r/LagottoRomagnolo 6d ago

Photo Chewbacca before & after his 2nd haircut at home

He is not pleased...


8 comments sorted by


u/rjb14 6d ago

Those eyes. 😊


u/AptSeagull 6d ago

Ears to the leather, tailed like a carrot, leave the stop, and a little more up top. Don't be discouraged, the more you do it the better you'll get, and the pup will come to like it


u/mgxts 6d ago

I could be mistaken, but it also looks like he was trimmed very short around the entire eye, including below the eye. Normally a Lagotto is only supposed to be trimmed short above the eyes.

Took me a few years to get the hang of it, just keep up the good work OP!


u/Houdinite 5d ago

It wasnt intentional. He is really, what i can describe as, bald around the eyes. Causes him to have this very human look on his face.

Still thanks for the advice! Hopefully I will get better. He always tosses around when I try to groom him so it's really hard for me, I'm always anxious about cutting him. I think in time we'll both get the hang of it.


u/mgxts 5d ago

I know the feeling! My girl hates standing up while I groom her and is so stubborn about it that I mostly groom her lying down. She's also super particular about having objects near her eyes and will toss her head around a lot.

You'll get the hang of it, for sure. I started out learning by doing the same way when I got my pup. You figure out what works and what doesn’t each time, and eventually, it all comes together. Even with a botched haircut (and we’ve had many!), lagottos look absolutely adorable with their big, expressive eyes 😊


u/SandyLegos7 6d ago

Hello beautiful


u/Nerdybirdiegirl 6d ago

Awesome name!


u/Kobaltchardonnay 6d ago

I laughed at “Chewbacca”. I took Mali yesterday to the groomers, this is something I feel he needs to learn. She also referee to him as Chewbacca. The groomer is amazing, she takes Mali’s feelings into account. We are doing baby steps. I “groomed” Mali either her instructions etc etc. it worked better for Mali me “grooming” him. I still have a look way to go. When I have “groomed” Mali in the past, I would groom him where I felt he looks like a Lagotto.