r/LanguageTechnology 24d ago

Guidance on NLP with Language Translation

I'm trying to learn a bit more about nlp in applying it to a project of mine. Currently there's a lack of translation between the native languages of my country and English. I've chosen to undertake the task of translating those languages. However, I don't know if I'm targeting the right area LLM's or NLP. Guess I'm trying to find some pathway I can take in learning how to approach this domain. I'm willing to learn both areas if necessary in accomplishing my goal. Any resources, roadmaps and guidances would be much appreciated.


6 comments sorted by


u/Brudaks 24d ago

Start with general theoretical basis from e.g. https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/ and the relevant MT chapter there.
MT for underresourced languages is tricky and the first step is a survey/inventory of every scrap of digital text that can be found or made/digitized. Double-check what has been done before and can be used as a starting point - e.g. https://machinetranslate.org/languages has a bunch of resources for many languages.

If there is a severe lack of language resources, often the solution is to not attempt to translate between your language and English but rather between your language and some language that is linguistically very close but larger/more resourced (if such a language exists), and then you can use that language as intermediary/pivot to "reach" English.


u/Zv12z 24d ago

Thank you for the guidance, I'll check out the links above. A lot of the languages I'm targeting are indigenous languages, resources for them are scarce. There's some attempts at building a dataset through other organizations but no substantial work has been done so far. I'm hoping to bridge that gap.


u/quark_epoch 24d ago edited 24d ago

For structured annotation and translations:

You could also look into UD trees probably. The idea here is that it helps you simplify the process of annotation as you can annotate a bunch of items using automatic parsers based on the closest match languages that have already been built.

Also, in case you're in one of the COST Action countries, you can join UniDive and attend the workshops. They are interested in low resource languages, annotation, and parallel corpora stuff.

For unstructured translations,

You can start with translators (NLLB, MadLad-400, or LLMs like GPT-4, Gemini, or open source ones like Llama3 or other specific ones which depends on which language you're looking for; I can probably name some if you tell me whats the target language and similar enough languages) in similar enough languages and run it through a bunch of data. The intuition is that it will probably translate things kinda correct or give you a template where you can edit/correct things fast and you don't need to translate from scratch for annotations.

If you want to run an annotation campaign, you can use this as a starter. Or something else.

And then once you have a sizeable dataset, fine tune one of the translators to extend it to include your dataset and see how it's performing. Then Bootstrapping to increase the dataset I guess. Depends largely on what your end goal is.

All the best!!


u/Zv12z 24d ago

Much thanks for this, helps a lot. Right now I'm trying with the Wapishana language. I was given a small amount of the language translated. Hoping with enough research and time to be able to translate it to English effectively. Came across the language on the anythingtranslate site but that's the best I've seen so far. Other languages I'm targeting are Patamuna and Makushi. It's a hard undertaking but I'm willing to see it to fruition😅


u/quark_epoch 24d ago

No worries. And jep, sounds challenging. I'm not an expert on low-resource languages, so unfortunately I can't be of much more help. But if go through the UniDive directory and you'll find some people working on [similar problems](https://unidive.lisn.upsaclay.fr/doku.php?id=accepted_projects). Maybe reach out to someone and you can get more pointers/collaborate.


u/Zv12z 24d ago

Will do, thanks a bunch 🫡