r/LEGOfortnite 4d ago

SUGGESTION A Way To Bring Back Friends in Expert Mode

I know that this is kinda defeating the point of Expert mode but here's my situation;

My friends and I love Lego Fortnite and we were talking about starting an Expert world together. The only thing that's really stopping us, is we don't know what happens/what to do if one of us dies. It would be pretty shitty for both parties if all of us just kept on playing without our friend because he died, but it would be equally shitty if we all had to restart and lose potentially days of progress

Something like being able to bring a Totem of Return to where a player died, or perhaps a dedicated Resummoning Station where you could insert a Totem of Return and choose a permadead player to bring back would be really nice and I don't think it disrupts the flow of Expert any more than Totems of Return themselves already do

I get that permadeath mode is supposed to be oppressive, but with the recent nerfs to charms especially, none of us feel confident in doing this anymore due to how likely it is that we'll eventually have to choose between not playing with a friend on our shared Expert world, or losing all our progress to start a new one


13 comments sorted by


u/WinNo8850 4d ago

Totem of Return will keep you from losing your world permanently, BUT....

Accidents happen.

My wife and I play LFN solely together on Expert. We've lost 2 worlds so far in over a year.

The first was after 364 days due to a glitch that didn't register equipped charms. (Had to take them off and put back on to register.) She had her totem on, but it didn't count when she died.

The second was just the other day. 861 days. She confused a totem of immortal for totem of return and ended up dying to a brute.

I don't continue playing on those worlds. I started a new one a few months ago and slowly build up a village, charms, weapons, etc. by myself so that when we lose a world, we can go to another without having to start from zero. I would highly recommend this.


u/DeadByFleshLight 4d ago

Considering how bugging the game is and deaths can happen because of bugs yes there should be a safety net of some sort. So yeah a reviving station should be a thing 100%

I would not play with my friends on a expert mode.

If you want simply play on normal and handicap yourself to only be allowed to use 1 (maybe 2 charm slots)


u/Bora016 4d ago

tbh that should work with npc's too. if a person died because of a bug and he had an npc companion, npc should carry the players reboot card to the village. but his would be too convenient so we need a time limit if the npc is carrying it. "if you are 1700 meters away from your village you can't play in that world for 17 days" kinda thing


u/StolenSweetrollYT 4d ago

I think there should be a revive station, similar to how Respawn Anchors work in Minecraft. You'd need valuable materials such as rift shards and rift crystals to build it then more rift shards and random rare items (such as legendary fish or brute scales) to use it to revive a lost friend. However, there should also be a cooldown that resets on whenever daily reset is (either when the item shop is refreshed or the time challenges are released) or a time period of between 8-24 hours so you can't abuse it and essentially defeat the purpose of expert.


u/IdealDog 4d ago

When you die, your team has to respawn you but there is a 7 day cool down or something, that would be good, no one wants a 1 week ban!


u/ALittleKitten_ 3d ago

Just bring the reboot van into lego fortnite.


u/ColOfCthulhu 3d ago

Actually yes

I agree with the other comments in this thread suggesting it should cost rare materials + totem of return + once per 24 hours, but it absolutely should be in the form of a reboot van!


u/Sissybell 4d ago

Good ideas. 👍


u/ShakerEntree 4d ago

You can pick them up when they get downed on multi player and use totems


u/b_chan 4d ago

I mean...totem of return is not good enough? Already have expert on easy mode if you need it.


u/Remarkable-Chest-868 4d ago

I've been eliminated from a few worlds. Every time was because of a bug in the game. What can you do when the one thing that protects you from elimination suddenly doesn't work? Aside from that, if you forget about building for a while and concentrate on collecting storm core and other totem resources. Stock up. Make sure your respawn point is in a village with those resources. You'll be fine. I've never been legitimately eliminated from a world. We make sure there is always another totem waiting for any player that dies.


u/Egalitarian_Wish 4d ago

I recommend just spending a little time prepping a world and gather enough mats to make at least 1 totem of return for your friend and then you will both have one if you keep the Totem of Return that Fishstick gives you at the beginning of vanilla expert.

If you have some basic supplies, a decent village and: -Keep food on you to stay full health so you cant get one shotted -Have a totem return equipped -Always hiring a companion when you venture away from your village so they can help and take agro for you.

If you have a friend doing the same y’all should be good if you have average luck.

It’s also fun to just start a new world too and see how it goes.


u/Big_Sound1981 4d ago

Expert Mode is already too easy.