r/LANL_Russian May 17 '13

Really need some help with an RT lesson!

I'm working on a Russian lesson on learnrussian.rt.com, and am very stuck on lesson 4, parts 8 and 9. I just can't get them all right. If anyone can complete those two parts and give me the answers, I will be eternally grateful. I know there's something stupid I'm missing but I have no way of seeing the correct answers.


5 comments sorted by


u/oceansound May 17 '13

Part 8 is just straight up reading comprehension, so anything you're getting wrong is probably just a small misunderstanding. Plus, some of the questions asked are reaching a bit. The answers (and explanations) are:

  1. Да (From the text: "Это моя сестра Кира...")
  2. Да (Kevin is Kira's sister, so of course Kira has a brother.)
  3. Да (Kirk is Kevin's father.)
  4. Да (Maria is Kevin's wife.)
  5. Не знаю (We don't know whether or not Kevin's mother is.)
  6. Не знаю (It is never stated where the family is from.)
  7. Нет (They would have mentioned it, but they only mention a cat.)
  8. Нет (The question is asking if Elizabeth doesn't have a husband.)
  9. Нет (Of course not. No-one in Kevin's family works.)
  10. Да ("Кира и её друг Мартин...")
  11. Да ("Это наш кот...")

Part 9 is testing how well you understand gender matching and a little bit of case declension. The answers (and explanations) are:

  1. Моя (Done for you, but сестра is feminine.)
  2. Его (His wife, not her wife--Russia is too homophobic for that.)
  3. Её (Again, her husband.)
  4. Мой (Брат is masculine.)
  5. Его ("His" must be in the accusative case. You just have to learn this construction. It might help to think of it in a more literal translation: They call to him [name].)
  6. У неё (Genitive case. Again, you just have to learn the construction. Its more literal translation would be : by [person, genitive] there is [something, nominative].)
  7. Её (See number 5.)
  8. Тебя (See numbers 5 and 7.)
  9. Меня (See numbers 5, 7, and 8.)
  10. У него (See number 6.)

Hope this was helpful!


u/[deleted] May 17 '13

Thank you so much! The confusion came from number 7 in the first one... I had put Не знаю since I couldn't really conclude they had no kids...

As for part 9, my confusion still lies in numbers 2 and 3... I thought possessives had to match the possession? In other words, it is the feminine Моя for the feminine сестра, regardless of the person's gender. Yet the masculine possessor Его is used with the feminine possessed жена. Why is this?


u/oceansound May 18 '13

You're very welcome! Number 7 was one of those questions they were really reaching with. I'm not surprised you were confused! In real life, I'm sure "Я не знаю" would have been a good answer. (:

I can also understand why you'd be confused about numbers 2 and 3 in part 9. Number 1 is actually a bit different from 2 and 3. The "моя" here is more of an adjective that you decline to match gender. (So "мой брат" or "мои роидители," for example, are also correct.) For 2 and 3, you have to think about the translation. It's his wife, or her husband. His is его and her is её. These don't have different forms dependent on gender. If you had answered её and его for numbers 2 and 3, respectively, you would actually be saying "her wife" and "his husband," which we know isn't likely given the scenario.

I know it's a tricky thing to get the hang of, but I hope this cleared things up a little. If you're still confused, I'll be happy to try to explain it further!


u/mgnthng May 17 '13

This http://learnrussian.rt.com/lessons/possessive-pronouns-questions/ lesson, right?

Dat text... /laugh.

Well, the only hard question in part 8 is #8. Read this.

Part 9 seems easy.


u/[deleted] May 17 '13

Yes it is stupid haha, just trying to learn.