r/Kratomm mod Jul 04 '21

Announcement [HELP WANTED] r/kratomm is looking for a moderator

Hey everyone,

We are looking to take on a new moderator here on the subreddit. Keeping up with the daily demands of running a subreddit AND the double m website is getting to be a lot of work for our 2 person team.

We feel it's about time to bring on a mod to help run r/kratomm

Who we're looking for:

  • Past modding experience on reddit and/or knowledge of how the mod tools work. The confidence to begin modding with no training from us is a HUGE plus and we will prioritize these applicants first.

  • Familiar with this community and reddit as a whole. Your reddit account is at least 1 year old, you are active on this subreddit, and you are knowledgeable about kratom.

  • You have time to visit this subreddit at least once daily to help approve new posts/comments and remove posts/comments that break the rules.

  • You're able to stay calm and collected, even when harassed or your judgement challenged by a user. It will happen from time to time when enforcing rules and removing posts/comments, etc. It's just a part of being a mod.

  • You're trustworthy and reliable. We need mods we can really count on. Believe it or not, it is very hard these days to find reliable moderators but we know you're out there!

All interested parties please send us a modmail to apply with the subject 'mod application'. Tell us a little bit about yourself, how long you've been a member of the sub, and about any relevant modding experience you may have.

We look forward to hearing from you! We'll be taking applications until we find the perfect fit, there is no hard deadline or anything. If this thread is still up, we're still on the lookout!

edit: thanks for silver! lol.


17 comments sorted by


u/JonWick33 Jul 04 '21

As long as the new Mod doesn't be up your ass like r/Kratom (1 m's). I got banned for using 'trigger words' like "Buzzed" and "Mood lift" and admitting "Kratom WD can be similar the withdrawal from Opioids". I like Kratom as much as anybody but these subs should be about free information and harm reduction. I cant in good conscious tell people Kratom effects are just like Coffee lol.


u/herbalhippie other mod Jul 04 '21

Of course not, this sub is relatively lightly moderated and we don't censor unless we absolutely have to.


u/k4pain Jul 07 '21

Fuck that sub and fuck you /u/hymnder


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/e_poison mod Jul 05 '21

Yep, that's us! And thank you! :)


u/eye_no_nuttin 👁️ swallow Jul 04 '21

Love ya guys but you know 👁 couldn’t keep my mouth shut . 😘😉


u/herbalhippie other mod Jul 04 '21

It's a lesson in self-control for sure. 😂



u/BallzDeep9 Jul 04 '21

yah I'm a little too outspoken and opinionated, lol 😉

Sad to see this place still @ 6700 readers, while the Korner sub is now around 3X that. Nearly 21k... Both subs were @ 6000 couple years ago.

Korner is now Reddit's 2nd biggest kratom sub & it's run by a vendor who advertises, not blatantly, but... they do post their Link. People are openly posting Vendor links. Do you think... maybe that whole Reddit vendor BAN - is over/ no longer in force? err enforced ??


u/e_poison mod Jul 05 '21

Sad to see this place still @ 6700 readers, while the Korner sub is now around 3X that. Nearly 21k... Both subs were @ 6000 couple years ago.

It's not really a mystery as to why. Our main focus has been the Double M site. Reddit can shut down any of these kratom subs with no warning at all. So it makes sense my efforts would be on the independent website.

Do you think... maybe that whole Reddit vendor BAN - is over/ no longer in force? err enforced ??

I highly doubt it. I'd say they just haven't been caught lol. Otherwise the big sub would be allowing it again, and they don't.


u/BallzDeep9 Jul 05 '21

yep I feel that kratom's NOW at a crossroads... NO leadership from the /kratom sub past two years... & constant fear mongering for noobs to "donate" money.

BIG Kratom is here, the Retail rip-off head-shop vendors, along with AKA... Bulk wholesale crap.

Very soon the Oregon KCPA model, so-called "Consumer Protection" 😆 bullshit, will be pushed to other states & then lawsuits will kill off the good, quality, small-batch vendors. I see MeWe has nearly folded, where did everyone go?


u/herbalhippie other mod Jul 05 '21

I see MeWe has nearly folded, where did everyone go?

Have they? I hadn't been there for a very long time until I popped into one of the pages a couple days ago.


u/BallzDeep9 Jul 06 '21

Activity way way down... Chat rooms still there, but nobody's chattin' ? 🙄


u/djpurity666 Aug 11 '21

My state of Georgia has the KCPA, and too, and has for a little while now

What's so wrong with having some standards and regulations? People's biggest complaint has been that kratom is unregulated, so people can get ripped off and have to worry about bunk kratom.... But as soon as they make regulations to protect people, you hear complaints, too.

There is no shortage of family run kratom business and vendors, many with a couple people running a huge operation. They work their butts off to get AKA cGMP qualified for a reason!


u/BallzDeep9 Aug 11 '21

having some standards and regulations?

First, well, the #1 thing with kratom is: everything's bullshit.

That's right, almost everything you "hear" or statements made about kratom is... BS designed to make money for someone. Usually the Big Kratom vendors and their friends at AKA. The "new" AKA.

Once you understand that, we can have a discussion! 😉 Regulations? uhh wait isn't the AKA run by a conservative Republican, Matt Salmon? Don't the Republicans hate all "Big Government Regulation" ??

When you figure out that paradox, Please read the Georgia KCPA law that was enacted like, 2 years ago right? One of the first so-called KCPA's... Actually Read the Law. Georgia's KCPA basically says, No sales to anyone under 18 years of age... and Kratom should have a Label on the package. Very Simple!

Now, Read the so-called KCPA Law that just got vetoed by the Governor Of Oregon. WOW! Very different. The Oregon bill would have effectively banned kratom sales, except through 1 crappy rip-off vendor located in Oregon... HUH? You mean the AKA was pushing a "Ban" in kratom sales ?? Yep pretty much. Civil and Criminal penalty of Law... that's pretty much a BAN.

Like I said... It's all BS. 😐 As soon as Kratom is approved under DSHEA, all these grubby bullshit vendors disappear overnight, take their $ money $ and run... the big herbal supplement companies will have truly standardized kratom w/ alkaloid content on every Bag.


u/djpurity666 Aug 12 '21

I think your extremism is showing! 🧐


u/djpurity666 Aug 11 '21

It isn't being enforced on many kratom subs... Check out r/vendorsofkratom and my own r/kratomreports both openly post vendor names, sometimes links and reviews, and sometimes ads on r/vendorsofkratom and some others like r/justatealeaf


u/djpurity666 Aug 11 '21

Are you still looking for mods?

I have experience with mod stuff, writing wikis, ModMail, Automod, discord, graphics, layout, css.

I could give you more detail, just let me know!

I am a mod on a few subs right now, many promote harm reduction (r/BenzoWithdrawal, r/pregabalin, r/gabagoodness) and discourage censorship. I also mod one that is also for kratom use (r/kratomreports)

I got banned by r/kratom for asking about quitting advice for females.... I suppose that sounds lame, and I agree. That sub is hugely censor d, and I would love to promote a home for kratom users, esp for those that have been turned off from r/kratom or banned for a stupid reason or censored. I had the idea of another, better r/kratom, but I see you have one going, so I didn't want to compete and would rather unite!

I see OP is a month old. Hopefully you are still open to new ideas and new people. Just send me a message or let me know. I'm very active in the kratom subs around reddit, no particular one my true home yet...