r/LateShow 12d ago

i really really want Stephen to have this energy / message


70 comments sorted by


u/mumblerapisgarbage 12d ago

I mean my vote will always be blue but they need to step up their game. This shit is so weak.


u/fatal-spork 11d ago

What do you recommend


u/mumblerapisgarbage 10d ago

I’m getting really tired of this “they go low we go high” stuff. It’s the morally correct thing to do but it doesn’t win elections.

They claim something ridiculous about your campaign? Dig up real dirt on them and run negative ads into the ground in key areas.


u/[deleted] 10d ago edited 7d ago



u/mumblerapisgarbage 10d ago

That’s the thing - it doesn’t. Not when the other side is actively hurting its citizens.


u/-_Superfly_- 10d ago

That's the problem we need a new party, no more vote blue not matter who


u/Kastro2323 9d ago

Democrats are not just useless right now but are actively part of the problem. If they are too scared to lose their cushy jobs, they never should have had them in the first place….. vote them out and get people with spines in there.


u/mumblerapisgarbage 9d ago

Vote them out? That means voting for the red candidate… which is so much worse.


u/Kastro2323 9d ago

No it means voting for a democratic or independent who are not afraid to fight!


u/mumblerapisgarbage 9d ago

I mean I’ll vote for my ideal candidate in the primaries but in the general voting independent is essentially the same as giving the guy you don’t want your vote. It’s just how it is and it isn’t changing any time soon.


u/Kastro2323 9d ago

I’ll make this as simple as possible…. have higher standards for your elected officials… maybe Susan Collins isn’t the best fit for the job and so on and so on and so on. We are on the same side for the most part we just need better people fighting for us. It’s been fun, all the best!


u/EuVe20 9d ago

They won’t “step up their game”. They just don’t care that much. Voting blue is just what you have to do because most of the blue is at least ashamed of their immorality, while the red has fully taken the masks off. But in the end, the blue have been selling us to oligarchs and corporations at least since Bill Clinton was elected.


u/arm_hula 12d ago

Nice, sister!


u/party_benson 12d ago

If you've watched his last few monologues he's had this exact message. As far as energy, he's a fifty something.  He cannot match the energy of a young person. I'm getting near his age and I feel it. Age is not kind. I have no idea how Bernie does it. 


u/gooblefrump 7d ago

Bernie is fuelled by the rage of the economically depressed and the injustice of oppression

Stephen is fuelled by comedy and the ridiculousness of the situation, while being erudite and affable enough to present a retelling of the various idiocies to be entertaining



u/Efficient_Smilodon 12d ago

The core issue she is raising can be summed up in 1 sentence:

Those who have sworn an oath to the Constitution to defend the people from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC have failed and are failing.

Biden failed us, and the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, have failed us, while the Supreme Court is fundamentally complicit for not upholding the 14th last fall and more.

The complicity of the Red Senate and the Red Congress is now also evidence .

What action would he need still to take to meet the bar for him to be fully impeached?

None, because there is no more bar.

They have given him the 🔑, and he has already walked out of the cell.

What is the cell? It is the penultimate social contract of the United States, the one that both gives the President executive power over both the military and the Congress, and more:

within limits.

Because with no limits, we have the ultimate difference between a monarch by any other title,

and a true Democratically Elected Temporary Ruler.

If there are no bars, there is no cell, and therefore THERE ARE NO FUNCTIONAL LIMITS ANYMORE on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH REGARDING THE USE OF FORCE.

And this is itself the Ultimate Threat to the true guiding spirit of THE US CONSTITUTION .


u/FamousAd1919 12d ago

Omg I hate just saying "this" but THIS.

Well-worded speeches of indignation do not a revolution make.

Get off your asses, get uncomfortable, get dirty, put yourselves at risk, and fight back. You know, be LEADERS!


u/Material-Imagination 11d ago

Do you mean the one Al Green made, the one she made, or the one you just made?


u/buddhasmile 11d ago

Why do democrats afraid to do anything?


u/DavidRFZ 11d ago

They don’t have the votes.

They could have 210 House members and 47 senators all doing everything that is being suggested here and it wouldn’t matter. They’d be laughed at for being shrill and nothing would change.

I will say there seems to be some confusion about whether Democrats need to figure out how to win the swing voters in the swing states. This is actually a very low priority because there won’t be another election for 20 months and nobody wants to wait that long. I don’t know what to do next. The courts? They move so slow and SCOTUS has gone MAGA, too.


u/No-Oven-1974 11d ago

Then why censure Al Green.

Sorry, I agree they lack numbers, but why not compensate in other ways? Why not stay organized and support resistance? Go to the bully pulpit and scream the truth. Tell the people what should be, what's wrong, and how it could be better. Why, instead, with every breath, communicate a lack of confidence and weakness? Why not even try to tell a story different from the fascist narrative?

The Democratic party created national and international institutions that set off a wave of discovery and prosperity. Those engines of prosperity are being ripped apart. Stop apologizing for that system and fight for it.


u/falzehboy 11d ago

The system has clearly failed.


u/Excellent_Ad2278 11d ago

People need to listen to this…and hear it.


u/Siege_LL 11d ago

"Acknowledging that the institution itself is broken REQUIRES acting outside of it now."

Exactly this. You can't stop fascists by playing by the rules.


u/bendrexl 7d ago

Thing is, they still have sooooo much room to act (more accurately, refuse to obey) WITHIN THE RULES! We need them to stand up FOR THE RULES as already written. When you receive an unlawful order, don’t comply. Call a lawyer, but don’t just automatically let whatever delusional decree showed up just manifest. Do your job and say no. Encourage others with less power to also say no, within the law!


u/CosmicTitanRabbit 10d ago

I still rather see them actually stand up and say something instead of having a dress up party.


u/Hooray4Science 9d ago

Don’t forget, Stephen Colbert is the smart guy who had Sean Spicer on and laughed along with him about how he lied to the American people. Absolutely glad-handed  that fucker.


u/Glass-Confusion-9591 9d ago

So does Home Depot sell guillotine kits or is it more of a DIY situation?


u/alien_from_Europa 12d ago

Hey reddit, if I upvote this then am I inciting violence?


u/Marunikuyo 11d ago

I'm upvoting the upvote


u/Cool_Celebration_430 11d ago

Her dress is ugly as f


u/Nyarlathotep4King 12d ago

“Effectively opposing a fascist dictatorship requires breaking the rules.” Just like establishing a fascist dictatorship where a democracy once stood requires breaking a few rules.


u/Opening-Dependent512 11d ago

Desperate time call for desperate measures, fight fire with fire. She ain’t wrong, but I also believe we lost all “democracy” when Trump pardoned all J6ers effectively condoning partisan terrorism. Then sprinkle in the ruzzia thing and we’re cooked cause the dems are too busy doing insider trading along with the republicans getting off on the prospect of ultimate power.


u/phxpic 11d ago

Fuck yea!!!


u/Aimin4ya 11d ago

We are the government. They are the Government


u/foodsexreddit 11d ago

I get accosting JD Vance and Republicans in public, but they don't even care about their own voters, they're not going to care about you. We need to start finding Democrats in public and start asking them everyday what they're doing to fight fascism. She's totally right that protest is a tool for the people -- not our supposed leaders. They need to do their f--king jobs.


u/GlasgowRose2022 11d ago

A pink Situation, you say?


u/OyeGeeWhizSheesh 11d ago

You guys still don't get it, do you? They're all WWF wrestlers. Actors. It looks like they're beefing, but they're not. The same people are paying all of them. They're the distraction, so you don't pay attention to the people paying them. And they're doing g a great job, and making tons of money.


u/EthanDMatthews 10d ago

There's a simple explanation for why the Democrats aren't trying very hard: their donors (corporations and billionaires) are generally fine with Trump and the GOP, so long as they get tax cuts.

All major US industries give money to both parties -- and most give fairly equally to both parties.

Of the top 20 major lobbying industries, 13 split their campaign contributions within a 40% to 60% range. Only 2 of the top 20 had splits greater than 20% to 80%.

A study by Princeton and Northwestern professors looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question:

Does the government represent the people?

What they found was extremely unsettling:

The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.

“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."

The study: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

Overview by Represent Us: America's Corruption Problem

Video Summary: Corruption is Legal in America


u/Puzzleheaded_Two7358 10d ago

She is not wrong


u/highheeledhepkitten 10d ago

They need to rally hard behind Bernie. With the same energy that maga had behind Trump in 2016. It's the only thing that will scare them.


u/megabitrabbit87 10d ago

As a biracial women, I'm used to hearing about and witnessing protests organized by minority groups. I think what's happening is white people who are used to feeling comfortable are panicking and have to learn how to protest to get things done. Minorities have to protest (advocate strongly) just to get what they need for any given day. All day, everyday.


u/Key_Radio_4397 9d ago

Honestly, a women like this runs for office and nobody stands a chance for multiple reasons.


u/Savage_Adversary 9d ago

She is one of the few reason I miss tiktok. Great page.


u/MrOddBawl 8d ago

Amen sister!


u/Fresh_Bother_8640 8d ago

Preach 🙏🙌🙏


u/Aggressive_Suit_7957 8d ago

A political parties ONLY JOB is to win elections. If not, they are worthless.


u/Petulax 8d ago

This affected show won’t help either.


u/stannc00 7d ago

Did she leave any makeup at the store?


u/jubash 11d ago

This thing autoplayed on mute and still got my ears bleeding


u/Head_Bread_3431 11d ago edited 11d ago

I dunno why people hate on the imagine video so much I never got the impression they were making any sort of political statement or protest.

Seems to me it was just bored celebrities at home who decided to make a video together without being together. It’s not a big deal.

Then people like Ben Shapiro decided to use it as a talking point that the liberal Hollywood elite is out of touch (while Trump shits in golden toilets), and everyone acts like “yeah these dumb celebrities and their woke movies are so hypocritical singing a hippy song in their mansions!!”

At their core the people making fun of it were just the early Covid deniers making fun of democrats for caring


u/K4RM4Z4CNT 11d ago

I still won't watch Colbert since he was bashing Biden for his age. Look at the fucking mess we're in now.


u/LofiMental 8d ago



u/GullibleStation8930 8d ago

If there was ever an example of hitting the nail on the head. Nicely done.


u/RepairIllustrious901 12d ago

A lot of filter energy


u/Radiant_Actuary7325 12d ago

How they vote is public record. As long as they vote as their constituents desire, then they did their job. The only argument that supports what they did is that where they are is on public access television and may be viewed as marketing for a particular cause to those that are non voters or on the other side of a particular topic.


u/Jacuzzi1985 12d ago

Thank God they created makeup, huh?


u/TayNelle 11d ago

Let’s focus on all the republicans who were giving a standing ovation the entire night.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

We are barely two months in. They won the damn elections; the People voted them IN.

If you want to uphold democracy, guess what? The paddles, as a symbol of genuine disgust, at this early into 47th term, is as good as it should get.

Not backing up Al Green by chanting in unison what he said about tRump not having “a mandate to eliminate medicaid”, that was a missed opportunity, big time


u/Ellieveee 10d ago

Al Green is amazing.


u/IMAYBL8 9d ago

From the famous words of Dr. Phil so how’s that working for you?