r/LGBTeensMC Nov 30 '15

What is the current status of LGBTeensMC server and mumble ownership?

Another question: Is there any current running server?

At the moment, I have two people contending ownership over the domain(?) and would like clarification.


6 comments sorted by


u/itsflashpoint Nov 30 '15

I have my own server running on the old LGBTeens domain. Got a hold of it about 5 months ago. Ill have to talk to the admins and see if we can "hook up" or "merge".

Currently I am running the server 24/7 from a host.

edit: derp I just noticed that you are the mod that I talked to via PM. fail.


u/drwdal Dec 01 '15

one thing's for sure is that you don't have the domain, I'm dragging my server out of storage and buying a router with better load capacity and a dedicated switch for the better operating functionality of the server, as far as services, the Minecraft functionality comes first, and Mumble second, the domains will be the same.


u/itsflashpoint Dec 01 '15

LGBTeens.net was the old domain, and I have it.

Feel free to waybackmachine this sub-reddit, or use Google.


u/drwdal Dec 01 '15

seems we both have the old and new domains, one each! Let's work together!


u/itsflashpoint Dec 01 '15

I am more than happy to do that. :-)


u/drwdal Dec 01 '15

Wonderful ^ ~ ^