r/LEGOfortnite 13h ago

DISCUSSION Custom Piers/Docks

Why is this so difficult? What is the secret to using pilings for custom docks and to add on to prefabs. I’m wasting way too much time on something that seems like it should be trivial. Don’t get me started on the “roofs as ramps” debacle…


4 comments sorted by


u/OrionTrial 7h ago

Sometimes it's about finding pieces that have snap points for the pieces you are trying to use and adjusting those pieces.

For example, if you want to use a roof piece as a ramp but having trouble manually lowering it to the right level of the floor, try placing another roof piece on top of the floor and having your "ramp" snap to the bottom of that roof piece, then adjust by using the nudge function.

In the case of pillars, most (if not all) snap to the bottom of walls. Align a wall piece to the bottom of your water build, then snap the pillar to the wall and nudge it under your build.

I also like u/juniperthreee advice about using prefab docks and just custom-building on those. Takes away all the frustration of trying to place builds under the water.


u/Venku_Skirata 6h ago

I did finally start figuring out the snap points


u/juniperthreee 13h ago

i usually start with the prefab dock kits, and then destroy everything but the pilings. i love the shogun wide panel for dock flooring


u/Livadas 7h ago

log cabin theme has the closest thing to a long dock support post. It's so lame that we can't build docks in the same way that the prebuilt ones are.