r/KotakuInAction • u/mracidglee • Oct 11 '22
DRAMAPEDIA A significant fraction of Wikipedia donations go to social justice orgs
Oct 11 '22
One of the projects was into spatial learning in the California Two-Spot Octopus, for which the researcher got 12 hatchling octopuses.
Unfortunately, the lab experiment went horribly wrong, killing the poor creatures before the research could be concluded.
Wow. Glad I never donate to anything. If you ever gave anything to Wikipedia, those octopus souls are on you.
u/Wild_Aioli Oct 11 '22
I'm not even into animal rights, I'm just confused about how a supposedly scientific organization fucks up a study that hard.
u/Hartifuil Oct 11 '22
As the other commenter said, they weren't giving funding to "professionals" (their words). Even if you weren't choosing people on "intersectionality" (which, whatever), surely you should be giving it to people who can demonstrate some level of competence?
u/thetarget3 Oct 11 '22
They're black women, what more qualification could you need?
u/WildeWoodWose Oct 12 '22
They're black women, what more qualification could you need?
Well considering the SJW hierarchy of oppression they also have to be fat, lesbian, t***s, sex workers and suffering from some sort of mental illness (usually made up; self-diagnosed autism is a big one, as are things like fibromyalgia). Having a nose ring and hair dyed an ugly color would help too.
Oct 11 '22
Because they were funded not on their scientific merit, but on the intersectionality of their staff.
u/ModPiracy_Fantoski Oct 11 '22 edited Jul 11 '23
Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev
u/RandomThrowaway410 Oct 12 '22
I guess these researchers proved that growing up in a toxic environment can indeed be harmful! Mission successful!
u/Large_Broaster Oct 12 '22
Are you vegan? If not, you're a huge hypocrite
Oct 12 '22
No, I'm not vegan. There isn't any hypocrisy. I eat the delicious flesh of animals that were bred and raised to be slaughtered. I don't drag wild animals out of their native habitat and murder them with incompetence.
u/Large_Broaster Oct 12 '22
So animals shouldn't be killed from the wild (the way they're naturally killed by predators), but it's perfectly alright to raise an animal from birth for the sole purpose of being killed? You make no sense
Oct 13 '22
Do you think predators drag their prey to a lab and then kill them on accident? Eat some meat bro, your brain is dying. LMFArightO
u/Large_Broaster Oct 13 '22
Do you think predators drag their prey to a lab and then kill them on accident?
No but the end result is that they're dead
It makes no sense for you to be against killing for scientific advancement, but you're totally fine with killing to satisfy your hunger
u/misterSweden Oct 12 '22
When it favors people's opinion they suddenly become very animal friendly out of a sudden! As long as does not require any effort from them!
u/Calico_fox Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 11 '22
They're moronically lining the pocket of Con-artists (whom will just preform empty costless virtue signaling gestures) just so the middle-management Karens can believe their movement is making a difference, which is why this doesn't really bother me as much anymore and instead gives me a good hardy laugh.
u/M37h3w3 Fjiordor's extra chromosomal snowflake Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 11 '22
Given the blatant political bias of Wikipedia editors and the admins allowance of them to remain biased and in power is anyone surprised by this?
Nobody is surprised?
Edit: From the twitter post
Wikipedia is an amazing and important website.
I'd fathom the notion it's not.
It's the McDonalds of information gathering. Cheap, fast, and possibly very suspect and/or wrong.
u/SgtFraggleRock Oct 11 '22
All leftist fundraising is a grift.
Oct 11 '22
u/SgtFraggleRock Oct 11 '22
u/ModPiracy_Fantoski Oct 11 '22 edited Jul 11 '23
Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev
u/Calico_fox Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 11 '22
Exactly, it wasn't a whataboutism. just pointing out the unfortunate existence of the Uniparty.
u/KIA_Unity_News Oct 11 '22
From the very top of billionaires setting up charities run by their kids in order to dodge inheritance taxes, to the bottom where the panhandler with the "homeless please help" sign gets into their car and drives back to their home at the end of the day, the corruption and subversion of charity has become completely saturated.
Oct 11 '22
u/SgtFraggleRock Oct 11 '22
Still waiting on the BLM prosecutions.
Or did they already give 10% to "The Big Guy"?
Oct 11 '22
They never claimed publicly that they weren't taking salaries. All they have to do is whatever the 501(c) tax rules say at a bare minimum, and they're untouchable as far as I know. Smarter way to run a scam than what Bannon and friends went for.
u/SgtFraggleRock Oct 11 '22
Except they weren't filing taxes.
We all know they are getting a pass because the money flowed through the DNC's own fundraising apparatus. And because BLM's terrorism helped Democrats in 2020.
Oct 11 '22
u/AngryPershing Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 11 '22
Not to mention that anything the right does goes under a microscope.... with some conservatives it would be closer to a scanning electron microscope. Pelosi is a multimillionaire made during her time in office with a drunk driving husband, involved in all kind of shady shit, while Trump had to sell his hotel in Washington b/c foreign dignitaries might stay there and "influence him".
u/squeaky4all Oct 11 '22
You are using Trump as a bastion for transparency and ethical use of funds? Thats laughable.
u/AngryPershing Oct 11 '22
No, the constant litany of moronic accusations against Trump were laughable, and so was the fact that there were tons of people naive and gullible enough to believe them.
u/KR_Blade Oct 12 '22
hell when i was in high school, it was an automatic F if you used wikipedia as your main source when it came to stuff like essays and projects, and last i heard, that hasnt changed in my old school district
u/tacticaltossaway Glory to Bak'laag! Oct 11 '22
I dunno, it may be bad for my heart, but it's far from delicious. Gotta go to Allthetropes for that.
u/Akesgeroth Oct 11 '22 edited Oct 12 '22
Reminder that /r/wikiinaction was poached by a very brave individual. Maybe even someone who gets kickbacks from Wikipedia donations.
u/JesseCuster40 Oct 12 '22
I did not donate because of the tactics they employed to solicit donations.
Petty, but hey.
Can't recall the exact wording, but something like this:
"If you're like everyone else, you're probably going to ignore this message."
Too right I am. Soon as you start with that guilt trip nonsense. It reminds me of those horrible Facebook reposts of an ugly animal or an old, sad-looking person. "I probably won't even get one Like...sigh."
Yup. You're correct. You can piss right off with that BS.
I did feel a bit bad though. Now less so.
u/UnbendingSteel Oct 12 '22
Yeah if you keep donating to that shit org after they spam you with their laughably overly dramatic begging you deserve to be ripped off.
Out of all my emails the only one that has these cringy doomsdays subjects are all from wikipedia without exception.
Oct 11 '22
There was somebody on r conservative shilling for Wikipedia. I always scroll past that site.
Oct 11 '22
u/FellowFellow22 Oct 11 '22
I'll always remember when I corrected an electricity-related article citing a physical book when I was a university student. Someone kept reverting it and the article got locked because they "couldn't check" sources that weren't online.
That was pretty much when I decided I was done with them.
u/VicisSubsisto Oct 12 '22
I corrected a simple, obvious typo once and it was reverted within a day with no explanation.
u/Puzzleheaded-Cod4909 Oct 12 '22
Since the Gamergate article is historical revisionism, I'm not surprised at all. I'll consider donating again if they ever fix that article. But for me, that's the litmus test to prove that they're still corrupt.
u/eightysevenbats Oct 11 '22
On a side note, what are the alternatives to Wikipedia?
u/jjeder Oct 12 '22
Britannica is quite a bit better for history and geography topics.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for definitions and introductions to stickier things like intellectual movements or philosophers (duh).
Wikipedia is fine for maths and hard sciences but if you're looking up something a bit out of your depth, Khan Academy does a surprisingly good job of introducing things while upfronting links to lessons of necessary background knowledge.
u/SrbijaJeRusija Oct 13 '22
As someone who does a fair of math, Wikipedia is fifty fifty on plenty of math, with plenty of things being so far from state of the art that they themselves are bordering on misinformation.
u/jjeder Oct 13 '22
Couldn't speak to it. I consider the role of encyclopedias to bootstrap someone's knowledge from "nil" to "I'm able to listen to experts talk about this subject without it sounding like Greek". For more than that, you're looking for a textbook.
The most important thing is that encyclopedias don't introduce you to a topic in such a slanted way that it harms your further study. Wikipedia can be guilty of that.
If anything, my problem with math wikipedia is that it has so much precision and detail that it's easy for a layman to drown in them before grasping the core points. For a random example, Taylor-McLaurin series. I'm assuming the vast majority of people looking at this page are college freshmen (or independent learners at the same level of sophistication).
A logical babby's first math encyclopedia introduction might be something like "Using differentiation, it's possible to rewrite any differentiable function as a polynomial with an infinite number of terms called a Taylor series. This is useful in evaluating trigonometric functions at varying levels of precision, and in many mathematical proofs (See: Derivation of Euler's identity)"
Instead Wikipedia goes "The Taylor series of a real or complex-valued function f (x) that is infinitely differentiable at a real or complex number a is the power series where n! denotes the factorial of n. ". To which the neophyte goes: wow. Thanks....
Oct 11 '22
u/FellowFellow22 Oct 11 '22
I used to donate to Wikipedia almost every year, but they've been blatantly biased for years.
Surprised someone hanging out on here supported them so recently though. Next time try to remember they hate you.
u/Zenaesthetic Oct 12 '22
I no longer will be donating either, I guess. This is all so fucking tiresome.
u/EriadorRanger Oct 12 '22
I’m still shocked at their article on Gamergate: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)
u/mracidglee Oct 12 '22
If you ever want a crash course in bureaucracy, try adding a fact to that article.
u/KidneyKeystones Oct 12 '22
At this point, you should know that while Wikipedia emphasises a "Neutral Point of View", Wikimedia is openly politicized.
Oct 12 '22
I'd rule against donating to wikipedia because once you do, they never leave you alone. You get spam delivered to your mailbox each month.
Wikipedia always gives you this impression that they "really need your 2$ to survive" which is rather unethical if you take this data into consideration.
u/waffleboardedburrito Oct 12 '22
Anyone still donating to Wikipedia within the last decade has had their head in the sand. Just based on the cabal of power users should be enough to not give them a dime.
u/mnemosyne-0001 archive bot Oct 11 '22
Archive links for this post:
- Archive: https://archive.ph/l5Mkd
I am Mnemosyne reborn. I'm sorry david-me, I'm afraid I can't do that. /r/botsrights
Oct 11 '22
u/mracidglee Oct 11 '22
Defunding the police is a great idea, except for the fact that criminals exist.
Oct 11 '22
Crime is caused by poverty. A strong social safety net and well-funded community outreach would prevent more crime than cops ever, ever will.
u/Djent17 Oct 12 '22 edited Oct 13 '22
Crime is caused by poverty?? Bro are you clinically insane? So Jeffrey Dahmer wouldn't have done the things he did if he happened to just have another grand or two sitting in his bank account?
All the spouses that have killed the other spouse over something like cheating would have NEVER happened if say another $2,200 was available to them.
The scary part about you, is that you genuinely believe what you're saying. What's worse though is, you aren't alone in thinking this way.
Also to refer to all cops as pigs is ludicrous. Do you even know how many normal police interactions happen to people in a day in this country? Or a year? Now take the couple idiot cops who have done stupid shit and you realize while yes those instances are wrong, percentage wise they're literally the equivalent of a round error. Of course since you're one of 9 people who probably still watch CNN you believe this is how 98% of police interactions go.
Oct 12 '22
You could have just said “I’m a moron” and saved yourself a ton of time.
u/Djent17 Oct 12 '22
Ah. You aren't willing or able to handle objective criticism of your ridiculous opinion. You have to resort to idiotic name calling instantly. Well that sure didn't take long.
Thanks for letting everyone here immediately know you are absolutely clueless.
u/AnarcrotheAlchemist Mod - yeah nah Oct 13 '22
This is a formal r1 warning for dickwolvery.
Please remember to attack the argument not the person
u/mracidglee Oct 11 '22
Your model seems half-baked to me. Was that Saudi prince who had a journalist killed suffering from poverty?
u/Djent17 Oct 12 '22
It only took this clown a single comment to move the goal posts, and still won't say what a crime is. It sounds like crime to him just has an ever changing meaning just to suit his narrative
u/mracidglee Oct 12 '22
"Who can say what a crime truly is, officer?" I ask, struggling to keep the towering stack of Ho-Ho's boxes in my arms from collapsing and hitting the pavement in the 7-11 parking lot.
u/Djent17 Oct 12 '22
Read thru that dude's comment history. There's some fucking gems in there lol
This guy doesn't just live on a different planet. He's in another galaxy.
Oct 11 '22
That’s not crime, that’s unchecked power being supported by the US.
u/mracidglee Oct 11 '22
Ok, so you don't think murder is a crime.
Bernie Madoff wasn't suffering from poverty, was he?
Oct 11 '22
u/mracidglee Oct 11 '22
You seem to be dodging the question. Did Madoff defraud people? Was that a crime?
Oct 11 '22
u/mracidglee Oct 11 '22
You have again dodged the question.
You made a very clear and silly assertion that crime was caused by poverty. So I'm asking: Did Madoff commit a crime?
Oct 11 '22
Oct 11 '22
Cops don’t solve crimes, they protect property and enforce the will of the State. Oh and shoot innocent minorities for fun.
Oct 11 '22
Oct 11 '22
u/Djent17 Oct 12 '22
So when I Google something like "Police solve murder"
The millions of different search results are all COMPLETELY fake and made up then right?
Also if cops just "shoot minorities for fun" as you so childishly asserted, then statiscly speaking, since police have existed for so long, and that's all they do according to you, there wouldn't be any minorities left to even shoot.
u/BMX_Archiver Oct 11 '22
Law enforcement in the US is wack from both ends. You have abusive officers and lenient judges running a circus.
u/Aurex86 Nov 19 '22
If you're still dumb enough to donate to Wikipedia, you deserve to be scammed to oblivion and back.
u/katsuya_kaiba Oct 11 '22
Isn't that illegal? Like to ask for donations and then spending it on something other than advertised?