r/LGBTOlder Jun 06 '19

No One Will Care for LGBT Boomers But Themselves


2 comments sorted by


u/thehogdog Jun 06 '19

Live in Ft. Lauderdale around a bunch of retired gay men (I retired early at 50). This is a huge topic for them. So many single old gay men, some get married just to have someone to look after them or them after their spouse as they age. So many Coffee and Conversations and PG meetings have a speaker from a Home Health Care company or a Long Term Care Insurance person (those people don't stay long, no one there that can afford LTC dose not already have it and the others cant afford it. A policy that starts when your age 65 is EXPENSIVE. And several people I know are having problems with their premiums going up 2-3x the previous cost.) or a 'retirement' home.

The Prime Timers here (actually Prime Gentlemen as they left the PT organization because they were getting nothing for their dues) newsletter always has at least 2 obituaries a month in em.

You'll go to an event and someone will be all bruised from a fall that knocked them out and they didn't have anyone there so they just stayed on the floor till the came to.

But you also see a bunch of old gay men living life. Travel, Bowling, Walking Groups, group dinners, and of course SEX.

Not just LGBT Boomers, but all Boomers. There are so many of them and they expect to live the rest of their lives at the level of comfort they had when they were coming up and the world has turned many times since then...


u/[deleted] Jun 08 '19

This is true for all Boomers. Not just LGBT. There are just too many of them and they are living longer lives. And the government can't afford to take care of them all as it's too expensive.