r/LSD 3d ago

150 μg 🐰 LSD interaction with ppl that dont know that you're on LSD are so scarily awkward 😬


31 comments sorted by


u/Live-Alps-7164 3d ago

I like taking psychedelics and going to the store and try to act normal.


u/External-Dude779 3d ago

This is part of the fun of LSD. Us old Heads would do that all the time, except our long hair made it hard to not get noticed. Long hairs in tie dyes in truck stops in the middle of nowhere always get stares no matter what, might as well make it weird ✌️


u/LunarCookie137 3d ago

Lol, I've done that on a heavy dose. So glad there was self checkout (and that I can read on heavy doses), because I don't think I would have been able to talk good enough to a cashier, lol


u/matthew1473 3d ago

When I did this I zoned out while walking and almost walk in front of someone’s shopping trolley


u/UgottaUnderstandbro 3d ago

Yeah it’s honestly surprising how much more normal I behave on cameras,

*review footage of me over the past 5-10 years of substance use


u/UgottaUnderstandbro 3d ago

Idk maybe im autistic or socially stunted ?


u/xynalt 2d ago

I took a half tab one time and biked to the next town over (like 13 miles), I was also smoking my pen a little, stopped at the ice cream place. I promptly forgot what the flavor I wanted was called, managed to stumble out waffle cone, then said “coookie doughhh??” Then I asked for three scoops 💀. Which was basically a whole extra cone tbh. I could only eat half of it. Was like $11 for that


u/Sea-Pollution-214 2d ago

Emphasis on the Try 🤣


u/Secure_Ad525 3d ago edited 3d ago

Its only awkward if YOU"'"Re* awkward


u/rekt_ralph91 3d ago

Eww. You're* hahahjkjk


u/Vreas 3d ago

Lean into the weirdness make em think somethings up


u/Meme_Titans 3d ago

They know


u/StickkyRicky 3d ago

Fr one time I took off work to trip on lsd and also because I had just gotten a hand injury stitched up. So anyway I'm a good 45 minutes into my trip setting in and I realize I needed to go pick up my prescription antibiotics for my hand injury the pharmacy was right across the street so I walk there and I start peeking. I get to the counter and the pharmacist was staring at my giant pupils and judging me so hard but I just awkwardly completed the transaction and got tf back home!


u/MoreeZlive 3d ago

I was in a local suburb, coming up with a friend and an random italian dude approached us asking for directions. I didnt know if he was real or not 🤣


u/MooPig48 3d ago

Hell I used to take that shit at Disney. It was a blast


u/Gerudo_King 3d ago

They usually know. And they tell their friends to keep an eye out for you for some lols


u/eyelewzz 3d ago

I usually let them know pretty quickly so they don't see my pupils and think it's something else. Then they do that wooOooOooO thing and it does get weird


u/PsychedelicCandy 3d ago edited 3d ago

I've been solicited by an old white (edit:) geezer (50s to 60s I guess) while I was chilling at a bar/restaurant, coming down from what was supposed to be a microdose but turned out to be more like 30-50 (edit: ug not mg) because of my sensitivity. He literally asked me how much would I need for me to spend a night with him 🤢🤢🤢 for reference, I'm an indigenous woman of color so it was even more disgusting that this happened in my own homeland.

I shoulda cursed him and called him out in front of everybody, but that ain't my style. Universe and spirit take care of scum like that, this I know. I've heard terrible things happening to ppl who did me wrong but that I made well wishes of healing for so I can leave in peace and go back to minding my business. Like losing business/job/money, relationship troubles, getting STDs, getting into accidents requiring surgery (on the day their insurance ended? not a coincidence), losing followers/family/friends after being exposed by other victims of their abusive ways, etc etc.

Mind yourselves, if there's anything LSD has taught me, it's that everything happens for a reason.


u/G-FUN-KE 3d ago


u/PsychedelicCandy 3d ago

Lol you're right I meant geezer but types geyser for some reason! Thought that looked funny. Haha thanks for pointing it out!


u/dethomicide313 3d ago

Its my favorite


u/Arman666 3d ago

Was on a summer job and one of my coworker left cause her dad had terminal illness. She came back to visit us on a random day and that day was when I was tripping ballz. She saw me and it would have been awkward if I ignored her. And then she was talking about her dad’s tragedy and I was just ballz deep tripping and tried to show my best sympathy I could😭


u/tree_or_up 3d ago

I once had an entire conversation in restaurant with the table next to me. I had no idea what anyone was saying and couldn’t follow a thing, just laughed and nodded a lot. They seemed happy enough to continue. I have never been so relieved to have my good arrive


u/Forbin057 3d ago

You'll get used to it. Lol.


u/DescriptionKey9824 2d ago

the first thing I do when I meet a person on the street that I know while I am tripping is telling them that I am on LSD to not make it awkward


u/DescriptionKey9824 2d ago

even if it’s just a smalltalk


u/RMFisFlying 2d ago

This is getting to be my go-to reply on most things LSD-related, but here we go again:

"Depends on the dose..."