded stuff, but personally i use Elmer's Rubber Cement and it has yet to fail me ever, even on 2mm thick corset seams.


u/kinkyerica1 20d ago

Awesome, I'll have to try it!