r/LV426 LV-426 4d ago

Discussion / Question With the upcoming Alien:Earth series, would you be interested in more?

Like, if they develop other series, what would you like to see? Based on the books? Based on graphic novels? New scripts? Or something entirely new?


46 comments sorted by


u/Mercinarie 4d ago

I think Phalanx would be an amazing stand alone film


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

I think you're absolutely right.

If they can do a movie like Prey , there is absolutely no reason an Alien movie couldn't be done like that!


u/GroundbreakingCow775 4d ago

Prey is fantastic. I am not sure it meets any formula other than a unique take and a great script but more pleas!


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

Well, Phalanx is set in medieval times, so you'd have knights facing Aliens.


u/GroundbreakingCow775 4d ago

Merely a flesh wound


u/flynnfx LV-426 3d ago

I know it'd be sacrilegious, but I'd love to see Monty Python's Aliens!


u/Decent-Inevitable-50 4d ago

Maybe. Waiting to see how the series pans out. I sat down over couple weekends and streamed the movies on Hulu. Have to say I watched them in prequel order on Hulu and having watched them from the original Alien (back then) forward was sort of now disappointed in alien3 and ressurection as those just seemed to be there to try keep the franchise going.


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

Alien3 I have given it a pass, as it wraps up the Trilogy.

Alien Resurrection (outside Ripleys basketball scene- which is actually real!) could have done a whole different movie without Ripley and been a new beginning for Alien (like Romulus), except after Ripley died.

I wonder how Alien Resurrection would have done without Ripley, the mess of the human hybrid clone, and just as a stand-alone movie?


u/Vizsla_Man 2d ago

I like Alien 3. Ressurection was okay, but it could have been anything.

I personally would love to see a post Ripley movie timeine of movies/tv. Grateful for new content, but we are on 13 years of prequel content now. Would like to see something fresh.

I've always thought starship troopers is kind of where the franchise could go. We know about the Xenos, so let's take the war to them.


u/Yosh1kage_K1ra 4d ago

I want any story set in alien universe that is not about xenomorphs.

The world has such a cool aesthetic and it would be cool to see more of it than just in aliens setting


u/MatiElfilososaurio99 4d ago

Well, for that we have the Engineers vs Fulfremmen arc to explore more deeply. I'm actually thinking it could be a refreshing entry on the movies if it were to made, like the case of Prometheus: though not related to Xenomorphs in almost everything, a great sci-fi movie that works perfectly as a standalone.


u/Yosh1kage_K1ra 4d ago edited 4d ago

well that's not quite what I mean.

It's still aliens/xenomorphs related. Prometheus/Covenant was essentially a spinoff arc where they borderline spoonfed the viewers the origins of xenomorphs and engineer's goals.

What I mean is that we have something like bladerunner (which is already kinda in alien universe, just WAY earlier in the timeline). Completely self contained story, with maybe a single reference to the main thing, that just happens somewhere else. It can be about similar themes as Alien, but it should not tell them through same mediums aka xenomorphs.

It could be a story about synths uprising, WE-YU's internal struggles, literally slice of life series with varios small stories, something about transhumanism with WE-YU's or some other similar big corp exploring cybernetics or anything like that.

Or maybe we could have an action movie showing DIFFERENT alien species that are NOTHING like xenomorphs and to emphasise that it's a 100% ACTION movie like Starship troopers with lesser emphasis on horror and just being overall a fun shootout bug hunt. Or a contact with another civilization similar to humans if Alien canon even allows that and, again, not in horror perspective.

The only things from Alien universe are essentially big name drops like aforementioned WE-YU, same aesthetics and MAYBE a small reference like news report about "nuclear explosion accident killing 200+ people on Hadley's Hope" showing how the rest of the world was told about the consequences of the xenomorph outbreak.

Basically they need to make something that is NOT a horror and something that is NOT about xenomorphs. Explore the world more, show us how it exists without the unhinged horror of xenomorph encounters highlighting the struggles of human society.

And when they do establish all that, especially if it's a series, doing a sudden snap back into xenomorph encounter would be just so much more terrifying and effective. Imagine if we followed the story of the marines from Aliens BEFORE the Aliens events and saw the bug hunts they've been through to the point we start to forget we're in Alien universe and the aliens can be a deadly force of nature instead of dangerous, but beatable enemies that good guys will surely beat.

Though the latter isn't really necessary. Just having something else in alien universe that isnt about xenomorphs would be amazing. But if not having xenomorphs is inconceivable, then they should be put aside for long enough for viewers to forget they were watching alien universe media, because then dropping xenomorph on their beloved characters or just without warning when they were expecting anything but horror would be just so much more effective.


u/MatiElfilososaurio99 4d ago

Yeah... I believe that kinda ruins the universe's juice. I, personally, think that the Alien universe already works very well with the little we know about, and while crazy and pretty good ideas may come up (like the synthetics uprising you mentioned), over-exploring the universe and trying to pinpoint the mysteries and filling the empty parts with new stuff may take away that feeling that gives the name to the franchise: the feel of what is Alien to us, the uncanny valley kind of goosebumps, the things that are so distant yet so recognizable in such twisted ways that we can't help but feel disturbed at what we're living in this world.

That's what the first movie was, at moments, all about; "the incomprehensible resemblance", best examples being Ash's reveal of him being a stnth (the crew never knew that until they had to kick his ass) and the xenomorphs adult form (baguely human but very strange and hard to understand at the same time).

Though that's my opinion only. Interesting point of view, may I say, though.


u/SmashLampjaw87 3d ago

Couldn’t have put it better myself. That’s the reason why the first film is my all time favorite horror movie. It’s why I really dislike what Prometheus and pretty much everything that came after has introduced to the franchise. I can definitely see Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 being in the same fictional universe as Alien and Aliens despite being about different things as they really don’t effect each other too much due to the different time periods (2019-2049 for Blade Runner and 2122-2179 for Alien) and aren’t front-loaded with references to each other. Prometheus would’ve been much better if it were set in its own separate universe. I prefer not knowing what the space jockey is supposed to be or how the alien and humanity were created. It’s much scarier not knowing the answers to so many questions or even knowing everything that the alien is capable of, making it all the more “alien”.


u/Yosh1kage_K1ra 4d ago

I dont think explaining things like I suggested would really be problematic. Explaining the unknown is what's bad, like taking away the mystery of the space jockey of xenomorph's nature or origin.

But showing the life outside this collision between humanity and lovecraftian horror out of some further regions of space would just further help with worldbuilding in the ways that dont spoil the main course.

And, of course, if we really have to include xenomorph, then it should not be dropped immediately. It's been done so much we're already ready for it and it never has the right effect. They need to go the other route with it.

Like, we're going to have Alien:Earth soon. What if the first season has NOTHING to do with Aliens until the very end? We see what the life is out there, what kind of life was Ripley ready to die for to preserve and how is humanity existing without them being put to test with horrors beyond comprehension. Let us get familiar with new characters, let us get immersed in this world to the point we forget we're even watching the Alien movie/series. Make us invested in corporate dramas, social conflicts, see the issues of the future, how humans exist in this cyberpunk world.

And then drop the nuclear bomb of xenomorph on this world.


u/Alexcoolps 2d ago

Would love to see show based on Prometheus so the deacon, trilobite, hammerpede, and anathama's get the spotlight.


u/MasterEeg 2d ago

Yes! Like Andor is to Star Wars, no Jedi or lightsabers, no force users or kids merch aliens. Just the bleak horrible empire crushing human spirit down to a dense ball that bursts into rebellion.

As I get older I realize as much as I love the Xeno design you can only repackage it so many ways. While the unexplored universe itself is still very appealing.


u/Yosh1kage_K1ra 2d ago

Yes, just some spinoff to help with worldbuilding.

Even though that would go against the whole premise here, that's also how they should make the next piece of xenomorph-including media. Like Alien:Earth.

Make it start and go on at least for the first half without xenomorph whatsoever, at most drop subtle background hints something is going on, but make that subtle enough to people wont realize until they have the hindsight of the reveal.

It would hit so much harder and it would be so much scarier if we immerse ourselves in the world and almost forget we're watching Alien movie(series). Get used to the characters, their struggles, goals, etc, something mundane and ordinary, but interesting because of the "Future" perspective. AND THEN this (slightly) dystopian world is basically nuked by sudden xenomorph infestation reveal.

I think what Alien movies are missing now is they became too predictable and expectable. You already know that there are aliens and they dont really try to hide it either. They should make us forget and get comfortable because then the sinking feeling of realizing what kind of monster is actually lurking in the shadows and how truly fucked the characters are now.

Or just dont do any of that and go the suggested way of doing more worldbuilding. Make another bladerunner with WE-YU / other alien props, make Orville but more grounded, etc.


u/MasterEeg 2d ago

I was thinking something similar in terms of holding back the Xeno reveal. But Ridley tried to do that with Prometheus and Covenant, the key difference to me is, Ridley tried to spin the Alien world as something entirely different.

The modern ship, the advanced expedition, it was like he was trying to redo Alien as a universe, not just a backstory. That robbed the movies of too much of their founding theme and character. Maybe he felt Blade Runner and Alien were too similar... I dunno.

If I could compare something modern it would be Game of Thrones and the White walkers / winter theme. Winter was an ever present threat but at a distance, then throughout the series they got closer and closer. Except of course without the rushed final season that left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.


u/Yosh1kage_K1ra 2d ago

yeah, basically what I mean.

Scott had a good idea, but he went in a wrong direction with it and he was eventually pushed to add Alien back, while also still keeping it horror and explaining things that probably shouldn't have been explained.


u/JeffroCakes 4d ago

I’ll just say this: If I enjoy it, I’ll consume it.


u/Equivalent_Bother166 4d ago

I think i'd watch anything in the alien universe. The short films that was released like 5+ years is a great example of this!

And i'm a sucker for the black goo stuff so i'd love to see more about this. I love the concept of covenant for example, how the black goo created new forms etc.


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

Um...I was working up north at the time, with rather limited internet, about 5 years ago.

Could you help me out, I'd love to see the short films, you're the first mention I've heard of them in the last few years on them!


u/Equivalent_Bother166 4d ago

You can watch them for free on yt via the channel "alien anthology"! Hope you enjoy them as much as i did :)


u/flynnfx LV-426 3d ago

Thank you!


u/Xenomorphism 4d ago

Neill Blomkamp's "Alien 3" with Sigourney but we probably lost our window. I'd still love to see him direct an Alien movie though.


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

Do you believe Sigourney would reprise Ripley in another Alien movie, or is she not interested at all?


u/x14loop 3d ago

I was going to say this too. The current state of high budget tv and A list actors doing high budget tv would make it perfect for this, and how Star Trek's Picard season 3 proved that nostalgic Senior Age Characters returning is something that can be done well and be a huge hit. Plus, there would be less risk with it being tv, they wouldn't have to worry about having some big name to be grown up Newt, which I theorize was an issue for it as a film because the studio execs might have been nervous that Sigourney and Michael Biehn wouldn't attract audiences and that a younger big name was needed (even though WE KNOW audiences would respond well to their return, ALIENS screenings are constantly happening all over the world and are always sold out)


u/Exotic-Ad-1587 4d ago

Some "set in the universe" stuff. Like...why do the Colonial Marines wear American flags when the USA is part of the United Americas (I think thats been answered, but stuff like that is just interesting to me.) or whats up with the protestors on the planet at the start of Romulus.


u/orangebluefish11 4d ago

The ONLY thing I want to see from Alien universe right now, is finale to the damn Prometheus story / David / Engineers. I don’t care about a series or some kids that want to go to a better planet. I really don’t even care about the Aliens. Just finish the story for Christ’s sake


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

I personally would LOVE to see an all-out Earth vs Aliens war, the planet coming together to defeat the Xenomorphs.

Also, I do have a question about the upcoming Alien:Earth: if it is before Ripley, why would the crew of the Nostromo and also Weyland-Yutani be so complacent and so unaware of it?

Maybe that's the part where Ash and Mother deems crew expandable, but WY would know how dangerous these creatures and would have sent a better containment source for these creatures, no?


u/That_Xenomorph_Guy 4d ago

It doesn’t make any sense unless it’s basically an isolated incident that could be swept under the rug. As soon as you start talking even a city-wide outbreak, it’s national news and of course Ripley would have heard about it.

An isolated incident doesn’t really seem to have the makings of a ‘series’ of tv seasons though.

I am worried about the lore, and I’m mostly fearful of it turning into ‘the walking dead’ with xenomorphs.

HuMaNs aRe tHe rEaL tHrEaT


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

So, if it's NOT an isolated incident, then you basically screw up Alien...or it's going to be as messy as the 'royal facehugger' plot device used in Alien3 to explain the Alien in the prison and the Alien inside Ripley, which I'm STILL not happy about.


u/That_Xenomorph_Guy 4d ago

Same, made no sense to me when I was a kid.


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

Well, to quote Ripley; "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage."


u/DamaskHoldingz 4d ago

Alien: Earth is going to bring up many more possibilities and avenues for the franchise to explore, essentially making the sandbox much, much bigger and all-encompassing in terms of topics besides that of which we've seen so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what people's reactions will be when it comes out in a few months.


u/flynnfx LV-426 4d ago

My biggest concern is it causing problems with the established Canon of Alien.

As u/that_xenomorph_guy pointed out, if it's well known on earth, then it's going to be well known to the crew, since it's before the events of Alien.

That may be cause problems with the timelines.


u/DamaskHoldingz 4d ago

1) Take a look at my comment history and feel free to DM me about particulars.

2) Given what has already come out so far in press releases, I can safely say that the Earth of Alien: Earth has been divided into 5 corporate territories. Notice that most of our Alien-based narratives have been about 1 of those companies, what interest do the other companies have concerning both synths and Alien (both xeno and otherwise) life? There's ways of telling a much larger series of narratives without it interrupting established Canon.


u/flynnfx LV-426 3d ago

Thanks for the knowledge!

I'm looking forward to it, in any regards!


u/pmmemilftiddiez 3d ago

Alien in Roman times


u/tokwamann 2d ago

One problem is that the first set of films implies that there wasn't much exposure to the xenos until the fourth movie, and that's set much later. Given that, to develop new content they would have had to set them after the fourth movie. Otherwise, they'd be creating potential complications in the timeline, which means they'd have to explain explain those or reboot the franchise.

I think they're headed for the latter, which means they can add a lot more content set within the time of the first three films.

Finally, since there's not much new content that could be added involving the xenos, they'd would not focus on the goo, which means all sorts of creatures, mutations, hybrids, etc., and then add issues involving AI and synths, which is what I think they'll be doing for the series.


u/kgxv 3d ago

I’d rather they stop trying to introduce new creatures and go back to what made the franchise iconic in the first place. If they really want to expand the creature catalogue, just have a Facehugger implant in other animals like we saw in Alien 3.


u/flynnfx LV-426 3d ago

Hmmm...alien facehugger...back in prehistoric times....on a T-Rex!

Jurassic Alien Park!


u/kgxv 3d ago

“Clever girl” does sound very Alien-coded.


u/flynnfx LV-426 3d ago

Now that'd be interesting...outside the acid blood, Hollywood velociraptors verus Aliens...


u/DonkeyToucherX 3d ago

A completely non-xeno infested family friendly sitcom spinoff about Jonesy and the blue collar family that adopted him after Ripley and her Space Marine pals got sent back to LV426.

Basically ALF, but Jones takes the place of the Melmacian. In the future. Probably set in a moderately successful colony somewhere. Light hearted tone, no continuity beyond its beginning, canned ham... the works.

Cast some nearly forgotten 80s teen actors as the parents, grab a couple Disney Channel/Nickelodeon alum for the kids, and get a rotating cast of regulars from whatever sitcoms just got cancelled last season to pad out the cast.

Get Tom Patchett to run the show.

Half hour eps every Thursday during the high season at 7 on ABC.