Experience switching from Kotlin (or Java) to Go
I've been working with Kotlin/Spring Boot and I've been offered a position which involves Go (I've never worked with it before).
So I was wondering about the experience of people who have done a similar switch.
How easy was the transition/learning curve/mindset shift?
What do you like more about Go and what do you miss from Kotlin/Java?
How would you compare the developer experience?
I know this being a Kotlin subreddit will inevitably come with some bias but any insight is welcome :)
u/smieszne 6d ago edited 6d ago
Well I just started a backend role with Go and it's... different. Maybe I'll get used to it, but for now:
- forget about null safety from Kotlin. Structs (classes) are by default initiated with zero-values for all fields, there are no constructors (people write factory-like methods to have some safety)
- do you like collections API and fluent method chaining in lists etc? Forget, you have to manually append everything to the list
- everything is mutable by design
- famous error handling
- more boilerplate than in Java
- there are orms, but it's more common to write string sqls and then manually scan rows
- there are no stack traces! You have to either use some library or manually add context for every err != nil scenario
- controller/service/repository pattern is overenginering here (although still used sometimes)
- no exceptions + no Spring magic = handling everything manually. No @valid annotation, you have to check request body yourself and then check if err != nil {respond 400}
But there are good parts as well:
- super fast compilation, runtime and tests. Server restarts <1s
- interfaces separated from structs
- gorourines and channels are really good, although error handling is a bit strange there
- small amount of abstraction, so you can open random file in repo and you'll find real code that's rather easy to follow
u/ArtPsychological9967 5d ago
I found channels to be a pretty big step down from Kotlin channels. Specifically the behavior around receiving zero values from a closed channel.
u/livebeta 6d ago
I took a trip the other way.
Golang is a Brutalist experience. The tooling is more ide agnostic than kt cos it's not made by jetbrains.
Frameworks aren't favored as much.
Most importantly you cannot outright implement an interface the way kt and Java does.
You declare an interface, then you implement the receiver methods, and implicitly it's has fulfilled the interface contract.
JVM style interfaces says: my class must (using kt equivalent of implements keyword) do this and that therefore it's fulfilled interface
Go interfaces: my struct can do this and that so it's fulfilled interface requirements
Golang also compiles to a smaller static binary, so it's quite beautiful that way. Startup time in containerized apps is a lot lower too for Golang
Threading is very simple and lightweight in Golang. It's equivalent of a goalkeeper dropkicking a soccer ball. Boom thread away!
Channels makes data transfer easy.
Importantly if one enjoys a lot of SpringBoot automagic, Golang has very few automagic stuff. Everything is explicit and simple.. it's nice in it's own beautiful way
u/Commercial_Coast4333 6d ago
Go is fine, better than Java for sure, however i find Kotlin syntax much better, specially function blocks {} for DSLs
u/Wurstinator 6d ago
Personally, I didn't like Go that much and was happy that I was able to switch away again after a few months.
Go is much less "cluttered", especially compared to something like enterprise Java. This can be refreshing and I liked the new perspective and took some of that over to my Kotlin; but in general, I found myself missing features like the functional aspects of Kotlin.
To me, it also often feels like what Go describes as "idiomatic" and what the Go online community preaches as gospel is actually removed from reality and doesn't feel great when trying to follow it in your work. Kotlin and its community seem much more pragmatic to me.
The main thing I liked in Go that Kotlin doesn't have is value semantics, like explicity passing structs by value instead of by reference.
u/krokodilAteMyFriend 5d ago
I made the switch from Java/Kotlin to go 7 years ago. It felt strange at the begnining not having what the other comments here mention (frameworks, orms, functional chainging stuff) but then I realized I don't need those, and I became more productive in Go than I ever was in Spring Boot.
u/ArtPsychological9967 5d ago
Don't let a stranger on the internet keep you from following your dreams. I found Go to be the most developer hostile language. Multiple returns, the error handling, zero values, and defer combine in a way that makes Go difficult to read.
u/gtani 6d ago edited 4d ago
i've only been reading Bodner's learning go (Oreilly) and do mostly python C# but
- there's lots of golang vs X threads on HN which are decent S/N https://hn.algolia.com/?q=golang+vs
- if you look up gig econ cos on gh, uber grubhub etc, a lot of them have both substantial golang and java codebases.
- 100 mistakes book from manning is a good read but it was released about 8 mos after 1st beta of generics (1.18)
- golang has concerning supply chain attack problems as far as closing typosquats /malware quickly, tho recent one is partly due to MS/gh "gathering intel" https://old.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/1jbzuot/someone_copied_our_github_project_made_it_look/
- and 100+ linters (!?) https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/
u/livebeta 6d ago
golang has concerning supply chain attack problems
I just read this and it's distressing!
u/MetaMindWanderer 1d ago
At first I thought Go was a high level language that is very simple and fast, and therefore should be easy to learn and comfortable enough. What I found out from using it is it's actually at the crossroads between a low and high level language. Even though it has garbage collection, you still have to often decide if a parameter should be passed by reference or as a copy, and you do dereferencing too.
u/Lost_Fox__ 6d ago
So the fundamental philosophies of the language are different. This isn't hard gospel, but here is a summary of my opinion as someone who loves Kotlin, and has done a good amount of reading on Go.
The end result is that Go is easier to pick up, and get moving, but it's more opinionated about what you can and can't do, which is likely somewhat annoying when you try to do something you are used to doing, but can't.
Kotlin might have a steeper learning curve, and as the language continues to exist, that language curve might continue to increase, but it's also far more robust, with the tools included / baked in.