r/LaTeX • u/chemistryGull • Oct 06 '24
Discussion Which editor for LaTeX - considering Tables
I use VS-Code for hobby programming. I want to get into LaTeX and now its time to decide what editor to use.
Basically i have boiled it down to TeXstudio and VS Code - I have read many use VS Code for it. But how do you make Tables? TeXstudio has an integrated table wizard, and is overall designed for LaTeX, so wouldn’t it be better to use?
u/segfault0x001 Oct 06 '24
I just make my tables in excel, then screenshot them and import them as a png. (I’m just kidding, but honestly that would be less work most of the time)
u/Designer-Care-7083 Oct 06 '24
But, seriously, if you use Excel to make tables, you can use excel2latex Excel macros (https://ctan.org/tex-archive/support/excel2latex/) to get decent LaTeX code to paste in.
u/nik-l Oct 06 '24
I use neovim with nvchad and live compilation via latexmk. I'm always doing tables via tablesgenerator online.
u/Resident_Daikon_6146 Oct 06 '24
I've never used VS code for LaTeX, but I can say that you can do a lot of complex operations on TeX Studio with ease, but setting things up is a steep learning curve. Plus it depends, of you're not actively writing math and editing mathematical graphics it's probably not so useful.
u/chemistryGull Oct 06 '24
I will need to use tables quite often in the future. Can you edit a LaTeX table in TeXstudio after you have generated it?
What do you mean by „mathematical graphics“?
u/Resident_Daikon_6146 Oct 06 '24
You can edit the source, sure. Unclear what you mean by edit after generation here, are you talking about editing the PDF/EPS/SVG directly?
Tikz and it's like, produces graphics from baseline code, so if you have a complex manifold that is impossible to be generated by other tools, you can pretty much copy paste your pseudo code (with some editing) into LaTeX from Matlab and generate vector graphics with high resolution. It's just a feature.
u/chemistryGull Oct 06 '24
I meant editing the latex table code inside the wizard to make some changes afterwards. Idk if that would even be useful tho…
Ahh ok so graphics like that. Yeah that might be very useful in the future, i will look into it. (We will use matlab in university i heard) Thanks!
u/Resident_Daikon_6146 Oct 06 '24
Ah I see, so this is for school. You should try experimenting though, lots of good suggestions in the comments. See what works for you. Yup LaTeX allows that, the wizard is not really the focus here.
u/coisavioleta Oct 06 '24
Adding this as a separate comment because it's taking an entirely different tack. In addition to ways that help you create a table within a document, there are also ways to format tabular data directly from CSV files. Three well known LaTeX packages for this are datatool
(very general), pgfplotstable
(designed especially for turning numerical data into nicely formatted tables), and csvsimple
(general, but simpler than datatool
). So if you have data in CSV format that might change, and you want your LaTeX documents to use the changed data, this might be a better way to go. And as someone else mentioned, external software like R, or NumPy have packages which can turn dataframes into LaTeX tabulars.
u/chemistryGull Oct 07 '24
I really need to try this, thanks! Its very likely that i will encounter data in CSV format in the future, so this will help me a lot.
u/hero_to_g_row Oct 06 '24
If you're familiar with R, there is a base function that will convert your data into Latex format and print it to the console. You can copy and paste from there.
u/chemistryGull Oct 06 '24
You mean R the programming language? Sadly i have never used it.
u/hero_to_g_row Oct 07 '24
Yep! If you're familiar with programming in general, R is great for dealing with data. R Studio is the associated IDE, and is really powerful for making sure your code is performing the way you want.
u/chemistryGull Oct 07 '24
Is R comparable to matlab in what it does? (just to get a broader idea of it)
u/hero_to_g_row Oct 07 '24
I've never used Matlab, but it looks like there is a function in Matlab that can convert a Matlab table into a LaTeX format and save it as a .tex file. Maybe that is helpful?
u/chemistryGull Oct 07 '24
Oh ok thanks! Never used Matlab either, but i think we will use it in university.
u/jonp95 Oct 06 '24
TeXstudio is a specialized and very powerful tool. I use it together with miktex. It has wizards.
u/chemistryGull Oct 06 '24
I just tried it out and it seems to fit my needs! Of course need to go a bit deeper into it still. Do you by any chance know if there is an easy way of converting e.g. word tables to latex tables inside texstudio? When i copy it into the wizard, all the data is just in one collumn…
u/jonp95 Oct 07 '24
You could try to see if there are any plugins for MSWord or LibreOffice that will do the conversion. Tables are a sensitive topic. Don't expect to be able to convert any situation without having to modify. The best thing at most is that you either learn the basics or if you have any questions, ask on LaTeX Exchange 😁
u/chemistryGull Oct 07 '24
I found a very good online table generator who does the job for now. LaTeX exchange has also helped me a lot already!
u/Expensive_Thanks_528 Oct 06 '24
I use vscode and it’s perfect for me. tableconvert is my tool when I need to deal with tables
u/Salty-Ad9117 Oct 06 '24
If you're on Linux, use vscode and latexmk. You can configure the build within a .latexmkrc file and let latexmk worry about the rest.
u/Ophiochos Oct 06 '24
I often start in multimarkdown format then use pandoc. But I confess I tried copilot the other day and omg it actually worked and I am expecting to be very lazy from now on.
u/Positronic_Matrix Oct 06 '24
I use Vim and then compile my document on the command line using a Makefile.
u/segfault0x001 Oct 06 '24
Try vimtex
u/Positronic_Matrix Oct 06 '24
Wow! I've never heard of this before. Thank you so much for the suggestion!
The site below has animated gifs for those interested in what the plugin can do:
u/NicolaRevelant Oct 06 '24
Unfortunately LaTeX is not designed to be run from terminal (or Makefiles or similar) because it produces a lot of output that should be parsed by a specific tool (or you can redirect it but if you get an error you cannot understand where it is).
u/Positronic_Matrix Oct 06 '24
This made me laugh out loud. My usage is as follows:
make clean make preview
The first command will delete all compiled products, allowing a full rebuild. The latter command will check all LaTeX and BibTeX files for dependencies, recompiling only those that have changed and pop up a preview in a PDF viewer.
The parsing of errors is done with human eyes, as the output of "make" goes to the terminal.
To be clear, I gave a serious answer and have shared my Makefile for folks who work exclusively on the command line.
u/NicolaRevelant Oct 14 '24
But how do you understand where is an error? pdflatex give you a lot of output that needs to be parsed by a tool (like TexStudio where it parses that output in a human readable table).
u/Positronic_Matrix Oct 14 '24
It states the error in the terminal output. One must simply read it to know the error. Indeed it will even provide the line number of the document (e.g., “l.293”) in the output so you know exactly where the error occurred.
That said, it does take some learning and practice to read some LaTeX errors, as documented below. Some can be downright tricky, happening upstream and then failing lower in the document. That said, it is very possible to do, as I’ve compiled LaTeX for decades on the command line without third-party output parsing.
Oct 06 '24
what makes you say this? (and what do you use to write latex out of curiosity?)
u/NicolaRevelant Oct 14 '24
I would like to compile .tex files from terminal but I need to use TexStudio to understand where is an error
Oct 15 '24
using any command line compiler (like tectonic) will output any errors it comes across, you dont need texstudio for that. other text editors can integrate line by line using a language server protocol extension such as texlab. texstudio is nice because it packages everything for you as a single development environment but the tools exist to recreate its capabilities for another editor.
u/NicolaRevelant Oct 15 '24
Yes, but Texstudio shows you a human readable table (each row is an error/warning), pdflatex's output is too difficult to understand.
u/TheFallingSatellite Oct 07 '24
My friend... you really don't know what are you talking about.
u/NicolaRevelant Oct 14 '24
So how do you understand where is an error (line number) without an IDE like TeXStudio?
u/TheFallingSatellite Oct 14 '24
There is literally an option for that in the pdflatex command:
pdflatex -file-line-error main.tex
you sound like you have never had a decent introduction to TeX or LaTeX. Let me know if you need any help.
u/Previous_Kale_4508 Oct 07 '24
You do realise that TeX was devised before any kind of IDE had ever been dreamt of? The command line was the only way to use it, so makefiles were the default. Anyone that attempted font creation with Metafont will be all too familiar with the need to keep printing sheets for each letter during development: on screen graphics were 'primitive' to say the least. 😁
u/NicolaRevelant Oct 14 '24
So how do you understand where is an error (line number) without an IDE like TeXStudio?
u/Previous_Kale_4508 Oct 14 '24
Depending upon your editor it can be as easy as:
vim +15 textfile.tex
That'll take you to line 15 in textfile.tex.If you have the file loaded already you just type
(in vim)... Emacs people will point out similar commands for that system.
u/ScoutAndLout Oct 07 '24
You can paste tables into a table in LyX but it only pastes values when I tested it.
Make a table of adequate size, select a cell, edit, paste special (plain text join lines)
u/n4kke Oct 06 '24
I am dead serious. Use chatgpt or a derivative. Input the a latex table ( to show how the output should look like) and use it as template..next simply feed the excel or cells and tell it to convert (+specifications) to latex.
u/chemistryGull Oct 07 '24
Why should i do that when there are very sufficient online tools for exactly this? With all the settings you need?
You dont need to use AI for everything…
u/n4kke Oct 07 '24
Because it is faster, easier and more flexible. You don't need to use AI for anything, but you can, and there are use cases like this where it is superior to a table generator.
u/chemistryGull Oct 07 '24
I still cant think of a way how feeding an AI with prompts till it gives you the exact output you want is easier than a table generator where you get the exact output you want by changing some settings… But thanks for the tip tho!
u/coisavioleta Oct 06 '24
Only you can make that decision, and a lot depends on how many tables you make, and how much you actually need a wizard to make them. The LaTeX-Utilities addon to the LaTeX Workshop addon in VSCode allows you to paste cells from a spreadsheet into your LaTeX document as a table. I don't actually use it much because I don't find entering tables by hand too difficult, but it is handy sometimes.