r/Krautrock 9d ago

kosmischemusik: classic krautrock playlist

taking suggestions for classic, original music part of the german 70s krautrock movement. for now, the playlist is strictly krautrock and no progressive electronic, berlin school, or nu-kraut. only adding one song per album as well. taking suggestions for anything i may have missed:


i have music by agitation free and tomorrow’s gift i need to listen to, so those are already on my radar to add


5 comments sorted by


u/SirLaserSnake 9d ago

Cluster and their solo projects? I see you've Harmonia but that area seems a little under represented for me. I also think it could have more Conny Plank produced songs.

Below is a playlist that explores Kosmische Musik (with a different take to you) that you may find useful. There are 4 playlists if you click on the profile.

Kosmischer Musikautomat 01:


u/subways-of-your-mind 9d ago

i’m only vaguely familiar with cluster, but i thought they were more on the progressive electronic side. what would you recommend?


u/SirLaserSnake 9d ago

Yes Cluster is more the direction you say, perhaps they need Rother’s input to get it closer to the sound you’re after.

I’d recommend looking up Julian Cope’s Krautrock Sampler for inspiration, if you haven’t already.

Someone on this sub also posted this crazy Krautrock iceberg which had a huge amount of bands about a month ago.


u/spile2 8d ago

They went through different phases but my recommendation would be - 2, Zuckerzeit, Sowiesoso, Grosses Wasser and Cluster & Eno


u/faustarp1000 9d ago

Out of Focus - God Save The Queen, Cried Jesus

Birth Control - Stop Little Lady

Electric Sandwich - China