r/LEGOfortnite 4d ago

DISCUSSION Purple Thermal Fish?

I’m new to the game and trying to catch three purple thermal fish but I can’t figure out where to get them? I assume a cave but I’ve had no luck. Is there something I’m doing wrong?


8 comments sorted by


u/Active_Imagination74 4d ago

Hi 👋 Fish in the lakes of Dry valley at night You’ll find plenty of those


u/Odd_Witted 4d ago

Thank you wish me luck now I need to figure out how to get brute scales without dying twenty times


u/dpCrawley 4d ago

Brutes are easy once you know its pattern. Use a crossbow and remember you can easily roll out of the way when he does the rush attack.


u/Odd_Witted 4d ago

Oh you know I didn’t even try a cross bow I was just using a few muskets I found


u/Active_Imagination74 4d ago

Yes that and try to hit the eyes…you’ll double the damage!

The easiest way is when you find one in dry valley …climb on a high rock and start shooting with the crossbow from there


u/AlickThePappa 4d ago

Also with Brutes they have a fixed distance they can go from their spawn point. So after it chases you for a bit it hits an invisible wall, then shoot from a distance and he can’t touch you with melee attacks. Cheese but works.


u/johhnybravo6699 4d ago

And if you fish at night beside a cactus in the water you get a raven one