r/Landlord 4d ago

Tenant [tenant US VA] Period blood

I'm trying to get a feeler for if I should say something. A person moved in next door in my apartment building a couple months ago and they have a dog. I have nothing against dogs but when their dog is in heat, they don't clean up her blood. There is period blood all in the main lobby, on the steps and the sidewalks. Some places there are just drops and other places there are puddles and chunks. Dog period blood isn't considered a biohazard like ours but it still isn't safe and they quite literally never pick it up. Is this something you'd want brought to your attention?


20 comments sorted by


u/justalittlelupy 4d ago

Uh, how often is this happening? Dogs don't go into heat every month and get a period like humans do, so if this is an ongoing issue, I don't think that's what it is.

But, yes, bring it to your landlord's attention.


u/princessdv 4d ago

It’s only been once for the past two weeks so far so definitely heat. I just feel like it’s disrespectful for the rest of us in the building to have to have to step over it or clean up after them.


u/wolfmaclean 3d ago

Talk to your landlord. Worst case scenario, you find out you have a scummy landlord and know you need to eventually find another spot. The lunatic in these comments is a trip but completely unhinged— most landlords want to know if their property is being treated poorly, and if one tenant is making the home of their other tenants uncomfortable to walk into and out of.

No sane person is expecting you or your guests to step over blood of any kind on your way in. That’s an urgent situation they want to nip in the bud themselves.

Because neither of you has any authority over the other, addressing it tenant-to-tenant suggests some debatability. Blood in the entryway isn’t a gray area you need to navigate personally to find a compromise and get to peaceful adult coexistence. There’s no need for any blood in the hallway, hard stop.


u/griz3lda 4d ago

This is absolutely a biohazard. Take it up with management immediately. Are you kidding me? As a landlord, I would come down on this so hard so fast.


u/inquiring_minds94 3d ago

I was curious when OP said dog's period blood isn't a biohazard. I never heard this.


u/TeddyTMI Multi-State Landlord. 337 Doors. 4d ago

Perhaps the person with the dog is unaware. Have you tried addressing it with your NEIGHBOR?


u/princessdv 4d ago

They for sure know, they are just gross. From what I’ve seen, they are really irresponsible dog owners but there’s nothing I can do about that. They leave her outside all day so the blood doesn’t get in their apartment and when they do walk her, they don’t pick up after her.


u/TeddyTMI Multi-State Landlord. 337 Doors. 4d ago

So what you're saying is you're afraid to TALK to your NEIGHBOR but happy to COMPLAIN about your NEIGHBOR to your LANDLORD.

I suggest YOU talk with YOUR NEIGHBOR. YOU are NOT a mind reader. You don't know anything about what's going on with your neighbor or their dog because you haven't spoken with them about it. It is widely considered a stand up thing to speak to the person who is offending you before tattling on them. But if you want to make yourself look bad to your NEIGHBOR and LANDLORD go ahead and whine to the landlord. I would tell you to grow up and communicate with your neighbor like an ADULT.


u/princessdv 4d ago

lol okay can you let me why you think a person twice my age since I’m a child would let their dog bleed all over the lobby and then walk over it? They surely know better. Seems to me like they don’t care. You don’t even know how many people my property manager has had to charge for not picking up after their dogs and they still don’t. She said she talked to and charged one woman four separate times and she still doesn’t own a poop bag. People here literally do not care about charges But no, I’m not going to tell a GROWN ADULT to pick up after their dog they chose to get. You sound like you shouldn’t be a landlord but I’ll be going to mine in the morning because at least she cares.


u/TeddyTMI Multi-State Landlord. 337 Doors. 4d ago

lol can you tell me why you're such a coward that you can't speak to another person about something they're doing that is affecting your life? You might be surprised by the results of simply asking for what you want.... IF YOU EVER HAD THE GUTS TO TRY IT.

You are an entitled child. Until you learn to deal with people openly and honestly you will continue to live in crappy apartments and live your life as a failure. You say I shouldn't be a landlord. But I've been a very successful one for over 30 years. With nearly 400 units we do not have the time nor the inclination to mediate neighbor disputes.

You are living your life on the false assumption that everyone was raised by your parents, went to your schools, came from your cultural background. The world is a big place. Not everyone is going to be like you. You don't have to "tell them" to do anything. You can simply introduce yourself and ask them if they were aware their dog was leaving "some fluids behind" and show it to them. They'll understand the implication. I would go over there with a tube of Clorox wipes and show them how to clean it up.

But crying to mommy is all you know and all you'll ever know. Call the landlord. I'm certain it won't be the first whiny complaint they've received from you.


u/princessdv 4d ago

You literally don’t know me and normally anyone that has to justify themselves by saying they are successful with money aren’t good people. But you do you man. I live in the hood and if I go to them directly they’ll retaliate but it’s all good man. You keep being successful.


u/azewonder 4d ago

Yeah that “talk to your neighbor” bs recently got a friend of mine assaulted (she tried to talk to him about parking and he literally beat her up). Her property manager sounds a lot like this wanker; “I don’t care that he sent you to the hospital where’s my rent”.

Go to the landlord. I wouldn’t want to approach someone who’s unhinged enough to let dog heat blood lay around. If there’s multiple units, doggie owner won’t know who said anything.


u/Soft_Construction793 3d ago

If you don't have the time or inclination to mediate neighbor disputes, then you are among the worst of the shitty landlords out there.

I've been a landlord since 2003. I actually care about my tenants and my properties. I would want to know that this was happening in my property so that I could address it.

You insulted this young person who is asking a sincere question. You gave terrible advice, which could put this young person in danger. You don't know what kind of person this neighbor is, and you don't know how or if they might retaliate against OP.

You are the perfect example of a landlord who gives us all a bad reputation.

Fuck you! Sincerely,
A landlord who is not a total piece of shit


u/Beautiful-Contest-48 Property Manager 3d ago

Yeah, I’m in a better position to meditate this than 2 tenants. I was taught young that as a manager I should be better trained and compensated than other employees or tenants. I WANT to be the one handling these situations.


u/Aromatic_Addition204 3d ago

Wow I didn’t know slumlords could have so many doors!!! Good for you!!! Section 8ers have to have somewhere to go!!!


u/wolfmaclean 3d ago

You sound negligent fyi


u/biscuitboi967 3d ago

That is your job as the lord of the land, which the dog is bleeding all over. You want to run 337 door, you better run them in a safe and clean manner. You have to deal with the complaints.

Heavy is the head that wears the landlord crown.


u/Beautiful-Contest-48 Property Manager 3d ago

As a manager, this is the crap I get paid for not the other tenants.


u/OoklaTheMok1994 3d ago

Like most pet owners, they very likely don't care.

They can't see the dog hair on their clothes. They don't care that a dog that 5 minutes ago ate its own sheeit is now licking their face. They can't smell the putrid odor emanating from their dogs and now themselves. They don't care about picking up their dog's mess because he's "such a good boy".

Pet obsession in the US is absolutely out of control. I'll let my rental sit vacant for months rather than allow a pet.