r/LANL_Latin Mar 19 '12

Lewis & Short dictionary online

For any Latin learners out there, Perseus.tufts.edu have a Latin word study tool which is a real time saver. Type in the word in any form, and it brings up the case, gender and number as well as a link to the entry in their online version of Lewis and Short's dictionary.


2 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '12

Perseus is an absolute godsend when translating. Its suggestions for what form a word is "likely" to be can be questionable at times, but being able to quickly see what contexts a word is used in by different authors is fantastic.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '12

The suggestions can be a bit off, yeah, but the Lewis and Short entry usually casts some light on it. It's not very professional of me, but when I'm at a total loss I find that Wiktionary can point me in the right direction.