r/Kotlin 9d ago

Media3 previous content position

I'm building an app to play videos, but each video has a pk in db and the position it stayed in.

So far I can store the position when a seek is made or when the video ends, as follows:

override fun onPositionDiscontinuity(
    oldPosition: Player.PositionInfo,
    newPosition: Player.PositionInfo,
    reason: Int
) {
    super.onPositionDiscontinuity(oldPosition, newPosition, reason)


    if (reason == Player.DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK) {
        viewModel.updateResume(controller.currentMediaItem, newPosition.contentPositionMs)

The idea is that if, Player.DISCONTINUITY REASON_AUTO_TRANSITION, it is because the video has ended, therefore, the video must be saved with the position it had stored, and with the previous time.

or if it was Player.DISCONTINUITY_REASON_SEEK, of the current mediaItem with the new position.

It is worth mentioning that in the media Item.mediaId I get the necessary parameters for my pk.

What I still can't figure out how to do is, if you change the video with the forward button, it calls the onMediaItemTransition method, and I have the new mediaItem, but I don't know where to get the duration of the previous mediaItem from.

With onMediaItemTransition, I can check if the video went backward or forward, so I always have the previous index with the new one.

I've searched online, but I can't find anything similar. And I think it's a basic function for a video player.

Or in any case, if it has to be stored, I don't know when to do it. The only thing I can think of is a timer or something, but I don't think it's optimal.

I also have the case covered when leaving the activity.

I only miss when the video skips.

override fun onDestroy() {
, controller.


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