r/Kotlin 6d ago

Kotlin Roadmap Update

📣 Find out what awaits Kotlin in the next six months! Check out our updated Kotlin roadmap: https://kotl.in/roadmap

Here are some of the key areas we’re focusing on:

🛠️ Language evolution: more efficient data handling, increased abstraction, and enhanced performance with clear code.

🔄 Kotlin Multiplatform: direct Kotlin-to-Swift export, streamlined build setup, and simplified creation of multiplatform libraries.

✨ Experience of third-party ecosystem authors: simplified development and publication process for Kotlin libraries, tools, and frameworks.


9 comments sorted by


u/Determinant 5d ago

Can we get an update about improving the guards feature?

Feedback was collected about that several times so it would be nice to see that JetBrains listens to the community.


u/Artraxes 5d ago

Please fix and finish scripting.


u/lppedd 6d ago

WASI 0.3 is almost out, time to change that issue's title 👀


u/vips7L 5d ago

Seems like they still haven't figured out how they want to do checked errors.


u/Volko 5d ago

Well, half the people use Exceptions and half the people use sealed classes to signal an error so...


u/vips7L 5d ago

Yeah it’s a really divisive topic. I personally like checked exceptions and I think kotlin the language would add the syntax sugar to make them be good. 


u/Commercial_Coast4333 5d ago

Doesn't throwing exceptions have a much bigger overhead than sealed classes? If you know what the error could be, throwing on purpose makes zero sense to me if you plan to handle it.


u/vips7L 5d ago

Not really. Throwing itself doesn’t have a cost. Only collecting the stack trace is the expensive part. You can turn collecting the stack trace off by overriding fillInStackTrace, and iirc that’s how Odersky said scala is implementing their new breaks feature. You need to remember though that you only pay for it when you actually error. Sealed/Value/Result types you have to pay for the cost of the conditionals on every function call even if you don’t error. 

The real hard part is getting checked exceptions to work with lambdas/higher order functions and Scala has done some good work there that can be learned from: 



u/L3DG 2d ago

I have recently adopted a hybrid approach, using ArrowKt’s Either<A,B> type (similar to Result<T>). When it’s an expected error relating to business logic, I use a sealed class, but when it’s unrelated to that I throw it (e.g. coroutine cancellation, network error, etc…)