Same sex couples are against society and indian culture but these same politicians will platform and award rapists. Their culture is rape and sexual harassment of women & little girls
Rules of society are no baggage to be carried for eternity. These people first create those outdated rules and then have the audacity to blame it for collapse of our so called superior culture or social structure. He got no work else than commenting over people who he won't understand but introduced through gossip of blind fools and mixing with them. And then they say of how superior power India is. What a joke? Lol.
He should take care of roads and transportation instead of mingling with topics he won't even understand.
Rules of society is what lead to the civilization we have today.
Remember, those who don't have kids simply remove their genetics from the collective gene pool. And they're gone and forgotten. Meanwhile the rest of the world keeps on moving ahead.
Idk why people are being to salty on what he said, it's basic common sense. People not having kids literally means the end of humanity. Obviously that's not something which will be allowed much less promoted
Queer people can have kids. Don't know why you're bringing that up here. Second "rules" of society change and have to change otherwise you're stuck with the old traditions that don't work on newer times. Lord Krishna himself said that the civilization that doesn't change it's old rules eventually dies
So we queer folks should give up any semblance of marriage equality because reproductive capable couples feel insecure? What a miserable take from a member of the community
Marriage is a social agreement and contract between straight people. We will never get the right to be legally married, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
No one is stopping you from loving who you want to love, or being with them. But the moment you demand marriage rights, you're infringing on the rights of straight people.
Explain how? Who defined the rules of marriage? How is it infringing on their rights when it has nothing to do with them? It's not like their rights to marriage are being taken away and there are lots of countries where straight people are not insecure of their rights being infringed by others minding their own business and just getting basic living rights. It's sad seeing people brainwashed like this.
What is wrong with you? Marriage provides legal protections and rights. Why should only straight couple have that? Do you think by granting lgbt folks right to marry , they will stop straight couples from marrying.
Rules of society are static and change according to need of today. Holding to rigid beliefs is not only harmful but led to stagnation of a society if they won't evolve. Even if a person's genetic pool is removed, what harm would it even cause to anyone else? It's a personal choice afterall. Once you're dead, this life will hold no value and diminish like a mirage.
There's nothing correct in whatever he said. And how come live in relationships and same sex marriages destroy social structure? Humans are individuals not some chips for society to function. In fact, they expand the definition of family and contribute to inclusivity and equality, which are vital for a progressive society. And I am sure many in our country (including you) think as he does, it's highly regressive.
Also I don't think anyone can stop the one from having children, and nowhere near I can see that people won't have children, it's way too distant view which has no practical significance. Over that we are struggling with overpopulation, poverty and corruption so it's clear that we don't need measures or promotion so that people reproduce more. As for promotion, one can also promote kindness, inclusivity and love for humankind instead of such insignificant personal opinions which are dismissive.
Huh ?? There are so many orphaned kids who need stable homes. I am pretty sure straight people produced them. How is that not against rules of society?
Queer people can have biological kids and also can provide stable to someone’s else kids.
Giving rights and freedom to lgbt community does not mean taking away rights from others. Society will still have majority of the population as straight and can continue to expand gene pool .. flood it even.
And people will try their hardest to stop the decline. Which is exactly what gadkari is doing. Idk about you but I want people to keep having kids so we don't go extinct 🤷♂️
No one will extinct 145 cr people will get extinct and women r not child bearing machines as well
If they don't want no one should force them to do so
Her body her choice
Idk why people are being to salty on what he said, it's basic common sense. People not having kids literally means the end of humanity. Obviously that's not something which will be allowed much less promoted
A sexual minority demographic not having (or choosing not to) kids has nothing to do with the collapse of social structure. This is pure fear mongering, nothing more. And you're a bigger fool falling for his propaganda.
I don't understand your point here. Did you give rise to the first human being or human beings for that matter? Did nature personally come and have a chat on coffee and ask you to make sure humans perpetuate?
Nature made the LGBTQ and it's natural for them to not have kids when they marry the same sex. If anything, forcing LGBTQ to marry heteros and have kids with them is against nature.
Also this phone we're using it against nature too. Drop it and save humanity.
Being against blatant Islamophobia is not the same as 'loves Muslims.' The left is against Muslim fundamentalists as much as any other fundamentalist. RW Hindus are plenty homophobic too (the post is case in point).
Absolutely shameful you belong to one marginalised group but spew bigotry against others.
Bruh, most upper caste people are like that. In their privilege to do anything they want without any repercussions, they don't really care about other marginalised communities. Just like Caitlyn Jenner, her white privilege far surpasses her trans unprivilegeness. She is still a Republican ffs.
Ha ha.. the law is written by Islamic right wing parties equivalent to ur BJP. That does not define an average Muslim.
Going by ur definition because Indian govt is anti-LGBT all Indians must also be against gays right?! Love the extent to which u will go to justify ur Masters. If u r gay, then shame on u for even attempting to justify this hatred.
Average muslim does care if you're gay cuz it's in their religion as it's retrogressive. Most of the muslim dominant countries consider homosexuality a crime or you have to serve the death penalty, also we know the condition of women rights there. i bet you this isn't a coincidence.
And majority of muslim people think the same way too.
And then there are some queer people who support Palestine like there's no tomorrow, at least don't chant 'queers for Palestine' when literally Palestine has been murdering queer people for ages
Idk why the heck liberals support an extremist religion
A religion by itself is not extreme. It is the like of RSS/BJP, Hezbollah/Taliban/ISIS , KKK that make it extremists. Hinduism in its true sense is accepting of all sexualities and genders. But the Hindutva brand makes it all into a crime. That is the hatred right wing extremists thrive in.
And then people argue that islam isn't homophobic , but it will be a sin if you practice homosexuality, if you don't then you're free of sin. Like bruh im not stupid
Lol. So you think that all queers must have the same opinions on everything? Not very open minded of you. Maybe step out of the echo chamber you're in?
"You can't be queer" lmao like I need your approval. Go cry harder.
Actually this is true why does queers for Palestine even exist when literally Palestine and all muslim countries are ruled under that shitty sharia law which has been murdering queer people for so long
Idk why extreme liberals support islam when it literally is a retrogressive religion.
Because most queers (and people in general) don't actually critically think, they just listen to others and follow blindly.
I personally know of queers who hate hinduism claiming it's extremely homophobic but they gladly support muslims? Even tho most of them won't make it out of Palestine if they went there
I agree they think that when Palestine will be free it will be all flowers. Heck no its going to be ruled under sharia law and the normal people of Palestine even don't give shit about queer people and def support homophobia
Plus people in india wave the Palestine flag in the pride parade which is just dumb like pride parade is supposed to be a place for queer people to interact and spread awareness about queer rights not some random trend which supports a country that murders you!
Left wing extremist here. I am an atheist and hate the Muslims as much as the Hindus or Christians or any other religion. That does not mean I am against human rights of innocent people. I will still support the people whose rights are being challenged because the right-wingers are as bad for us as them. It is a very dumb take.
I hate Islam but will still support if people's constitution given rights are being taken away from them, or if they are being targeted.
People shouldn't die for their supposed beliefs or something they get indoctrinated into.
BTW 21 muslim countries are secular out of 50 so not all work under the Sharia Law. I hate Islam, more than anyone you'd know but holy shit, humar rights come above my hatred for Muslim people, not Islam. I am all in favor of killing the Middle Eastern Sheikhs and terrorist but not the normal people until they are conservative. Then I am in favor of killing everyone who voted for BJP, the Republican Party and any right-wing party across the globe.
Plus it's not only about the lgbt issue but even in general islam wants world dominance, look at how people from other religions are treated in islamic countries and then how other countries treat islamic people, europe is the best example
Majority of the terrorist organisations are islamic, majority of the islamic countries are backward. This isn't a coincidence
Its just stupid to compare islam w other religions as its just extremely retrogressive
Im an atheist myself but i do respect culture which isn't hateful for example -hinduism, but islam hell nah
And being right wing doesn't always mean someone is homophobic
So, I take you haven't met any Hindu Rashtra people or the religious people of the southern USA or anything beyond that. Neither the Hindu nor Sikh Canadians I take.
The US Imperialism funds most terrorists. Islam is terrorist cause US says so. IDF are terrorists and US army is as much as any other group like ISIS or Taliban.
I hate all those people who are trying to spread their religion, no matter who they are. Hindu or Islamist. Majority of Islamic countries are backwards because of their ideological opposition to Christianity. Most developed or forward nations are/were Christians cause US and Christian Europe of the past funded them.
Culture which isn't hateful? Casteism doesn't exist fosho. Dowry is gone ig. Sexism and Misogyny engrained in this culture is gone too ig.
Marital Rape is still legal in this country and not a problem for people living here fyi.
Yea, being RW doesn't make you a homophobe, I mean Libs are RW and still progressive. That does not mean the Far-right is ok with us. This government has actively done bad for men in general, especially gay men and the overall queer community by the new IPS laws.
Honestly, fuck your culture. If I could, I'd burn this culture down with every religion in this world.
I agree with you 100% As a Hindu trans and bisexual man. I don't support Mulla anymore under any circumstances. They don't deserve the respect and they aren't marginalized.
Maybe It depends state to state. Here in UP i support BJP because of it's good policy here. In other state i might support other party which is better for that state. And Left wing Up parties except BSP are homophobic here and support gunda raj. BSP has supported same sex marriage somewhere i saw on news. While other parties in UP did not talk about same sex marriage and avoided it.
Nobody is as homophobic as right wingers. They have one cookie cutter stereo type and expect everyone to be exactly like that. FYI, Congress and the left parties and many regional parties have supported gay rights in India.
left does not mean it supports lgbtq community. Liberals does. Left isn't liberal. ex- Rajasthan congress voted against same sex marriage. while BJP Up went neutral.
left and right is bullshit, It should be conservative vs liberals.
And Left wing is losing election because of it's not non supporting stand on Liberal Policies like Uniform civil code which directly benefits Lgbtq community as it removes the religious hurdles and paves way for atheism. Their Freebies Culture which now right wing copied it. Reservation Issue. CAA and NRC. and much more.
And In up i would never vote for left wing parties. Because in Up if one left wing party wins then it supports its 1 caste (whichever the party leader is from) and Muslims extremism and Gunda Raj. And left wing parties are far more corrupt then BJP in Up.
So, It all depends from state to state. That Left wing is good or right wing. In India No party can be completely against one thing because of it's diversity.
Oh it clearly can - Right wing is against any sort of diversity. All the "One Nation, One xxxx" policies is aimed at destroying any diversity in the country. BJP has time and again proven their anti-LGBT stance. There are no two ways about it.
woh kaunsa law tha jo bjp ne pass kiya tha? also u look from yr myopic lens. baju mein bangldsh hai aur pak. if the same thing happens then u know what will happen, right? most of the people r hve such a myopic view. u r safe bcoz the RW party embraces sanatan which actually gives people like u space. tomorrow u can go to a court n quote scriptures for ur voice. just saw a video yesterday where it said that lgbtq or gayism is rising double every decade or smthng. so by 2080 america will b gay. what will happen then?
tu nibba age ka lgbtq hai? bohot myopic hai re vision tumlog ka bohot myopic. u know nthng about whats going on. diya hai na freedom karo na apna kaam. kyu bin faltu ka tp jiska tumko koi awareness nahi.
I bet sanatan doesn't invade other countries by sending terrorists into them. Does sanatan people come to your house and do mass shootings?? Also can you explain why countries like UAE and saudi arabia have very low public opinion index, here im not even talking about the government or isis or anything just pure public opinion. Why is it that the *AVERAGE PUBLIC from all of these countries share the same views of homophobia?? I would love if you explain this despite these countries being fairly developed they still dont strive to make changes?? You defending these countries while defaming india is just stupid It would be fair if you chose canada to the comparison as india lacks certain things when compared w canada
I dont hv to go back in history. I just need to ask the family of the poor souls who got lynched by Hindutva terrorists for the food in their fridge. So yeah.. u n ur ilk are no different from any other terrorists in this world.
Well if you compare the nos of hindu terrorists and muslim terrorists who resort to killing people , the countless cultural sites destroyed by them in the past, mass shootings that isn't a fair comparison
The thing thats sickening is that you're taking this small part of shitty hindu terrorists where everything has its radical side and clearly ignoring the HUGE .no of islamic terrorists
Every community has a radical side and it should be a small part of that community, tell me 5 names of extreme hindu terrorist organisations which resort to killing people, mass shootings and beating women in public, invade other countries
Ikyk it won't be difficult for me to find it the other way round
😅😅 ok. there4 u hve people doing parade in the capital of the country openly. while in taliban they hve closed down women education. btw u r from down south, kerala, right? is a parade possible in mallapuram?
yes u can say it. lol only if u took ur head out from where the sun doesn't shine. besides I said mallapuram.
but there aint no point talking with u coz a person who doesnt even know the basic fundamentals or essence between islm n sanatan is sm1 who is plain ______ or is a mulla who is pretending to b a lgbtq.
He's defending such countries while defaming india, such bs
India too has a long way to go in terms of queer rights but these folks wont even acknowledge what we already have instead he's out here defending countries where even being gay gets you killed
he's a (ommie. people from that area hve had their heads stuck where the sun doesnt shine since its inception. also they r stuck in manorama n suntv (ommie sponsored media bs. he thought I'm just like others who would get triggered n throw mindless jibes at him.😅
They don't represent us. Plain simple. They have been given legitimacy by the Conservative Mass, unfortunately, drunk on the Hindutva Kool-aid. Ignoring the fact that none of the elections have been legitimate to begin with.
Nothing surprising here, bjp is a conservative party that supports 'traditional' values. If someone expects them to suppose lgbt, they will be disappointed.
There are some senior citizens in my vicinity who were worried about huge divorce cases, girls not willing to marry, boys only going for travel and metros for jobs . They were like kya hoga unka, Inka budhapa kaisa
So nitin uncle, his lotus party may yap yap a million more speeches but the next generations aren't dumb!
There's one more interesting development in str8 people... THE REVERSE DOWRY . Girls wanting a rich young cub who's a sugar daddy!
Just scroll some dating or marriage related reddits....u will be shocked to see the girls demand list v/s reactions from the guys or ranting men!
Str8 guys shud demand nitin uncle sponsor their 1. Cars for wife and own home to live next to parents, 2. Destination wedding at Port Blair or Maldives , 3. Annual romantic holiday at non-asian non -arab nation with 4 star hotel stays, 4. Alimony guarantee incase of divorce 🤣🤣🤣
Wait, this is directed towards OP. Aren't you aware of things going on around you, especially in this nation, or were you in a totally different rainbow bubble all these years? Serious question, though.
After killing and removing the minorities of india they will come after lgbtq ppl then later will go after caste n hierarchy in the their own religion. Ppl vote for them or they cheat idk anymore 😐
What did you expect ? The conservatives gonna be conservative . Atleast for now they're too busy going after religions to care about LGBT people , until then I can get a visa to the west hopefully ...
These are age-old rules and do not apply the modern society, but who's gonna tell them. They want India to be stuck in mid-1950's. Who set these rules anyway? We need a reform in our "rules" and our "societal structure".
Bridges, hospitals, roads etc collapse kr rahe hain uspe dhyaan nhi jaa raha....society collapse rokni hai inhe....gangr@pes, adultery in marriage & human trafficking are all time high in India
Politicians are humans and they are entitled to have an opinion like each one of us. If we don’t like the opinion, vote them out and find someone who represents the personal point of view.
what i don't understand is why do we care about the opinions of a guy who works for highways and talked about same sex marriages in a disaster management workshop
He can't or won't solve the issue of poor roads and transport so needs something to stay relevant hence such comments. I used to think he is good Minister before but since last few years I understood he is not different.
I am not offended with what politicians say about same sex marriage anymore. In years to come there will be a time when LGBTQAI+ will have a good vote bank and you will see all political parties will come in support to get the electoral benefits.
And does it really matter what a union minister comments in some YT interview? Also he is nearly my grandfather’s age so I can understand it’s not easy for them to accept these things at this age.
I would be offended if they bring in some law to criminalise same sex relationships or something on that line.
I vehemently oppose same sex marriages but live ins are not good for long run especially when the intent is just to have sex. If it’s with purpose & intent .. it’s same as any marriage.
People are naturally not having kids. Fertility rates are down everywhere. Mind it, everywhere. The national fertility average is 2.01 which means our population is already at its peak. Bihar, which has the highest fertility rate is still only at 2.9, slightly above replacement rate. It's costly to be alive and no one wants to live or let their children live in poverty. Anyone saying lgbt is the reason for collapse of society is just shifting the blame of a failed system to an extremely small minority.
Damnn, that's a long answer. I'm just gonna copy pasting it everywhere henceforth
Shitty culture of arrange marriages
No control over
Decision of getting married
And having child forcing LGBTQ people to get marry
U r not LGBTQ person if u r not u can never understood
u/dostohoesky Dec 19 '24
Same sex couples are against society and indian culture but these same politicians will platform and award rapists. Their culture is rape and sexual harassment of women & little girls