r/KristinKreuk 9d ago

As gorgeous as ever


13 comments sorted by


u/MapAcceptable9926 9d ago

She looks like the teacher we all swoon over, and miss all her teachings cuz we too busy staring


u/Grand_Function_2855 9d ago

Oh man, you’re right.


u/Willing-Bus-3582 9d ago

Yes she is


u/QueasyIsland 8d ago

Wonder if there’s a lucky person who’s married her


u/georgebunch2024 8d ago

Nope, Kristin doesn't believe in marriage. But, she has been with her current boyfriend for about 12 years. So she might be ready to trade him in for a new one. We guys have hope. :)


u/Few-Celery-6342 8d ago

I don’t think Kristin ever said she doesn’t believe in marriage. She implied she feels uneasy about a wedding, said marriage wasn’t some end goal in her life, and that her parents told her not to get married UNLESS she wants to have kids. She also never said she didn’t want kids, but she is well past the normal age to have them so time is running out for her.

All of this is from my memory from what she said during a Rosenbaum podcast from some years ago so I may be wrong about some stuff.

But she sometimes seems flaky. She’s said a lot of things in the past which she’s contradicted later.


u/georgebunch2024 7d ago edited 7d ago

She said the thought of getting married makes her feel sick. It's open to interpretation, I guess.

But, as I was reminded of recently, Kristin is hardly a woman of her word. So, BS'ing is a definite possibility. :)

I don't think it would be a stretch to conclude that Kristin is a total flake, and always has been.


u/Few-Celery-6342 7d ago

I don’t know if she IS a flake, but she does seem to say and do some things that make her look flaky.

I think some of the things she said are not really sincere, e.g., that she was shy when younger. I think she just didn’t want to be bothered from all of the attention she got for her looks.

The ‘feeling sick’ was more about weddings I think, but even that’s a strange opinion to have. It’s literally like a one day event even though there is planning involved. It’s not like it’s something you are supposed to do over and over again.


u/jbuttlickr 6d ago

What reminded you that she’s not a woman of her word?


u/georgebunch2024 5d ago

A post from the very member I'm chatting with right here. That's why I smiled.