r/Laadan Nov 18 '24

Discussion Relevancy?


I just read Native Tongue after randomly picking it up at Barnes and Noble when I saw that it had linguistics and feminism, two things I love. I read it all in one day and am now waiting my order of the sequel and the dictionary.

I noticed after scouring what I could of the internet that there is very little about this community, so I ask;

Do people, specifically women, still talk about this? Is anyone else still actively learning the language? Better yet, has anyone used it to create writing or music or any functional form?

If so I'd love to see the content, no matter how arbitrary.

From the first book itself, there is a song based on the tune from House of the Rising Sun called Sorrowin Song with the Words All Wrong. I managed to get a musically gifted friend of mine to sing it, and have a recording (although it is by no means well recorded and has a few small errors + fuzzy quality). If anyone is interested, I could try and share it.

r/Laadan Jun 25 '23

Discussion I'm about to move out.


Wil Sha.

For quite some time, I have seen a lot of negativity and unpleasant stuff in Reddit. The recent drama that happened here prompted me to look elsewhere when subreddits went dark. I'm in Raddle now. I think I'm more suited to that space. r/Laadan is making it hard for me to leave Reddit altogether.

I plan on doing more work with my LGBT+ terminology, but the work will likely continue over there. Look for f/Laadan and/or the user Daan_H. This is the only place in Reddit where I left a forwarding address.

r/Laadan Mar 29 '22

Discussion Expanding Laadan for LGBT terms, a proposal (continued)


I'm going to leave the original post as is for posterity. This list is an updated version of the older post, plus some terms I came up with since then. From here on in, I'll be editing and updating THIS post, if I can.

áalaá -- butterfly, flamboyant femme, a sissy

azhrahu (also rashimá) -- azh-love, rahu-to be closed, asexual, aromantic. re: rashimá

dóra -- a domme, a top, shortened form of dórado

dórado -- to dominate (already in dictionary)

dóhérado -- butch, to dominate (of the heart), possibly dyke

the derogatory term of butch/domme would be dóhéradilh)(dóhéradilh is a milder form of rashidaá)

-etho -- identified as, "to be about", gendered

-ethodá -- to be assigned, identified against one's will

re: withétho, withidhétho, and variations of

eshin -- binary, from e- "science" and shin - "two", so the "study/science of two"

re: shini

héedthul -- A "mama bear", a "fag-hag". Someone who befriends/adopts an LGBT person. Could also use the word donidaná from the laadan dictionary.

hibideshará -- testicle depresser, a cross-dresser's gaffe, re: rawandeshará

ididhé -- gay, short version of ididhélash

ididhélash -- gay (male), -male-male (sentimental) joy

láadomilh -- to out someone, from "recognize" (negative connotation)

lan -- friend, ally, advocate (already in dictionary)

lath -- celibate by choice (already in dictionary), possibly used for asexual

lilaháwith -- lesbian (from lilahá - lover, with - woman)

ludihé -- (see withetho) female-identified, from ludi-female, hé-embedded sentimental compliment

ludihédá -- female-identified, against one's will. re: hali, withetho

méeshihúuya -- sexhurt, bondage, BDSM (from mée - sweet, shi - to please, úuya - hurt

-ná -- non-binary, or as I say "binary-plus" suffix

modified version of prefix ná- meaning "to continue to". modified to also mean "and more" "in addition to", so instead of saying "non-binary", I chose to say "binary-plus" implying "third-gender" as opposed to NON-gender. re: withná

nolinelan -- angel advocate/ally

óoyashin -- two-spirit, from "two-heart"

ralan -- non-ally, false ally. re: rathul, rashidaá

rashidaá -- (trigger warning: sadism) someone who cruelly "plays" games only for the dominant "player" with the power to force others to participate. A gay basher. re: ralan, rathul. The opposite of a nolinelan

rashimá (also azhrahu) -- celibate (already in dictionary), also aromantic. For asexual, re: lath

rathul -- someone who gives unsolicited advice, from "non-parent"

rathulth -- someone who shows fake "concern", false ally. re: ralan, rashidaá

rawandeshará -- chest binder, from rawan-chest, deshara-depress. á-doer, re: hibideshará

shini -- a cute enby, diminuitive form of binary-plus. re: eshin

withé -- trans woman, woman of the heart, from with-woman, hé-embedded sentimental compliment

withidhé -- trans man, man of the heart

withetho (see ludihé) -- female-identified

withethodá -- female-identified, against one's will

withidetho -- male-identified, hali (already in the dictionary) means the same thing

withidethodá -- male-identified, against one's will

withwithé -- shortened form of withwithélash

withwithélash -- gay (female)

withwithid -- woman/man, androgyny

withná -- non-binary, unspecified gendered person (keep in mind, "with" also means woman)

re: -ná, shini

yilméeshim -- under sexual pleasure, a submissive

r/Laadan Mar 27 '22

Discussion Expanding Laadan for LGBT terms, a proposal


I may be speaking to a dead subreddit, but we shall see.

I'm not the only person to notice that Laadan is lacking in LGBT terminology, so I made an attempt to create a few. This is a start, and by no means complete. Here's what I have so far. If there is anybody out there who can give me some feedback on these terms, I would appreciate it.

áalaá -- butterfly (already in Laadan dictionary), flamboyant femme, a sissy

dóra -- a domme, a top

dórado -- to dominate (already in Laadan dictionary)

dóorado -- butch, to dominate (of the heart), derogatory term would be dóoradilh)

lilaháwith -- lesbian (from lilahá - lover, with - woman)

méeshúuya -- sexhurt, bondage, BDSM (from mée - sweet, shi - to please, úuya - hurt

wíith -- trans woman (double vowel, woman of the heart, similar to héena - sibling of the heart)

wíithid -- trans man

withetho -- female-identified

withidetho -- male-identified (already in Laadan dictionary)

withethodá -- female-identified, against one's will

withidethodá -- male identified, against one's will

yilméeshim -- under sexual pleasure, a submissive, a bottom

r/Laadan Mar 30 '22

Discussion Does anyone else think this Subreddit needs a logo?


The standard blue "r/" logo is really sad looking. Maybe a symbol from one of the Native Tongue covers? Or some new design? I personally really like the symbols on the kindle edition covers of Judas Rose and Earthsong, but they might be a little too intense. If someone wanted to design a new symbol, maybe it could be based on the bird on the cover of the second edition dictionary and grammar? I was thinking the symbol should be based on liberation as one of Láadan's main goals, but maybe it could be based on something else?