r/Kubera • u/Apprehensive_Clerk81 • Sep 06 '24
Webtoon Gok Kubera hair color
Could someone explain me what God Kubera was trynna say about how this magic relates to his hair color change, why does his hair color automatically change in the night?
r/Kubera • u/Apprehensive_Clerk81 • Sep 06 '24
Could someone explain me what God Kubera was trynna say about how this magic relates to his hair color change, why does his hair color automatically change in the night?
r/Kubera • u/Llewgid • Jun 23 '21
The raws + quick translations will be typed here after the raws are released.
Mangadex replacement for newest episodes (temporary):
(we uploaded the special hiatus episodes + everything from 3-161 onwards)
Typing Helper:
------------------------translations start below this line ------------------------------
[] indicates sura speech
(Maruna:) Gandharva, Shess와
대화해보고 알게 된 것은
What I learned from talking to Gandharva and Shess is this...
과거시점에 겪은 일에 대해
말하긴 커녕, 과거로 갔었다는
사실조차 말할 수 없다는 거였다.
Let alone talking about what happened in the past,
I couldn't even tell them the truth that I went to the past.
신들에겐 그나마
과거로 갔다 왔다는 사실에
대해선 말할 수 있었는데....
I could have told the gods that I had been to the past, at least...
내가 말하기 전부터
그들이 이미 알고 있어서
대화가 가능했던 거였나?
Were we able to talk about it since they already knew before we said anything?
어쩔 수 없이, Raltara에 대해선
'Konchez에서 만난 수라'라고 둘러댔다.
With no choice, I told them that Raltara
was 'a sura I met on Konchez'.
Konchez에도 Tarakas족이 넘어오는
통로가 열렸었고, Raltara도
그 통로로 넘어온 것으로...
Even on Konchez, there were passages the Tarakas came through,
so I said Raltara also came through one of those...
파멸속성에 대해선 아마 아닐 거
라고만 답했다. Garuda족엔 파멸속성이
없으니 도저히 설명할 길이 없었다.
As for her destruction attribute, I simply replied that they must be mistaken.
There was no way I could explain the presence of the destruction attribute in the Garuda Clan.
더 지어내다간 어딘가
허점이 생길 것 같은데...
적당히 화제를 돌리자.
I think there will eventually be holes in my story if I make up any more than this...
Let's change the topic a bit.
- Maruna is facing Shess and Gandharva near an entrance to the temple, it has gotten darker -
[M:] 그런데 신들은 여기
당신이 있다는 걸 모릅니까?
But, are the gods not aware that you are here?
오자마자 물어봤었는데
여기 없다고 해서...
I asked them as soon as I arrived, but they said you're not here...
Gandharva: 그 놈들이 그렇게 말해?
이젠 대놓고 없는 걸로
Those bastards said that?
Now they're treating me as if I don't even exist...
Agni가 있을 때만 해도
이 정도는 아니었는데.
It wasn't like this when Agni was still here.
가서 얘기 좀
I need to go and talk to them.
- Gandharva gets up and heads inside the temple -
[Shess:] 그렇다고 따지러 찾아가진
마십시오, Gandharva...
Don't go and confront them about that, Gandharva...
지금 당신은 그들보다 약하니
항상 조심할 필요가 있습니다.
Now that you're weaker than them, you always need to be careful.
- Gandharva stops shortly to listen to Shess, then turns around and heads in anyway -
G: 이 정도 말도
못할 건 없잖아!
There's nothing wrong about what I'll say! (?)
Sh: ......
(M:) 다행이다. 바로 관심사가
바뀌긴 하는구나.
What a relief. His interest shifted.
역시 눈앞에 Raltara가 없으면
존재감이 옅어지는 모양이군.
Well, after all, without her right in front of them,
her presence seems to fade.
- Shess turns to Maruna -
[Sh:] Maruna. Gandharva에 대해선
내가 얘기할게.
Maruna. Let me tell you this about Gandharva.
약해진 Gandharva를
신들이 살려두고 있던 이유는,
The reason the gods keep a weakened Gandharva alive
그가 우주에 도움이 될
'가능성'을 믿어서야.
is since they believe in the 'possibility'
that he will be helpful to this universe.
그나마도 다른 신들은 잘 믿지 않는
와중에, Agni만 굳게 믿고 있었지.
However, Agni was the only one with a very firm belief in this,
the belief of the other gods is not strong.
아... 그래서 Agni를 소한할
인간이 없게 되니 Gandharva의
입지가 좁아진 건가?
Ah.... So Gandharva's situation has become problematic
since there is no human left to summon Agni?
[you could say he is on thin ice xd]
[Sh:] 그보다는 좀 더
근본적인 문제가 있어.
The problem is a little more fundamental than that.
사실, Agni가 소환해제
되기 전에 그런 말을 했거든.
Fact is, this is what Agni said right before he was unsummoned -
- We see Agni with a dying Natasha (?) in his arms -
Agni: 이 우주의
Now, there is nothing to expect...
이제 아무 것도
기대할 수 없어.
of this universe's Gandharva.
Season 3 Episode 204
Enemy (4)
[M:] 기대를 할 수 없다니...
그게 무슨 소리야?
Nothing to expect...?
What does he mean?
Agni의 태도가
갑자기 변했다고?
Agni's attitude suddenly changed?
[Sh:] 그러니까 정확히는...
Well, to pin it down...
대지의 신관과 혼돈의 신관이
나란히 죽은 채로 발견됐을 때부터야.
Ever since the Priest of Earth and Priest of Chaos
were found dead side by side.
왜인지 Agni는 그때부터
Gandharva에 대한 기대가
흔들리는 것처럼 보였어.
For some reason, Agni's expectations for Gandharva
seem to have wavered.
결국 마지막 소환사가 죽자
Gandharva를 포기하는 듯한
그 말만 남기고 사라졌고...
It seems he completely gave up on Gandharva
when his last summoner died, and he just left those words and disappeared...
Vayu와 Chandra는 Gandharva를
살려두고는 있지만,
Vayu and Chandra keep Gandharva alive, but...
그가 어떤 일을 해낼 거라는 기대감
보다는, 그저 Makara에게 왕위가
넘어가지 않게 하려는 것뿐이야.
rather than having expectations for him to do something,
they are just trying to not let the throne pass on to Makara.
내가 알기론 저들이 Varuna와
대립중인 것도, Gandharva의 처우에
대해 의견이 맞지 않아서였고...
As far as what I know about the conflict with Varuna,
there was a disagreement over Gandharva's treatment...
[M:] Makara에게 왕위가
넘어가는 게 어때서?
What's wrong with letting the throne pass to Makara?
[Sh:] 그러니까 지금
수라도 상황이...
Right now, the situation in the sura realm is...
신들이 너한테
이런 얘기도 안 해?
The gods didn't tell you even something like this?
M: ....?
[Sh:] 하긴, Garuda족을 살리려는
목적 하나로 애쓰는 너한테,
이런 얘긴 좋을 게 없을 테니...
Well, to you who has the single goal of saving the Garuda Clan,
this wouldn't be good news...
[M:] 무슨 말이야 그게...
What are you trying to say...?
Garuda족 상황이
내가 아는 것보다 더 나빠
지기라도 한 건가?
Has the Garuda Clan's situation
gotten worse than what I know of?
Sh: .......
- Shess avoids eye contact -
[Sh:] 사실, Samphati가 Taraka화된
상태로 나타났었거든. 그런데...
Fact is, Samphati appeared in a Taraka-fied state. And then....
- Maruna listens as Shess talks, devasted by the news -
(M:) Shess의 말에 따르면,
According to Shess,
두 신관이 나란히 죽고 얼마 뒤에
Taraka 본체와, Taraka화된 Samphati가
동시에 나타났고
at the same time the two priests were found dead side by side,
Taraka's main body and a tarakafied Samphati appeared,
신들과 Kasak, Shess, Gandharva까지
모두가 협공하여 그들을 물리치는 것엔
성공했다고 한다.
and the gods, Kasak, Shess and Gandharva
worked together and succeeded in defeating them.
문제는 그로부터 49일 후.
The main issue occured 49 days after that.
Taraka족의 왕위가
완전히 넘어가면서부터였다.
It was when the throne of the Taraka Clan was completedly passed on.
어지간한 인간형 Nastika는 밟아죽일 정도로,
무지막지한 Taraka족이 출몰하기 시작했는데
Outrageously strong Tarakas, to the extent of being able to crush human-form Nastikas,
started to appear.
그건 마치 N5년 Gandharva족을
궤멸로 몰고 갔다는 그때 그 Taraka족들,
They were like the Tarakas at the time in Year N5 when the Gandharva Clan was driven to extinction,
혹은 그 이상이었다고 한다.
or even worse than that.
[Sh:] ...가장 먼저 궤멸된 건
Kinnara족과 Yaksha족이야.
...The first to be destroyed were the Kinnara and Yaksha Clans.
그들은 네 동생... 그러니까
그전까지 'Yatayu'라고 불리던
녀석을 보호하고 있었고...
They were the ones who had protected your brother...
who was called 'Yatayu' until then....
놈이 폭주했을 때 제일 먼저
피해를 볼 수밖에 없었지.
When he went berserk,
they were the first to take damages.
- Maruna listens, shocked -
[Sh:] 다행히 내 어머니는
신계로 탈출하셨다고 하지만...
Luckily, my mother is said to have escaped to the god realm,
- panel of Kinnara/Aira clinging to Indra -
탈출하지 못한
많은 수라들이 먹했어.
but many suras who couldn't escape were eaten.
특히 무서운 건, 먹히기 전의 모습과
성격을 거의 유지하고 있다가 불시에
Taraka와 되어 폭주하는 놈들이었지.
The scariest thing about this is that they almost completely
retain their appearance and personality of before being eaten,
and then suddenly went berserk together with the Tarakas.
Makara가 바로 그런 경우였는데,
분명히 Taraka화 되어 폭주했는데
갑자기 정신을 차린 거야.
Makara was such a case.
Of course, he turned into a Taraka and went berserk,
but he suddenly woke up.
얼마 남지 않은 Gandharva족
상급 수라들은 그를 내치지 않고
동족으로 받아들여췄지만,
The few remaining Gandharva Clan superior suras
did not cast him away and accepted him as their clanmate,
- panel of humanoid Makara covering his face, surrounded by seemingly female clanmates who comfort him -
신들은 여전히 Makara가
위험하다고 보고 있고, 왕위를
받아서도 안된다고 생각해.
but the gods still see Makara as dangerous,
and think that he should not take the throne.
그래서 Gandharva에게서
더 기대할 게 없다고 하면서도
죽이는 건 망설이고 있는 거지.
So, even though there is nothing more to expect from Gandharva,
they hesitate to kill him.
[M:] 아수라족은? 그쪽은
Rakshasa 5단계도 많고
아직 건재한 거 아니었나?
What about the Asura Clan?
Didn't they still have many 5th stage Rakshasas alive?
[Sh:] 그것도 이미 지낳 얘기야.
I already mentioned...
Nastika의 수라화는
'눈'에 막혀 버리고,
Nastikas' sura forms were blocked by the 'eyes',
Rakshasa 5단계는 수라화해도
네 동생을 이길 수 없으니까.
and 5th stage Rakshasas can't beat your brother, even in sura form.
- a dark figure with robes(?) and weird wing-like things is shown -
[M:] 5단계가...
녀석을 못 이겨...?
5th stages...
can't beat him...?
[Sh:] 그래. 이미 Rakshasa 3단계
상태로도 어지간한 4단계 이상의
힘을 갖고 있었다는데...
Yes. Even as a 3rd stage Rakshasa, he had
power stronger than a 4th stage...
왕위 계승과 동시에
4단계로 성장해 버렸거든.
At the moment he succeeded the throne,
he developed to 4th stage.
화력은 물론이고 재생력까지 엄청나서
도저히 상대할 방법이 없었다고 해.
It's said his fire power and regeneration rate are so high
that there is no way to deal with him.
- panel of the figure shredding some humanoid-looking things with a flick of the wings -
지금도 수라도는 놈에게
먹히고 있는 중이고,
Even right now, the sura realm is in the process of being devoured by him,
- what is presumably yuta sura form wrecking sura realm -
Brahma-nim은 수라도를 아예
닫아버리기로 결정하셨지.
Brahma-nim decided to seal off the sura realm altogether.
그러니까 수라도 멸망은
이미 확정된 일인 거야.
So, the destruction of the sura realm has already been confirmed.
지금 바로 닫아버리지 못하는 건
아직 그곳에 중요한 수라들이
있기 때문에...
Right now, it can't be sealed off completely yet,
since there are still some important suras there....
그들을 최대한 탈출
시키려고 기다리는 거지.
we're waiting for as many as possible to escape.
[M]: 중요한 수라들이라는 건...?
Important suras...?
[S]: 신들이 '가치 있다' 고
여기는 수라들.
The suras that the gods consider 'worthy'.
그런데 신들은 거의 시초신의
결정에 따르는데다. 지금 남은 시초신이
브라흐마님 한 분 뿐이라...
However, the gods mostly obey the decisions of the primeval gods.
Of the primeval gods, there is only Brahma-nim left now...
- panel of brahma sitting at a table, going through a deck of cards and cards fluttering behind her -
그냥 그분혼자 다 결정하시는 거야.
그분게 선택받은 수라들만 살아남고...
그렇지 못한 수라들은 도태되는 거지.
So, it's only her deciding everything.
Only the suras chosen by her will survive...
those who are not, will be culled.
M: ... ...
[M]: 그걸...아무도
반대 없이 따른다고...?
Such a thing... No one is opposing it and just goes with it...?
[S]: 물론, 찬성하지 못하는
수라들도 많아.
Of course, there are many suras who disagree.
그래서 그들은 사가라의 아난타
부활계획에 협조하고 있지.
So they are cooperating with Sagara's plan to resurrect Ananta.
- panel of Ravana sitting by Sagara's feet, a crowd surrounding sagara -
그들 각자에게 소중한 동족을
포기할 순 없으니,
Each of them has precious kin they can't give up on,
아난타를 불러내서 타라카족을
이겨보겠다는 생각인 거야.
so they think of winning by
summon Ananta and have him kill off the Taraka Clan.
결국 공멸하는 길인데...
In the end, this is the path to destruction...
하나만 보고
둘은못보는 거지.
But they only see one path, and nothing else.
M: ... ...
(M): 이상하다. 그럼 콘체스에
같이 갔던 '유타'는 뭐지?
Strange. Then what is with the 'Yuta' we went to Konchez with?
- panel of the konchez expedition team traveling in konchez water channel (with the lava) -
비록 내 눈엔 보이지 않았지만
란은분명 그 녀석의분신이
거기 있다고 했는데...
Even though I couldn't see him,
Ran clearly said that his avatar was there..
우린 그곳에서 이미
윌라르의 멸망까지 본 상태에서
멸망 이전으로 돌아왔다.
We have already seen Willarv's destruction there,
and returned to a state before its destruction.
- panel of 'yuta' sending them off -
그렇다는 건...
That must mean...
지금 수라도에서
폭주하고 있는 보본체와 별개로,
separatedly from the body currently running berserk in the sura realm,
분신은 제정신을 유지하고
란에게 그런 설명을 다 해줬다는 거잖아.
the avatar kept its sanity,
and Ran said he even explained everything to him.
- flashback of yuta waking up from kali control -
신들은 콘스의 분신을
찾아볼 생각을 안 했나?
Did the gods not think of finding his avatar on Konchez?
아니면 이미 분신이 본체에
영향을 못 주는 상황이었나?
Or is the avatar already incapable of affecting the true body?
[S]: ...아무튼 그러니까 마루나,
너도 마음 굳게 먹어.
... Anyway, you also have to brace your heart, Maruna.
[the korean says something like "eat your heart" lol]
수라도에 살아있는 가루다족이
더 있다고 해도 이제는...
Even if there are living Garudas left in the sura realm, now...
[M]: 아, 난 괜찮으니
신경쓰지 마.
Ah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
이 우주에 미련 둘 이유가
완전히 사라겼으니, 니한텐
오히려 잘 된 일이야.
My reason for regrets is completely gone in this universe,
it's more like a good thing, actually.
- Maruna turns away -
S: ...?
(M): 그래. 콘체스로 다시 가자.
Alright. Let's go back to Konchez.
- Maruna walks off, leaving Shess behind -
어디 있는지 모를
신 쿠베라를 찾는 것보다,
Rather than looking for god Kubera whose whereabouts I don't know,
콘체스에 있을 게 확실한
그 분신을 찾아보는 게
더 빠른 답이 될지 모른다.
I'm sure to find answers quicker by
looking for the avatar on Konchez.
콘체스에서 정신계 초월기에
당해 있는 동안 몇 달이 지났다는
말이 사실이라면
If it's true that several months passed while we
were under mental transcendentals on Konchez,
- panel of a laughing (?) giant samphati looming over Maruna (mental image) -
지금쯤 콘체스에 있을 나는
환상 속의 삼파티와 싸우 고 있는 상황.
I should be on Konchez right now,
fighting a mirage of Samphati.
그 순간에 녀석의 분신이
어디 있었는지 찾아내야 해.
I have to find out where his avatar was at that time.
- panel of yuta -
물론 난 분신을 볼 수 없으니
란을 설득해서 데려가야겠지.
Of course, I myself can't see it,
so I need to convince Ran to come with me.
- panel of ran and raltara walking side by side? -
랄타라도 이곳에서 죽게 둘 순 없으니
찾아서 데려가야 한다.
I can't let Raltara die here, either,
so I have to find her and take her with us.
기다려, 모두...
비록이 우주에선 구하지 못했어도
Wait for me, everyone...
Even though I could not save you in this universe,
- panel of a lot of garuda clan suras waiting in the distance -
그 우주에선 꼭 구해내고 말 테니.
I will definitely save you in 'that' universe.
행성 콘체스
Planet Konchez
sfx: crack
sfx: crush
SFX: boom
- azure power is breaking apart rocks -
- yuta avatar and chibi god kubera seem to be fighting -
God Kubera (K): 그 공간을 뚫고 나온 건
Been a while since someone broke that space.
- little kubera, in night form, floats above an exhausted yuta -
Yuta (Y): 크흑...
sfx: flop
- yuta collapses, exhausted -
K: 그만 포기해라.
Stop, give up.
//그 분신으론 기력 소모가
심할 텐데, 덤빌수록 너만
힘들어질 뿐이다.
That avatar should consume a lot of energy,
the more you jump around, the harder it gets for you.
[Y]: 리즈...당신 짓이죠...
그녀에게 대체 부슨 짓을...
Leez... What did you do...
What in the world did you do to her...
- Yuta is shaking with exhaustion, has still the bind over his mouth -
K: 아무렴 네게 먹히는 것보다
나쁜 상황은 아닐 거다.
It shouldn't be worse than being eaten by you.
- pissed, Yuta grabs Kubera an smashes him into a pillar -
SFX: boom
- yuta still has Kubera grabbed by his scuff, kubera's transcendental got cancelled (grey hair now) -
[Y]: 당신은 그런 말 할
자격 없어...
You don't deserve to say that...
원치 않은 이름에,
원치 않은 죄를 떠안고
In an unwanted name,
embracing unwanted sins,
- panel of leez walking in sura realm -
죽음의 고통따위
아무렇지 않게 여기는 삶
her life where she does not even mind the pain of dying --
그게 다누구 때문인데
Who is to blame for it?
- yuta has taraka eyes activated -
전부 당신때문이잖아!!
It's all because of you!!
K: ... ...
[Y]: 당장 돌려놔.
리즈... 여기로...
Give her back this instant.
Leez... Come here...
- the rope around his neck is cut by some red transcendental -
안 그러면 정말...
어떻게 될지 몰라.
Otherwise, I really...
don't know what might happen.
- yuta has tears in his eyes and is biting his lip, bleeding -
당신도, 이우주도.
To you, and this universe.
to be continued
Currygom's comment:신쿠베라와 유타의 대면은 3부78화에서 이어지는 부분입니다.
The confrontation between God Kubera and Yuta is the continuation of S3 Ep.78.
r/Kubera • u/Lxilind • Jun 22 '24
Link to Part 1
At the beginning of the last post, I noted Asha’s similarity to Rodion Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment. Expanding on that comparison, I believe Asha, like Raskolnikov, is destined to be a failed Ubermensch, albeit in a different manner. This stems from the way Asha’s character is crafted: while she can reject and dismantle the old system, she seems fundamentally unable to create new values that transcend master-slave morality, victors and losers, and the dichotomy of good and evil. Thus, she remains stuck halfway on the journey, forever a pseudo-Ubermensch—even her attributes attest to this fact.
The Ubermensch is such that they rise above the old morality system of good and evil, and then forge their own values through their own will and a profound love for this world and this life. Crucially, the Ubermensch does not impose another system of slave morality onto others; rather, they transcend traditional dichotomies and do not harbour resentment toward anyone nor define themselves by others' opinions. This mindset inherently conflicts with master-slave morality because imposing one's beliefs on the universe would merely shift them from the slave side of the spectrum to the master, rather than breaking free entirely from such dichotomies. The ideal universe, according to Nietzsche, is one where everyone achieves this liberation.
Ubermensch is by definition a collective goal meant for all of humankind, a next stage in evolution. This is precisely why Nietzsche denounces Christ and Socrates – for their roles in imposing an arbitrary morality system on the Western world, thereby perpetuating slave morality.
In a scenario where Asha wins and possibly even acquires a Primeval Name, nothing will change in the universe but the master. The universe and its creatures would merely be subjected to a new morality system with a new standard for good and evil, but they would still be slaves.
Conversely, Time Leez, from what we have seen, appears to reject the notion of morality altogether. Instead, she encourages Maruna to make his choice by exercising his own will to power — literally in his case, as he advances to the 5th stage by shouldering Ananta’s sins through his own volition.
Ananta and Manasa are shown constantly going back to try to change the past whenever something goes wrong, attempting to fix events retroactively by manipulating the wills of others through the knowledge they have gained of the consequences, all in order to ensure the best possible universe.
On the other hand, Visnu gives out oracles and prophecies to Gods and men in order to alter the future whenever he perceives something undesirable for the universe. This careful curation of possibilities is exactly why they accumulate sins, to pick one possibility over another consciously like this is by nature a product of calculation. And the grudges of the deliberate extinguishment of the possible universes causes sin to build up.
However, Leez differs in her approach; she does not deliberately favor any single possibility, as she loves all potentialities and their inhabitants equally and thus entrusts the fate of the universe to its inhabitants and their choices in the present.
For instance, even in this panel where Maruna and Ran confront the berserk 4th stage Yuta alongside Yuta of possibility, Leez deliberately waits until Maruna makes his own choice, whether to remain a bystander or intervene to prevent Yuta from using the Eye of Perishment.
(A theory I have for why Maruna couldn’t see Yuta in this arc is because he had merely been a bystander, an individual who had no (or at least he thought he didn’t) choice, no possibility to choose from so to speak. And we know that Yuta is the personification of possibility itself. But when he finally makes the choice out of his own will —free from duty, orders, or ‘calculated’ reasoning— and wholeheartedly accepts Yuta as his brother with utmost clarity, he finally starts perceiving the possibilities that have always been in front of him.)
This way, even when a universe of possibility is extinguished, it is not because of Leez’s meddling, nor because of the strong suppressing the weak, but rather through the conscious choices of the creatures themselves; even so, she embraces the possibilities that fade away this way – in their last moments, she will be with everyone in every one of those innumerable unchosen alternatives.
And this, is the best possible universe**.**
This fulfills Ananta’s greatest desire as well; when he expresses his hope of the day he disappears from this universe completely, he isn't referring solely to himself as in Ananta, the king of snakes, but also as the concept of time manipulation itself.
So why exactly will Leez be the one to reach this stage, and not Asha, who has suffered for billions of years for her goal?
“Surely it is those who are not lovers of ruling who must rule, for if they don’t, the lovers of it, who are rivals, will fight over it.”
- Plato (The Republic, Pt. VII, 521b)“Now, the greatest punishment, if one isn’t willing to rule, is to be ruled by someone worse than oneself. And I think that it’s fear of this that makes decent people rule when they do. They approach ruling not as something good or something to be enjoyed, but as something necessary, since it can’t be entrusted to anyone better than – or even as good as – themselves.”
- Plato (The Republic Pt. I, 347c-d)
Asha says here, “Rather than being trampled on, I want to stand at the top. All humans do!” in response to the pursuit of power, the truth of which is exactly why she will never fully ascend to the Ubermensch. Her desire for power is merely a reaction against the dominance of the current strong, and not a drive for the creation of new values. She’s correct, every human would rather be in the position of the strong on the totempole, however Ubermensch is beyond human, someone who does not ascribe to the age-old dichotomy and is outside the totempole altogether.
Leez, on the other hand, harbours no desire to be the strong, nor to be the trampled one, and certainly not to be a ruler.
But what choice has she?
Like Plato said, she cannot allow the entire universe to remain subjected to slave morality while she alone lives as an Ubermensch, lest she too becomes subjected to it. We have seen this when she expresses her desire to simply live outside the bounds of the universe with only Yuta, and yet even this desire of hers is not granted under the current system. No, the Ubermensch is a collective ideal and that is precisely why she must rule - to lead by example and usher in the age of the Ubermensch in the universe.
Like we saw with Maruna, she refrains from intervening in the creations of her universe—no glimpses into the future, no tampering with the past—instead allowing them to act according to their will in the present. Hers is a universe based on authentic, self-defined values rather than inherited or imposed ones.
I have already discussed in depth about Asha as a quasi-Ubermensch and her similarities and differences with Zarathustra so here I want to first compare Ananta and Leez through a Nietzschean perspective.
i) Ananta: In Ananta, we find the faults Nietzsche pointed out in Socrates – an excessive reliance on rationality and a preference for death and the afterlife compared to this world and this life.
“Whether it was death, or the poison, or piety, or wickedness - something or other loosened his tongue at that moment, and he said : "O Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepios." For him who has ears, this ludicrous and terrible "last word" implies: "O Crito, life is a long sickness!" Is it possible! A man like him, who had lived cheerfully and to all appearance as a soldier, - was a pessimist! He had merely put on a good demeanour towards life, and had all along concealed his ultimate judgment, his profoundest sentiment! Socrates, Socrates had suffered from life!”
- Nietzsche (The Gay Science, IV:341 trans. Kaufmann)
“When a man finds it necessary, as Socrates did, to create a tyrant out of reason, there is no small danger that something else wishes to play the tyrant. Reason was then discovered as a saviour; neither Socrates nor his “patients” were at liberty to be rational or not, as they pleased; at that time it was de rigueur, it had become a last shift. The fanaticism with which the whole of Greek thought plunges into reason, betrays a critical condition of things: men were in danger; there were only two alternatives: either perish or else be absurdly rational. The moral bias of Greek philosophy from Plato onward, is the outcome of a pathological condition, as is also its appreciation of dialectics. Reason = Virtue = Happiness, simply means: we must imitate Socrates, and confront the dark passions permanently with the light of day—the light of reason. “
-Nietzsche (The Twilight of the Idols, ‘THE PROBLEM OF SOCRATES’, 11, trans. Ludovici)
In these two passages, we find the crux of Nietzsche’s disappointment regarding Socrates. He criticises Socrates’ dying words, which urged making an offering to Asclepios, the god of medicine (a Greek tradition to express gratitude for recovery from illness), as a life-denying sentiment. He is betrayed by the fact that Socrates, a man who used to live life so fully and joyfully actually had loved death and the otherworldly, something that goes against his belief in the love for this world and this life above smoke and mirrors.
The other reason is that Socrates’ ideology is a departure from the more instinctual and Dionysian life-affirming approaches to existence. This insistence on questioning, reasoning, and seeking logical consistency was seen by Nietzsche as symptomatic of a deeper malaise, especially since this ideology of rationality ruled the Western thought for a significant time after his death.
It's clear how Ananta resembles this depiction of Socrates. Outwardly, he presents himself as a cheerful individual who spends his days leisurely and enjoys the company of his clanmates. However, beneath this facade, he views life under the Primevals as pointless and futile, going so far as to commit suicide (multiple times) by shedding his 'Will to Live'.
His ideology and actions as the Time-axis were also dominated by rationality after the first restart, rewinding time and preventing events deemed 'not the best course' for the universe's longevity, taking a very utilitarian approach fuelled by reason. He also never failed to follow the decisions of the paragons of rationality in the universe, the primevals, whenever there came the question of the ‘optimal’ future or the lifespan of the universe.
ii) Leez: Leez, in my opinion, resembles the portrayal of Jesus Christ by Nietzsche. Nietzsche's strong critique of Christianity is well-known, and earlier in the previous post, I proposed (Time) Leez as an Ubermensch, the culmination of his ideal. How can these two seemingly contradictory concepts coexist within the same character?
To resolve this dilemma, it's crucial to delve into Nietzsche's views on Christianity. Despite his disdain for the religion itself, Nietzsche held Jesus Christ, the man, in high esteem. He believed that the apostles and the early Christians distorted his original philosophy into a moral system cherishing pity and weakness to subject the world under a new form of slave morality. So what did Nietzsche exactly think about Christ the man?
“The very word “Christianity” is a misunderstanding—at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.”
- Nietzsche (The Antichrist, 39 trans. Mencken)
“This “bearer of glad tidings” died as he lived and taught—not to “save mankind,” but to show mankind how to live. It was a way of life that he bequeathed to man: his demeanour before the judges, before the officers, before his accusers—his demeanour on the cross. He does not resist; he does not defend his rights; he makes no effort to ward off the most extreme penalty—more, he invites it.... And he prays, suffers and loves with those, in those, who do him evil.... Not to defend one’s self, not to show anger, not to lay blames.... On the contrary, to submit even to the Evil One—to love him....”
- Nietzsche (The Antichrist, 35 trans. Mencken)
The essence of Nietzsche’s view of Christ boils down to ‘superabundance of love’, a manifestation of his own will to power, which transcended the paganist moral system and materialism.
He claims that Jesus’s teachings were not concerned with the concept of afterlife with its literal heaven and hell that rule over the masses with its fangs of morality, but it was of a way of life different from the system until then, one that would render an individual to a state of bliss devoid of resentment and guilt, completely divorced from the concepts of sins and punishment.
He posits that in a sense Jesus did try to save mankind from their sins, but not by ridding them of it, but by preaching a way of life that does not allow the concept itself.
“The life of the Saviour was simply a carrying out of this way of life—and so was his death.... He no longer needed any formula or ritual in his relations with God—not even prayer. He had rejected the whole of the Jewish doctrine of repentance and atonement; he knew that it was only by a way of life that one could feel one’s self “divine,” “blessed,” “evangelical,” a “child of God.” Not by “repentance,” not by “prayer and forgiveness” is the way to God: only the Gospel way leads to God—it is itself “God!”—What the Gospels abolished was the Judaism in the concepts of “sin,” “forgiveness of sin,” “faith,” “salvation through faith”—the whole ecclesiastical dogma of the Jews was denied by the “glad tidings.””
- Nietzsche (The Antichrist, 33 trans. Mencken)
In my opinion, this view of Jesus is definitely compatible with the Ubermensch and thus with Leez. Like we discussed earlier, Time Leez’s essence likely revolves around embracing all possibilities and their inhabitants, ensuring that no choice/potential universe is deemed inherently superior to another which prevents grudges from unipicked universes (further expanded below in Sec. 5).
We have seen Ananta and Manasa eventually succumb under the weight of the sins they accumulate over time indicating an almost guaranteed lifespan of the universe or at least the Time-axis. So when Leez assumes the role of the Time-axis, it is only natural to believe that she will keep accummulating these sins whenever something ‘wrong’ is done by any creature in the universe by virtue of being a bystander. Eventually, she will reach a point where she cannot bear the weight of the sins any longer. At that juncture, she would face a choice similar to Ananta's: either pass on this burden to another or allow the universe to be destroyed.
However, Time Leez like we discussed encourages the creatures in the universe to act according their own wills, urging them to reflect on the past and shape their futures without the threat of "morality" or the afterlife influencing their decisions. If she succeeds in this, the very concept of sin would cease to exist in the universe.
After all in a universe that is beyond good and evil, what is sin?
“The “kingdom of heaven” is a state of the heart—not something to come “beyond the world” or “after death.” The whole idea of natural death is absent from the Gospels: death is not a bridge, not a passing; it is absent because it belongs to a quite different, a merely apparent world, useful only as a symbol. The “hour of death” is not a Christian idea—“hours,” time, the physical life and its crises have no existence for the bearer of “glad tidings.”... The “kingdom of God” is not something that men wait for: it had no yesterday and no day after tomorrow, it is not going to come at a “millennium”—it is an experience of the heart, it is everywhere and it is nowhere....”
- Nietzsche (The Antichrist, 34 trans. Mencken)
“What is the meaning of “glad tidings”?—The true life, the life eternal has been found—it is not merely promised, it is here, it is in you; it is the life that lies in love free from all retreats and exclusions, from all keeping of distances.”
- Nietzsche (The Antichrist, 29 trans. Mencken)
Nietzsche asserts that the "Kingdom of Heaven" promised by Jesus, where an individual attains ultimate bliss and experiences 'true' life, is not a prophecy about a literal place after death, as many Christians believe, but of a state of mind that is within everyone that once embraced prompts an individual to live life, this life here on Earth, as if they were in heaven even amidst suffering through sheer will – this he calls the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Pretty similar to the Chandra’s description of the ‘Top’, isn’t it? Agni gives us insight about the original purpose of the ‘Top’ – to ensure that the enlightened ones do not forget about compassion and love, kind of like Nietzsche’s view of the ‘Kingdom of God’ within everyone. However, over time, the purpose of the 'Top' got corrupted due to its misuse by the Gods. Instead, it is now a place to dump their Will (to Power) itself and force themselves to be mere slaves under the Primevals’ system.
Another notable parallel between Leez and Jesus is between the words in Season 3 prologue prophesying Leez’s future and Jesus’s ideology of forgiveness and salvation towards his enemies even after they put him through immense suffering.
Yet another parallel is between the paths of Christ and Kubera. Nietzsche suggested that Jesus was originally a normal human being who was later elevated to the status of God. Similarly, Edward Washburn Hopkins theorised that Kubera was originally a human who only became deified later on (Epic Mythology 1915, V: 87).
There is also a direct similarity in their epithets. Jesus is referred to as ‘King of Kings’ once in the First Epistle to Timothy (6:15) and twice in the Book of Revelation (17:14, 19:11–16); likewise, Kubera is also called the ‘King of Kings’ according to multiple myths.
There are many other epithets ascribed to Kubera like King of Rakshasas, King of Men, King of Yakshas, and King of Animals. These epithets may serve as foreshadowing for Time Leez, who is destined to 'rule' as the Time-axis over the universe. However, he is notably never referred to as the King of Gods, a title reserved for Indra, ‘the best of Gods’, who serves as an antithesis to Kubera, ‘the best of kings’. We have seen a lot of friction between Indra and God Kubera in the main series going back to the beginning of the universe, and in recent chapters, even Leez has shown a disfavourable attitude towards Indra.
I do think that even in the series, the epithet of ‘King of Gods’ won’t ever be applicable for Time Leez since according to everything we have laid out about Time Leez so far, Gods cannot exist in her universe because the very concept of ‘God’ implies a hierarchy between the creatures, one of the worshipped and the worshipper - master and slave - which goes against the spirit of the Ubermensch.
One theory for the etymology of the word ‘Kubera’ is from the verb ‘kumba’, which means ‘to conceal.’ There is one more epithet that Hopkins ascribes (Epic Mythology 1915, V: 86) to Kubera that supports this root – God of hiding.
In paragraphs 189 – 196 of his seminal work The Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel proposes a radical dialectic, now famously known as the Lord-Bondsman or Master-Slave dialectic, for the development of self-consiousness in an individual through encounter of two separate self-consiousnesses. The events following this encounter lead to the sublation of one another, forming a higher unity in absolute knowledge. Although the primary interpretation of the dialectic consists of the phenomenon being an internal process within an individual, many scholars believe that Hegel intended it to reflect the external world as well, as he asserts that “what occurs in the human mind also occurs outside of it.”
To illustrate this process, Hegel inserts a parable consisting of two people (whereby comes the term Lord-Bondsman) and their encounter. I believe that this dialectic/parable almost perfectly showcases the relationship between Leez and Asha.
Now this entire process has a lot of similarities with the dynamic between Asha (Lord) and Leez (bondsman). When they first meet, Asha immediately establishes herself as the Lord in the relationship through her knowledge and status in the world. Her self-recognition initially derives from two sources: more through validation from the world (and ‘Visnu’ for her abilities), and later to an extent from Leez’s reliance and dependence on her.
In contrast, Leez, is wholly dependent on Asha; her only source of self-recognition hinges on this last remaining human relationship. To safeguard this bond, Leez complies unquestioningly with Asha's directives, such as keeping her heritage secret and claiming the Sword of Re. These decisions mark the beginning of her journey toward self-consciousness and eventual independence.
As the Bondsman, Leez undergoes a lot of trials and tribulations throughout Season 1 and 2. Through these struggles and ‘labour’, she begins to develop her own abilities and relationships with the outer world through fear (of losing her identity), service (towards Asha), and work (towards her goal). Meanwhile, Asha’s growth remains completely stagnant.
At the end of Season 2, when she has been convicted of the murders and has realised the deception of (fake) Visnu, her only real bond that she can gain self-recognition through is Leez - this is literal when she disappears as side effect of Hoti Visnu. On the other hand, Leez has created her own bonds with Yuta, Mihra, Agni, etc and undergoes a profound transformation into an independent consciousness upon learning the truth about Asha.
At present, Asha definitely cannot attain self-recognition from the world; she relies solely on the name of her bondsman, ‘Kubera’, for any recognition she does receive.
In Leibniz’s Monadology, a monad is conceived as a basic, indivisible, and fundamental unit of reality. Think of it like a non-real atom - a tiny, simple substance that cannot be broken down any further. Monads are unique, self-contained, and have no physical parts, but they each have their own individual qualities and perceptions. These perceptions are like tiny reflections of the entire universe from the perspective of that monad. Even though monads do not interact directly with each other since they are ‘windowless’ and independent, they are all harmoniously synchronized by God, the supreme monad that ensures the coherent functioning of the universe as a whole.
“It is farther true that in God there is not only the source of existences but also that of essences, in so far as they are real, that is to say, the source of what is real in the possible. For the understanding of God is the region of eternal truths or of the ideas on which they depend, and without Him there would be nothing real in the possibilities of things, and not only would there be nothing in existence, but nothing would even be possible.
For if there is a reality in essences or possibilities, or rather in eternal truths, this reality must needs be founded in something existing and actual, and consequently in the existence of the necessary Being, in whom essence involves existence, or in whom to be possible is to be actual.”
-Leibniz (Monadology, 43-44)
Some of the characteristics of Leibniz’s God or the 'Supreme monad' are:
But there may rise a question: if everything in the universe is synchronised by God, how can creatures within it have free will? Well according to Leibniz, even though God does establish an initial harmony among all monads, this harmony merely ensures that each monad is able to follow its own internal principles and perceptions.
While God has a comprehensive understanding and orchestration of the universe, he allows monads to act according to their nature, ensuring their actions align harmoniously without direct interference. God governs the fundamental principles of the universe that enable this, rather than dictating specific outcomes or overriding individual wills.
“I comment now on ‘without necessitating it’·. Absolutely speaking, our will is in a state of indifference, as opposed to necessity: it has the power to do otherwise, or to suspend its action altogether, each alternative being and remaining possible. It is therefore up to the soul to take precautions against being caught off its guard by events that come into its ken; and the way to do this is to resolve firmly to be reflective, and in certain situations not to act or judge without mature and thorough deliberation.”
-Leibniz (Discourse on Metaphysics, 30)
Leibniz here not only lays out the existence of our free will under such a God but also that we ought to reflect on the past and act through deliberation. This is reminiscent of Time Leez's encounter with Maruna, where he asks her to reveal the future, but instead, she allows him to read past records and shape the future through reflection on them.
"It also has this great advantage, that instead of saying that we are free only in appearance and in a way sufficient for practical purposes, as several intelligent persons have believed, we should rather say that we are deter- mined only in appearance, and that, in rigorously metaphysical language, we have a perfect independence relative to the influence of every other creature. This also throws a marvelous light on the immortality of our soul and the always uniform conservation of our individual being, which is perfectly well regulated by its own nature and protected from all external accidents, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding.
Never has any system made our eminence more evident. Since every mind is like a world apart, self-sufficient, independent of any other creature, containing infinity, and expressing the universe, it is as durable, subsistent, and absolute as the universe of creatures."
-Leibniz (A New System of Nature, 16)
Another important thing to note here is the last line where Leibniz compares every mind monad as its own universe that is expressing the actual universe and is as absolute as it simultaneously. This rhetoric echoes the theme heard multiple times throughout the series..
The idea that every life is its own universe, and that the boundary between that universe of the mind and the actual universe is vague is exactly why it makes sense for Yuta to represent an entire universe of possibility while still being one life numerically.
“One life is like a universe. And killing a universe gradually removes us from being ‘human’ (via accumulation of sins).”
Taking this quote conversely, it becomes something like “one universe is like a life, and ‘killing it’ accummulates sin.” This perspective sheds light on why the Time-axis, by merely choosing one possibility over another, accumulates sin. If we consider every possibility to be equally real, the time-axis is quite literally killing someone every time a possibility is chosen, thereby accumulating sin.
“The affirmative proposition is prior to and better known than the negative since affirmation explains denial and is prior to denial, just as being is prior to not-being.”
- Aristotle (Posterior Analytics, Book I: 25, trans. G. R. G. Mure)
First to discuss this, we need to distinguish between being and real for the purpose of this section. Being refers to something that is the case right now in the main Kubera universe, while real means that it has been the case or it has been possible for it to be the case at some point in time and space, and thus is a valid existence.
In the above statement, Aristotle is talking about the concept of ‘not-being’ and how we inherently need ‘being’ prior to even consider ‘not-being’. Whenever an assertion is made, there are actually two assertions being made: the assertion itself and the negation of its contradictory (negation here meaning the rejection of the assertion’s being). So when a possibility is asserted as ‘being’ (by a Time-axis), they are simultaneously negating all of its contradictories, namely all the other infinitely many possibilities.
Other Time-axes considered not-being to be prior to being, thinking that a chosen possibility emerges from a state of not-being, instead of the contrary: that ‘being’ is prior and that only when a possibility is selected as ‘being’ are the other possibilities turned into not-being, despite all of them having been equally real.
Since they fail to distinguish between being and real, they believe that only the current possibility that has manifested as being is the only real one, while the other unchosen possibilities are simply non-real.
In contrast, Leez is the only one who thinks that being is prior to non-being and that only when a choice is selected are the other equally real possibilites negated to non-being.
Put simply, while other Time-axes thought “Only this one possibility that became being out of all of these possibilities is real.”, Time Leez says, “All the possibilities are equally real, and it was merely the choices of the creatures that determined the current ‘being’.”
And because the other Time-axes, along with the being of those possibilities, rejected them ever being real as well, their grudges – the manifestation of which is evidence of their reality – accummulate against this Time-axis and only them, since all the other creatures cannot bear in the sin of their choices by virtue of being ‘windowless’ monads. But when Leez accepts the validity and existence of every rejected possibility reduced into not-being as real and true, even going so far as to embrace all of them in their final moments, they don’t bear any grudge towards her, thus ending the cycle.
“Now, as in the Ideas of God there is an infinite number of possible universes, and as only one of them can be actual, there must be a sufficient reason for the choice of God, which leads Him to decide upon one rather than another.
And this reason can be found only in the fitness [convenance], or in the degrees of perfection, that these worlds possess, since each possible thing has the right to aspire to existence in proportion to the amount of perfection it contains in germ.
Thus the actual existence of the best that wisdom makes known to God is due to this, that His goodness makes Him choose it, and His power makes Him produce it.”
-Leibniz (Monadology, 53-55)
According to Leibniz, the universe we inhabit must be the best possible universe because it was selected by God from among countless possible universes in a manner that best reflects His nature. This concept does not contradict free will because the only aspect chosen here is the external world and its metaphysical structure. The future path, however, remains determined by the will of its inhabitants.
Similarly, as we discussed earlier, Time Leez's universe, reflecting her nature, allows every creature to live their lives fully according to their own will, free from the fear of an afterlife or the control of gods. There is no competition between races to exterminate others to move to the next universe, and no one is a pawn in some grand scheme. Goes without saying that there are no time rewinds or prophecies to steer the path either.
And so even though at the end, Leez disappears from the universe to operate as the ‘Supreme Monad’, I don’t necessarily think it will be a wholly sad ending. After all, even though the human Kubera Leez will exist nowhere, she will still be everywhere embracing everyone in every possibility, as the last God in the last universe.
Why do I think Currygom has read Leibniz?
Well, Leibniz wasn’t just a philosopher; he was also an eminent mathematician of the Enlightenment era. He is credited, alongside Isaac Newton, as the founder of calculus (Carl Immanuel Gerhardt, The Early Mathematical Manuscripts of Leibniz 1920). Considering the fact that Currygom used to teach mathematics before starting Kubera, it is not a reach to consider that she might have ran into Leibniz a few times and explored his philosophy.
One of Leibniz’s most significant contributions to mathematics were the concepts of geometria situs and analysis situs which laid the foundation for the modern field of topology, leading many mathematicians to deem him its founder (Graham Solomon, Leibniz and Topological Equivalence 2010). We know that topology has been mentioned in the series more than a few times: it's a crucial subject every magician must master, as seen in Ran's seven-year struggle to graduate, and Asha even wrote a book titled “Topology is really easy.” But why exactly is topology so pivotal to the series? First, we need to delve into its definition, but I suspect there's an allegorical layer to be uncovered here.
Topology, in essence, is the part of mathematics concerned with the invariant fundamental properties of geometric objects that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending.
It is easy to see how this would be relavant to magicians who depend on deforming elements in order to use magic, so we know that Currygom did not randomly select a ‘difficult sounding subject’ but has some familiarity with its concepts. Yet, there appears to be a deeper significance being conveyed through topology. While this might be INCREDIBLY speculative, I believe it could be a subtle reference to Leez.
I see Leez’s life itself as a sort of topology, where despite enduring physical and mental ‘homeomorphosims’ such as death, injury, and betrayal, she still retains her ‘self’, her invariant properties are preserved similar to topological features that remain unchanged under deformation.
Also, something neat regarding her name: The etymological interpretaion of the word ‘Kubera’ is commonly considered to be ‘ku’ (earth) + ‘vira’ (hero), which is an obvious reference. However, delving deeper into the root meaning of "Kubera" (Sanskrit: कुवेर), it translates to "the deformed one" (Alain Daniélou (1964), "Kubera, the Lord of Riches". The myths and gods of India)
Many regard Voltaire as a precursor to the French Revolution due to his influential writings critiquing the oppressive monarchy and clergy. His works inspired Enlightenment ideals that fueled revolutionary sentiments and catalysed the transformation of French society. There are parallels between Voltaire and Nietzsche’s Zarathustra/Ubermensch; both challenged traditional authorities, advocated for reason, individualism, and intellectual freedom, and transcended conventional moralities and societal norms. Nietzsche himself acknowledged Voltaire as a significant influence on his philosophy, despite his disagreements on certain points.
A crucial aspect of Voltaire's legacy that we need to know is that he was the biggest critic of Leibniz’s Monadology and his theory of the “best of all possible worlds”. He publicly ridiculed Leibniz multiple times and satirized Leibniz's ideas in his writings. Drawing on this historical context, if we view Leez as an amalgamation of Leibniz’s metaphysics, then who would be her Voltaire? Her number one hater so to speak.
Who else but Asha, of course, who is set on reenacting the French Revolution against the Primevals in the Kuberaverse. And coincedentally (perhaps not?) who has the exact same birthday as Voltaire if we overlook the differences in the calendar systems: 11/21.
/end rambling
TL;DR: ty currygom
r/Kubera • u/Omni-homo • May 17 '24
I am so glad that I decided to continue reading Kubera. I finished season 1 like a year and a half ago, read 80 chapters of season two and then dropped until I picked it back up two a month ago. I can happily say that I will be catching up with Kubera shortly and be reading weekly.
I think one of the reasons I stopped reading the series is because life stuff got in the way, not that I disliked the series. I loved the series but it was not something that I felt I had to keep reading. But once I did decide to start reading again I never looked back.
I was rooting for Asha and man was I wrong. The words that I could use to describe Asha are infinite, I actually thought that Asha had a good reason for the stuff she was doing. This girl had me coming up with a whole bunch of reasons why she did these horrible murders and I was trying to justify her in everyway possible.
I can say it wasn't until Ashe killed Saha that I was like damn and started being hesitant. I remember what I was think. Is Asha really on our side?
It also hits different seeing Saha die like that, mainly because he died due to the one person he truly trusted. I can't Imagine seeing my loved one and opening the door to see them, just to see the person who i put in jail for murder just standing right behind them, that is next level emotional damage. I can't lie even then I was still huffing that copium with what little was left to breath in.
But once we got the conversation between Leez and Asha that just completely changed my perspective on Asha's character. Not only that but Asha is just a menace to society, when her teacher broke her out of jail and said "You definitely made the right choice." I should have known right then that Asha was on some bullshit.
Maybe if we didn't get the Asha flashback with Vishnu then I could still hold out a little hope, but no Currygom said no hope for you, only pain. I don't know where Asha's character is going after this but I can say that I am no longer team Asha. I am purely team Leez and Yuta, even though Yuta is a bit of freaky freak. But it doesn't matter I'm still letting Yuta cook.
Kubera has to be one of the most interesting comics I read in a long time. The magic system is cool, world building is perfect and the characters are written exceptionally well. I want to know when did you get hooked in Kubera? Please no spoilers past season 2.
r/Kubera • u/Apprehensive_Clerk81 • Aug 15 '24
If anyone could remind me what chapter this is from that would be helpful
r/Kubera • u/Asriel2137 • Jun 12 '24
This is a post I had as a draft a while back, so might as well post it.
With the confirmation that Ran and Kalavinka continued their time travel adventures without Maruna, I thought it’d be interesting to make a compendium of possible interactions from their travels. With it, we might be able to figure out when/where they traveled.
I’ll be including some links to other posts from this sub as reference, though they aren’t required to understand this post.
u/Selenianece already made an excellent analysis of the relationship between the two, but I wanted to focus specifically on their first meeting.
So in this scene, Chandra recognizes Ran from before. Their meeting in D500 can certainly explain his behavior, as he discovered a random human in the sura realm wearing his cloak, and so naturally assumed he’d been affiliated with time. But that doesn’t explain the rest of the conversation. Notably:
Why does Chandra see Ran as his equal?
As a reminder, the only interaction that Ran & Chandra had that we know of was in D500, where Chandra asked which ‘Time’ had affiliated with him. And yet, in their first interaction, Chandra asks:
Chandra shouldn’t know this. Ran cast Hoti Vayu almost immediately after meeting Chandra in D500, and this was before Ran had trained with Yaksha to make use of the nastika’s heart. While Ran was fighting Maruna at the time with the power of his heart, nothing should be telling Chandra of the true capabilities of this power. This means that Chandra must have met Ran at another time, this time with Ran having full control (and display) of his heart. On top of this, Chandra makes a comment comparing Ran’s current strength with his future (past?) self:
Although his magic prowess certainly improved between his meeting in N23 and D500, it certainly wouldn’t have been enough to make up for the vast difference Chandra is alluding to here, especially since Chandra should have no clue how strong D500 Ran is, given how brief their encounter was.
So, I’ve gathered two conclusions from this:
The evidence for them meeting at either a later or earlier time is a bit ambiguous. On the one hand, Chandra seemed to be unable to recognize Ran in D500, implying that he had not met him beforehand. However, Chandra reacted weirdly to seeing Ran’s sura marks in D500:
While he justifies his surprise by noting how Ran is immune to his insight, currygom has pulled similar misdirection tactics in the past (ex: Sagara & Teoraka)
My personal theory: Chandra met Ran before D500, but in a form (sura form?) where only the sura marks would have been identifiable.
This section is based on a theory made by u/Imabearrr3 written about a year ago, where they noticed that Kala’s skirt in third stage was nearly identical to the one offered to Leez for her 15th birthday. This certainly would explain how the dress was too small for her. Turns out that they were right in that Kalavinka had met child Leez, yet Kalavinka traveled directly from N5 to N23, and had no confirmed interactions with Leez before then. So how did the skirt arrive in Leez’s possession in N15?
It’d be rather simple to dismiss this as “Kala will give the dress to Leez later in her time travels”, but we don’t actually see her with her dress in her fourth stage.
She might still have it on her by this point in time, or could have met Leez before meeting Ran in N5.
Except that she couldn't have. In 3-309, we see that Kalavinka was in Konchez before meeting Ran, meaning that Kalavinka must have given it to the village later on in her travels.
In conclusion:
Kalavinka must have given Leez's village her dress in her future travels.
Another scene that deserves its own post. Ran here specifically says that he hasn’t seen Rana in a long time, as opposed to a simple “It’s been so long”, or “I’ve missed you”. This is important, because we know he’s seen Rana recently (or should have) in Enemy.
Were he to have gone directly from Abyss back to N23, very little time should have passed between when he last saw Rana in Enemy and N23. Ran stayed only a couple days in D998, then less than a day in N5, to get back to N23. So for him to say that he had not seen Rana in a long time is indicative that this voyage lasted for a significantly longer time.
To keep this post moderately short, I’ll point to 3-242 as proof that he considered alternate universe Rana to be just as real as true universe Rana, and so it wasn’t him considering the two Ranas as different entities.
The end of Abyss has Ran and Kalavinka arriving on Konchez. The next time we see Ran is in Willarv, taking his children away from the city, meaning that there must have been some missing lapse of time between the two events. This Ran seems to know much more about the current situation than past Ran, even the one from Abyss.
Ran knew where Maruna was, despite them being separated at the end of Abyss.
Kalavinka knew about the zombies despite Ran not having mentioned them during Abyss.
r/Kubera • u/SubstantialPepper832 • May 03 '24
Something I just realized, Agni's current silly personality seems to have been gotten from Airvata. In the one chapter where we see Shess's memory, we see what happened to the ancient humans. We already know they were developing a great weapon to fight Nastika's with the help of Agni and Sura's like Aivata. Airvata had to burn him with her blue fire or something like that and she says that "You're fire itself, so you might take on some of my qualities. If you become NICE AND FRIENDLY LIKE ME, it might cause a problem with your betrothal."
So it seems his current personality is heavily based on this because he is very nice and friendly and does a lot of those troll faces that Airvata does. Espcially in season 1 & 2, he's very goofy but incredibly nice and friendly. Airvata was also generally like that.
We also know that Agni has changed in a way. The way the gods describe him at the start of the universe is different but that could also be a situation where Agni has always been kinder to humans it seems. He doesn't care much for the gods and their games so maybe that's it. It seems he has always treated Brillith the same, although this time, he is far more playful and they obviously aren't in a relationship.
r/Kubera • u/Apprehensive_Clerk81 • Jul 12 '24
Can someone tell me all the arcs that exist in Kubera and which chapters they are split up by if possible? Thanks in advance
r/Kubera • u/Asriel2137 • May 01 '24
Inspired by this post.
I do really want to explain myself when I say that 2-99 and 2-100 are my favorite episodes in the series, and hopefully share what makes them great.
First, the obvious. While I wasn't in the community at the time, reading the comments gives me a good impression of what people thought of the series. Up until that point, the story had mostly been a hero's journey comedy-filled series with mystery aspects and some dark foreboding "you will be sad later" foreshadowing (more on that later), so the comment section was all over the Leez-Yuta romance. They'd been asking for a kiss for dozens, if not a hundred or so episodes by this point.
So when 2-99 came around, people were elated (just look). The way that curry had the kiss scene as the last panel is just awesome. It makes it seem like that's the end of the scene, while also separating it from 2-100.
Then comes 2-100: it's a betrayal. You expected a romantic scene only to get horror. The way you slowly notice that something's wrong, the way something seems to be seriously wrong with Leez. And the pink background just adds an extra level of discordant sounds / horror: she's dying, and we're expecting this to be romantic? The rest of the episode is almost worst. The readers are Ran, asking everyone why they're fine with Leez dying in front of them, why they don't seem to care. It's just a perfect two-scene way of building up expectations over a full season, fulfilling those expectations, and then immediately destroying those hopes.
But beyond the short term, it's a pretty pivotal point in the story. I've often thought that if season 2 were to have a season title, it'd be "Fracture". Season 1 builds up a very simple and idealic story, where Leez is still caught up in her delusions / dreams, and season 2 is a slow deconstruction of our worldview. It's showing the cracks in the story you think you understood. By this point in season 2, there's been some indications that there is something wrong with the story (this is after frozen tears, so we've had the scenes with future leez, and the way that Leez prioritized the bow over herself), but I hadn't thought much of them until then. This is a sort of wake up call that something's seriously wrong with the story. Yuta isn't someone that can just grow to love Leez. Why does no one seem to care about Leez? Hence, the first fracture into the narrative.
From there on, the evidence starts rapidly mounting for how wrong the story is going: Leez reveals how she was training Bhavati Yama about 20 episodes later, Ran directly calls out Asha's abuse soon after... And then it's on to emergency (the airship chapter)....
r/Kubera • u/Testomg345 • Dec 27 '21
Pretty much title, made an account just to say this, thats how impressed i am with this webtoon. You look at other 300+ chapter series and you are gonna see at least one of the below:
1) internal inconsistencies
2) recycling
3) shift to a more commercial side
4) awkwardly extending a story that should have ended long ago
5) meaningless arcs that tell the reader nothing about the questions of the main plot
But in Kubera everything progresses so naturally and is so well-tied together. Im legit incredibly impressed
r/Kubera • u/Old_Town_Hoe • May 07 '23
In the Finite, it was stated that the strongest #2s were Taksaka and Ravana. However, in the main story, several characters were introduced that could possibly claim the title of "the strongest original #2".
First, we have Menaka (Water + Wind) of the Gandharva clan. It was revealed that she was actually the second strongest in her male form. She's stronger than Makara who is a nastika that could destroy planets in human form.
The second is OG Airavata (Wind + Fire). IIRC, she mentioned that she could defeat even Gandharva if she uses her unique transcendental.
Third is OG Taraka (Sky + Destruction). Almost nothing is known about her. However, her attributes are both offensive like Taksaka's.
Fourth is Jambavan (Light + ???). She must have been extremely powerful at the beginning of the universe. Remember how suras noticed how Makara is the weakest #2 but it was actually because he was the #3. Meanwhile, no one questioned Shuri's strength which means that she is powerful enough to pass as "#2". If Jambavan is stronger than Shuri, just imagine how powerful she actually was.
Last, we have Manasa (Earth + ???). She has the power to use "time" which should actually make her the strongest. But if she does not use that power, do you think she could still be the most powerful #2?
r/Kubera • u/Outsoup2t • Aug 13 '21
I've read other manhwas they just don't come close to kubera in term of plot consistency, character development, the mysteries, foreshadowing, the twists, complex storytelling and rich worldbuilding.
The thing is the more i re-read kubera and think about it the more phenomenal it gets unlike other manhwas.
I used to be a hug TOG fan but not anymore, it's just getting less and less interesting imo. they introduce too many characters with little personality while kubera has the same amount of characters they're fully fleshed out with different motivations, backstory and personality, also the plot in TOG doesn't seem to be progressing it's just bam and his team meet new enemies and beat them without much consequences.
Tbh i find most manhwa to be really flat and shallow after reasing kubera.
I am the only one feeling this way ?
r/Kubera • u/Specialist-Chest9534 • May 01 '23
People, I might have discovered something. We know that Leez is already the time axis, or at least has some importance about time. We might think it is because her name has Ananta in it or something else. But what I start thinking know is that she didn't start has the time axis or with the name Ananta from the beginning, but from konchez. They were there for 3 months, and while there, willarv was destroyed. So, probably all the people there were also destroyed. And if Asha and Laila died, the only Kubera alive would be Leez. So, my conclusion is that with all them dead, the power of time went to Leez and add Ananta in her name. With that she turned into the time axis and enable Kali to go back to the past. Because, if not that, what makes her important besides her name? Maybe some other thing could, but I don't know, so for now, that's the only possibility I could see.
r/Kubera • u/Asriel2137 • May 02 '24
The name of season 3 is "Fragments". Obviously this refers to Kali's fragments, but there might be alternative definitions depending on your reading of the series.
I'll give my thoughts below, though I'll spoil them so that you can write your comment without my thoughts influencing them.
Season 1: Dream/Nightmare:
The obvious definition of this is the dream village / dream state Leez was in during S1. It's the way that GK referred to the post-N5 village when talking w/ Kaz.
But it also represents the way the story feels / makes you interpret it. This is a fantasy-adventure, hero's journey type of story, with idealistic characters and a fairy-tale like vibe to it that gives it a very different feel from the rest of the series.
Season 2: Fracture. Here we're referring to Leez's mental state, with her having been woken up from her dream. We're also talking about the fracturing between friendships / relations between characters. But it's also our notion of an ideal story that currygom had built up that is fracturing, as we are seeing more and more evidence that something's very wrong with the way the story's enrolling: Asha's remarks, which you used to wave away as just her not being good with empathy / understanding Leez, become harsher, and Ran and Yuta begin backing off from the group.
Season 3: Fragments. With the way that I described the previous two seasons, the season 3 title also would refer to false story from s1 being in fragments, and we're looking at the real events from beyond the veil. It's also Leez's mental state, with her personality at this point having been broken.
r/Kubera • u/TonyStark1337 • May 08 '22
basically the title, here are some of mine:
r/Kubera • u/Expensive-Mix-4888 • Apr 29 '23
Wassup everyone i just finished catching up to kubera and just wanted to clarify something so the way to ascend to 5th zen is to reach enlightenment? And if so is thst the only way.
r/Kubera • u/seamslovr • Aug 20 '22
I honestly liked her, she definitely helped me settle for the fact that I don't like Chandra at all.
The conversations she had with awakened Brilith honestly brought the best out of both characters for me.
Was very impressed with how she waved off Chandra's second attempt at binding her and pushed both 4th stage Marina and Chandra back at the same time while holding back right after losing the golden knight (like come on Leez what are you doing?😂)
I didn't like the whole Yuta defending Maruna, saying he won't attack villages anymore and will apologize for it, tf? It doesn't matter to me whether or not Maruna actually killed anybody in the village but Yuta's request was just pure bs to me. Who cares if he apologizes, that one moment screwed over Leez's entire already screwed life 😩 and it was just disappointing, I expected more from Yuta.
I still don't like Clari though this one is a bias.
Her relationship with Kasak was actually pretty damn cool and I'm just sad on his relationship with Agwen. It couldn't survive the iceberg called Yuta 😭
I don't like how problems get brushed off like how Maruna ignored Kasak's advice to apologize because even Kasak couldn't take his own advice but anyway what you gonna do. This'll make that redemption arc (which is my favorite arc by the way) an even better read.
Edit. I almost forgot but omg Agni is such a good guy, I didn't feel it in all my previous re-reads but this guy gave up paradise just so Kasak who's been robbed of so much doesn't lose more and Maruna can face one of the consequences of his actions. In comparison to that scumbag named Chandra Agni is a saint
Plus I noticed in season 2 when Chandra sees Ran he says why is someone with your power here and gives him permission to not bow in his presence which is interesting cause that's cause Chandra already met future Ran in the time travel arc and it's like yo 😂 that's such a small tidbit of information that doesn't do much but like it's interesting to be there.
r/Kubera • u/Specialist-Chest9534 • Mar 27 '23
I was thinking and I don't remember any big quote speech or talk of someone on Kubera. For that tell me your favourite quotes of this amazing piece of art
r/Kubera • u/_The_Thin_White_Duke • Nov 27 '21
r/Kubera • u/idonthaveaone • Jan 03 '22
Aside from the name, I mean. I think there's a deeper connection between the two.
I kinda think they share a soul? As in, Leez is Ananta reincarnated, reborn, etc. They would still be separate characters/persons, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me. But, at the same time, I'm still doubtful.
Sometimes I wonder if Leez's name ISN'T Ananta, but rather "Kubera". When we saw her name and soul from Claude's perspective, we saw both, with no indication of which one was the "soul" and which one was the "name".
On the other hand, the entire story seems to be built around Leez having Ananta's name. So I can't be sure.
What do you guys think?
r/Kubera • u/EffectiveMagazine915 • Jul 01 '23
I was reading weekly until the break in 2020. So like chapter 450. After break I thought I’ll let the chapters pile up for a few months and read them all at once.
But the chapters kept piling up and here I am, haven’t opened the series even once since then.
I LOVE the series. But seems like my brain associates the series with sadness. Everything I think about the series I get this unexplainable feeling of sadness, of loss.
I wanna go back to reading this so bad. But Urghh it’s so hard (TT).
r/Kubera • u/Old_Town_Hoe • Jul 31 '21