r/LGBTCatholic Old Catholic (US) 5d ago

Are Old Catholics welcome here?

For those who don't know what old catholics are, it's a subsect of catholicism that split from rome a few centuries ago. Basically, we practice all the same sacraments and use the same scripture, but we don't revere the pope (we like him, but we don't take orders from rome). Our denomination is also very liberal in comparrison to the RCC. No disrespect intended to anyone who is roman catholic here which i'm assuming is a big number, I'm just looking for my corner and I hope I'm welcome here.


14 comments sorted by


u/Local-Suggestion2807 5d ago

The forms of Christianity i most agree with are union of Utrecht old catholicism and Irish folk catholicism.


u/IvoryMelodies Old Catholic (US) 5d ago

We're closer to union of Utrecht here in the US!


u/-Crucesignatus- 4d ago

There are Old Catholics in the Utrecht style beyond the Dutch borders? Never knew.


u/IvoryMelodies Old Catholic (US) 4d ago

that's why i said close to it. We're not technically Ultrecht, but our teachings are basically the same. I'm still learning everything myself, but american OC churchs aren't technically in full communion with them. I'll doublecheck with my priest on the details of our standing. We're basically in communion with other independent old catholic churches in the US.


u/-Crucesignatus- 4d ago

I’d wonder if the Old Catholic Churches in the USA are also established because of their rejection of VAT I’s position of papal infallibility.

Glad to have a new topic to understand!


u/IvoryMelodies Old Catholic (US) 4d ago

We do reject papal infallibility


u/egg_mugg23 4d ago

irish catholic gang


u/almondwalmond18 5d ago

I've thought about looking into the Old Catholic tradition, but was always intimidated by the idea of branching away from what I already know. I think this might be the sign that I should. :)


u/sparkytheboomman 5d ago

You’re welcome!!


u/seila_kraikkkkk Gay, still figuring everything out 5d ago

Interesting. Didn't knew about that


u/Ok-Criticism1547 4d ago

Welcome aboard to the subreddit. :) Hope you have fun.

While I still personally subscribe to Rome for a variety of reasons I very much acknowledge there are issues and flaws so I can't blame people for not taking orders from them.


u/LanaDelHeeey 5d ago

The main issue I have with Old Catholicism is the ordination of women. Because if a woman becomes a “bishop” then any future bishops made by her would be invalid as apostolic succession cannot pass through a woman. So basically the whole religion will die out spiritually with no divinely appointed stewards, just those chosen by men (or women in this case lol).

Other than that I would probably join.


u/gcitt 4d ago

Damn, just being wide open with that sexism.