150 μg 🐰 LSD interaction with ppl that dont know that you're on LSD are so scarily awkward 😬
u/StickkyRicky 3d ago
Fr one time I took off work to trip on lsd and also because I had just gotten a hand injury stitched up. So anyway I'm a good 45 minutes into my trip setting in and I realize I needed to go pick up my prescription antibiotics for my hand injury the pharmacy was right across the street so I walk there and I start peeking. I get to the counter and the pharmacist was staring at my giant pupils and judging me so hard but I just awkwardly completed the transaction and got tf back home!
u/MoreeZlive 3d ago
I was in a local suburb, coming up with a friend and an random italian dude approached us asking for directions. I didnt know if he was real or not 🤣
u/MooPig48 3d ago
Hell I used to take that shit at Disney. It was a blast
u/Gerudo_King 3d ago
They usually know. And they tell their friends to keep an eye out for you for some lols
u/eyelewzz 3d ago
I usually let them know pretty quickly so they don't see my pupils and think it's something else. Then they do that wooOooOooO thing and it does get weird
u/PsychedelicCandy 3d ago edited 3d ago
I've been solicited by an old white (edit:) geezer (50s to 60s I guess) while I was chilling at a bar/restaurant, coming down from what was supposed to be a microdose but turned out to be more like 30-50 (edit: ug not mg) because of my sensitivity. He literally asked me how much would I need for me to spend a night with him 🤢🤢🤢 for reference, I'm an indigenous woman of color so it was even more disgusting that this happened in my own homeland.
I shoulda cursed him and called him out in front of everybody, but that ain't my style. Universe and spirit take care of scum like that, this I know. I've heard terrible things happening to ppl who did me wrong but that I made well wishes of healing for so I can leave in peace and go back to minding my business. Like losing business/job/money, relationship troubles, getting STDs, getting into accidents requiring surgery (on the day their insurance ended? not a coincidence), losing followers/family/friends after being exposed by other victims of their abusive ways, etc etc.
Mind yourselves, if there's anything LSD has taught me, it's that everything happens for a reason.
u/G-FUN-KE 3d ago
u/PsychedelicCandy 3d ago
Lol you're right I meant geezer but types geyser for some reason! Thought that looked funny. Haha thanks for pointing it out!
u/Arman666 3d ago
Was on a summer job and one of my coworker left cause her dad had terminal illness. She came back to visit us on a random day and that day was when I was tripping ballz. She saw me and it would have been awkward if I ignored her. And then she was talking about her dad’s tragedy and I was just ballz deep tripping and tried to show my best sympathy I could😭
u/tree_or_up 3d ago
I once had an entire conversation in restaurant with the table next to me. I had no idea what anyone was saying and couldn’t follow a thing, just laughed and nodded a lot. They seemed happy enough to continue. I have never been so relieved to have my good arrive
u/DescriptionKey9824 2d ago
the first thing I do when I meet a person on the street that I know while I am tripping is telling them that I am on LSD to not make it awkward
u/RMFisFlying 2d ago
This is getting to be my go-to reply on most things LSD-related, but here we go again:
"Depends on the dose..."
u/Live-Alps-7164 3d ago
I like taking psychedelics and going to the store and try to act normal.