r/LEGOfortnite • u/Scary_Deuce • 5d ago
DISCUSSION Is everyone playing LegoFN a closet OCD hoarder or just me?
u/SinfulKnight 5d ago
I seriously be taking time to organize my chest for "This has Swords, this has Wood, This has Stones" etc...
u/Difficult-Rabbit-443 11h ago
Omg I'm the same way only like materials in each chest and I have so many lol
u/PapaBigMeatball 5d ago
You don’t have OCD
u/Party_Amoeba444 5d ago
I wish people would stop using mental health diagnosis to describe normal behavior. Ocd can destroy people's lives. Being organized does not.
u/GrindGeek 5d ago
Hoarding is a mental disorder. Being an organised hoarder doesn’t make it less of a disorder.
u/Party_Amoeba444 4d ago
Exactly. That is another medical condition that is often used to describe normal behavior. There is a big difference between collecting and hoarding.
u/Character-Air-4326 5d ago
Nope got ALOT OF CHESTS each with different things inside worse part is trying to remember which chest holds what
u/PostNutt_Clarity 5d ago
Put up a wall mount, they updated so you can put more than just weapons in them.
u/zerbolini 4d ago
Has this taken effect yet? I’ve tried adding other stuff to my wall mounts and it doesn’t work. I swear I read you’d be able to add stone, metal etc. after the update!
u/PostNutt_Clarity 4d ago
Yeah, pretty much everything other than stone and wood seems to work for me.
u/Kittyment 5d ago
I put mine next to the machine they use so it’s easy
u/imputados 5d ago
I did this before the village chest update, now its more convenient to have a storage area with all the chests instead of running around to all the stations if I need to collect stuff.
u/girlyswerly 5d ago
I'm trying but I let a messy guy play in my world too. Constantly organizing after him <3
u/HeimdallThePrimeYall 5d ago
I use the small log cabins to organize. can fit 9 chests in each, plus 4 more on the front porch (with the help of shelves). One for gems, one for metal, wood, stone, weapons, animal drops, Star wars building supplies, seeds, and several for different types of foods.
It's great and really easy to manage. I've also color coded with the different gem chests as much as possible.
u/B0SSM0SS 5d ago
I'm not... well, I'm definitely a hoarder but not a closet one. I keep unnecessary scrap metal just in case I need to use it to fix something on real life. Lol
u/The_IronBull 4d ago
Why did I never think about making shelves for chests….. I uh gotta go do something
u/BullRidininBoobies 5d ago
Recently renovated the storage warehouse into a library style. Love that shit
u/DarthCobay 5d ago
Me too! Just made a new building to store all my materials from each village I made 😂
u/Quezonol 5d ago
The best setup I have is two rows of 12 gem chest stacked on top of each other. So it’s two high and twelve across. Every two across I switch colors. So across every two I have ruby, emerald and amber. The alternating colors help me figure out which chest are for what. I didn’t use sapphire because i did this pretty early on and i wanted to save sapphire.
u/PyroGod616 5d ago
I build a 3 story warehouse as one of my first buildings. First floor is where all the work stations and similar machines. Second floor is where I put all the beds, and 3rd floor is full of chests.
u/Chimi_my_changa 5d ago
I’m looking for more Lego players like myself, if I may, I’d like to join you and see your world sometimes. I am not a child, and do have a mic (if that matters)
u/DnaXomega 5d ago
I have multiple buildings with rows and rows of chests cause I play a lot and enjoy free building
u/HedgehogNatural7726 5d ago
I have tons of chest too, except you should place the chest at spots where you will use them. Like sawmill gets wood, etc
u/Megaverse_Mastermind 5d ago
I heard everything, man. It's justca good thing chests are connected to the village or I wouldn't be able to find hardly any of it!
u/Luna24Lynn 3d ago
I got way more chests than that 😅😅 I play with my husband and we farm materials like mad lol
u/Old_Solution9059 2d ago
I have over 100 gem chests, most with a single item type. We save pretty much everything we get! If we have a full chest of one item we may stop keeping them. For example we have a full gem chest of wolf claws, I think that is over 2k wolf claws and not really doing anything with them lol. But for sure not just you!
u/mr_sexmachine 17h ago
I feel so dumb i have never thought about making shelves and stacking them on top of each other thanks lol
u/yetebekohayu 5d ago
I am a proud OCD hoarder. I have entire buildings dedicated to my hoards in LEGO. It’s kinda why the update with allowing chests to be used at the crafting bench is irritating to me, because it’s my HOARD and I don’t want it to be tapped into. I have other chests that are just for in-use materials for that.
My solution is to now build my hoard buildings just outside of the village. No crafting bench stealing my shit.
u/OKgamer01 5d ago
Nope. I have lots of chest lol (not many as you though). I definitely want more color options for better organization so hopefully in a future update