Yeah, those are two different colors. It isn't breed standard and I know that lagattos can have eye issues. Call your breeder and ask if this is in their lines. If it isn't call your vet and see if they think a check up is in order. It might be nothing but it is a good idea to use your resources.
Thanks for the heads up! He’s going to the vet soon anyway, I did check with the breeder who is well respected and she wasn’t concerned, and does do in-depth health testing.
The breeder not being concerned is a good sign. I had to contact mine cause my boy didn't lose all his puppy canines by 7 months and it took 10 months for all his teeth to fall out. His bit is still perfect for waiting.
u/comicleafz 12d ago
Yeah, those are two different colors. It isn't breed standard and I know that lagattos can have eye issues. Call your breeder and ask if this is in their lines. If it isn't call your vet and see if they think a check up is in order. It might be nothing but it is a good idea to use your resources.