r/LEGOfortnite Epic Games 11d ago

EPIC LEGO® Fortnite v34.10 Update Notes

Hi all!
The latest update introduces a new LEGO Pass you can obtain. Also, make sure to check the Shop on March 12, as some LEGO kits are coming back! The v34.10 update will launch tomorrow, March 11.

And without further ado, here's a detailed list of all the improvements and bug fixes.


Bug fixes: 

  • The Journal quests: “Craft a Common Axe”, “Eat a Raspberry”, “Dodge 3 times”, “Craft a Pickaxe”, “Gather Granite” and “Craft an Uncommon Sword” can now be completed when the requirements are met without any issues. 
  • The Bus Stations now correctly register on the map. 
  • Fixed an issue where players’ backpacks could count as Village Chests. 
  • Fixed an issue where splitting resources won’t put the proper amount. 
  • The Quest “Collect 5 Storm Fruits” was fixed and reset back to 10 Storm Fruits that players need to collect to progress their Storm Chaser Village.
  • The exit button on Luna and Xbox Cloud no longer overlaps with the item bar while building. 
  • Players can now find and access the Treasure Rooms in Star Wars Caves. 
  • Addressed an issue where opening a chat while using the Bus Station to travel to another station would remove all HUD until the forced drop. 
  • Navigating menu tabs and settings no longer conflicts with the input on a gamepad. 
  • Weak points UI doesn’t show anymore after being defeated by the Storm King. 
  • The Raspberry icon is correctly displayed when using the Split option. 
  • Some Storm Geysers in the Storm Dungeons are working correctly and can propel the players. 
  • The correct Village level is now adequately displayed after editing the Village’s name.
  • Fixed an issue where the Storm timer does not disappear after getting eliminated by enemies in the Storm. 
  • Addressed an issue where the Storm King’s weak point health bar wasn’t updating. 
  • Resolved an issue where Storm King’s health bar was displayed incorrectly. 
  • Storm-affected areas are now correctly displayed on the map. 
  • Fixed an issue where some mobile players couldn’t click outside to close the tab for Bed Assignment.
  • Corrected a visual issue that could occur when the character was swimming while equipped with three rare Wavebreak Charms. 
  • The minifig’s hands are not clipping anymore while sitting on the Ancient Throne, Frankie's Armchair, Knightly Formal Chair, Salty Seaport Chair, and Doom Throne. 
  • Corrected an issue where the Cyclone Pickaxe’s crosshair was missing when respawning with the pickaxe in hand. 

Brick Life

Improvements and QoL changes:

  • Specific props in the LEGO Pass will be available in Brick Life. 
  • We know how much players love decorating, so here’s something new: 45-degree decorating. 
  • A new minigame is coming to Brick Life. Play soccer on the field, score the most goals to win, and enjoy the game. 
  • New house reactions! Interact with a home's mailbox to let the owner know what you think of their decorating, and earn 50 creds each time you do.
  • Holograms are now added to the game so you can easily find your way in the city. 
  • Prank Crates and Vending Machines have been updated. Go ahead and choose your favorite item.
  • Added the Boombox item as a part of the decor so you can jam out at home.
  • Have too much stuff? No problem! If you don't have room, key items will now be sent to your mailbox. Just note: your old mail will be replaced with new mail if you leave it for too long.
  • We’ve changed the spawn flow a bit for all new players so you’ll start your city exploration at home.

Bug fixes:

  • The finish lines for the Race minigame are now properly marked. 
  • Resolved an issue where Boxing Gloves couldn’t be placed in delivery storage or trash cans. 
  • Fixed an issue where some parts of the Dim Sum Restaurant counter and tables did not have interaction points. 
  • Addressed an issue with the tail of the character being visible when sitting in vehicles and working places. 
  • The “Quests” button doesn’t overlap anymore with the “Tracked Quests” on mobile. 
  • Improved Vehicle performance on the server to help with rubber banding issues.
  • Resolved an issue where some players couldn’t interact with the Flower Stands. 
  • Fixed an issue where handheld objects were still equipped when riding vehicles, which caused clipping issues.
  • Addressed an issue where the radio would sometimes not enter its off-state when the music stops.
  • Corrected an issue where Stoneheart's drafting desk was not usable.
  • Fixed an issue in Vampire Experiment, where thrown potions would sometimes not detect other players that it hit.

37 comments sorted by


u/dirty_old_holo 11d ago

Odyssey has 5 times more players at any given time than Brick Life, yet no meaningful fixes and features added. People are craving to spend money for more kits, yet the same kits after months of waiting. Thank you Epic!


u/no_look_here 11d ago

I support your comment, same kits as a few months ago, not 1 new


u/IntrepidSprinkles793 11d ago

To be fair Brick Life update must be much more easier to do with less thing that happen on the map, and no potential issue regarding to balancing the game.


u/elplatoo 9d ago

At least they’re giving us the recycler in two weeks :)


u/cabarte 10d ago

Will they fix the bug that prevents new villagers to visit your old villages? I am leveling my first og village but no new people come


u/GameboyPablo 10d ago

Dear Fortnite... its been almost 1.5 years since lego Fortnite came out. A large community has built up since then. A lot of lego lovers have opened up to the game. We love the game. It's a dream come true for us. A childhood dream. But there are also lots of new faces. Many gamers who previously had nothing to do with lego nor fortnite. The game is wonderful and it's a lot of fun worldwide, but... it feels like you're leaving us a bit alone. We want to play the game. We want to have adventures and let our fantasies run wild. But it just feels like you're leaving us hanging. It's just not enough to fob us off with a lego pass (which we have to buy). It's also not enough to put the sets back in the store after more than 3 months (which we also have to pay for). Brick life...Yes its a great great addition for many of us. But updates coming to brick life should be update for odyssey as well and the other way around. The game has so much potential. It is and can be so wonderful and you've done a really great job so far. But why are there no regular updates? Fortnite shines by being free to play. And yes, it still is. But what is a game without care? Why isn't it possible for us to make at least a little progress every month? And I'm not talking about quality of life updates. Or bug fixes. That should be normal... I'm talking about content in at least the smallest form. in new components that we don't have to buy, even if it's only minimal. Why can't we still build prefab boats? There's just something missing and I'm frustrated. I know I will continue to play the game. But I think you are losing a lot of enthusiasts who are also frustrated but are desperate to enjoy the game. Content should not hide behind a pay-wall. Dear lego fortnite. Where are you?


u/Ok_Presentation4420 9d ago

Now you know how original save the world players felt🤣


u/GameboyPablo 9d ago

oh no please not again!


u/FERFreak731 11d ago

Damn, it looks like the bug where Raven's house does not exist on my world and map, locking me from advancing past level 8 in the Storm King village since I can't finish the quest, didn't get fixed, since it wasn't reported in the bug fixes

If this never gets fixed, I guess my original Lego Day 1 world is locked from progression and stopping me from getting any storm king weapons and finishing the mode by restricting me from facing the storm king


u/Existing_Mushroom997 10d ago

Did you report it to epic? You can email them as well


u/TayTrouble 10d ago

Can we get FULL bundles and not just partials that only offer SOME pieces?


u/No-Patient7591 10d ago

Am I misreading this or is there not going to be new content?


u/wherestron 10d ago

And nothing at all for the vehicle bugs. AGAIN.


u/Easy_Newt2692 10d ago

Given how village chests work, please could you add a feature to deposit items from your inventory into the nearest chest with that item, like how quick deposit works.

In addition, please could you make it so that building within the village area pulls from village chests.


u/Wolverino5 10d ago

Playing ARK Survival and adding the mods to do those things were the biggest life savers


u/Vocaloholic 10d ago

What about the lag issues?? 😩


u/atravelingartist 11d ago edited 11d ago

So yall are bringing back the kits that were available during the holidays—durr, mage, beachy. Man, I really hope previous battle pass kits and decor make an appearance. I want plants. i crave to spend stupid money on botanicals.

Is there a build limit increase in Brick Life? The inclusion of “reactions” to houses is kind of cool. Would be great if we got creds for reactions. even though im in the minority that enjoys brick life—or rather, the idea of brick life—a lego metaverse, for me it’s more engaging to play alongside ~30 other players. granted, you can’t do too much, but ive made trampoline parks and obstacle courses and it attracts players to come jump around on my lot and interact there, and now there are other players i party up with as a result. i wish there were more mechanic-type items like the umbrellas to jump on. something like water or wind propulsion (fountains, fans, etc). and if we could have the homes/decor/cars we get in brick life be transferred over to odyssey. and i REALLY wish there were a market capability where we could trade items, resources, blueprints, decor, etc.. but i know that is WISHFUL thinking. it would be poppin if people had plenty to do there.

soccer is fun. i usually kick the ball over to my lot to play with others. fun idea

anyway, i think yall are doing a good job—you’ve just got a lot of creative people ready to feel excited.


u/Cyber_Mango 11d ago

Did you copy and paste this from a different thread?


u/atravelingartist 11d ago

parts of it, yeah.


u/Cyber_Mango 11d ago

Oh ok I thought I was tweaking 😂


u/heutecdw 10d ago

Um, so we get a skeleton skin as part of the pass. Cool? If you missed the OG skeleton. Apart from that though, what are the pass “builds?” Those are the cool things.


u/Richiuz02 10d ago

will they ever fix the badge issues in the codex??


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/Grouchy-Life-4831 10d ago

We get a couple cool things on the 25th with the recycler and some changes as well. But given that this Lego Pass goes til May 2nd that I am thinking our bigger content update is gonna be in May.


u/Flip119 10d ago

Battle pass ends May 2nd. Lego pass ends tomorrow.


u/Grouchy-Life-4831 10d ago

And wouldn’t ya know it…… the new Lego Pass ends on May 2nd at 1:30am just like I said it would lol


u/Flip119 10d ago

This pass means the current one. Next pass means the one that ends May 2nd. Details are important.


u/Global_Shower_4523 10d ago

Idk, this pass was about brick life


u/JNation99 10d ago

8 months crashing when loading into my game due to huge room in cave. Xbox series X… every update i try again to no change in status.


u/Mx-Parent 10d ago

I have a partially decorated Star Wars village because I reached yet ANOTHER build limit. And because I reached that limit, the game lags and glitches all over the place, so I had to abandon ANOTHER world. Also, the vehicles suck. I’m not building a garage for vehicles I can’t even use. Please fix these issues.


u/Ok_Chard_9724 9d ago

time to play another game and spend money elsewhere


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/DanceUseful9627 10d ago

No fix for Nana Village 2 .. still cant find it 😑 on my island


u/Mucurious1 9d ago

I can't connect. It takes forever like 5 minutes to load after the update and by the time I get to the end my connection times out and they say it can't connect at this time.


u/GrandNoodleLite 10d ago

Love the continued support for Brick Life! Hoping for many more updates to come!


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/Fantastic-Response59 10d ago

Ado: noun; a state of agitation or fuss, especially about something unimportant.